-term plan for management of updates to the publishedCivil Engineering Body of Knowledge (CE BOK) and the associated ABET accreditationcriteria.1 This plan calls for ASCE to develop a formal revision to the CE BOK and associatedcriteria on a regular eight-year cycle. This regular change-cycle reflects three broadly acceptedconclusions drawn from ASCE’s experience in developing the first two editions of the CE BOK,from 2002 to the present: A professional body of knowledge is a dynamic entity that reflects the ever-changing nature of professional jurisdictions. A given profession (or professional group) can be strengthened by formally articulating and publishing its body of knowledge, but only if the profession is willing
. Page 26.865.4 Figure 2: Integration of Humanities and Social Sciences into BOK and CEPCHumanities and Social Science in ABETInterestingly, the ABET9 General Criteria for the 1999-2000 accreditations cycle provided astatement about the curriculum (I.C.3.d (2)) which included the following:I.C.3.d. (2) Humanities and Social SciencesI.C.3.d.(2) (a) Studies in the humanities and social sciences serve not only to meet the objectivesof a broad education but also to meet the objectives of the engineering profession. Therefore,studies in the humanities and social sciences must be planned to reflect a rationale or fulfill anobjective appropriate to the engineering profession and the institution’s educational objectives.In the interests of making
and growth through curriculum design and redesign, professional development of graduate students related to teaching and the influence of reflection and creation of eportfolios on student connections to learning and employment.Dr. James R. Morgan, Texas A&M University Jim Morgan is the father of two daughters and the spouse of an engineer. He has been at Texas A&M for 30 years, currently serving as an associate professor of civil engineering. Jim has been active in the fresh- man engineering program at A&M for nearly 20 years; was an active participant in the NSF Foundation Coalition from 1993 to 2003; also has received funding for his engineering education research from the Department of Education
reflect the organizedtime made available for group work. A fourth course, MG EN 1050 Technical Communicationsis not included here as it solely addresses the technical skill of using a computer drawing tool(CAD) and does not address the broader issues that are encompassed in the professional “spine.”In essence, these three courses create a “vertical” professional spine through the curriculum.Specifically, three courses were designated as the vehicle for delivering and assessing learningexperiences for most of the professional skill sets identified in the BOK. Table 1 identifies therelated BOK outcomes for each course and the desired level of achievement using Bloom’sTaxonomy of Educational Objectives4 as a basis for performance. The sequence was
STEM9–11.Introductory engineering courses taught with forms of active learning such as project-basedlearning and problem-based learning have led to increased retention of engineering majors12–15,improved student performance13,15, higher quality of peer interactions13, and more positivestudent attitudes about engineering13,16. In addition to the strong case for adopting active learningin introductory engineering classrooms17, there is growing concern about how to effectivelydisseminate innovations in engineering education18. Recommendation for adoption anddissemination include attending to the specific needs of varied university cultures and curricula,supporting educators in becoming reflective teachers, and providing long-term support
Narratives aims to provide students with a toolkit for successfulcommunication in contemporary society and the workplace. This integrated course experience invitesstudents to reflect and use diverse ways of communication in the digital era. During one semester,participants were introduced to oral, written, visual and auditory techniques of communication, anddocumented through various digital media artifacts. Page 26.127.3Our value proposition that artistic storytelling can help students think, communicate and aid in theiremotional wellbeing is backed by a long history of scholarship. Such seminal articles as K. Egan’s“Memory, Imagination
determine if the current ABET CivilEngineering Program Criteria (CEPC) should be changed to reflect one or more of the 24 outcomesof the second edition of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge published in 2008. After twoyears of work, a proposed CEPC has been approved by the relevant ASCE committees andforwarded to ABET for approval and incorporation into accreditation criteria. A paper chroniclingthe committee’s efforts through a review of the literature, the committee’s methodology andprocess, and the key issues that emerged was presented at the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference inIndianapolis. This paper updates that effort by presenting the resulting proposed criteria, thechanges generated by constituency feedback, progress on the Commentary, the
the movie followedby discussion of various elements of corruption and unethical behavior portrayed in the movie.Students are assigned specific topics to reflect and write about and then lead an in-classdiscussion based on the findings. The video is streamed for repeated viewing through the securecourse Blackboard site and the students complete a fairly lengthy discussion memo submittedonline prior to the course meeting.Civil Engineering Profession and LicensureCivil engineers must focus on becoming experts in their field and exercise their leadershipabilities to benefit themselves, their families and society as a whole. To reinforce our role as aprofessional, students are asked to interview a civil/construction engineer with a PE license
; 5-10 minutes of peer review. The facilitator asked the students to break into groups of approximately four in order to discuss figures. The facilitator presented a series of questions related to the previously-revealed design principle, to guide discussion and ensure that students focused on providing meaningful feedback.4. Repeat discussion, uncovering of new principle, and peer review.5. Reflection for figure designers. The facilitator concluded the workshop by asking figure designers to consider the information they’d gained by discussing their figures with their Page 26.1707.4 peers, and reflect upon how that information
physics, and chemistry have long been considered part of the technical core ofcivil engineering. The requirement for “one additional area of basic science” reflects anincreasing emphasis on biological systems, ecology, sustainability, and nanotechnology withinthe practice of civil engineering. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, the verb “apply” denotes theexpected level of achievement is Bloom’s Level 3, or “application level.” Both the BOK2Outcome 1-Mathematics and Outcome 2-Natural Sciences are also at Bloom’s Level 3 of Page 26.1626.4achievement.Apply probability and statistics to address uncertaintyTo comply with this provision of the CEPC, the
collaborative learning since student teams wererequired to make a presentation at each institution; therefore, teammates had to help teach acrossinstitutions to cover the content of the projects not taught in their respective courses. Studentperformance was assessed based on the quality of each deliverable, instructor reflection, anopinion survey, and a post-course assessment of student learning. The authors conclude the paperwith a discussion of the perceived benefits of the CICL approach and provide suggestions forfuture implementation.IntroductionEducators have been grappling with the challenges of integrating sustainability concepts andskills into engineering education1,2. Many reasons for the lack of progress have been offered,including
talented pullout program to experience STEM disciplines in a college environment tonot only inform the future mathematics and science classes they have and will have, but also tobegin the discussion on the importance of going to college and follow-on careers, especially inSTEM disciplines. The School of Engineering and Science and Mathematics work together toprovide four distinct one hour blocks of activities and interaction with discussion of how deviceswork (theory). The key focus is engineering and each student group of 25 students see two onehour blocks on engineering (civil and electrical). The students complete a reflection on the day-long experience and the teachers incorporate pictures of the activities the students experiencedinto future
objectives and lectures/modules developed for thecourse reflect discussions and feedback received from the Southeast Transportation ResearchInnovation Development and Education Center led by the University of Florida and theSustainable Smart Cities Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Theeducational resources developed were used as classroom training materials in a newly developedcourse that aimed at educating undergraduate and first year graduate students about sustainabilityplanning concept, design options, and rating systems. Students that completed the course wereexpected to do: 1. Be able to describe the role of transportation in sustainable development; 2. Be able to identify planning, and design practices for
profession have come to a growing recognition of the importance engineers’communication skills, the teaching of these skills has steadily moved from the periphery to thecenter of engineering curricula guidelines. Yet the growing body of research in this areaindicates that too often communication learning is still relegated to service courses or is taught ina manner that does not reflect current knowledge about writing pedagogy. Faculty may bereluctant to incorporate writing assignments into their courses or do it in an ineffective mannerbecause of time constraints and large courses, especially at the lower levels. This research beginsan investigation of the use of peer review to mitigate some of these concerns while incorporatingcontemporary writing
training, independent of teacher experience. This post-session surveysought to gather demographic information to aid in understanding the participant’s particularteaching experience and nonverbal communication training.Results and DiscussionEach participant’s response was compared against the sample population and against thestudent’s report confidence to identify whether overall nonverbal message discrepancies exist.The results of the expert and participant responses are provided in Table 2.The percentages calculated in each row reflect the portion of the population that correctlymatched their assessment (either confident or non-confident) with the students reportedconfidence for an individual video clip. Notably, there is a significant range in
challenging problems that areauthentic, curriculum-based, and often interdisciplinary. Learners decide how to approach aproblem and what activities to pursue. They gather information from a variety of sources andsynthesize, analyze, and derive knowledge from it. Their learning environment is inherentlyvaluable because it's connected to something real and involves adult skills such as collaborationand reflection. At the end, students demonstrate their newly acquired knowledge and are judgedby how much they've learned and how well they communicate it. Throughout this process, theteacher's role is to guide and advise, rather than to direct and manage, student work. PBL is alsoa model that organizes learning around projects. According to the definitions
obstacles or achieve breakthroughs. • Describes major accomplishments of the team. • Conveys a deep understanding of the impact the project has or can have on a community, market, sponsor, industry or profession. • Several team members are engaged, with questions answered clearly and confidently in a way that complements the entire exhibit experience. Team members are able to effectively reflect on the professional experience they have gained.Although there is some duplication of the in-class assessment, the judges’ criteria provides aslightly different perspective, with less emphasis on the process and a greater focus on the finalproduct and each team’s presentation skills. The average IPRO exposition score in our
. The reason for this is to provide students with aconsistent vocabulary and a consistent set of general expectations as they experience variouscourses and instructors in the program. The rubric’s aim is to avoid the students’ commoncomplaint that graded aspects vary from class to class as well as to avoid their incorrectperception that writing as an engineer is a moving target, one that changes at the whim of theperson asking for the piece of writing. In addition, the rubric follows the format of rubrics usedin many of UMD’s required writing classes and reflects lessons learned from the writing studiesfaculty.The difficulty of creating a writing guide that is specific enough to help students and generalenough to address differing audience and
lectureAlthough the first author was mindful that the FYS audience drew from all of the majors acrosscampus (liberal arts and non-liberal arts) and needed to address the nature and value of criticalthinking, the choice of the subject matter and its treatment reflected the usual direction of theconversation about the discipline of the liberal arts in engineering. As a case study of theapplication of critical thinking, the lecture delves into conspiracy theories regarding the collapseof the World Trade Center Towers on 9-11. The opportunity to prepare for the plenary lecturegave the first author the motivation to seriously consider the efforts by a handful of engineersand architects to reopen the investigation of the collapse as part of the 9-11 Truth
National Council of Examinersfor Engineering and Surveying (NCEES)—a national nonprofit federation that includes theengineering and surveying licensure boards from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam,Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.1 NCEES’s Model Law and Model Rules facilitateprofessional mobility, promote uniformity of licensure processes across the U.S., and advancethe qualifications for licensure to protect the public interest.State licensure boards are composed primarily of practicing licensed professional engineers, whotypically have two to five decades of practical experience. However, most board members donot have the expertise to evaluate the details of an individual candidate’s educational credentials,as reflected in
anddocumenting metrics for their reassembly chair. At the conclusion of the activity, theteams discuss and critically review their hypotheses and evaluation of the sustainabilityof the chairs based on the metrics collected during the lab. The instructor concludes theclass through a 15-minute active discussion on design for environment principles andmaterial selection; this discussion includes how an office chair can be translated torepresent many examples of urban infrastructure that require retrofitting and/or redesign.Often, students complete a homework assignment that reflects on the process; the Page 26.1319.4homework assignment varies from
financial support to conduct this project. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the PacTrans Regional University Transportation Research Center. We thank those professors who gave their time and thoughts to make this research possible.1 National Science Foundation, Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics., 2012.2 Gould and Lewis, “Designing for Usability: Key Principles and What Designers Think.”3 Borrego, Froyd, and Hall, “Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations : A Survey of Awareness and Adoption Rates in US.”4 Everett Rogers, Diffusion
, buildings, and water systems. Our connection to theseartifacts of civil engineering are thus reflected in cultural products such as popular music, film,and other media which hold cultural currency with students. This paper explores strategies forcreating engagement for civil engineering students in lecture settings that take advantage of thisstrong connection between civil engineering and culture. Specifically, we examine three fieldsof cultural discourse - music, arts, and politics - then explain how these connections can be usedin pre-lecture activities, and discuss the results of these strategies, as developed and trialledduring a single semester sophomore course on Engineering Communication in civil engineering.Context:In fact, two problems are
)made a number of changes in the departmental PEOs, outcomes and curricula to accommodate :(a) the release of ASCE BOK II, (b)a change of credit hours 132 to 125 in response to theUniversity of Alabama lowering the “full-time load” for students to 16 hours/semester, (c)increasing numbers of students, (d) to communicate program specific criteria more explicitly,and (e) to reflect lessons learned during the departmental assessment of outcomes using studentportfolios. Table 4 shows the single set of departmental outcomes for both the CE and ConEprogram introduced in 2010. Note that when the program specific criteria need to be reflected ina degree, the words “civil engineering” or “construction engineering” are used. A carefulcomparison of Table 4
steel bbeamfor a buillding structu ure using a sy ystematic appproach that ensures life safety and sserviceabilityy,but also to t understand exactly wh hat they are doing, what behavior deesign equatioons reflect, aandhow chan nging certainn parameterss will affect the t design soolution. At this level, sttructural dessignis all abo out systematiic application n of principlles and equaations, but thhe applicationn must be doonein an eduucated manneer.The decision to shift from a moree classical co ourse structuure to an invverted classrooom format inthe Strucctural Design n course disccussed in thiss paper was motivated bby a number of
student evaluation questions are grouped together and listed below. The instructor: created high expectations, made the class interesting, conveyed content effectively, was enthuastic, was accessible, presented content in a manner suitable for learning. Students: did they learn a great deal, did they feel tests/assignments were fair and reflected class content and were graded in a reasonable time, would they recommend instructor to others, did they feel laboratory exercises were supervised properly for safety, and did they feel laboratory facilities were adequate.D: There were fifteen semesters (fall and spring) evaluated to produce the information provided below (evaluationsreported to nearest 0.1); spring 2007
, pocketpenetrometer, and triaxial test apparatus; frictional resistance of grain-like foods using directshear test equipment; particle size and particle size distribution of various food items; particleshape of various soft and hard candies; and others. We present our test results with interestinggraphics, photographs, and illustrations that are ready for use as props by other instructors. Inaddition, we reflect on lessons learned while testing food in the geotechnical laboratory. Thefood analogies presented in this paper can serve as a lighthearted yet engaging introduction tosoil mechanics and soil property evaluation in a first course on geotechnical engineering.IntroductionDuring a first course in soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, instructors
. The proposedsolutions were conceptual and did not strictly meet the requirements of specific code provisionsor standards. As such, students enjoyed the freedom to exercise their creativity while practicing Page 26.1063.8fundamental principles of structural analysis and design. Weekly meetings with the facultyadviser and industry liaison were used to discuss the constructability of alternative solutionsschemes. The team reflected on the impact of each retrofit option on the normal operations of thebuilding. Because Buildings 1 and 3 were part of the National Register of Historic Places, thesolutions were intended to minimize impacts on the
Evaluation of Effectiveness. Engineering practitioners rate a sample of student papers using a simple 1 to 5 scale from “not effective” to “effective” - or, as translated by one practitioner, from “horrible” to “hire this person!” They are given basic information about the task and asked to evaluate based on what they know to be effective writing in workplace practice. Scores for pre- and post-intervention papers are compared statistically with Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon Matched Pairs tests. 4. Perceptions of Usefulness. Students are asked to complete a short survey about their perceptions of their learning and the materials’ usefulness, or – if instructors prefer – to write open-ended reflections on their learning. The survey