conceptual change and situated cognition. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2010 and is working on a study to characterize practicing engineers’ understand- ings of core engineering concepts.Dr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and devel- oping new course materials and classroom approaches. Drawing upon methods of
particular attention to the ways the produce knowledge and the role of mathematical modeling.Dr. Bethany S. Fralick, University of South Carolina, Aiken Dr. Fralick is an Assistant Professor of Engineering in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of South Carolina Aiken in Aiken, SC. She received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Carolina College of Engineering and Computing. Page 26.1344.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Revisiting Graphical StaticsIntroductionUp until the 1950's, a
Paper ID #11554Student Development of a Five kW Solar Furnace for Solar Thermal Chem-istry ResearchDr. Gregory Scott Duncan, Valparaiso University G. Scott Duncan is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Valparaiso University. He re- ceived a BSME (1990) from Purdue University and Ph.D (2006) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida. His research has focused on the development of systems and components for the area of concentrated solar thermal chemistry.Dr. Shahin S. Nudehi, Valparaiso University Professor Nudehi received a Bachelor degree and a Master degree in Mechanical Engineering from
- ing practices in design education, the effects of differing design pedagogies on retention and motivation, the dynamics of cross-disciplinary collaboration in both academic and industry design environments, and gender and identity in engineering.Ms. Courtney S Smith, Virginia Tech Courtney S. Smith is a PhD candidate in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Her research interests span the mentoring experiences of African American women in engineering, campus climate and best practices for diversity and inclusion in the STEM classroom. Page 26.1425.1 c American Society for
. Amanda S. Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder Amanda S. Parker is the Director of Access and Recruiting at the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. She holds a B.S. in chemical engineering and is a graduate student in the Engineering Management Program at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her interests are in broadening participation in engineering.Beth A Myers, University of Colorado Boulder Beth A. Myers is the engineering assessment specialist for the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program at the University of Colorado Boulder. She holds a BA in biochemistry, ME in engineering management and is currently a PhD candidate studying engineering education at the
Paper ID #11456Badging Your Way to Information LiteracyMr. Michael Fosmire, Purdue University, West Lafayette Michael Fosmire is Professor of Library Science and Head, Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technol- ogy Division of the Purdue University Libraries.Prof. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette Amy S. Van Epps is an associate professor of Library Science and Engineering Librarian at Purdue Uni- versity. She has extensive experience providing instruction for engineering and technology students, including Purdue’s first-year engineering program. Her research interests include finding effective meth
Psychology (minor in International Studies) from The Ohio State University. His research interests lie at the intersection of three primary topics: (a) diverse student populations, (b) educational environments and (c) the social-psychological impact of college on students.Trevion S Henderson, The Ohio State University Trevion Henderson is a master’s student in the Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program at The Ohio State University and a Graduate Research Associate for the Center for Higher Education Enterprise (CHEE). He most recently served as an Undergraduate Research Assistant for Dr. Terrell L. Strayhorn in the Ohio State College of Education and Human Ecology’s Center for Inclusion, Diversity, and
. Daniel A Kaczmarek, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Daniel Kaczmarek is a junior at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, pursuing a dual degree in Mechanical Engineering and Design, Innovation and Society. Daniel is interested in showing young students the career opportunities in the STEM fields, especially those in advanced manufacturing.Ms. Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Ms. Herkenham is the K-13 Education Outreach Director of the School of Engineering (SoE) at Rensse- laer Polytechnic Institute. Her responsibilities includes managing the Pre-College educational programs for the NSF funded Smart Lighting Engineering Research Center (ERC), CURENT ERC, and faculty- driven Broader Impact
Paper ID #12078Video-Annotated Peer Review (VAPR): Considerations for Development andImplementationMs. Lisa K Davids, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona BeachDr. James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona BeachDr. Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Yosef Allam is an Assistant Professor in the Freshman Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University. He graduated from The Ohio State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education. Dr. Allam’s interests are in spatial visu- alization, the use
and apply a design process to their work. He is interested in the intersection of designerly epistemic identities and vocational pathways. Dr. Lande received his B.S in Engineering (Product Design), M.A. in Education (Learning, Design and Technology) and Ph.D. in Me- chanical Engineering (Design Thinking) from Stanford University. Dr. Lande is the PI on the NSF-funded project ”Should Makers Be the Engineers of the Future” and a co-PI on the NSF-funded project ”Might Young Makers Be the Engineers of the Future?”Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He
over sixty publications in peer reviewed conference and journals and she was member, PI or CO-PI of several multidisciplinary research grants, sponsored by the European Union, NSF and industry. She is an IEEE member and chair of IEEE WIE, Long Island section.Mr. Clint S Cole, Digilent, Inc.Prof. Mircea Alexandru Dabacan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Studies: 1979-1984: five year engineering program at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytechnic Institute in Cluj-Napoca. 1998: PhD in Electron- ics,Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Professional Experience: 1984-1986: Design Engineer at IEIA Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1986-1991: Research Engineer at IPA Cluj
Paper ID #12684General Engineering Plus: Creating Community in a Flexible yet TechnicalEngineering DegreeDr. Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Malinda Zarske is the Engineering Master Teacher for the General Engineering Plus program at the Uni- versity of Colorado Boulder. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching secondary science from the Johns Hopkins University and in civil engi- neering from CU-Boulder. Dr. Zarske teaches engineering design in First-Year Engineering Projects and Engineering Projects for the Community, a sophomore-level course
institutional development through engineering education research.Ms. S. Zahra Atiq, Purdue University S. Zahra Atiq is a first-year PhD student at the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore - Pakistan. Her research interests include: computer science education specifically on teach- ing computer programming to undergraduates and how to improve their learning experiences. She is also interested in looking at studying student behavior and performance in online learning environments specifically MOOCs.Dr. Stephen R Hoffmann, Purdue University, West Lafayette Stephen R. Hoffmann is the Assistant Head of the
. His research is in nonlinear vibrations as it applies to structural health monitoring, and assistive technology. He is currently working on grants related to teaching in STEM fields and laboratory curricular development and is active in developing international research opportunities for undergraduates.Dr. Deborah S Munro, University of Portland Deborah is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and teaches statics, strength of materials, finite element analysis, biomechanics, automated manufacturing, CAD, and capstone design. She spent multiple years in the orthopedic medical device industry prior to joining academia.Dr. Shazib Z Vijlee, University of Portland Dr. Shazib ”Shaz” Vijlee earned BS and MS
Paper ID #14107A DESCRIPTION OF THE STATISTICS BEHIND ANALYZING PERFOR-MANCE DATA: A Five-Year Study of an Summer Bridge Program for In-coming URM FreshmanDr. Carol S Stwalley P.E., Purdue University, West Lafayette Dr. Carol S. Stwalley, PE joined the Minority Engineering Program team in the fall of 2007 as Recruitment and Retention Analyst. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Biological Engineering (ABE), MSABE, and PhD ABE from Purdue University. Carol has more than 14 years in diversity work with considerable background working with the Women in Engineering Programs at Purdue. In her current capacity
design engineer for four years and as a teacher of math, physics, and engineering for eleven years. He was involved with the NSF GK-12 program at Drexel University for four years. Ueda has been awarded Delaware Valley Science Teacher of the Year (2013), Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award (2013), and Philadelphia Geek of the Year (2013).Jessica S Ward, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.) Jessica S Ward has over 9 years of Engineering Education experience and is currently the Director of Operations for the DragonsTeach program supported by the National Math and Science Initiative and UTeach Institute and serves as the National Science Foundation STEM GK-12 Program Manager at Drexel University.Dr. Adam K
Paper ID #12881A Transdisciplinary Approach for Developing Effective Communication Skillsin a First Year STEM SeminarDr. Jeffrey J Evans, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeffrey J. Evans received his BS from Purdue University and his MS and PhD in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology. His research interests are in artificial intelligence for music composition and performance and adaptive computing systems, focusing on the effects of subsystem interactions on application performance. He is a member of the ASEE, ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE.Prof. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West
Paper ID #12471African American Women in the Academe: A Comprehensive Literature Re-view through the lens of IntersectionalityMrs. Monique S Ross, Purdue University, West Lafayette A first year Engineering Education doctoral student at Purdue University.Ms. Trina L Fletcher, Purdue University, West Lafayette Trina Fletcher is an Engineering Education doctoral student at Purdue University. Her research focus includes process excellence and total quality management (TQM) methodologies as a way to improve engineering related activities within industry and education. She is also interested in research around recruiting and
B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. McKenna is also a Senior Associate Editor for the Journal of Engineering Education.Dr. Jeremi S London, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus Dr. Jeremi London is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Arizona State University. She holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education, all from Purdue University. Prior to her PhD, she worked in quality assurance and logistics roles at Anheuser-Busch and GE Health- care, where she was responsible for ensuring consistency across processes and compliance with federal regulations. For four
Paper ID #12083Enacting Video-Annotated Peer Review (VAPR) of Faculty in a First-YearEngineering DepartmentDr. James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona BeachDr. Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Yosef Allam is an Assistant Professor in the Freshman Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University. He graduated from The Ohio State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education. Dr. Allam’s interests are in spatial visu- alization, the use of learning management systems for large-sample
Paper ID #12915Learning from Toy Makers in the Field to Inform Teaching Engineering De-sign in the ClassroomMs. Chrissy Hobson Foster, Arizona State University Chrissy Foster is a Ph.D. candidate in Engineering Education at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University. Her dissertation study explores the approaches to technical innovation within Native American communities.Matthew Dickens, Arizona State UniversityDr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State
Paper ID #11795The Development Process towards achieving a Framework for IncorporatingVirtual Teams into Projects in Engineering CoursesDr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, California State University, Northridge Dr. S. Jimmy Gandhi is an assistant professor at California State University, Northridge. His research interests and the courses he teaches includes Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, Innovation & Entrepreneurship,Sustainability as well as research in the field of Engineering Education. He has over 30 conference and journal publications and has brought in over $500K in research grants to The California State University
Paper ID #11710Undergraduate Students’ Materials Science and Engineering Self-Efficacy:Assessment and ImplicationsProf. Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University M. Kennedy is an Associate Professor within the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Clemson University. Her research group focuses on mechanical and tribological characterization of thin films, coatings and biological systems. She also contributes to the engineering education community through her research on self-efficacy and undergraduate research programs.Dr. Natasha Mamaril, University of Kentucky Natasha Mamaril is currently the Coordinator of
the Graduate Teaching Fellowship from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Departmental Doctoral and Masters Awards in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, and the R.C. Edwards Graduate Recruiting Fellowship from Clemson Univer- sity. Dr. Caldwell is a member of ASME and Pi Tau Sigma.Dr. Michael Helms, Georgia Institute of TechnologyDr. Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is an Assistant Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas. Her research area is design cognition including systematic methods and tools
Paper ID #12527Refinement and Dissemination of a Digital Platform for Sharing Transporta-tion Education MaterialsAllie S Peters, Oregon State UniversityDr. Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University Shane Brown is an associate professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Oregon State University. His research interests include conceptual change and situated cognition. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2010 and is working on a study to characterize practicing engineers’ understand- ings of core engineering concepts.Dr. Kevin Chang P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow Kevin Chang, Ph.D., P.E., is an
conferences and published The Journal of Electronic Commerce. He was also a Vice President at the First National Bank of Chicago, where he founded and managed the bank’s market leading professional Cash Management Consulting Group, initiated the bank’s non credit service product management organization and profit center profitability programs and was in- strumental in the breakthrough EDI/EFT payment system implemented by General Motors. Dr. Ferguson is a graduate of Notre Dame, Stanford and Purdue Universities and a member of Tau Beta Pi.Dr. Sridhar S. Condoor, Saint Louis University, Parks College of Eng. Page
Department of Materials Science and Engineering D. R. Economy is currently a doctoral candidate within the Clemson University Department of Materials Science & Engineering and completed his certificate in Engineering & Science Education in 2013. He has completed his M.S. in Materials Science & Engineering and B.S. in Ceramic & Materials Engineering both at Clemson University. His current research interests include reliability of metallic coatings, small- scale mechanics in multicomponent systems, and student motivation in engineering classrooms.Prof. Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University M.S. Kennedy is an Associate Professor within the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Clemson
Paper ID #12230Spatial Visualization Skills Intervention for First Year Engineering Students:Everyone’s a Winner!Dr. S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University S. Patrick Walton received his B.ChE. from Georgia Tech, where he began his biomedical research career in the Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. He then attended MIT where he earned his M.S. and Sc.D. while working jointly with researchers at the Shriners Burns Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. While at MIT, he was awarded a Shell Foundation Fellowship and was an NIH biotechnology Predoctoral Trainee. Upon completion of his doctoral studies, he
Paper ID #13141Artifact Elicitation as a Method of Qualitative Inquiry in Engineering Edu-cationDr. Elliot P. Douglas, University of Florida Elliot P. Douglas is Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Dean’s Fellow for Engi- neering Education, and Distinguished Teaching Scholar at the University of Florida. His research interests are in the areas of active learning pedagogies, problem-solving, critical thinking, diversity in engineering, and qualitative methodologies.Dr. Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in
Excellence (ELITE).Mr. John S Small, Texas A&M University at Qatar Page 26.306.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Building Human Capacity to Meet Demand for Engineers and Scientists in the Middle East and North Africa (other) Abstract Several countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have been investing significantly in the past two decades to promote and attract young and upcoming talent to pursue professions in science, technology, engineering, and