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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 114 in total
Conference Session
Broadening Participation in Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary W Behm, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Raja S Kushalnagar, Rochester Institute of Technology; Joseph S. Stanislow, National Technical Institute for the Deaf; Aaron Weir Kelstone, RIT/NTID
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Educational Research and Methods
professional conferences worldwide.Dr. Raja S Kushalnagar, Rochester Institute of Technology Raja Kushalnagar is an Assistant Professor in the Information and Computing Studies Department at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. He teaches information and/or computing courses, and tutors deaf and hard of hearing students in computer science/information technology courses. His research interests focus on the intersection of disability law, accessible and educational technology, and human-computer interaction. He is focused on enhancing educational access for deaf and hard of hearing students in mainstreamed classrooms. He worked in industry for over five
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard J. Aleong, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; David S Strong P.Eng., Queen's University
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Educational Research and Methods
are in engineering student identity, interdisciplinary collaboration, qualitative research methodology, and learning and teaching in higher education.Prof. David S Strong P.Eng., Queen’s University David joined Queen’s in 2003 as the NSERC Chair in Design Engineering. In this faculty-wide appoint- ment, he works collaboratively on design and professional practice education initiatives with all engi- neering departments. David’s experience includes over two decades in the private sector in engineering and management with three companies, spanning the aluminum industry, biomedical and biotechnology instrumentation, and high volume consumer products. David has received multiple teaching awards and holds patents in
Conference Session
Teaching and Learning Strategies I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natasa S. Vidic, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh; Erin Gross Claypool, University of Pittsburgh
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Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #12918Flipped Classroom approach: Probability and Statistics Course for Engi-neersDr. Natasa S. Vidic, University of PittsburghDr. Renee M Clark, University of Pittsburgh Renee Clark serves as the Director of Assessment for the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her PhD from the Department of Industrial Engineering, where she also completed her post-doctoral studies. Her research has primarily focused on the application of data analysis techniques to engineering education research studies as well as industrial accidents. She has over 20 years of experience in various
Conference Session
Survey and Assessment Development
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chrystal A. S. Smith, University of South Florida; Hesborn Wao, University of South Florida; Julie P Martin, Clemson University; George T. MacDonald, University of South Florida; Reginald S Lee, University of South Florida; Gladis Kersaint, University of South Florida
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Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #12981Designing a Survey for Engineering Undergraduates using Free Listing - AnAnthropological Structured TechniqueDr. Chrystal A. S. Smith, University of South Florida Chrystal A. S. Smith is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Univer- sity of South Florida, Tampa. She is the Co-Principal Investigator for the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded study, ”The Effects of Social Capital and Cultural Models on the Retention and Degree Attainment of Women and Minority Engineering Undergraduates.” Her research uses anthropological and sociological theories and methodologies to
Conference Session
Concept Inventories and Assessment of Knowledge
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark A Urlacher, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University; Floraliza Bornilla Bornasal, Oregon State University
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Educational Research and Methods
conceptual change and situated cognition. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2010 and is working on a study to characterize practicing engineers’ understand- ings of core engineering concepts.Dr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and devel- oping new course materials and classroom approaches. Drawing upon methods of
Conference Session
Diffusion and Adoption of Teaching Practices
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa K Davids, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
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Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #12078Video-Annotated Peer Review (VAPR): Considerations for Development andImplementationMs. Lisa K Davids, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona BeachDr. James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona BeachDr. Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Yosef Allam is an Assistant Professor in the Freshman Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University. He graduated from The Ohio State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education. Dr. Allam’s interests are in spatial visu- alization, the use
Conference Session
Beyond the Classroom
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chrissy Hobson Foster, Arizona State University; Aubrey Wigner, Arizona State University; Micah Lande, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
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Educational Research and Methods
and apply a design process to their work. He is interested in the intersection of designerly epistemic identities and vocational pathways. Dr. Lande received his B.S in Engineering (Product Design), M.A. in Education (Learning, Design and Technology) and Ph.D. in Me- chanical Engineering (Design Thinking) from Stanford University. Dr. Lande is the PI on the NSF-funded project ”Should Makers Be the Engineers of the Future” and a co-PI on the NSF-funded project ”Might Young Makers Be the Engineers of the Future?”Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He
Conference Session
Self-efficacy and Emotion: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ellen L Usher, University of Kentucky; Natasha Aniceto Mamaril, University of Illinois ; Caihong Li, University of Kentucky; David Ross Economy, Clemson University Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University
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Educational Research and Methods
Department of Materials Science and Engineering D. R. Economy is currently a doctoral candidate within the Clemson University Department of Materials Science & Engineering and completed his certificate in Engineering & Science Education in 2013. He has completed his M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering and B.S. in Ceramic & Materials Engineering both at Clemson University. His current research interests include reliability of metallic coatings, small- scale mechanics in multicomponent systems, and student motivation in engineering classrooms.Prof. Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University M.S. Kennedy is an Associate Professor within the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Clemson
Conference Session
Qualitative Methodologies
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Micah Lande, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Amy Elizabeth Bumbaco, University of Florida
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Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #13141Artifact Elicitation as a Method of Qualitative Inquiry in Engineering Edu-cationDr. Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida Elliot P. Douglas is Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Dean’s Fellow for Engi- neering Education, and Distinguished Teaching Scholar at the University of Florida. His research interests are in the areas of active learning pedagogies, problem-solving, critical thinking, diversity in engineering, and qualitative methodologies.Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in
Conference Session
Beyond the Classroom
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joyce B. Main, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matilde L. Sanchez-Pena, Purdue University
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Educational Research and Methods
, proposing a conceptualmodel of the factors that influence global competency levels, and also identifies the baselinelevels of global competency for benchmarking. The resulting conceptual model and globalcompetency measures will be useful toward larger scale inquiries to evaluate how participationin study abroad programs, international experiences, culturally-relevant curricula, and otherrelated activities can contribute to changes in students’ ability to work in diverse environments.The Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale short form (MGUDS-S) measures the“universe-diverse orientation” construct, which “reflects an attitude of awareness of both thesimilarities and differences that exist among people”2. Higher MGUDS-S scores have
Conference Session
Student Motivation and Faculty Development
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna Wolfe, Carnegie Mellon University; Elizabeth A. Powell, Tennessee Technological University
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Educational Research and Methods
at a private, research I universitycompleted surveys asking about their perceptions of norm-referenced exams with means in the 20’svs. those with means in the 60’s.The results overwhelmingly show that students found exams with means in the 20’s—but not thosewith means in the 60’s—discouraging and as evidence of bad and uncaring teaching. Studentsreceiving an “A” for exam scores in the 30’s were unlikely to feel proud of their accomplishment andwere highly unlikely to feel that they had learned what the instructor expected. These same students,however, did feel proud when an “A” was based upon an exam score in the 80’s. Students were alsomore likely to consider cheating and were less motivated to study when the median score was in the20
Conference Session
Persistence and Retention
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey E. Froyd, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University; Manisha Tripathy, Texas A & M University; Arun R Srinivasa, Texas A&M University; Rebecca C Simon, Texas A&M University
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Educational Research and Methods
about 40%. 1028 1026 959 962 926 1117 1160 1179 1227 1196 989 1114 1164 100 90 s Enroll Calculus I t 80 P u Pass Calculus I e d C 70 r e a Enroll Calculus II c n l 60 e t c Pass Calculus II n s u t 50 l a s Enroll Multi‐ u g t 40
Conference Session
Concepts and Conceptual Knowledge
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gina Cristina Adam, University of California, Santa Barbara; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University; James M Widmann, California Polytechnic State University; Alexa Coburn, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Baheej Nabeel Saoud, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Educational Research and Methods
Might be Repaired through Inquiry Based Activities Gina C. Adam, Brian P. Self, James M. Widmann, Alexa Cobrun, Baheej N. SaoudIntroductionUndergraduate dynamics is often cited as one of the most difficult courses that engineeringstudents must take because many of the topics are in direct conflict with their perception of theworld around them. Newton‟s laws of motion are fundamental to the study of dynamics andstudents are particularly prone to having misconceptions drawn from their daily life interactionwith moving objects. An apple may fall from a tree to the ground faster than a leaf (althoughthey have the same acceleration in the absence of air resistance); two football players maycollide and the smaller
Conference Session
Assessment and Outcomes: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University; Shannon Katherine Gilmartin, Stanford University; Helen L. Chen, Stanford University; Holly M Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
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Educational Research and Methods
’ actual work has been found poor.15In light of these issues, many researchers have defined engineering retention as simply thenumber of engineering graduates who report being employed in an engineering occupation.16-21By this measure, as of 2008, an estimated 1.2 million out of 2.5 million individuals withengineering as their highest degree were retained in engineering.22 Nonetheless, an obviouslimitation of counting engineers in this way is that, unlike using degree-job relatedness, “it willnot capture individuals using S&E knowledge, sometimes extensively, under [other]occupational titles”.21 In other words, defining engineering based on occupational classificationdoes not capture the full range of career paths that engineers take.14,23
Conference Session
Faculty Development II
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Louis Nadelson, Utah State University; Kimberly Kristine Hardy, Boise State University; Dazhi Yang, Boise State University
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Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #13574I Like Therefore I Learn! Engineering Student Motivation to Learn in TheirLeast and Most Favorite CoursesDr. Louis Nadelson, Utah State University Louis S. Nadelson is an associate professor and lead researcher for the Center for the School of the Future in the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services at Utah State University. He has a BS from Colorado State University, a BA from the Evergreen State College, a MEd from Western Washington University, and a PhD in educational psychology from UNLV. His scholarly interests include all areas of STEM teaching and learning, inservice and
Conference Session
Identity and Engineering: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Gerhard Sonnert, Science Education Department, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Philip Michael Sadler, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
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Educational Research and Methods
things in nature (e.g., butterflies, rocks) Page 26.1552.5 star Observed or studied stars and other astronomical objects group Participated in science groups/clubs/camps comp Participated in science/math competition(s) nonfic Read/Watched non-fiction science Abbreviation Reported Interest/Experience scifi Read/Watched science fiction game Played computer/video games prog Wrote computer programs or designed web pages talk Talked with friends or family about scienceResults and
Conference Session
Examining Social Ties and Networks
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan C. Hilpert, Georgia Southern University; Rebecca Holliday, Georgia Southern University
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Educational Research and Methods
(1955) Hakimi (1962)). Let S = (d1 , · · · , dn ) be a finite list ofnonnegative integers that is nonincreasing. List S is graphic if and only if the finitelist S = (d2 − 1, d3 − 1, · · · , dd1 +1 − 1, dd1 +2 , · · · dn ) has nonnegative integers and isgraphic. The algorithm then follows a recursive method where the theorem is used withS = S until S = {0}. Generating Random Graphs Once we determined the classroom networks in question were graphical, we wantedto generate a random graph from the degree sequence that was likely to representthe network structure of the data. The inspiration came from a popular methodin statistics called bootstrapping. Using Havel-Hakimi Algorithm, a program waswritten in python and
Conference Session
Persistence and Retention
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yu-Yun Liu, University of Louisville; Kate E. Snyder, University of Louisville; Patricia A Ralston, University of Louisville
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Educational Research and Methods
College Student Personnel at the University of Louisville. Her research interests include understanding the role of achievement motivation in the development of academic underachievement, particularly among gifted students.Dr. Patricia A Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Louisville. Dr. Ralston teaches undergraduate engineering mathematics and is currently involved in educational research on the effective use of technology in engineering education, the incorpo- ration of critical thinking in
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan M. Hicks, University of Florida; Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida
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selective; S designates Page 26.171.3selective; HTI designates Higher transfer-in; LTI designates lower transfer-in; L4 designateslarge four-year; M4 designates medium four-year; S4 designates small four-year; NR designatesprimarily nonresidential; R designates primarily residential; and HR designates highlyresidential. Name Gender Race Major Year in Home institution school profileAnusha Female Not Mechanical Sophomore RU/VH, MU, given Engineering FT4/MS/LTI, L4/REric Male Asian
Conference Session
Faculty Development I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University; Jill K Nelson, George Mason University; Craig Lorie, George Mason University
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Educational Research and Methods
University Press, 2014).6. Clements, D. H. Curriculum research: Toward a framework for ‘Research-based Curricula’. J. Res. Math. Educ. 38, 35–70 (2007).7. Dym, C., Agogino, A., Eris, O., Frey, D. D. & Leifer, L. J. Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning. J. Eng. Educ. 94, 103–120 (2005).8. Daly, S. R., Adams, R. S. & Bodner, G. M. What does it mean to design? A qualitative investigation of design professionals’ experiences. J. Eng. Educ. 101, 187–219 (2012).9. Bannan-Ritland, B. The Role of Design in Research: The Integrative Learning Design Framework. Educ. Res. Page
Conference Session
Qualitative Methodologies
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Matthew DeMonbrun, University of Michigan; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan; Prateek Shekhar, University of Texas, Austin
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Educational Research and Methods
Page 26.1149.2difficulties, the process of analyzing ethnographic data is often one of the most difficult steps forresearchers to navigate during the research process. Much of this confusion comes from attemptsto demonstrate an understanding of what was actually observed.In their seminal book, “Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes,” Emerson, Fretz, and Shaw2 discusstechniques for writing effective fieldnotes in a variety of observational settings. They state thatfieldnotes can often be written from multiple perspectives. Using a first-person point of view,researchers are able to describe specifically what they observe or experience during the datacollection process. This is particularly useful when the researcher is a member of the group s/heis
Conference Session
Examining Social Ties and Networks
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Kristine Sheridan, University of Toronto; Penny Kinnear, University of Toronto; Greg Evans, University of Toronto; Doug Reeve, University of Toronto
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Educational Research and Methods
meeting that we video recorded. In this meeting, Team2 spent the majority of their time planning their final presentation. This was the next coursedeliverable following the meeting, and Team 2 focused heavily on creating a presentation that fitthe course requirements but was also memorable. This clip presents the first decision the teammade around their presentation structure and medium – What medium(s) should the team use toconvey their design? Seated from left to right around the table at the start of the clip shown inFigure 5-3 are: Yin, Meghan, Jing, Analyn, Zoya, and Wu.Figure 5-3
Conference Session
Faculty Development II
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill K Nelson, George Mason University; Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University
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Educational Research and Methods
focus here on the factors that influence the pedagogical choices faculty make. In particular, there is value in structuring an instructional innovation such that instructors identify the need in their own classrooms and potential mechanisms to address that need. Within this structure, instructors retain autonomy in deciding which evidence-based practice(s) will address a need in their courses without requiring infeasible levels of change. In this paper, we consider a study in which instructors participated in ongoing faculty development through which they selected and implemented an evidence-based teaching innovation in their classrooms. We focus on the factors that influence the pedagogical choices faculty make when they are given an array of
Conference Session
Self-efficacy and Emotion: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenefer Husman, Arizona State University; Katherine C Cheng, Arizona State University; Krista Puruhito, Arizona State University; Evan J Fishman, Stanford University
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Educational Research and Methods
Acknowledgements: This material is based upon work supported through a grant fromthe T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics and in part by the NationalScience Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy (DOE) under NSF CA No.EEC-1041895. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of ASU, TheSanford School, NSF or DOE.References[1] Geisinger, B., & Raman, D. (2013). Why they leave: Understanding student attrition from engineering majors. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(4), 914-925.[2] Nelson, K. G., Husman, J., Brem, S. K., Honsberg, C., & Bowden, S. (2011). Optimizing educational approaches
Conference Session
Self-efficacy and Emotion: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah E Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Philip M. Reeves, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Irene B. Mena, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Thomas A. Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Educational Research and Methods
as compared to first-year students. The lower expectation of seniorstudents suggest that engineering instructors should consider ways to engage upper level studentsin creative behaviors. Future research includes a longitudinal study to examine how creative self-concept changes in progression through the engineering curriculum.Introduction The concept of creativity has been an important research topic since the 1950’s and1960’s.1 Educators and scholars with diverse domains of expertise have studied creativity, theskills associated with creativity, and techniques to increase creativity in their respective fields.2-6However, even in the field of psychology, where the most research pertaining to the topic hasbeen produced, researchers
Conference Session
Diffusion and Adoption of Teaching Practices
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiang (Susie) Zhao, Alabama A&M University; Fayequa Majid, Alabama A&M University; V. Trent Montgomery, Alabama A&M University; Chance M Glenn Sr., Alabama A&M University; Juarine Stewart, Alabama A&M University
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Educational Research and Methods
, underrepresented minoritiescomprised 33.2 % of the U.S. college age population, 26.2 % of undergraduate enrollment, and17.7 % of those earning science and engineering (S&E) bachelor’s degrees. In graduate school,underrepresented minorities comprise 17.7 percent of overall enrollment but are awarded just14.6 % of S&E master’s and 5.4 % of S&E doctorate degrees, with a progressive loss ofrepresentation as one proceeds up the academic ladder [5].Researchers offer many explanations for the persistent achievement gaps while recognizing thatthere are many interrelated factors. They agree that family and community differences, schoolcontext, low expectations, and lack of exposure to role models, information about careeropportunities, and advanced
Conference Session
Survey and Assessment Development
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David L. Little II, Oregon State University; Kathleen Quardokus Fisher, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University; Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, Oregon State University
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Educational Research and Methods
intelligent tutoring systems and peer collaboration. In B. P. Woolf, E. Aimeur, R. Nkambou, & S. Lajoie (Eds.), Intelligent tutoring systems (pp. 636–645). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS.[6] Menekse, M., Stump, G., Krause, S., & Chi, M. T. H. (2013). Differentiated overt learning activities for effective instruction in engineering classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 102, 346–374.[7] Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415.[8] Hora, M. T., & Ferrare, J. J. (2013
Conference Session
Concepts and Conceptual Knowledge
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauren Suzanne Wallace; Floraliza Bornilla Bornasal, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University
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Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Identity and Engineering: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Renata A Revelo, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada. Page 26.629.11    [4] Meyers, K. L., Ohland, M. W., Pawley, A. L., Silliman, S. E., Smith, K. A. (2012). Factors relating to engineering identity. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 14, 119-131.[5] Tonso, K. L. (2006). Student engineers and engineer identity: Campus engineer identities as figured world. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 1, 273.[6] Camacho, M. M., & Lord, S. M. (2011). Quebrando Fronteras: Among Latino and Latina undergraduate engineers. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 10, 134-146.[7] Pew Research Center: U.S
Conference Session
Working in Teams: ERM Roundtable
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Jackson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Nathan Mentzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Angelika N Zissimopoulos, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Educational Research and Methods
technology (3rd ed.). Reston, VA: International Technology Education Association. (Original work published 2000)3. Raney, C., & Jacoby, R. (2010, Winter). Decisions by design: Stop deciding, start designing. Rotman Magazine, 34-39.4. ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Baltimore: Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Retrieved from: Crismond, D. P., & Adams, R. S. (2012). The informed design teaching and learning matrix. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(4), 738-797.6. National Academy of Engineering. (2005). Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting engineering education to the