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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 362 in total
1999 Annual Conference
Charles S. Elliott
Session 2222 Development of Engineering On-line Courses: Faculty and Student Support Charles S. Elliott Arizona State UniversityAbstractThe College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) at Arizona State University hasembarked on a variety of initiatives to provide on-line engineering courses to several audiences.This paper will describe these various efforts and our special attempts to provide direct supportto our faculty and students to maximize success in these courses. It will also present somelessons we have learned to date.I
1999 Annual Conference
S. Kant Vajpayee
Session 3263 Have You Updated Your Manufacturing Process Course? S. Kant Vajpayee The University of Southern MississippiAbstractLike most sectors of the goods-producing industry, discrete manufacturing is undergoingevolutionary advances--primarily due to the innovations in microelectronics, computers, andcommunications. It is up to the manufacturing faculty at institutions of higher learning toincorporate these advances in the curricula. Manufacturing curricula invariably require severalcredit hours in the areas of production processes and machine tools. This article summarizes
1999 Annual Conference
S. Kant Vajpayee
Session 1463 Instruction of Manufacturing as an Honors College Seminar S. Kant Vajpayee The University of Southern MississippiAbstractAs elsewhere, our Honors College attracts in its programs some of our brightest students. Amajor component of its curriculum is HON 403: Honors Seminar. Most students in this courseare liberal arts major. Driven by my fascination of manufacturing’s impact on modern living, Isuggested manufacturing as a possible topic for the seminar. The College liked the idea, andsoon I found myself facing the question: How to teach manufacturing to a group of
1999 Annual Conference
David S. Kelley
Session 1438 Mastery Learning as a Teaching Methodology in Engineering Graphics David S. Kelley Western Washington UniversityAbstractMastery learning has been utilized successfully in education in such fields as English,Mathematics, Physical Education, and Science. Mastery learning is defined as the “attainment ofadequate levels of performance on tests that measure specific learning tasks” [5]. TheEngineering Graphics Technology Department at Oklahoma State University in Okmulgee hasutilized various forms of mastery learning for the teaching
1999 Annual Conference
S. Kant Vajpayee
Session 3560 On Instruction of the First "R" of Environment S. Kant Vajpayee The University of Southern MississippiAbstractThe instruction of environmental issues is no longer limited to science and humanities educators.An increasing number of engineering and engineering technology programs are incorporatingcourses on environment in their curricula. At The University of Southern Mississippi theintroductory course ESC 301: Living in the Environment is one of the several we offer. It is anelective within the university core curriculum. Many engineering technology majors
1999 Annual Conference
Michael Tooley; Melissa S. Tooley
Session 3675 Dual Careers vs. Dueling Careers: Engineering the Two-Profession Household Melissa S. Tooley, Michael D. Tooley University of Arkansas/ Lucent TechnologiesAbstractBalancing professional and personal obligations is a continuing challenge for today’s educators.Two-income families are particularly common among new faculty, where partners are requiredto share all the duties of family life. This paper presents the methods used by one professionalcouple to share the responsibilities of raising children, maintain a home for the family, andbalance the
1999 Annual Conference
Phillip C. Wankat; Frank S. Oreovicz
Session 1655 An Education Course for Engineering Graduate Students Phillip C. Wankat, Frank S. Oreovicz Chemical Engineering, Purdue UniversityI. IntroductionWhat educational experiences do PhD students in engineering need ? In class: We want all of our graduates - both BS and advanced - to meet the spirit of ABET Criteria 2000.1 Since approximately half of the PhD students have not graduated from an ABET accredited undergraduate program, the graduate courses should supply the same educational experiences as undergraduate courses, but studying advanced
1999 Annual Conference
Paul Seaburg; Patricia S. Brown
Session 1606 The Architectural Engineering Institute - A Professional Society for Architectural Engineers Patricia S. Brown, P.E., Paul A. Seaburg, Ph.D., P.E. Architectural Engineering Institute/University of Nebraska at OmahaOn October 1, 1998, the National Society of Architectural Engineers (NSAE) merged with theArchitectural Engineering Division (AED) of the American Society of Civil Engineers to createthe Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI).It has long been recognized that lacking a strong national professional society, graduates ofArchitectural Engineering programs quickly
1999 Annual Conference
Bahman S. Motlagh; Alireza Rahrooh
Session 2547 The Fundamental Digital Circuits Laboratory at The University of Central Florida Bahman S. Motlagh, Alireza Rahrooh University of Central FloridaAbstractA course in Digital Circuits is an essential part of a well-rounded Electrical EngineeringTechnology (EET) curriculum. With hands-on experiments significantly improving theunderstanding and visualization of complex subject matters, a series of laboratory experimentshave been developed in order to enhance the teaching and learning processes of Digital Circuitsat the University of Central Florida. The
1999 Annual Conference
William S. Janna; A. Renner
Session 2366 A Laboratory Experiment for Finding the Radiation View Factor Between a Differential Area and a Plane Aaron Renner, William S. Janna University of MemphisAbstractThe unit sphere method was developed in order to measure the view factor betweena differential and a finite plane area. This method was used to design an experimentfor the undergraduate Heat Transfer Laboratory, and is described in this study.Using methods of descriptive geometry, a graphical equivalent of the spheremethod was also developed, which is used additionally in the experiment. Theapparatus for measuring view
1999 Annual Conference
Venkateswaran Nallaperumal; S. A. Chickamenahalli
Session 3659 Lathe Instrumentation utilizing LABVIEW S. A. Chickamenahalli, Venkateswaran Nallaperumal Wayne State UniversityAbstractThis paper presents an innovative instrumentation project that consists of instrumentation on alathe using National Instruments Data Acquisition (NIDAQ) tools and display using Labviewsoftware. The aim was to carryout real-time measurement and display acquired waveforms on aPC screen and also store these waveforms for later use. This work is part of a NSF fundedGreenfield Coalition’s New Manufacturing Engineering curriculum project. Sensing and displayof
1999 Annual Conference
George Stephanopoulos; Alan S. Foss
Session 3613 LEADING UNDERGRADUATES ALONG STRUCTURED PATHS TO THE BUILDING OF GOOD PROCESS MODELS Alan S. Foss1, George Stephanopoulos2 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 2 Department of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ABSTRACT Students are led to crafting a process model before writing any equations. This isaccomplished by leading them through a structured modeling methodology
1999 Annual Conference
Bernd S. W. Schroeder; Jenna Carpenter
Session 3565 Mathematical Support for an Integrated Engineering Curriculum Bernd S. W. Schroeder1, Jenna P. Carpenter Louisiana Tech University Background, Goals, and Objectives. Seeking improvements over the curriculum currently in place, during the academic year 1996-97, faculty from several engineering programs and the programs of mathematics, physics, and chemistry at Louisiana Tech evaluated the integrated engineering curricula at several universities with the goal to implement a similar program at Louisiana Tech University. Upon this review it was
1999 Annual Conference
Mulchand S. Rathod; Joella H. Gipson
Session 2548 THE SMARTE ENRICHMENT PROJECTS: SUMMER ACADEMY FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS Mulchand S. Rathod Joella H. Gipson Division of Engineering Technology College of Education Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The Southeast Michigan Alliance forReinvestment in Technological Education Based on the 1986 report, A Nation
1999 Annual Conference
Sohail Anwar; Shamsa S. Anwar
Session 3322 Training Partnership Between an International Labor Union And the Academia: A Case Study Sohail Anwar, Shamsa S. Anwar Penn State AltoonaAbstractThe subject of professional training has become increasingly important in a rapidly changingglobal economy. All organizations, regardless of their nature, face the challenges of nextmillennium. Searching for answers to the challenges of the next millennium, attention must bepaid to educational processes and programs. Numerous trade union organizations areaddressing the professional training needs of
1999 Annual Conference
Melissa S. Tooley; Kevin Hall
Session 1625 Using a Capstone Design Course to Facilitate ABET 2000 Program Outcomes Melissa S. Tooley, Kevin D. Hall University of ArkansasAbstractABET 2000 challenges colleges of engineering to produce graduates with professional as well astechnical skills. Specifically, ABET Criterion 3 (Program Outcomes and Assessment) outlinesthe desired attributes for graduate engineers. Capstone design courses are one of the mosteffective ways for engineering departments to facilitate the outcomes described by ABETCriterion 3.This paper discusses how the civil
1999 Annual Conference
Brian K. Jennison; Glenn S. Kohne
Session 2625 A Coherent Theory/Hardware Course in Communication System Design Brian K. Jennison, Glenn S. Kohne Department of Electrical Engineering and Engineering Science Loyola College in Maryland Baltimore, MD 21210-2699I. IntroductionIn typical Electrical Engineering programs, various related topics are studied independently,obscuring the underlying connections between them. In addition, theory is generally taughtseparately from practical implementation issues. Only during a senior-level
1999 Annual Conference
S. M. Miner; R. E. Link
because of problems with the input or the way in which themechanism was assembled.At the U. S. Naval Academy the Computer-Aided Design course is heavily oriented towardsteam design projects. Teams of two students select a mechanism design project from a list ofsuggested projects at the beginning of the semester. The lectures are organized to develop thenew material the students will need to learn, in a logical manner that parallels the phases of thedesign process. Ample time is provided once the new material has been presented to allow thestudents to apply it to their projects. In addition, a few short lab exercises, quizzes andhomework assignments are given to reinforce the concepts developed in the lectures.The first part of the course
1999 Annual Conference
J. Morehouse; Edward Young; Jed S. Lyons
Session 2566 Design of a Laboratory to Teach Design of Experiments Jed S. Lyons, Jeffrey H. Morehouse and Edward F. Young Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South CarolinaAbstractA capstone mechanical engineering laboratory course is being revised in order to develop astudent’s ability to confidently design and conduct experiments involving complex thermo-mechanical systems. This paper and the associated presentation describe the laboratoryexperiences that are being implemented to develop this ability. The approach includes anintegrated series of experiments on a racecar. The amount of student design of
1999 Annual Conference
Raymond Berg; Homayun K. Navaz; Brenda S. Henderson
Session 1302 A New Approach to Teaching Compressible Flow Brenda S. Henderson, Homayun K. Navaz, and Raymond M. Berg Kettering UniversityAbstractAt Kettering University, a new course in modern compressible flow was introduced at theundergraduate and graduate level for mechanical engineering students. The course incorporatedanalytical, computational and experimental techniques and analysis. Students learnedfundamental concepts in gas dynamics, as well as developing the ability to solve basicproblems using commercial CFD codes. Threaded throughout the course were segments wherethe students learned
1999 Annual Conference
Y. Omurtag; T. Ioi; S. Enomoto; M. Matsunaga
Session 2263 Collaborative Manufacturing Engineering Education and Research in Japan T. Ioi, S. Enomoto, K. Kato, M. Matsunaga, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, Research Committee of MOT, Japan , Y. Omurtag, University of Missouri-Rolla, USAAbstractThis paper describes an emerging engineering education system for manufacturing professionalsat Chiba Institute of Technology (CIT) in Japan, based on the principles of industry academiacollaboration and case study methodology in teaching and research.First, the Department of Project Management (DPM
1999 Annual Conference
S. Mouring; S. Brown; P. Mead; M. Natishan; I. Goswami; C. Lathan; Linda Schmidt
Session 3325 BESTEAMS: Building Engineering Student Team Effectiveness And Management Systems L. Schmidt, P. Mead, M. Natishan/ C. Lathan, S. Brown/ I. Goswami/ S. Mouring University of Maryland, The Catholic University of America, Morgan State University, United States Naval AcademyAbstractThe current paper introduces the BESTEAMS Project. BESTEAMS seeks to transform theprofessional engineering environment into one comfortable for all by training engineering studentsto recognize and accept diverse learning, communication, and behavior styles in
1999 Annual Conference
Y. S. Teplitsky; V. A. Borodulya; A. F. Hassoun; Mulchand S. Rathod; Vladimir Sheyman
Session 2548 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATION OF COMPLEX HEAT TRANSFER IN THE FREEBOARD REGION ABOVE THE FLUIDIZED BED Vladimir Sheyman, Mulchand S Rathod Division of Engineering Technology Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan V. A. Borodulya, Y. S. Teplitsky, A. F. Hassoun Heat and Mass Transfer Institute Belorussion Academy of Sciences, Minsk, BelarusSUMMARY equations which modulate the main processes of
1999 Annual Conference
Glennelle Halpin; Gerald Halpin; L. D. Benefield; William Walker; S. MacGuire
1999 Annual Conference
Mary S. Bonhomme; Edward R. Alef; Edward G. Borbely
Session 2322 Developing Product and Manufacturing Integration Engineers: Integrating Graduate Education, Training, and Managed Job Assignments into a Strategic Career Path Edward R. Alef, Mary S. Bonhomme, Edward G. Borbely General Motors Corporation/Purdue University/University of MichiganAbstractThis paper describes two separate but interrelated learning programs that integrate advancededucation and training into a twelve-year experiential learning process. One program is inintegrated product (vehicle) engineering and another in integrated manufacturing engineering.The objective of these programs is to
1999 Annual Conference
S. A. Chickamenahalli; M. Bolepalli; Chih-Ping Yeh; Venkateswaran Nallaperumal
Session 1663 Effective Visualizations for an Electric Machines and Power Systems Course S. Chickamenahalli, M. Bollepalli, V. Nallaperumal, C-P. Yeh Wayne State UniversityAbstractThis paper presents the visualization examples developed to accompany an Electrical Machinesand Power System course. Several of the examples that were developed are currently utilized inthe electric machine courseware for the NSF-funded Greenfield Coalition for new ManufacturingEducation. The course introduces essential types of electric power and electric machines inindustrial
1999 Annual Conference
W. F. Walker; S. MacGuire; L. D. Benefield; Glennelle Halpin; Gerald Halpin
1999 Annual Conference
R. S. Cartier; Albert L. McHenry; Lakshmi Munukutla, Arizona State University
AC 1999-292: Microelectronics Teaching Factory At Arizona State UniversityEastmesa, Arizona, USAAlbert L. McHenry,Lakshmi Munukutla, Arizona State UniversityR. S. Cartier, Page 4.382.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 1999 "Session 2547" Microelectronics Teaching Factory at Arizona State University East Mesa, Arizona, USA L.V. Munukutla, A.L. McHenry and R.S. Cartier Arizona State University East/Motorola Inc., Chandler, Arizona
1999 Annual Conference
Yousry S. El-Gamal; Sherif M. Tawfik; Abd-Elhamid Elmaghrabi
Session 2520 A Proposed Model for A Web-Based Course On “Introduction to Computers” Yousry S. El-Gamal, Abd-Elhamid Elmaghrabi, Sherif M. Tawfik Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime TransportAbstractDuring the past 5 years, the manner in which information is shared over the Internet has beendramatically improved by the introduction of World Wide Web (WWW). The World WideWeb provides standards for representation of multimedia information and protocols, whichallow access and navigation to multimedia documents in the Internet. Recently, the WorldWide Web has become a major contender
1999 Annual Conference
L. Davis Clements; John S. Cundiff; Dennis Schulte; George Meyer
Session 1308 Thermodynamics for Living Systems1 John S. Cundiff Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech George E. Meyer, Dennis D. Schulte, L. Davis Clements Biological Systems Engineering, University of NebraskaAbstract A thermodynamics course specifically designed for the engineering disciplines that dealwith living systems is described. At most universities, thermodynamics courses are taught in themechanical engineering and chemical engineering departments. Traditionally, these courses givelittle attention to