engineering calculus course taught via synchronous broadcast at a mid-size,Western, public university. The instructional innovation required first year calculus students toparticipate in an asynchronous, online discussion forum for graded credit. Data, consisting ofwritten reflections and transcribed interviews, were gathered from three STEM faculty memberswho each played a different role in the change process: a mathematics instructor implementingthe online forum within his course; an engineering faculty peer-mentor assisting with theimplementation of the online forum; and a STEM education faculty member evaluating theimplementation and observing the process of change. Situated within the interpretive researchparadigm, this study uses exploratory
described by text or bya graphic. Application of the instrument lead us to reflect that, once the appropriation is achievedthrough the motion context, it could be easier for students to apply it without connection with areal context. It also reveals the difficulties for interpreting graphical information based on thederivative function. These findings are part of the overall results of a doctoral dissertationconcerning with the use of digital technologies for the learning of Calculus.Keywords: Calculus learning, digital technologies, linear motion, real context, mediation.BackgroundDigital technologies are important tools in our daily activities, and it looks easy to use them inclassroom to support learning. According to Hillman1, a lot of research
step-by-step instructions on how to perform the operation... Process: When an action is repeated and the individual reflects upon it, he or shecan make an internal mental construction called a process which the individual can think ofas performing the same kind of action, but no longer with the need of external stimuli... Object: An object is constructed from a process when the individual becomes awareof the process as a totality and realizes that transformations can act on it... Schema: Individuals collection of actions, processes, objects, and other schemaswhich are linked by some general principles to form a framework in individual’s mind... In APOS theory, concepts are constructed on different concepts and schemas
the development of adidactic toolkit AR_Dehaes that aim to improve spatial ability in freshmen engineering students.These authors state that spatial ability is something that cannot be taught but instead needstraining (development and improvement). Within these considerations, testing of tool promise itsrelease.Our perspective in Mathematics Education, always grounded in the classroom as a collegeteachers, makes us aware of the difficulties when dealing with spatial visualization. The teachingof solids of revolution in Calculus II has been a crucial issue in this reflection. When teaching inCalculus I the graphs of functions of a single real variable, graphs visualization stays in a 2Dplane perception. These curves, compelled in 2D, could be
levelwhich significantly exceeded the fall, 2013 female STEM enrollment figure (26.5%). In addition,13.4% of awards went to underrepresented minority students. These also significantly exceededthe fall, 2013 URM STEM enrollment figures which reflect a student body consisting of 9.2%URM. When awards were evaluated in terms of student enrollment category we found that 40%of awards went to first-time, full-time students, 28% went to transfer students, 22% to returningstudents and 10% to second degree seeking students.When the retention of FTFT students who received awards was examined, we found that 71.4%of awardees were retained in STEM one year later, and 81.6% were retained here in any major.This favorably compares with STEM FTFT retention figures
operation... • When an action is repeated and the individual reflects upon it, he or she can make an internal mental construction called a process which the individual can think of as performing the same kind of action, but no longer with the need of external stimuli... • An object is constructed from a process when the individual becomes aware of the process as a totality and realizes that transformations can act on it... • A schema is a ... individuals’ collection of actions, processes, objects, and other schemas which are linked by some general principles to form a framework in individual’s mind...In this theory, every concept can be constructed on different concepts and schemas. For example,if a researcher
Schuster1). Precollege characteristics - like high school grade pointaverages - as well as university entrance exams have, in general, turned out to be usefulpredictors of student retention.A prior investigation of the drop-out probability at the engineering department of ouruniversity (Andreeva-Moschen2) clearly showed that the university entry scores can be usedto identify groups of students at higher risk of failure. It also turned out that the probabilitydistribution for student drop-out depends on the type of high school the students graduatedfrom, namely secondary colleges of engineering or traditional high schools. Interestingly, theuniversity entry score distribution does not reflect any differences in this respect, which might
Page 26.355.4with a curriculum about enhancing teaching and learning and with frequent seminars andactivities that provide learning, development, the scholarship of teaching, and communitybuilding.”4, p. 8 As described in the literature, these groups generally draw faculty from multipledisciplines. The underlying logic of using an FLC to promote faculty change is that“undergraduate instruction will be changed by groups of instructors who support and sustaineach other’s interest, learning, and reflection on their teaching.”6 Indeed, studies have shown thatfaculty participation in FLCs increases interest in the teaching process, enhances understandingand influence of the scholarship of teaching and learning, increases reflective practice
these examples, bearing in mind the initial differences in their programmingproficiency. Their use was still found stimulating.Rationale for the study – The context of mathematics in engineering educationDesigning engineering education with mathematics and physics in the first two years of theprogram is not a law of nature. 4 It can hardly be argued that abstract mathematics is taught in theinitial stages of programs for pedagogical reasons. Rather, such a design reflects a Tayloristicview of industrial production transferred to education where context-free bits and pieces aredispensed by specialists to be assembled to a coherent whole in the end. 5 Most engineeringteachers claim that they need to build on a ”solid” mathematics and science base
completed by Schunn and Patchan3 and Knewton.4 This paper willinclude one specific university’s approach to revising college algebra using multipleinterventions including AL technology delivered using Intellipath™ within its online courses.This research includes work that began in the fall of 2012 (October term), and the resultspresented reflect 13 terms (each term equals one five-and-a-half-week session, two sessions in aquarter, eight total terms per year, equaling four quarters) of data (2,000 students). The results ofthis CTU’s approach to college algebra indicate many improvements including a reduction instudent failure and withdraw rates. Student success in college algebra has been a concern for educators for many years. In2002
Page 26.302.2disciplinary skills. In particular, we highlight part of a report [2] which aims to develop theglobal dimension in shaping the future engineer and highlights the need and importance of theseskills in several areas.Generic Skills from [2]: 1. holistic thinking, critical enquiry, analysis and reflection 2. active learning and practical application 3. self-awareness and empathy 4. strong communication and listening skillsHence, the need to develop holistic thinking as an important skill for students and future citizensof the 21st century appears explicitly. Based on this request –to train students from basiceducation in this area- we decided to explore this part. Holistic thinking is also related toSystems Thinking