that detracts from our primary focus. The full integration of STEM is an interesting model, but I am not convinced that it's going to serve all kids well. Maybe the current science curriculum is not either, but I feel more effective teaching science than teaching engineering.”The theme of interdisciplinary integration was echoed by several teachers. From a middle schoolmath teacher in Suburban Washington: “Teaching engineering is the closest I've come to interdisciplinary study. Generally students study a social issue, like the world water crisis. They learn about it from the social studies viewpoint (poverty, economies, governments) and they write a paper for Language Arts and Science addressing the
) writing and using instructional objectives, (b)adopting active learning strategies, and (c) effective use of diagnostic, formative, and summativeassessments. Pre and post assessment of participants’ conception of teaching was captured by a20 question multiple-choice instrument that included demographic material (pre) and courseevaluation (post) as appropriate. Item categories on the instrument were drawn from Bransford’sHow People Learn (HPL) framework 1, a framework that is acknowledged as a practical way oforganizing what we know about teaching and learning today. Participant responses wereaggregated into four categories that derive from this framework (learner, knowledge, assessment,and community) and investigate how teaching methods
scholarly publications in journals, books, and conferences, 60 presentations at national and international events, and $4M in external funding for research, development and technology transfer. In addition, he has supervised ap- proximately 60 research students on Ph.D., M.S, B.S., and other research and development projects. Dr. Schaefer is a registered Professional Engineer in Europe (Eur Ing), a Chartered Engineering (CEng), a Chartered IT Professional (CITP), and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in the UK, as well as registered International Engineering Educator (Ing-Paed IGIP). From 2013 to 2014 he served as IGIP’s Founding President for the US region. Dr. Schaefer serves as a peer reviewer for approx
)estimate that there were only 45 MOOC-related peer-reviewed articles from 2008 (the year theterm “MOOC” was coined) to 2012, with most of the articles published in 2012.7 They note that“peer-reviewed research literature on [MOOCs] is growing but still limited.” More recently,Hollands and Tirthali (2014) interviewed 83 administrators, faculty members, researchers, andother people from 62 different institutions who are engaged in MOOCs or online learning.1 Theyreport the “actual impact on educational outcomes [on MOOC participants] has not beendocumented in any rigorous fashion” and it is difficult to isolate and measure the impact ofMOOCs on the university brand. Hollands and Tirthali estimate the total cost of developing anddelivering a typical
Paper ID #13219Does it stick? - Investigating long-term retention of conceptual knowledge inmechanics instructionJulie Direnga, Hamburg University of Technology Julie Direnga studied General Engineering Science at Hamburg University of Technology in Hamburg, Germany from 2006 to 2010. Specializing in the field of mechatronics, she received a M.Sc. degree in 2014. Since March 2014, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in Engineering Education Research at the same institution.Mr. Bradley Presentati, Hamburg University of Technology Bradley Presentati completed a B.A. in English literature with an emphasis on creative writing in 2006 at
. Limited research studies involve rigorous assessments of the effects of CSA moduleson students’ learning and problem solving15, 16.It has become a widespread practice to use computer-based tools to enhance learning. However,using computers just for the sake of using computers or to appear “modern” can be adisadvantage to teaching engineering mechanics. In spite of significant progress in computer-assisted teaching, most students need to draw free-body diagrams and then write equilibriumequations, kinematic constraints, etc., to grasp different concepts of engineering mechanics. Forthis reason, the most successful methods, such as computer-aided instruction problems andinteractive computer tutorials, are an augmentation of the traditional context7
of this critical year in undergraduate engineeringeducation is warranted, and advocate for a new perspective in analyzing the social and culturalenvironments of gateway engineering mathematics courses of the sophomore year - specificallyCalculus 3 for Engineers and Differential Equations & Linear Algebra. Our study seeks toidentify how students connect to various resources, peers, and content and to what effect as theynavigate the curriculum of these high-stakes prerequisites for subsequent major-specificcoursework. We study ethnographically the experiences of undergraduate students, graduatestudent teaching assistants, and faculty instructional staff as they traverse these courses, in orderto map out the social and cultural terrain upon
how the student narratives spoke to these two questions: 1)How is SUSTAIN different than the traditional course experience? and 2) How did SUSTAINaffect you?In their interviews, students reported that SUSTAIN SLO was different than traditionalexperiences as it included 1) open assignments and structure, 2) a new look at education andlearning, 3) different relationship with faculty and peers, 4) a recognition of the importance ofspace to be yourself, and 5) significant collaboration and team building. As for the impact ofthese differences, students reported 1) increased capacity for personal reflection, 2) a new senseof ownership in education, 3) a discovery of internal motivation and the joy of learning, and 4)deepened friendships that led to
grants in both the public and private sectors, and served as an external reviewer for doctoral dissertations outside the U.S. She publishes regularly in peer-reviewed journals and books. Dr. Husman was a founding member and first President of the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education and has held both elected and appointed offices in the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Motivation Special Interest Group of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Page 26.50.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 A group
Coll Univ. 2013.5. Brownell JE, Swaner LE. High-Impact Practices: Applying the Learning Outcomes Literature to the Development of Successful Campus Programs. PEER Rev. 2009.6. Kuh GD. High-Impact Educational Practices: What they are, who has access to them, and why they matter. Assoc Am Coll Univ. 2008.7. Wenzel T. Definition of Undergraduate Research. Counc Undergrad Res Q. 1997;17.8. Laursen S, Hunter A, Seymour E, Thiry H, Melton G. What is Known About the Student Outcomes of Undergraduate Research? In: Undergraduate Research in the Sciences: Engaging Students in Real Science. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc; 2010.9. Pajares F. Self-efficacy beliefs, motivation, and achievement in writing: A
Ph.D. in Me- chanical Engineering (Design Thinking) from Stanford University. Dr. Lande is the PI on the NSF-funded project ”Should Makers Be the Engineers of the Future” and a co-PI on the NSF-funded project ”Might Young Makers Be the Engineers of the Future?”Ms. Amy Elizabeth Bumbaco, University of Florida Amy Bumbaco is a PhD candidate in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at University of Florida, USA. She is working on engineering education research as her focus. Her current research interests include first year engineering education, critical thinking, qualitative methodologies, and peer review. She received her BS in Materials Science and Engineering at Virginia Tech. She founded an
modeling and simula- tion, dynamic modeling of physical systems, and STEM education. She has published 20 peer-reviewed publications in these areas, and her research has been funded by the NSF, AFRL, and LA-BOR. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the American Control Conference and the Conference on Decision and Control, two premier conferences in the controls community. She is a member of the IEEE, SIAM, and ASEE.Dr. Paul Hummel, Louisiana Tech University Paul Hummel is a lecturer in the Electrical Engineering department at Louisiana Tech University. He has a BS in Engineering with a Computer concentration from LeTourneau University and a PhD in Engineering with an emphasis on Microelectronics from
. Amelink et al. (5), innovative thinking skills include: a)critical thinking and effective generation of new ideas, b) application and integrationof science/engineering content knowledge, c) ability to organize newinformation/ideas/products articulately, d) ability to communicate ideas to peers andothers, effective use of technology/tool selection in design process, e) complex Page 26.261.2thinking process that transforms a creative idea into useful services/products,potential for prototyping/commercialization. The program discussed here has beendeveloped to promote innovation with focus on the following learning outcomes:Understanding of Design (a thru e
andmagnets to illustrate applications of different interest factors, One Minute paper, Muddiest Pointpaper, think-pair-share, individual and group problem solving, assigned reading, daily individualand team quizzes, daily assignment, daily presentations of homework by the peers, exams linkedto the learning objectives and a number of other techniques. Many of these ideas are derivedfrom best practices presented as part of a Mini-ExCEEd Teaching Workshop at our institutionconducted by our Dean for new faculty3,4. Page 26.377.3After the course learning objectives were articulated and assessment questions regarding thelearning objectives were devised5
males. The second offering, which occurred September to December of 2013, enrolled fivestudents, including three females and two males.Given the range of course experience and potentially non-academic design experience that waspossible in a course like this, the materials and activities were designed to be meaningful andrelevant to all students, and thus to be useful while navigating both college and professionalexperiences. Students who participated in the research groups developed a representation of theirown design process based on the activities described below, and had the opportunity to reflect onhow these activities could be integrated into a personal vision of design both individually and viainteractions with their peers in the research
engineering at VT since 2007. This site has 66 alumni from all over the United States to date. He collaborated with his colleagues to implement a study abroad Page 26.1767.1 project (2007-12), funded under the US-Brazil Higher Education Program of the U.S. Department of Edu- cation, at VT. He has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He has advised 5 PhD and 10 MS students to completion and is advising 5 PhD and 1 MS students currently. In 2011, he was awarded the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) International Division’s Global c American
in Science" camps (survey respondents ranged from 8 to 32 per camp with median = 21); • 9 "Solar System Adventures" camps (survey respondents ranged from 13 to 25 per camp with median=19); • 7 "Engineering" camps (survey respondents ranged from 12 to 25 per camp with median =23); Page 26.9.7 • 1 "Robotics" camp (survey respondents were 15 girls); and • 7 "Rocketry" camps (survey respondents ranged from 9 to 28 per camp with median =21). NASA Theme Activities Students Identified As Their "Favorite”Camp Name Number writing a description Number of different Most popular
observe 21. Students are told to write down their observations and share their thoughts withthe class. Because no wrong answer exists, all plausible observations are respected. However,students are encouraged to critique the observations of their peers and propose alternativesolutions based on the class discussion. The professor does not lecture on the topic. Instead, thestudents are the main contributors to learning while the professor gently guides the investigativeclass discussion following a prepared script. A lesson script example can be seen in 21. Asstudents begin to ask more questions, a more detailed analysis is achieved. While this particularexample is focused on biology, the inquiry-based learning module can be modified to address
ideas with peers, instructors, and computer administrators. Students discover that this team-based project with training interpersonal skills provides students with more communication opportunities. There are plenty of team meetings, in which students discuss a variety of algorithm development, software design and system integration aspects of this project. Students realize that this student-centered, research-featured, team-interactive and instructor-facilitated learning atmosphere is remarkably helpful for engineering leaning experience of student research. Students recognize that this multi-stage project encourages their full involvement to conduct
students with deadlines allowing for development ofstudent project and time management skills. Peer and self evaluations were due at the end of thesemester providing students with the opportunity to assess how they perceived each groupmember performed throughout the course. Group evaluations focused on teamwork and groupcommunication during the semester.Project updates were given by student teams bimonthly, totaling six updates, throughout thesemester allowing students the opportunity to develop their oral skills. Project updates were fiveminute presentations covering the team’s progress and the next tasks the teams would addressregarding the proposed upgrades to the WWTP. Project updates were given to faculty membersin a conference room setting
DiscussionSignificant differences were found in male and female engineering students’ indicated out-of-school interests or experiences during grades 9-12 of high school (Table 2). More male studentsreported tinkering with mechanical or electrical devices, reading or watching science fiction,playing computer/video games, and writing computer programs or designing web pages. Morefemale students reported interacting with the natural world and participating in sciencegroups/clubs/camps. There were no significant differences by gender in engaging withchemistry, taking care of animals, participating in science/math competitions, reading orwatching non-fiction science, and talking with friends or family about science. Many math andscience competitions or programs
. Algorithmic Thinking & Programming Appropriate documentation of the design and use of high level Use top-down design, and refinement to descriptions of the solution before writing code (e.g use of develop algorithms flowcharts). Selection of computational tools (e.g., Selection of the most appropriate computational tool to implement programming language, software the best solution. functions or features). Limitations of Information Technology Estimating of inputs and outputs Estimating of
Purdue Universities and a member of Tau Beta Pi.Dr. Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Paper ID #11853Matthew W. Ohland is Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. He has degrees fromSwarthmore College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Florida. His research on thelongitudinal study of engineering students, team assignment, peer evaluation, and active and collaborativeteaching methods has been supported by over $14.5 million from the National Science Foundation andthe Sloan Foundation and his team received Best Paper awards from the
involve small system design, signal processing, and intelligent instrumentation.Dr. Ying Yu, University of Hartford Dr. Ying Yu received her B.Eng. from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2000. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Brown University, R.I., USA, in 2003 and 2007, respec- tively. Currently, she is teaching as an associate professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Hartford. Her current research interests are audio and speech signal processing, acoustic scene classification, speaker identification and verification, promoting diversity and inclusion in the academic environment, and teaching with new educational methods, including peer
)Students pair with one designed as the explainer and the other as the questioner. The explainersoutline the assignment goal (solve case studies, complex problems, or interpret text) and thenbegin detailed descriptions of how they should work on the assignment. The questioners listenand can also ask questions. At a given point, the students reverse roles and the process continuesuntil the assignment is concluded.16 Page 26.1372.4ii. Think-Pair-ShareThe instructor poses a problem and has the students think about it individually for a short time.The thinking time can also be used to write the response. The students then form pairs and sharetheir
guest instructors duringlunch. As a culminating end-of-camp activity, students worked in teams to design solutions tocurrent problems in global health and presented their projects to peers and guests.Students provided both quantitative and qualitative assessment of the camp through pre- andpost-camp surveys. Student assessment data indicate that the camp was effective in increasingstudents’ self-assessed knowledge about science and engineering and the bioengineering field,and the camp increased the participants’ desire to attend college at the host institution in thefuture. Students enjoyed the team project of designing a solution to a problem in global health.As student assessment indicates that the camp was an enjoyable and effective
second part. This structure did not allow for an effective way ofcomparing the tools between Excel and Matlab. Currently, the class is taught by topics. Inaddition, the assignments were modified to follow the new structure. Problems are taken fromeach book and then combined so students can follow the same methodology as in the class. Thenext change was to modify the method of homework collection. Initially, homework wascollected via email and the student received feedback in writing. It was observed that in manycases that the student neither reviewed their errors nor the provided feedback. Now theassignments are revised by the instructor in each student’s computer which allows immediatefeedback. The final change was to modify the classroom
collaborative learning with peers and others through one or more of the following: working cooperatively with other students in class, observing and participating in the contemporary ramifications of various types of civic life or civic discourse, or working with civic organizations beyond the walls of the University.At most universities, the path to meet the civic engagement requirement is often found inservice-learning or community service programs organized in the social science or humanitiesdepartments. However, as a profession, engineering has incredible potential to promote andimprove the quality of life for both individuals and communities. Further, engineering projectsare required to meet codes, standards, and
like Brython,, Cloud 9, and Python Anywhere. Theseapplications allow users to program and compile in the browser1. Using SaaS applications makesthem accessible from various devices.2.2. Overview of the expected impactThere are several advantages of Cloud Computing: powerful computing and storage capacity,high availability, high security, and virtualization. The major advantage is it provides easy accessto software and does not require specialized knowledge to use, making it a great benefit forteachers in classrooms.In the standard classroom, professors conduct lectures, train students in a skill, and provide workassignments and feedback on those assignments. The students generally work alone, occasionallyinteracting with peers and
should be learner-‐centered. In addition, it is well established that assessment should be integrated into the learning process1. In-‐class assessments, such as peer teaching, minute papers, muddiest-‐point exercises, and other classroom-‐based assessments 2, can give insights into student progress. Computer technology can further integrate assessment into the learning process by offering students individualized, timely help and feedback, which is known to be beneficial 3-‐5. One effort to embed such individualized assessment into learning materials for an entire engineering subject has been the Open Learning Initiative Engineering Staticscourse. The OLI