AC 2012-4447: USING MINI-PROJECTS TO FOSTER STUDENT COL-LABORATION IN MULTI-DISCIPLINARY CAPSTONE DESIGN COURSEProf. Richard S. Stansbury, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Richard S. Stansbury is an Associate Professor of computer engineering and computer science in the Department of Electrical, Computer, Software, and Systems Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Fla. He teaches courses in artificial intelligence, data structures and algo- rithms, and the capstone senior design course. His research interests include unmanned aircraft, mobile robotics, and applied artificial intelligence.Dr. William C. Barott, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona BeachDr. Salamah
internal funding of a faculty member. Under this model, one or more individualsparticipate in a faculty member‟s research and are funded either directly by the research orthrough supplemental funding obtained through a funding agency such as the National ScienceFoundation (NSF). Another model, the focus of the current research, is the establishment of aresearch experience site targeting a certain segment of the population. There are also researchprograms for prospective students in K-14 levels, including a week-long hands-on high schoolresearch experience camp7 with desired program outputs and a two-week community collegeresearch experience program with retention and recruitment goals8.A research experience site can be sponsored by an external or
many companies.During the first year of implementation, meetings were held with 20 potential external partners.Often, a first meeting occurred at the potential partner’s location with a second meeting at thePolytechnic Campus. With some partners, the process from introductions to securing supporttook up to eight meetings. After this first year, five of the partners agreed to provide a realisticengineering project for the students, to provide a project mentor for two semesters (we alsoprovide faculty mentor(s)), and monetary support for the projects, with sufficient overhead thatwe could sustain the program. Importantly for the success of the industry involvement, wedeveloped a model where the external partner could retain the intellectual
this increase is due to the 0course getting the status of a regular S-2009 S-2010 F-2011course as opposed to a special topic Semester-Yearcourse or the course being classified asan undergraduate course. Prior to the Page 25.721.4Fall-2011, Nanotechnology-1 course was Fig 1. Number of students enrolled as a functionoffered at 600-level which allows of semesters and years, F: Fall, S: Springundergraduate as well graduate students to take a 600-level course. Fig. 1 has also thestudent enrollment data from our earlier NUE project (2007-2010, NSF-EEC 0634218).A.1. Description Nanotechnology
Page 25.1263.5 World Table 4 MBTI Step II Facets20 E I N S Initiating Receiving Abstract Concrete Expressive Contained Imaginative Realistic Gregarious Intimate Conceptual Practical Active Reflective Theoretical Experiential Enthusiastic Quiet Original Traditional T
in the Senior Design student surveys was the replacement of theword “Enterprise” with “Senior Design” (i.e., students rated the impact of their Senior Designinstructor, mentor, coursework, and project involvement). The Senior Design group was used asour control.Figure 2. Differentiating the Roles of Advisors for Survey ParticipantsYour Enterprise Advisor: This is the faculty member(s) who advises and mentors your Enterprise team, provides project/team guidance, and evaluates your work and assigns a grade for your participation in the Enterprise project courses.Your Academic Advisor: This is the person who provides academic advice for your department
microspheres for handling liquids, Lab Chip 2117-120, 2002.6. E. Kjeang, N. Djilali, D.Sinton, Microfluidic fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 186, 353-369, 20097. N. Damean, P.P.L. Regtien, M. Elwenspoek, Heat transfer in a MEMS for microfluidics, Sensors andActuators, A 105, 137 – 149, 20038. W. Lee, W. Fon, B. W. Axelrod, M. L. Roukes, High-sensitivity microfluidic calorimeters forbiological and chemical applications, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 106 (42) 18040;doi:10.1073 / pnas.0910433106, 20099. L. Wadsö, A. L. Smith, H. Shirazi, S. R. Mulligan, T. Hofelich, The Isothermal Heat ConductionCalorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, J. ofChemical Education, 78 (8), 200110. S. K
general model for developinginterdisciplinary STEM curricula at PUIs. Assessment plan to measure students understandingand knowledge is clearly laid out viewing on student learning objectives (SLO) through bothformative and summative evaluations. Page 25.460.10References: 1. De Welde, K. Kristine , Laursen, S. and Thiry, H. (2007). Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Fact Sheet: Women in STEM published by Sociologists for Women in Society, an international organization of sociologists and social scientists who work together to improve the position of women in sociology, and in society
Advanced Electrical PowerEngineering. The Mechanical Engineering department has been in the top 10 for BSMEgraduates nationwide for each of the last 27 years, with one of the department’s leadingeducational and research areas being vehicle and propulsion systems. In the mid-1990’s,Michigan Technological University was one of the first universities in the world to establishdistance learning with programs designed specifically to support the automotive OEM's and the Page 25.173.14electric power industries. It has the experience, courses, and faculty necessary to deliver theeducation program simultaneously to students on, and off campus
, specifically models, to describe how somethingworks.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0648316. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.BibliographyAngelo, T. A. & Cross, K.P. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Page 25.513.7Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn. Washington, D.C.: National Academy
StationExtra Power CordComputer KeyboardOptical MouseWritable CDsUSB Hard DriveEuropean AdaptersReading List (for Afghanistan)*Hosseini, K. (2003). The Kite Runner, Riverhead Hardcover.*Hosseini, K. (2007). A Thousand Splendid Suns*Michener, J. A. (1986). Caravans, Fawcett.*Mortenson, G. and D. O. Relin (2006). Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . .OneSchool at a Time, Viking Adult*Seierstad, A. (2003). The Bookseller of Kabul Little, Brown and CompanyAhmedi, F. and T. Ansary (2005). The Story of My Life: An Afghan Girl on the Other Side of the SkySimon Spotlight EntertainmentChayes, S. (2006). The Punishment of Virtue: Inside Afghanistan After the Taliban The Penguin Press HCStewart, R. (2006). The Places In Between, Harvest
multidisciplinary teams that were used in this course reflected a bimodal academicdemographic since the course contained students from engineering and sciences. In futurecourse offerings, a wider range of academic backgrounds will be sought, including students fromthe arts and business-related studies. It is expected that this increased diversity will have apositive effect on the learning process since it will enable teaming that is more reflective of thegroups addressing health issues around the world today.References[1] National Academy of Engineering, Grand challenges for engineering, Available online:, Accessed January 11, 2012.[2] S. Hundley, et al., “Attributes of a global engineer
Engineering Technology Colleges, 2008 Edition, American Society forEngineering Education, Washington DC (2009)[3] U.S. News & World Report Ultimate College Guide, 2011 Edition, Sourcebooks, Naperville IL (2010)[4] Menand, L. The Marketplace of Ideas W. W. Norton and Company, New York (2010)[5] Grayson, J.O., The Making of an Engineer, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1993)[6] Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A. and Sullivan, W.M. Educating Engineers Jossey Bass SanFrancisco (2009)[7] Graff, G. Professing Literature: An Institutional History, 20th anniversary edition, University of ChicagoPress, Chicago (2007)[8] Donoghue, F. The Last Professors, Fordham University Press, (2009)[9] Damrosch, D. We Scholars
. IEEE Std. 738-1993, IEEE Standard for Calculating the Current- Temperature Relationship of Bare Overhead Conductors, 1993.9. S. Northrup, “A Multidisciplinary Senior Design Project: Redesigned to Increase Interdisciplinary Interaction,” the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, June 2011.10. S.M. Batill, “Teaching Engineering Decision Making Using a Multidisciplinary Design Paradigm,” the 2000 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, June 2000. Page 25.454.8
AC 2012-3515: UTILIZING PROJECT-BASED MULTIDISCIPLINARY DE-SIGN ACTIVITIES TO ENHANCE STEM EDUCATIONDr. Andy Shaojin Zhang, New York City College of Technology Andy S. Zhang earned his master’s in mechanical engineering from the City College of New York in 1987 and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1995. Zhang’s research area includes materials testing, product design and prototyping, CAD/CAE, and mechatronics. From 2007 to 2009, Zhang served as a member of the Pre-engineering Advisory Commission of Advisory Council for Career and Technical Education of NYC Department of Education, which was designed to help high schools to enhance existing technology
industry-sponsor liaisons to revise and update the summary sheet to ensure thatthe academic requirements and the important academic experiences of a senior-level capstoneproject is established and maintained. Faculty Advisor RoleDuring the first term of the course sequence the academic faculty advisors are provided with thefaculty/student guide and introduced to the selected project(s). The faculty advisor familiarizesthemselves with multidisciplinary course sequences and the common primary tasks. The tasksinclude: • Guide the team to follow the design process with a strong focus on “defining the problem” and meeting established benchmarks for process and time, • Foster the implications of engineering decisions based on business and
(STEM)education, there have been nearly continuous calls for curriculum innovation and improvement.In the past 20 years, however, many of these calls have intensified and focused on theincorporation of interdisciplinary, problem-based, “real-world” learning in one form or another.These range from more general reports like those coming from the Boyer Commission1 in thelate 1990’s, to specific work that led to the restructuring of the ABET accreditation processthrough EC20002. More recently, publications by the National Academy of Engineering such as“The Engineer of 2020”3 and “Educating the Engineer of 2020”4 have reenergized the call forinnovation in STEM curricula. Philadelphia University is a small, private university with a long tradition
process of developing new cross-disciplinary mastersprograms, and while several grant proposals have been submitted by Institute faculty, this will bea priority moving into the future. In the short amount of time that the undergraduate programshave been in place, a total of about 60 new students have entered the program or will be enteringthe program at the start of the fall 2012 semester. The work on the Institute of Environment,Sustainability, and Energy continues, and new objectives continue to be developed andimplemented.References 1. Vincent, S., Interdisciplinary Environmental Education on the Nation's Campuses,, 10/10/2011. 2. 2003 Conference Report
-0935103. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors would alsolike to thank the study participants for their participation.References1. T. Martin, K. Kim, J. Forsyth, L.D. McNair, E. Coupey, and E. Dorsa, “Discipline-based instruction to promote interdisciplinary design of wearable and pervasive computing products,” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2011. (DOI) 10.1007/s00779-011-0492-z.2. R. Frodeman, J.T. Klein, and C. Mitcham, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity, Oxford UP, 2010.3. C.L. Dym, A.M. Agogino, O. Eris, D.D. Frey, and L.J. Leifer, “Engineering
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). McCulley is a board member of the CAPA and SPARKS National Science Foundation project with five years of service. She has more than 17 years’ experience working in industry as a project engineer specializing in automation and controls engineering.Prof. Dustin Scott Birch, Weber State University Dustin S. Birch possesses a master’s of science in mechanical engineering from the University of Utah, a bachelor’s of science in mechanical engineering from the University of Utah, and an associate’s of sci- ence in design and drafting engineering technology from Ricks College. Birch is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Technology Department at Weber State University. He