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2014 Public Policy Colloquium
Pramod Khargonekar, National Science Foundation
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National Science Foundation
 Education and Career Development  Interdisciplinary Research  Innovation Ecosystem 6Advanced Manufacturing Historically NSF has supported frontier research that has led to transformational advances in manufacturing  Additive manufacturing grew out, in part, from basic research investments in the 70’s and 80’s  MEMS enabled by fundamental research in late 80s (NSF & DARPA) Present research extends traditional advances and builds upon convergence of trans-disciplinary advances  National Robotics Initiative (NRI): towards autonomous systems  Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS
2014 Public Policy Colloquium
Auditi Chakravarty, The College Board
Mean AP Score - 5 Mean AP Score - 4 Mean AP Score - 3 No AP ExamPatterson, B. F., Packman, S. & Kobrin, J. L. (2011). Advanced Placement exam-taking andperformance: Relationships with first-year subject area college grades (College BoardResearch Report 2011-4). New York, NY: The College Board. 10Top 3 Drivers of Student Participation in AP -Admissions, Career Preparation, Credit Let’s say that you were trying to decide whether to take a specific AP course. Which of the following would most encourage you to enroll