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Displaying results 991 - 1020 of 1411 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan L. Murray, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Julie Phelps, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Kelly L. Jones
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
ablended format and was the first semester in the MS program for all of the students. This limitedtheir prior knowledge and expectations for the blended class structure. All of the other classes inthe students’ degree program were in a traditional face-to-face format.The class used for this educational research project is a required course in operationsmanagement in the Engineering Management Master’s Degree at Missouri University of Scienceand Technology (Missouri S&T). The class is typically taught multiple times a year, both face-to-face and live streaming over the Internet for distance students. The Engineering ManagementMaster’s Degree is a “broadening” degree. Students enter the program with a BS degree inalmost any engineering and
Conference Session
Curriculum in Engineering Leadership Development
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clinton Stephens, Iowa State University; Katherine Lynn Friesen, College of Engineering, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division
leadership development within existingengineering curriculum. As more schools of engineering add leadership education this contributeto doing so in ways that make leadership education more accessible to more engineeringstudents. This will be necessary as graduates will need these skills to complement their technicalskills in order to be successful in industry.     References  Guthrie,  K.  L.,  Jones,  T.  B.,  Osteen,  L.  K.,  &  Hu,  S.  (2013).  Cultivating  Leader  Identity  and   Capacity  in  Students  from  Diverse  Backgrounds:  ASHE  Higher  Education  Report,  39:4.   Hoboken,  NJ:  Wiley.  Guthrie,  K.  L.,  &  Osteen,  L.  K
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies: Bring-Your-Own-Experiments 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Harry Courtney Powell, University of Virginia; Joanne Bechta Dugan, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
]. [cited 2014 Dec 1]. Available from: Welcome to Ohio Art | Ohio Art [Internet]. [cited 2015 Jan 31]. Available from: RS-485 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Internet]. [cited 2014 Dec 1]. Available from: NI myRIO - National Instruments [Internet]. [cited 2014 Jan 4]. Available from: iRobot: iRobot Create® Programmable Robot [Internet]. [cited 2015 Mar 12]. Available from: robot/family.jsp?categoryId=2591511&s=A-ProductAge&gclid=CLr78f_Fo8QCFeXm7AodZjsA3g9. Adafruit RGB Matrix HAT + RTC for Raspberry Pi - Mini Kit
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 16: That Important Decision - Which Engineering Major?
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Frank Blubaugh, Purdue University; Joyce B. Main, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
 national anthem, or political campaign songs showing solidarity with a particular candidate. Withthe extension of the cultural identity of particular songs and the association of genres withbehaviors,24 the links between personality, values, and grouping behavior related to musicalpreference suggest that there may be a relationship between musical preference and majorchoice. The perceived cultural differences between engineering disciplines25 and the factors ofpersonal interest and social pressures on engineering discipline choice26 may also extend thisrelationship towards the choice of an engineering discipline. Therefore, we explore whether apreference for a particular musical genre(s) correlates with the selection of a particularengineering
Conference Session
Design as a Social Process: Teams and Organizations
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carlye Anne Lauff, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daria A Kotys-Schwartz, University of Colorado Boulder; Kevin O'Connor, University of Colorado Boulder ; Mark Rentschler, University of Colorado at Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Conference Session
Visualization Within Engineering Design Graphics Education Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monika Herrmann, University of Wisconsin, Stout
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
this point no concluding remarks can be shared. The expectation is that the quantitative datacollection allows comparative insight into students’ perception of their abilities and skills prior tostarting the course and after completion of the course. Data derived from the quality assessmentof sketch exercises will reflect students’ actual performance. The conclusion will demonstrate ifstudents’ perception of their abilities and their actual performance are in correlation.Bibliographic Information 1. Trolian, T. L., & Fouts, K. S. (2011). No Child Left Behind: Implications for college student learning. About Campus, 16(3), 2-7. doi:10.1002/abc.20061
Conference Session
Communication Across the Divisions I: Communication in Engineering Disciplines
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyssa Catherine Taylor, University of Washington; Stephanie Pulford, Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
of their qualitative experiences and translate that meaning intodesign. Future work will include designing a larger constellation of these communication designlearning experiences for students during their senior capstone.Bibliography1. Sheridan, K. M. Envision and Observe: Using the Studio Thinking Framework for Learning and Teaching in Digital Arts. Mind, Brain, Educ. 5, 19–26 (2011).2. Hetland, L., Winner, E., Veenema, S. & Sheridan, K. M. Studio Thinking 2: The Real Benefits Of Studio Art Education. 164 (Teachers College Press, 2013).3. Sandell, R., Education, A., Burton, J. M. & Beudert, L. What Excellent Visual Arts Teaching Looks Like. Advocacy White Pap. Art Educ. (2009).4. Percy, C. critical
Conference Session
Explorations in Mechanics Pedagogy
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William Graves P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Young Hwan Chun, U.S. Military Academy; James Ledlie Klosky P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Brock E. Barry P.E., U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
., “Schemas versus mental models in human memory,” In Modelling Cognition edited by P. Morris, Wiley, NewYork, pp. 187-197, 19873. Katona, G., 1901-1981. Organizing and memorizing; studies in the psychology of learning and teaching, New York, Columbia university press, 1940.4. Davis, K., Improving Motivation and Knowledge Retention with Repeatable Low-Stakes Quizzing, Compendium of Technical Papers of the 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Austin, Texas, June 14-17, 2009.5. Handlesman, J., D. Ebert-May, R. Beichner, P. Burns, A. Chang, R. DeHaan, J. Gentile, S. Lauffer, J. Steward, S. M. Tilghman, and W. B. Wood, “Scientific Teaching,” Science, 304 (5670), pp. 521-522, 2004.6
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 12: Teaching and Advising Students in that Critical First Year
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jess W. Everett, Rowan University; Maria Perez-Colon, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
10 I prefer to not answer this question 7 7 No answer selected 0 0 Page 26.693.6Table 2: Which important support service(s) did you have difficulty finding? (1 = mostimportant, 2 = Second most important, 3 = Third most important) Response Count Answer selected Mid-Semester End-Semester 1 2 3 1 2 3 I have found all the services I
Conference Session
Engineering Economics Teaching Tools
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerome P. Lavelle, North Carolina State University; Matthew T. Stimpson, North Carolina State University; E. Downey Brill, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231. 6. Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A. (2013, June). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA. 7. Mason, G. S., Shuman, T. R., & Cook, K. E. (2013). Comparing the effectiveness of an inverted classroom to a traditional classroom in an upper-division engineering course. Education, IEEE Transactions on, 56(4), 430-435. 8. Bland, L. (2006). Apply flip/inverted classroom model in electrical engineering to establish life long learning. Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, AC2006-856. 9. Roehl, A
Conference Session
Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Chiou, Drexel University ; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso; Radian G. Belu, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University; M. Eric Carr, Drexel University; Regina Ruane Ph.D., Drexel University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
authorswish to express sincere gratitude for their financial support received the duration of the project.Bibliography1. Their Future Is Green: The Clean-Energy Economy Promises An Engineering Jobs Bounty – Training GraduatesWith Right Skills, American Society for Engineering Education PRISM, pp. 38-41, 4/2010.2. Blue Green Alliance | Clean energy assembly line report: Environment, Development and Growth: U.S.-MexicoCooperation in Renewable Energies, ISBN: 1-933549-78-5, December 2010, Duncan Wood, Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars.3. U. S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review, 2013 Annual Energy Outlook 2013 with Projections to 2050 (Early Release
Conference Session
Studying Engineering Education Research & Institutions
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justin L Hess, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Nicholas D. Fila, Purdue University; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Johannes Strobel, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Education. In D. Grasso & M. B. Burkins (Eds.), Holistic engineering education: Beyond technology (pp. 17-35). New York: Springer.3. Council on Competitiveness. (2005). Innovate America: Thriving in a world of challenge and change. Washington, DC: Council on Competitiveness.4. Jamieson, L. H., & Lohmann, J. R. (2012). Innovation with impact: Creating a culture for scholarly and systematic innovation in engineering education. Washington, DC, USA: ASEE.5. Borrego, M., Froyd, J. E., & Hall, T. S. (2010). Diffusion of engineering education innovations: A survey of awareness and adoption rates in U.S. engineering departments. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(3), 185-207.6. Charyton, C
Conference Session
Teaching and Learning Strategies I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu, Iowa State University; Charles T. Jahren P.E., Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Institute ofTechnology." In Elements of Quality Online Education: Practice and Direction, edited by J. Bourne and J. C.Moore, 261-78. Needham, MA: Sloan Consortium, 2002. 7. Collis, B., “Course Redesign for Blended Learning: Modern Optics for Technical Professionals,”International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, 13 (2003): 22-38. 8. Kaleta, R., Skibba, K. and Joosten, T., "Discovering, Designing, and Delivering Hybrid Courses." InBlended Learning: Research Perspectives, edited by A. G. Picciano and C. D. Dziuban, 111-43. Needam, MA: TheSloan Consortium, 2007. 9. Peercy, P. S. and Cramer, S. M., “Redefining Quality in Engineering Education Through HybridInstruction,” Journal of Engineering
Conference Session
Teaching and Learning Strategies II
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Reeping, Ohio Northern University; Kenneth J Reid, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
university for six courses which were part of two tracks: a common introductorysequence and a sequence for honors students.3 Professors and teaching assistants of these coursesclassified their respective section(s) of “Introduction to Engineering” and generally hadagreement in most areas within each of the eight main outcomes; however, discrepancies intopics were discovered within sections covered by each outcome.In the self-study, the results were organized by main outcome where a three-color coding systemwas used to show the level of agreement between instructors.3 An outcome marked as greendenoted that the outcome was covered in each section of one or more courses. An outcome
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 10: Paying Attention to Retention
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steffen Peuker, California Polytechnic State University; Nova Alexandria Glinski Schauss, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
project report at the end of the course. A general handout of "Design your Process forBecoming a World-Class Engineering Student" has been published in Appendix A of “StudyingEngineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career”11. The project challenges students to evaluatethemselves against a benchmark student—referred to as a "world-class" engineering student—based on the following objectives: 1. Setting goal(s), e.g. which major to pursue, graduating with an engineering degree, etc. 2. Developing a strong commitment to the goal of graduating in engineering, setting-up a plan to graduation 3. Being prepared to deal with inevitable adversity 4. Managing various aspects of personal life including interactions with family and friends
Conference Session
Project-Based Experiences in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
either T8, T5, T5HO, or LED. These types of fixtures are different interm of initial cost, energy consumption and can give you relatively the same quality of light(CRI and CT).Upgrade from T12: The need to upgrade the fluorescent T12 luminaires is not only to save up to40% of energy, but because of the legislation mandated the phase-out of the majority of T12lamp production is effective since July 2012. Other benefits are to improve the lighting quality,improves light output and color quality, eliminates flickering and buzz that T12’s can cause, andmakes your building look better/feel newer. All these lead to increase the productivity.For energy considerations, and according to International Energy Conservation Code, theLighting Power Density is
Conference Session
Emerging Computing and Information Technologies I
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Smitesh Bakrania, Rowan University; Brad Joseph Johnson, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
, D., “Bottle Rockets and Parametric Design in a Converging-Diverging Design Strategy,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2006, Chicago, IL.3. Constans, E., Courtney, J., Dahm, K., Everett, J., Gabler, C., Harvey, R., Head, L., Hutto, D., Zhang, H., “Setting the Multidisciplinary Scene: Engineering Design and Communication in the ‘Hoistinator’ Project,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2005, Portland, OR.4. Bakrania, S., Bhatia, K., Riddell, W., Weiss, L., and Dahm, K., “Wind Turbines to Teach Parametric Design,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin, TX.5. Engineering Accreditation Commission, Engineering Criteria 2000, Accreditation Board for Engineering
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Horstman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Danielle Jamie Mai, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Yanfen Li, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Rohit Bhargava, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
4institutions. To assess whether the program content matched the interests of the participants,participants were asked to indicate the type of institution(s) to which they plan to apply.Institutions were categorized into four groups: research intensive, research and teachingintensive, teaching intensive, and community college. Participants were also asked to indicate ifthey were interested in tenure or non-tenure track positions. As shown in Figure 2, participants’interests shifted throughout the program. Although no conclusive tends were observed with theparticipants’ change in the type of institution to which they were interested in applying, this datadoes reflect the sentiment of indecision that was observed in the post program interviews
Conference Session
Pedagogical Approaches in Construction Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Talat Salama, Central Connecticut State University; Namhun Lee, Central Connecticut State University; Glynis Fitzgerald, Central Connecticut State University; Lee W. Lee, Central Connecticut State University; Mary M. McCarthy, Central Connecticut State University
Tagged Divisions
ground course, or the web content of an on-line course, is automatically copyrighted andremains the sole, exclusive and perpetual property of the faculty member(s) who created it.”Case Study Courses in the Construction Management FieldCourses in the Construction Management program were used as case studies of the progressiveimplementation of the recommendations discussed.Fundamentals of Construction ManagementThis course is completely taught online, where it introduces fundamental aspects of constructionmanagement to graduate students without formal construction management backgrounds. Topics Page 26.163.11covered include planning, scheduling
Conference Session
Focus on the Classroom: Novel Approaches to Course Delivery
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine L. Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College; Donna Kay Chrislip; Rex Allen Parr; Victoria Alexandra Sauber, Arapahoe Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
and initiative Willingness to learn new skills and tasks via study, experience, or training Willingness to take on additional work load Page 26.168.5 Show initiative in carrying out work assignments Take responsibility for completing one’s own work assignment(s) Be creative and originate or imagine new ideas, methods, or products Be pro-active in career planning Listening and using information Listen attentively with appropriate eye contact Ability to take efficient and thorough notes Appreciate feelings and concern of verbal messages Pick out important information in verbal messages Understand complex messages
Conference Session
BIM in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Wu, California State University, Fresno; Ishan Kaushik
Tagged Divisions
Comparative Analysis of Issues, Perceptions, and Collaboration Opportunities, J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract. 140(2) (2014), 04013014.[2] M.S. Ball, Aging in place: a toolkit for local governments, Atlanta Regional Commission, Atlanta, 2004. Page 26.461.12[3] W. Wu, E. Handziuk, use of building information modeling in aging-in-place projects: a proof of concept, in: I. Brilakis, S. Lee, B. Becerik-Gerber (Eds), Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, 2013, pp. 443- 450.[4] S. Kumar, M. Hedrick, C. Wiacek, J.I. Messner, Developing an experienced-based design review application for healthcare facilities
Conference Session
Concept Inventories and Assessment of Knowledge
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalie Jorion, University of Illinois, Chicago; Brian Douglas Gane, University of Illinois at Chicago; Louis V DiBello; James W Pellegrino, University of Illinois, Chicago
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
theperformance data to model student thinking (e.g., through factor analysis, item response theoryor diagnostic classification modeling).Applying the Evidentiary Validity Framework to Concept InventoriesRigorous development of a validity argument and pursuit of validity evidence in support of thatargument are particularly important for assessments such as concept inventories that areadministered across multiple institutions and, in some cases, are used to evaluate educationalinterventions.9,17 To investigate the validity properties of an inventory, one must first identifywhat claim(s) the developers or users are making about their concept inventory. Claims can beabout student learning gains, student misunderstandings, and overall mastery of
Conference Session
Something New??? within Engineering Design Graphics Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Daniel Kostar, Daniel Webster College; John Glossner, Daniel Webster College; Linda Marquis, Daniel Webster College; Nicholas Bertozzi, Daniel Webster College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
Conference Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chiang Shih, Florida A&M University/Florida State University; Gregory John Kostrzewsky, Cummins, Inc; Lin Xiang Sun, Danfoss Turbocor Compressors
Tagged Topics
Corporate Member Council, Diversity
observestudents’ skills, motivations and attributes to identify potential candidates for employment.Turbocor also participates in the BS-MS program by sponsoring students through summerinternship as well as year-long BS-MS project mentoring. Four students have been recruitedsince 2010 and one more is expected to work in the coming summer. Among those students, twohad already been hired by company Y and both have served as liaisons to continue thepartnership. Turbocor’s past commercial success was built on the advancement of leading-edgetechnology. Thus sustained research and development is critical for its future growth. Arrangedby Turbocor, Shih, along with one colleague, has travelled to Danfoss Inc.’s Danish headquartersand its German subsidiary
Conference Session
Computer-Based Tests, Problems, and Other Instructional Materials
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alex Daniel Edgcomb, University of California, Riverside; Joshua Sai Yuen, University of California, RIverside; Frank Vahid, University of California, Riverside
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
of major difference all together. Figure 4(b) is a bad question, rated at 1 out of5, and is conceptually confused about the relationship between a loop and a statemachine. Also, Figure 4(b)’s usage of “must” leads to a wrong meaning. Page 26.561.8Figure 4. Participant-made practice questions. (a) Professor rated 4 out of 5, and (b)professor rated 1 out of 5. Both practice questions have the correct answer selected, withthe explanation shown in green. (a) (b)Animation crowdsourcingAn animation is intended to visually describe a particular concept with animated shapesand text. The animation
Conference Session
ECCD Applications in Energy and Thermodynamics
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farshid Zabihian, West Virginia University Inst. of Tech.
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
. Zemansky, H.C. Van Ness, “Basic Engineering Thermodynamics”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.[2] J. W. Tester, M. Modell, “Thermodynamics and Its Applications (3rd Edition)”, Prentice hall, New Jersey, 1997.[3] J. S. Doolittle, F. J. Hale, “Thermodynamics for Engineers”, John wiley& Sons, 1983.[4] D. C., Jr. Look, H. J. Sauer, Jr., “Thermodynamics”, Brooks/Cole Engineering Division, CA, 1982.[5] J. H. Keenan, F. G. Keyes, “Thermodynamic properties of steam”, John wiley& Sons Inc. New York, 1936.[6] A. H. Carter, “Classical and statistical Thermodynamics”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001.[7] K. C. Rolle, “Thermodynamics and Heat Power (6th edition)”, Pearson- Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2005.[8] Y. A. Cengel, M. A. Boles
Conference Session
Moving the Needle: The Complexities of Race and Gender in Engineering Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith J. Bowman, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
-american-engineers5. McDaniel, Anne, Thomas A. DiPrete, Claudia Buchmann, and Uri Shwed. "The blackgender gap in educational attainment: Historical trends and racialcomparisons." Demography 48, no. 3 (2011): 889-914.6. ASEE Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges, ASEE, 2009.7. Brawner, C. E., Camacho, M. M., Lord, S. M., Long, R. A., & Ohland, M. W. Womenin Industrial Engineering: Stereotypes, persistence, and perspectives. Journal ofEngineering Education, 101(2), 288-318, 2012.8. Bowman, Keith J. "Gender diversity changes in a small engineering discipline:materials science and engineering", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An InternationalJournal, 2011, Vol. 30 I: 2, pp.127-144.9. Bowman, Keith J., “African American
Conference Session
Engineering Ethics Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David A. Rogers P.E., North Dakota State University; Orlando R. Baiocchi, University of Washington, Tacoma; Paulo F Ribeiro, UNIFEI
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
and ethicalresponsibility" as one of its required student outcomes.1 There are different approaches todealing with ethical or moral issues. One approach to ethical issues is based on virtues, that is, totake as a reference the moral qualities engineers should have, such as honesty, compassion,respectfulness, etc. Each decision is judged against these qualities or virtues. The decision thatseems to be most in line with the relevant moral virtue(s) is considered to be the best decision,even if it means that certain rules are broken with negative consequences. These approaches canbe found in the ethical codes of professional engineering organizations such as the IEEE Code ofEthics.2 Another approach is based on consequences,3 which requires an
Conference Session
Measuring the Impact of Community Engagement on Students
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory Warren Bucks, University of Cincinnati; Kathleen A. Ossman, University of Cincinnati; Tony James Bailey; Leigh Anna Folger, University of Cincinnati; Rachel Schwind, Mechanical Engineering, University of Cincinnati; Gabrielle Anne Notorgiacomo, University of Cincinnati Honors Program; Jacob Daniel Wells
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
don't always think about the implications the work I am doing may have on other people. The experiential aspects of this course forced me to rethink how I learn in order to put human life into my thought process.”References: 1. Cohen, C. C. D., & Deterding, N. (2009). Widening the net: National estimates of gender disparities in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(3), 211-226. 2. Brainard, S. G. and Carlin, L. (1998). A Six-Year Longitudinal Study of Undergraduate Women in Engineering and Science. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(4), 369–375. 3. Reichert, M. and Absher, M. (1997). Taking Another Look at Educating African American Engineers: The Importance of Undergraduate Retention
Conference Session
Design and Research in BME
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yawen Li, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
provides several possible subtopics toundertake as the senior design project. The faculty gives a list of journal articles (usuallybetween 3 and 6 total) related to one topic of the project (for example, ligament injurymechanism, biomechanical properties of ligament, cell-materials interaction, mechanicalstimulation, etc) to the team for review. Each student is also assigned one or two articles fromthe list, and is expected to thoroughly understand the assigned article(s). At the biweekly Page 26.672.6meeting, each student presents a summary of the assigned article(s), followed by discussion tocompare different studies and relate them to the