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Displaying results 151 - 180 of 313 in total
Conference Session
STS Perspectives on Engineering Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wesley Marshall P.E., University of Colorado, Denver; Michael Tang, University of Colorado, Denver; Stephan A. Durham, University of Colorado, Denver
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
education pedagogy. Results of this research have been published in peer review journals on the followingtopics: 1) A comparison of student satisfaction of course delivery among online, blended, and regular students (Byrne and Tang 2006); 2) A gender study of the perception of the learning effectiveness of instructional tools used in online and blended learning (Byrne and Tang 2007); and 3) A study as to whether or not online students cheat more than regular students and a demographic profile of students who plagiarize or collaborate on exams (Tang, Byrne et al. 2007). One of the studies suggests that both students and faculty generally prefer face-to-facelecturing and individual tutoring (Byrne and
Conference Session
Design in Freshman and Sophomore Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Clifford A. Whitfield, Ohio State University; Jintana Nina Phanthanousy, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
notes taken from traditional lectureenvironments.Project-based learning activities featured in Cornerstone environments include:collaborative/cooperative/peer learning in that projects are typically team-based andparticipative; just-in-time instruction in the form of lectures and class interactions that addressissues instructors anticipate students will soon address; topic integration in that students mustcall upon many skills to diverge/converge towards their design solution; problem-based learningin the many smaller problems they encounter through the course of completing their project; anda context which mimics that of the professional environment in which most students willeventually find themselves. Students involved in these projects find
Conference Session
Progress in Manufacturing Education III
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin L. Devine, Illinois State University; Corinne Zimmerman, Illinois State University
Tagged Divisions
planning, robotprogramming, and the coordinate grid. Since the students had not yet been introduced to the X-Y coordinate system, a grid utilizing the cardinal directions of north, south, east and west wasused (see Figure 1). The grid was comprised of 3” squares which made it easy for groups of 4 or5 students to work together. Using a simple robot programming language developed for thistask (see Figure 2), students were asked to work with their group members to write a programthat would cause an industrial robot to move five 2” square wooden blocks, each having oneletter written on them, to designated grid locations to spell “ROBOT”. Small font size lettersprinted on the grid helped the students place the blocks at the same grid location at the
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean Franey, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Anthony Gregerson, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Michael T. Braun, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
, Madison. When not slogging through lines of simulator code, he enjoys brewing award-winning beer.Anthony Gregerson, University of Wisconsin, Madison Anthony Gregerson is a Ph.D. student in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Wiscon- sin, where he recently won the 2012 Exceptional Service Award for teaching assistants. He is a member of the UW’s Teaching Academy and the Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning. He has eight years experience teaching as a tutor, Teaching Assistant, and instructor and occasionally writes about test- ing and assessment for When not teaching, he designs real-time processing systems for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.Michael T. Braun, University of
Conference Session
Best of Computers in Education Division
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xin Chen, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Adithya Raghavan; Ji Soo Yi, Purdue University; Krishna Madhavan, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
tools, toolevaluation and web information seeking.2. Literature Review2. 1 Novice Researchers’ DifficultiesNovice researchers in a new field usually face various kinds of challenges. Hockey7 portrays thefirst year of PhD as the most crucial and difficult period because students “initially encounterand experience intellectual and social processes at their point of maximum novelty”(p1). Muchresearch has been done about the challenges and issues first-year PhD students or junior researchstudents face, including social isolation, productivity, financing, discrepancies with advisers, andunequal accesses to peer culture and academic culture7,9–13. An important area of doctoral studythat has received little attention is the development of
Conference Session
Assessment and Impact
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech; Kahyun Kim, Virginia Tech; Jason Forsyth, Virginia Tech; Ed Dorsa, Virginia Tech; Thomas Martin, Virginia Tech; Eloise Coupey, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
AC 2012-5469: INTERDISCIPLINARY PEDAGOGY FOR PERVASIVE COM-PUTING DESIGN PROCESSES: AN EVALUATIVE ANALYSISDr. Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech Lisa McNair is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech where she serves as Assistant Department Head for Graduate Education and co-directs the Virginia Tech Engi- neering Communication Center. Her research includes interdisciplinary collaboration, communication studies, identity theory, and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include: interdisciplinary pedagogy for pervasive computing design, writing across the curriculum in stat- ics courses, and a CAREER award to explore the use of e-portfolios
Conference Session
Pedagogical Advancements in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
of ASME, SIAM, ASEE, and AGU. He is actively involved in CELT activities and regularly participates and presents at the Lilly Conference. He has been the recipient of several Faculty Learning Community awards. He is also very active in assessment activities and has presented more than thirty five papers at various assessment institutes. His posters in the areas of assessment, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Socratic Inquisition have received widespread acclaim from several scholars in the area of cogni- tive science and educational methodologies. He has received the Assessment of Critical Thinking Award twice and is currently working towards incorporating writing assignments that enhance students’ critical thinking
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eva Andrijcic, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
to the newspaper articles on the nuclear crisis16-18, and they either confirmedtheir initial suggestions on how to improve the risk communication process addressed in thearticles, or they refined them with more sophisticated ideas learned from the summary sheets.Lesson 6 was a summary session in which students presented their group projects to an audienceof peers and teachers. Students were broken into groups of four and required to present an Page 25.675.5original project of their choosing that integrated some of the concepts and models that they
learned in class. While students were given the liberty to choose a problem of their liking
Conference Session
From Entrepreneurship Education to Market
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James V. Green, University of Maryland, College Park
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
project team of three to four students is assigned a corporate mentor.For a period of eight weeks, students are expected to work no less than 8 hours per week, hold atleast one weekly team meeting to discuss progress, and send minutes of these weekly meetings totheir corporate mentor and the University. At the end of the term, each team presents their finalreport and submits a detailed written report on their assigned project to the corporate client andthe University.Each student is supported with a $1,000 assistantship funded by the corporate client and payableupon successful project completion and positive peer evaluation feedback. With $20,000dedicated annually to student assistantships plus $5,000 allocated for University projectmanagement
Conference Session
Design in Freshman and Sophomore Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Trivett, University of Prince Edward Island; Stephen Champion, University of Prince Edward Island
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
information. With the help and support of library and academic writing staff, we insist uponsources beyond the Wikipedia or simple web resources. Through the nature of Innocentivechallenges, students quickly find that none of the familiar simple Googling searches are effectiveto provide high quality detailed information. This stage of the project opens up an opportunity toshow the value and depth of really good quality academic review papers or engineering journals.The Assignment: IdeationOnce students have submitted their reports on background research into the problem, we meetduring class and the class is broken into groups of students according to their chosen designchallenge. Depending upon the preference of the instructor, some groups are
Conference Session
Recruitment, Retention, and First-year Programs in ECE
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Constance D. Hendrix, U.S. Air Force Academy; Marcus L. Roberts, U.S. Air Force Academy; William J. Eccles, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Jeffrey Butler, U.S. Air Force Academy; Randall Deppensmith, U.S. Air Force Academy
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 2. Overall, the course is: 1-Very Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Very Good, 6-Excellent 3. On average, for every hour I spent in this class, I spent about ___ outside of class completing work in this course (including studying, reading, writing, doing homework or lab work, etc.). 1-1/2 hour or less, 2-More than 1/2 hour, but less than one hour, 3-More than one hour, but less than two hours, 4-More than two hours, but less than three hours, 5- More than three hours 4. The course activities (e.g., assigned readings, lectures, discussions, labs, projects, etc.) were effective in helping me accomplish the learning
Conference Session
Professional Issues in Ethics Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
A. Dean Fontenot, Texas Tech University; Richard A. Burgess, National Institute for Engineering Ethics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
. The Center provides professional development training for 46 T-STEM Academies, five T-STEM Early College High Schools, and all Texas school districts, public and private. She collaborates with Whitacre College of Engineering Faculty, as well as faculty from other universities writing grant proposals. Over 10 years, Fontenot has secured more than $3.8 million for STEM education ($3,133,000 of this in the last five years). Fontenot teachers Professional Communications for Engineers: practical applications to written, oral, and internet communications, as well as an introduction to engineering ethics and service learning (2001-current).Mr. Richard A. Burgess, National Institute for Engineering Ethics Richard Burgess
Conference Session
Hey You: Effectively Engaging Students in the Classroom
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glenn W. Ellis, Smith College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
applying standard problem-solving procedures, butthey must also have passion, adaptability and an eagerness to learn. Successful graduates need tobe innovators, effective collaborators in interdisciplinary and multicultural environments,excellent communicators, leaders, and lifelong learners1. Engineering education is not alone inneeding to rethink the educational strategies that best prepare students for success. Based uponresearch emerging from the learning sciences, Sawyer’s description of a successful collegegraduate (in any field) has much in common with the National Science Board (NSB) report.Sawyer writes that to be successful in the knowledge age, graduates will need to develop a deepand integrated understanding of complex subjects
Conference Session
Community Engagement in Engineering Education: Program Models
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelsey B. Hatzell, Pennsylvania State University; Marta C. Hatzell, Pennsylvania State University; Min Young Pack, Pennsylvania State University; Johanna Gretchen Hatzell, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Samir Narendra Patel, Pennsylvania State University; Tara Lynn Sulewski, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Amy L. Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Khanjan Mehta, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
integration, greenhouse designand business strategy development. Each group had a particular objective to accomplish, andworked independently but in coordination with other subgroups. To keep the group cohesive,each week the class met to update the entire class on each sub-group’s progress. This divisionallowed subgroups to obtain an expertise in a particular objective—while honingcommunications skills, so that the venture remained as one unit. Additionally, due to the range ofbackgrounds within each subgroup, members were able to learn from their peers from otherdepartments and colleges. Next, we discuss the various sub-groups and their work.Emergent IntegrationAn important aspect of the iSPACES venture was the infusion of systems, design
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
projects, teams and teamwork and reflective writing, this university will teachleadership identity development along with the knowledge, skills and abilities required of thenext generation of engineering leaders.IntroductionKouzes and Posner1 suggest that leadership is “everyone’s business”. East Carolina University(ECU) has committed to distinguishing itself by taking a unified institutional approach topreparing leaders. The ECU has identified itself as “The Leadership University” in its strategicposition and its marketing. As part of this position, the university seeks to define studentlearning outcomes related to leadership development in a way that is straightforward andadaptive while allowing academic units the flexibility to identify and
Conference Session
Professional Issues in Ethics Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Islam H. El-adaway, Mississippi State University; Marianne M. Jennings, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
was employed at the Dublinbeer producer, Arthur Guinness & Sons, a company that had a policy prohibiting employeesfrom publishing their research after a previous employee had revealed proprietary informationabout Guinness research, development, and production methods through published works.Gosset published his work as “Student” and did not want to disclose his ties with the GuinnessCompany [1]. The second form of ghost authorship involves those in industry doing the research, compilingthe literature, and writing the results and then asking an academic to review the article andunderlying research and then agree to put his or her name on the work. The academic is,obviously, paid for the review as well as for allowing his or her name to
Conference Session
Computer Science-related Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech University; Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech University; G.B. Cazes, Cyber Innovation Center; JoAnn M. Marshall, Cyber Innovation Center
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
to 1) better understand the historyof cyberspace, cryptography, and cyber security; 2) experience cyber applications and programs;3) discuss social and ethical implications of cyber; 4) explore possible cyber career fields; and 5)gain an appreciation for the need to secure cyberspace. The dynamic interactive campcurriculum consists of hands-on labs, a cryptographic treasure hunt, writing assignments,evening film sessions, and a Final Cyber Challenge. The Parallax Boe-Bot™ is used as the coreteaching platform throughout.In the months preceding the camp, high school teachers, one science/mathematics teacher and Page 25.867.3one humanities
Conference Session
Epistemic Research
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Golnaz Arastoopour, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Naomi C. Chesler, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Cynthia M. D'Angelo, University of Wisconsin, Madison; David Williamson Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jamon W. Opgenorth; Carrie Beth Reardan, Epistemic Games; Nathan Patrick Haggerty, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Clayton Guy Lepak
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
engineering enrollment (23%) occurs between the freshmen andsophomore year [5].Once they pass this point, however, women who do commit to a major inengineering are as likely as men to graduate as engineers [6]. Moreover, those women whochoose to leave after the first year perform as well or better than their peers in their freshmenclasses [5]. In other words, competent women are disproportionately opting out of engineeringcareers during their first year.First year undergraduate courses thus play a pivotal role in a student’s decision to major inengineering. But current first year programs do not motivate enough women to becomeengineers.Recent studies show that women are generally more interested in science and engineering whenit involves teamwork
Conference Session
Attaining Academic Leadership Positions
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beena Sukumaran, Rowan University; Chris S. Anderson, Michigan Technological University; Dianne Dorland, Rowan University; Sarah A. Rajala, Mississippi State University; Mary Roth, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
serve on various campus and external committees; was open tolearning new skills such as grant writing; became an expert by seeking and asking to participatein workshops, conferences, etc. that allowed me to learn by association with experts; I readvoraciously everything related to all levels of diversity issues.DD: Plan for leadership by investigating the skills that are deemed desirable for these positionsand make sure you have these types of skills or can acquire them.Learn about leadership, what it is as well as what it isn’t, and then practice leadership principlesin your current position. Being a leader as a faculty member within your department is a greatplace to start.Accept leadership roles in your professional or social community as
Conference Session
Adaptive and Supportive Learning Environments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
W. Vincent Wilding, Brigham Young University; Thomas Allen Knotts IV, Brigham Young University; William G. Pitt, Brigham Young University; Morris D. Argyle, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering, Minorities in Engineering
, where he has served since 1987. He is currently the Pope Professor of chemical engineering at BYU and an Adjunct Research Professor in the Bioengineering Department of the University of Utah. During his 24 years at BYU, his teaching has been in the areas of materials, polymers, and transport phenomena. His research has spanned many disciplines ranging from biomedical material surfaces and composite materials to his current work in controlled drug and gene delivery. With colleagues and students at BYU and other institutions, he has more than 110 peer-reviewed journal publications.Prof. Morris D. Argyle, Brigham Young University
Conference Session
Course and Curriculum Development
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuan Liao, University of Kentucky; Lawrence Holloway, University of Kentucky; Paul A. Dolloff, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
pricing calculation• Understand key technologies in distribution systems that enable smart grid• Understand key technologies in transmission systems that enable smart grid 2.3 Pedagogical methodThis course intends to be delivered through classroom lectures. Both traditional blackboardmethod and power point presentation methods are utilized. Students are required to present someof their project results in the class, from which students can also learn from their peers’ work.We utilize various software packages in the class including Matlab simpowersystem andoptimization toolboxes, and IBM ILOG optimization suite. Students will further enforce whatthey learned by independently completing assigned projects described in Section 3 utilizing theirown
Conference Session
First-year Programs Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beverly Louie, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jordan Michelle Hornback, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
typical first-yearcourse. Students encounter no exams, self- and peer-reflections (i.e., writing!) are assigned, andcollaborating with fellow classmates is expected. A problem-based learning (PBL), activeapproach is used to guide the learning experiences of these students. After the formation ofsemester-long teams, students take on challenging, open-ended projects in diverse topics such asassistive technology, Rube Goldberg, sustainable technology, science concept demonstrations,recreating existing devices and robotics challenges. Along the way, students must developsufficient proficiency in technical drawing, testing, machining, electronics, and/or
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Kean, California Polytechnic State University; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University; Mathew Bissonnette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
directly.Using Physical MEAs to Help with Self-AssessmentFor many MEAs, providing a means for students to “check” the validity of their models can bequite difficult. Strategies can include providing fictitious data from the client, referring studentsto peer-reviewed literature, and depending on student experiences to help them determine when asolution “seems” correct. We have found that one of the most powerful ways to provide self-assessment is in the form of actual laboratory or physical activities. Examples of this include theCatapult MEA and the Force Transducer MEA.Catapult MEAThe Petersborough Museum in England hosts a Medieval Exhibition each year, and plans to holda catapult launch competition. As part of the competition they want to award a
Conference Session
BME Laboratory and Project Experiences
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara Burks Fasse Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology; Essy Behravesh, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
) Page 25.1105.4and suspension (HL-60) cell lines were selected based on available body of work in peer-reviewed literature, ease of culture, and flexibility in the type of projects for better studentengagement students.Facilitators in the revised lab course were encouraged to actively allow students to maketechnical but not strategic mistakes. For example, students were required to have proper positiveand negative controls in their experiments but allowed to err during a western blot as long astheir controls gave them clues about where the error might have occurred. Report discussiongrades were weighted heavily in the final grading to encourage a revisit of procedures andmethodologies that might have resulted in errors or limitations for the
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Experiences and Assessment in Environmental Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
worked on adifferent project, and in many cases the teams were multi-disciplinary. This approach has thebenefit of encouraging students to be more diligent in their presentation, because of the audienceof peers, faculty from across campus, and industry sponsors who may be hiring graduates.A different design competition model is to promote internal-competitions among students withina single course. At the University of Colorado Boulder (CU), the Civil Engineering capstonecourse has always used only one or two projects and therefore multiple teams all work on thesame project. This engenders a degree of competition among teams, but competition was notdirectly encouraged until 2009. In that year the course was re-designed with a local
Conference Session
Topics in Computer Science and Programming
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter W. Schilling Jr., Milwaukee School of Engineering; Mark J. Sebern, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Implementation & Test 7 Project: Code Review Testing Project, Cycle 1: Status Memo Configuration Management Implementation & Test cont. 8 Test Case Exercise Generalization Project, Cycle 2: Cycle 1 Final Report Analysis & Design Peer Evaluation Role Summary 9 Additional Design Software Metrics Estimation Project, Cycle 2: Cycle 2 Analysis &
Conference Session
Laboratory Exercises for Energy, Power, and Industrial Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zeit T. Cai, Princeton University; Jeremy John Worm P.E., Michigan Technological University; Drew Dosson Brennan, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Page 25.613.4tasks. Students will write a report which summarizes their results.Lectures and Background InformationAs indicated previously, the assignment begins with lecture material that focuses on the sourcesof drag and rolling resistance. This includes tires, drivetrain components, body geometry andunderbody aerodynamic effects. The students see where the losses originate and how to estimatetheir impact. Lecture material also covers the coastdown experimental procedures and the datareduction process required to determine drag and rolling resistance from the experimental data.Through this process students become familiar with the functional form of the expressiondescribing the vehicle velocity as a function of time3 as shown in Equation 1
Conference Session
Hands-on Laboratory and Design Experiences in Environmental Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Ross Pfluger P.E., U.S. Military Academy; David-Michael P. Roux, U.S. Army; Michael A. Butkus, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
introductory environmental engineering courses14 and in environmentalsampling and analysis laboratory courses.17 The most common measurements appear to beparticulate matter (PM), CO, CO2, and aerosols (Table 1). One air pollution project at theUniversity of Utah examined the outdoor concentrations of PM and the students’ work resultedin peer-reviewed publication.22An example of a previously published IAP project was described by Eschenbach and Cashman(2004), who reported on students’ use of CO2 meters to determine the ventilation rate of a spaceof their choosing. The instructor provided a website and associated readings that explain the useof the CO2 meters, the proper data collection methods, as well as describe the use of regressionto determine the
Conference Session
Assessments, Assessments, and Assessments
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B. Meredith, Pennsylvania State University, Fayette
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
. Page 25.1274.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Test Preparation and Test Quality Assessment – What I Wish Someone Had Told Me in the BeginningAbstractHow does an instructor prepare a test and feel confident that it is fair, balanced and the correct length? That issueworried me as I entered the teaching profession three decades ago. After a decade of writing multiple choicequestions for the Professional Engineering exam and two decades of national involvement with the ABETaccreditation process, it is time to pass some of the “tricks of the trade” along to the next generation of newfaculty members.As a starting point for this discussion, the assumption that
Conference Session
Aircraft Design Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University; Dimitris C. Lagoudas P.E., Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
assistant, usually a graduate student,and a peer teacher, usually an undergraduate student who recently completed the freshman-engineering sequence. The graphics portion of the class has the students use a commercialgraphics package that can be used to draw parts selected from outside of class or parts of theirrobot by the end of the semester. At the beginning of the semester, basic project planning iscovered as well as an introduction of flowcharting and some basics of the visual programmingenvironment, in this case LabView. The most important aspect of the programming portion isactually what the program is being asked to do and how it completes the task. Since LabView ismany times not the programming language of choice in the student’s follow-on