general overview of productdevelopment process (see Table 3). Students form a start-up company and design a newproduct, develop a (rough) design of processes to manufacture this product, build acorresponding financial model and a business plan. This course is described in details in nextsection. Stage 2 is divided into two semesters: during the first semester lectures cover ProcessDesign and students are learning hands-on fundamentals of specialized software platform(s)for process modeling and simulation. Based on the knowledge and experience gained in the PPI class, in the following semesterstudent groups contact local companies, develop project proposals, and carry out projectsaccording to the joint agreement. Student teams offer services
., Hu, L. and Garcia, B. F. (2001). “Academic Self-Efficacy and First-Year College Student Performance and Adjustment.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 1, 55-64.[10] Friedlander, L. J., Reid, G. J., Shupak, N., and Cribbie, R. (2007). “Social Support, Self-Esteem, and Stress as Predictors of Adjustment to University among First-Year Undergraduates,” Journal of College Student Development, 48, 3, 259-274.[11] Meyers, K. L., Silliman, S. E., Gedde, N. L., and Ohland, M. W. (2010). “A Comparison of Engineering Students’ Reflections on their First-Year Experiences.” Journal of Engineering Education, 99, 2, 169-178.[12] Hackett, G., and Betz, N (1981). “A Self-Efficacy Approach to the Career Development of Women
electronic modes and a quantitative evaluation." International Journal of E-Learning 6(2): 257-266.Carr, N. (2008). Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains. The Atlantic. Washinton, D.C., Atlantic Media Company.Fuller, S. and J. Collier (2004). Philosophy, rhetoric, and the end of knowledge: The coming of science. Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Hess, D. (2007). Alternative pathways in science and industry: activism, innovation, and the environment in an era of globalization. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.Knaus, K., M. Tang, et al. (2011). eLms: research, development and assessment of cognitive maps in eLearning materials to enhance critical thinking. 4th Annual Sloan-C/MERLOT
. To me, joining a leadership program seemed like the next logical step, but I had noidea how much of an impact it would make on my communication skills, leadership abilities, andgeneral outlook on life.Throughout the first three years of coursework in the program, I was continually challenged toreflect on my own personal growth and development. Without the program I know that I wouldhave thought I was „good enough‟ at all of the skills previously mentioned. As soon as thisthought pops into ones head, that is the end of any hope that one can make a difference. I thinkthat is one of the biggest lessons learned through the program‟s coursework. I feel that having agroup of people who know me and can give feedback so I can grow is the only way to
anticipated to rise 13% from 2009 to 2020, based on projectionsfrom the NCES’ “Projections of Education Statistics Through 2020” cited above. The Councilof Graduate Schools (CGS) also projects that graduate enrollments will increase as well (seediscussion below). The CGS Survey of Graduate Enrollment and Degrees: 2000 to 2010provides information based on 655 responding institutions, receiving nearly 1.77 millionapplicants for admission to graduate programs.5Enrollments v. Long Term Projections for GrowthRecently, there has been a slight decline in graduate enrollments. The CGS reports that theenrollments for new students in US graduate schools declined for the first time in seven years forfall of 2010.6 Enrollment s fell by 1.1%, despite having
lives, and thevast majority possess large personal libraries and use digital music devices and services. Digitalmusic curricula have been used as positive and educational gateways in public and at-risk highschools in other countries. For example, some British schools host digital music workshopscombining the youth culture of musical “chatting” (British rapping) with music-creationsoftware3. Even before computers were useful tools for creating music, the 1980’s urban Hip-Hop movement provided ways for young people without musical training to compose and createmusic4.Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests that music may be one way thatchildren relate to the world and learn from their experiences5. Jeanne Bamberger’s research
:// Kochan, S. G., Programming in Objective-C, Addison-Wesley, August 2011.7. Green, D., Android vs iPhone Development: A Comparison.html, July 2009, Cocoa Developers Guide, Apple Developer Publications, December 2010, Deitel, H.M., Deitel, P.J., Java How to program, Prentice Hall, 200310. Android Developer Resources, Tutorials, iOS App Programming Guide, iOS Developer Library,
testing was designed specifically to observe the type/use andefficiency of individual heuristic(s) employed in a successful attempt in communicating relevantinformation (as determined by participant) to complete level 1. The task was designed to elicitparticipant’s spacial abilities, reasoning abilities, and conceptual knowledge which could beinferred from the placement and positioning of portals and objects on the submitted sketch. Thisalso gave insight into participants reasoning abilities, and procedural knowledge in terms ofjustification and selection of communication procedure and whether the participant saw fit toinclude a pathway or methodology to inform the perceived player.Participants were asked to complete as much of the computer
). Alternative Framing Materials in ResidentialConstruction: Three case studies. Upper Marlboro, MD: NAHB Research Center.USDA Forest Service. (2008). . Madison, WI 53726-2398: USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory.[3] Barnes, C., (2007). “The Changing Face of Structural Engineering Education.” NCSEA 2007 AnnualConference. Available from National Council of Structural Engineers Associations.[4] Cramer, S., Weat, D, (2011). “Education in Wood Structural Design: Who needs it?”. STRUCTURE Magazine.,June 2011, p5.[5] 2009 Legislative Session: 1st Session, 39th Parliament, 2009.[6] WEI Advisory, Development Board and Participating Universities. (Jan 3, 2012)[7] Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L. & Cocking, R. R. ed (2000). How People Learn: Brain
), engineering education (active learning techniques), and high strain deformation of materials. She is currently a Co-PI in an NSF S-STEM and ADVANCE-PAID grants. She is actively involved in outreach activities that introduce middle school students to engineering.Dr. Mahesh C. Aggarwal, Gannon University Mahesh Aggarwal has been a faculty member at Gannon University since 1978. He graduated from Marquette University with a M.S. and University of Michigan with a Ph.D. in thermal science area. He has worked for numerous companies and currently working with GE Transportation in Erie, Penn. At GE, he is the Coordinator of GE/Gannon MS program. He has seven patents with GE Transportation over the last the last 10 years. He is
Project. Setterfield,Charlie, Dunn, Eric and Marcks, Russell. s.l. : American Society of Engineering Eduction: Annual Conference &Exposition, 2010.19. Learning and Teaching Styles In Engineering Education. Felder, Richard M. and Silverman, Linda K. 7, s.l. :American Society of Engineering Education, 1988, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 78.20. Wankat, Phillip C. and Oreovicz, Frank S. Teaching Engineering. New York : McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.21. Experiences Implementing an Undergraduate Civil Engineering Course in BIM. Dupuis, Matthew, et al. s.l. :American Society of Engineering Eduction: Annual Conference & Exposition, 2008.22. Teaching Building Information Modeling as an Integral Part of Freshman Year Civil Engineering
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science, technology, engineering, and math (stem) for America's future (Rep.). Retrieved from[3] Murphy, T. E., Gaughan, M., Hume, R., & Moore, S. G. (2010). College graduation rates for minority students in a selective technical university: Will participation in a summer bridge program contribute to success? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 32(1), 70-83.[4] Ohland, M. W., & Zhang, G. (2002). A study of the impact of minority engineering programs at the FAMU- FSU College of Engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 91(4), 435-440.[5] Creswell, J., (2003). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA
) equations 1D&$&<=)/66"F.,-) "=,1D&%.?&) 2&%.-,)/,;)@",;#@1)/,) well as to analyze and .&(5$E7$!C@$=;BF$ interpret data (mechanical) 1D&"$&1.@/6)Q,"F6&;-&) .=:@"$&)M)L9A :7O :9L LBA ,A=>$K=9CLM$ 2&%@$.=$ 0&/%#$&0&,1)/,;) H@CJ8>=$;$K@8=I$ S/@"$&)MK9A :7O :7: OBA ;BOJ8=?B@8HOC:$CI$ .,%1$#0&,1/1.",).,)1D&) %.-,.3.@/,@&8)%1$&
new, and students who have participated in the workshop as part of ateaching-based co-op indicate that their communication skills are generally enhanced by the co-op. Future offerings of the workshop will include additional topics specifically relevant to TAs,and the workshop will be offered for credit.AcknowledgementsSupport for the TEAK Project is provided by the National Science Foundation's Course,Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program under Award No. 0737462. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Sarah Cass, an Instructional
/conferences).8. Rowe, C., Mahadevan-Jansen, A. “Module-based Freshmen engineering course Development.” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition ( Hein, G. L., Kemppainen, A. J., Amato-Henderson, S. L. "First-Year Engineering Students and Ethical Analysis", ASEE Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.10. Kemppainen, A. J., Jeason, N., Hein, G. L. "Modifying a Pumping System in a First-Year Engineering Design Project", ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division. Houghton, MI, October 3-6, 2010.11. “Wind Power: Impacts and Issues”
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(STEM)education, there have been nearly continuous calls for curriculum innovation and improvement.In the past 20 years, however, many of these calls have intensified and focused on theincorporation of interdisciplinary, problem-based, “real-world” learning in one form or another.These range from more general reports like those coming from the Boyer Commission1 in thelate 1990’s, to specific work that led to the restructuring of the ABET accreditation processthrough EC20002. More recently, publications by the National Academy of Engineering such as“The Engineer of 2020”3 and “Educating the Engineer of 2020”4 have reenergized the call forinnovation in STEM curricula. Philadelphia University is a small, private university with a long tradition
process of developing new cross-disciplinary mastersprograms, and while several grant proposals have been submitted by Institute faculty, this will bea priority moving into the future. In the short amount of time that the undergraduate programshave been in place, a total of about 60 new students have entered the program or will be enteringthe program at the start of the fall 2012 semester. The work on the Institute of Environment,Sustainability, and Energy continues, and new objectives continue to be developed andimplemented.References 1. Vincent, S., Interdisciplinary Environmental Education on the Nation's Campuses,, 10/10/2011. 2. 2003 Conference Report
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systemsand software engineering curriculum for the MSSE program, with a comparison to the GSwERCcurriculum. Program challenges and future refinements are discussed in Section 4, with asummary in Section 5.2. Background: graduate software engineering reference curriculum The first graduate reference curriculum for software engineering was published in the early1990’s by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University9, spawning thedevelopment of numerous software engineering degree programs, some offering degrees insoftware engineering and others offering degrees in computer science with a strong emphasis insoftware engineering. The IEEE Computer Society produced the Software Engineering Body ofKnowledge (SWEBOK)8 in 2004
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