technical team environment,” Educational Technology Research and Development, Page 3.70.6 Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 61-71, 1995.4. Hilborn, R. B., “Team learning for engineering students,” IEEE Transactions on Education, pp. 207-211, Aug. 1994.5. ASEE Project Report, “Engineering education for a changing world,” ASEE Prism, Vol. 4, Dec. 1994.6. Yost, S. A., “Factors Affecting The Successful Integration of a Cooperative Learning Component in Classroom Instruction,” Proceedings, ASEE 1997 North Central Section Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 154-159, April 1997.Biographical InformationSandra A. Yost is an
Building, 5 = Service Building 1,6 = Service Building 2) Figure 2. Top View of Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Site. (1 = Aerated Grit Chamber, 2 = Aeration Tank, 3 = Sedimentation Tank, 4 = Main Building, 5 = Service Building 1,6 = Service Building 2; l = Receptor Locations) Page 3.72.7Page 3.72.8 8 Page 3.72.9.w 9Page 3.72.10 10Wind Direction & Speed: 9 deg. clock wise from north. 1.543 m/s. Page 3.72.11 11instantaneous concentrations (actually one hour averages) as our “critical events
-Based Education and CurriculumRestructuring: A Profound Paradigm Shift in Traditional Practice,” Outcomes, 11(2), 12 - 20,Spring 1992Wankat, Phillip C. and Frank S. Oreovicz; “Teaching Engineering,” McGraw Hill, 1993The AuthorDr. Scott Amos is the Construction Management Technology Program Coordinator at WeberState University in Ogden, UT. Degrees include a Bachelor of Science in ElectricalEngineering from the University of Utah in 1977, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineeringfrom the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1985, and Doctor of Philosophy from theUniversity of Florida. He is an active member of ASEE and has served as a CampusRepresentative. Page
important goal is to keep students involved with the textbook. More class time will bespent referring to the textbook and database. Lectures and laboratories will involve the textbookwhenever possible. An interactive component may be added to the course requirements. Links tomanufacturers' data sheets, professional organizations and IEEE journal abstracts will be added tothe database.1. J. J. Bellon, E. C. Bellon, and M. A., Blank, Teaching from a Research Knowledge Base, Macmillan, 1992.2. R. D. Murphy, "Hypertext and the EET Student", in Proc. ASEE Annual Conference, pp. 69-70, 1992.3. A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 1998.Stephanie Goldberg is an assistant professor in the Technology Department at
Discussion o e I v s e e l Workshop Elapsed TimeSemester Project ComponentI allow students the option of completing a semester project in lieu of the final exam. Thisproject requires about 40 hours of work per student, and students work in teams of two. Only25% of the class generally elects to attempt a project, the rest preferring to take a final exam. Page 3.126.6One reason for the small fraction is that most students in the Control course are taking theDesign course concurrently and have to deal with its major project.Projects are experimental
P Damper Steam Production Drum Reduction Continuou Gearbox FLU I s
, being astudent is very different from being a member of the faculty. I came from a research programwhere most of the Ph.D.’s entered the academic job market, and, in the past few years, mostfound academic jobs. The lessons passed on to me from classmates who entered academia,coupled with the support of my dissertation supervisor and several other faculty mentors, Page 3.559.11equipped me much better than most to enter the academic job market. Another advantage I hadwas being in a field where the number of active teaching/research programs in the US is smallenough that one can identify almost all of them fairly easily. For EESP participants for
current situation is that many different software systems areavailable to deliver and administer instruction using the Internet (sometimes referred to below asWWW). Thirty different software systems are listed in Table I at the end of this manuscript.New systems seem to be announced weekly; some systems disappear mysteriously without atrace.An early adopter has a very difficult task to select which software system(s) to use. A list ofcriteria to be considered is presented in Table II at the end of this manuscript. (Table II isadapted from a private communication from Dr. M. Albright, Iowa State University.) My rankordered list of important factors is:1) Try to select a software system that will survive the shakeout in this industry that surely
newuniversity in northern France, but with roots that go back to the 17th century. It is composed offour campuses that until the early 1990’s were part of the University of Lille. Today, theUniversité d’Artois houses programs in engineering, engineering technology (2 year technicianprograms), and management at its Béthune location, in liberal arts and related disciplines at itscampus in Arras, in natural and applied sciences in Lens, and in law programs in Douaia. As anew university in the French system, it has a strong commitment to internationalism that is beingdirected from the Béthune location, and which initially focused on engineering and engineeringtechnology. In addition to the IUT, the Béthune location also includes an Institut
become a more integral part ofengineering technology curricula.REFERENCES[1] Science and Engineering Indicators 1996. A National Science Board report by NSF.[2] Haeck, L.V.J.: “Multi-disciplinary ou le Genie Plus”, Proceedings of ASEE Zone 1 Meeting, Apr.25-26, 1997, West Point, NY, pp.9A3.1-9A3.9.[3] Schon, D.: “Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action.” Basic Books, 1983.[4] Butler, S.: “Labs’ labor lost in Japan”, U.S. News & World Report, June 9, 1997, pp.42-44.[5] Mickelson, S.K., Jenison, R.D., Swanson, N.: “Teaching Engineering Design Through Product Dissection”, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, June 25-28, 1995, Anaheim, CA, pp.399-403.[6] Delatte, N.: “Toward Greater Use of
Science by Tracing Differences in Cognitive Style Distribution", in The Social Psychology of Science, The Guilford Press (W.R. Shadish and S. Fuller: eds), Pp 300-314, 1994.8. Biographical InformationPAUL P.MATHISEN is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering atWorcester Polytechnic Institute. His areas of specialization are in environmental engineering and water resources.In addition to CE 1030, he teaches courses on topics relating to fluid mechanics, hydrology, and transport processesin the environment.FREDERICK L. HART is a professor and Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering atWorcester Polytechnic Institute. His areas of specialization are in environmental engineering. In
Friedman, D., “Engineering Freshmen Through Advisor Seminars,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 1, 1997, pp. 29–34.[2] Wallace, D. and Mutooni, P., “A Comparative Evaluation of World Wide Web-Based and Classroom Teaching,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 3, 1997, pp. 211–219.[3] Regan, M., and Sheppard, S., “Interactive Multimedia Courseware and the Hands-on Learning Experience: An Assessment Study,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 85, No. 2, 1996, pp. 123–130.[4] Crismond, D. and Wilson, D., “Designing an Evaluation of an interactive Multimedia Program: Assess MIT’s EDICS,” in Frontiers in Education, IEEE, 1992, pp.18–20.[5] Wankat, P. and Oreovicz, F., Teaching Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New
theSafety Committee). Under the present system the Safety Committee is asked to protect theidentity of the “perpetrator” for the first unsafe act. However, in order to preventaccidents, the Safety Committee is asked to report any repeat of the same unsafe act by thesame individual(s) to the laboratory supervisor or to one of the safety coordinators so thata positive corrective action can be taken.Student participation in the PAWS Program has varied. In the early years of the programapproximately fifteen to twenty PAWS Forms would be submitted during a typical quarter,most of them for equipment related situations and, in some cases, of a “nit-picking” nature.Most of the PAWS Forms were coming from the student Safety Committees. As theprogram evolved
discussed in this paper, the software could potentially be expanded to track studentprogress and to manage assessment. These other possibilities will be explored in the future.References Cited“ABET Engineering Criteria 2000,” Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, 111Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD, 21202, (410-347-7700), 1996.Carter, D. S. G, “Information Processing and the Management of Curriculum, Teaching, andLearning,” paper presented at the Leadership and Learning Conference, Perth, Australia, July1995, also Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) document ED 389272.Mann, G., and J. Kitchens, “Curriculum Management System: A Computer ManagedCurriculum,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of
, utilizing the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to compute the frequency spectrum ofa sampled signal, infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filtering, and the real-time processing of digitalspeech and music signals.References[1] A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989.[2] S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1998.[3] K. Steigletz, A DSP Primer: With Applications to Digital Audio and Computer Music. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996.[4] R. G. Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Processing. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1997.[5] J. H. McClellan, R. W. Schafer, and M. A. Yoder, “Experiences in Teaching DSP
instrumentsalready existed but would have to be revised. Others would have to be developed. Still others,such as student portfolios, might not be used at all. Recall, one of the operating principlespreviously stated: "Different assessment instruments may serve different purposes; however, theset of all assessment instruments must provide adequate coverage of the stated programeducational objectives." We recognized that developing assessment instruments would becomean iterative process. We needed to determine the best assessment instrument(s) for eacheducational program objective.Accreditation Recommendation: The task force unanimously recommended that the College ofEngineering proceed with plans to have its undergraduate engineering programs reviewed
terminal). questionnaire was given to faculty members, some of whom had used the UWA-CPCS tutorial system.d) Students enter answers that are always a number with units e.g. “3.2 m/s”. There were four main aims of the questionnaire:e) There are typically eight ‘lead-up’ problems in each set, 1. To obtain a comparison of the perceived quality of the two followed by two assessed problems. The assessed
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology", Proc. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conf., pp. 2405-2413, Anaheim, June 1995.17. S. C. Palmer, "Quality Audit and Assessment in English Universities," Proc. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conf., Edmonton, June 1994.18. A Report on Methods and Mechanisms, and Policy Recommendations to the European Community, Liason Committee: Quality Assessment in European Higher Education, Brussels, 1993.19. A. Staropoli, "L'Evaluation de l'Enseignement Superieur en France", in E. Wnuk-Lipinska, M. Wojcicka (Eds.), Quality Review in Higher Education, TEPIS Publishing House, Warsaw 1995.20. E. Toczylowski, J
department is to dedicate 10% of the department's aggregate timeto other university and community service. Services outside the department include but are not limited to activities such as: A) University Committees B) Professional service organizations C) City, state, national and international service organizations These non-departmental activities will be identified by the faculty and coordinated with thedepartment chair. The amount of time spent on these activities will generally be limited to amaximum of 6 hours per week, (2 EWC,s) for any one faculty member per semester.Conclusions The workload formula we developed has been defined, tested and revised a number oftimes. We believed in 1993-94
eight-week period. Numerous other lecturesinclude design content by “inverting” example and homework problems from analysis - with geometry given - todesign for geometry - with performance given. Room for new material was made by combining related topics,revising the delivery of existing topics and dropping two topics (Mohr's circle for strain and energy methods).Learning By Design In Circuits And ElectronicsTheresa S. Mayer.Electrical Engineering, Penn StateA four-credit hour, sophomore-level core course, “Circuits and Devices” (EE 210) has been revised to provide anintegrated, design-oriented approach by combining lecture material and lab experiments. A series of modular labshas been developed to give students the background needed to design
. Rover, C. Wey, and B. Cheng, “Visions for embedded systems laboratories.” Michigan State University, web. NSF Combined Research-Curriculum Development Program, URL: [2] Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology, “Abet criteria 2000,” August 1995. Draft #4. [3] L. Geppert, “Educating the renaissance engineer,” IEEE Spectrum, September 1995. [4] A. Speicher, “Asee project report: Engineering education for a changing world,” in A S E E PRISM, December 1994. [5] Computer Engineering Task Force, “A proposal for the computer engineering program in the college of engineering,” July 1995. Michigan State University. [6] P. Fisher, “Employer stakeholder focus group meeting.” Minutes, June 28 1996. [7