learningexperiences planned so as to achieve this desired knowledge? [32]. The key to course design is thedetermination of the enduring outcome for the course. In other words, what is the set of keyoutcomes one would like for their students to have possessed at the end of the learningexperience or even years after they have exited the learning process? For example, in theintroductory circuit course used for study three it was evident that students were expected tohave developed a certain level of engineering problem solving skills that could be translated toother complex learning experiences. The emphasis on working problems in the class or the use oflearning activities meant to provide more class time for working problems were also reflected instudies two
the PowerPoint files. He was completely involved indeveloping the “flip” but didn’t create any video content. Reflecting on this after the semester, itwas a mistake to attempt what might be called a partial flip. He agreed to take of EI because hewas given the opportunity to teach a well-developed flipped course. He also was building on hisexperience from the earlier course. The fundamental reason why he was interested is based onreading papers and forming a conviction that his time with the students is best served helpingthem get past difficulties by learning how they approach problems. Then he is able to help themdetermine where there are gaps in their knowledge and how to use the course resources to bridgethose gaps. A lecture isn’t
individual LED positioned at two distances to observer. Narrow and Analyse the calculated far-field angle with respect to the Wide Angle experimental variables. LEDs Compare the experimental far-field angles with the expected values documented in the component datasheets. Theorise why the measurements were made while pulsing the LEDs. Reflect on the accuracy of the calculated far-field angle and the changes in light intensity with angle as observed by eye. Compare the linearity of response of the optical sensor and the human eye as the optical power emitted by an LED
the implications and interconnectionsbetween key terms and concepts linked to a topic. In this paper, we have present results based onthe “thought bubbles” approach for ‘Cybersecurity (for Networked Systems)’ course and‘Program Design for Engineers’ course. However, the proposed approach can be implemented inany other courses in a straightforward manner.AcknowledgementsThis work is supported in part by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant CNS1405670. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation. The authorswould like to thank the students who participated in the feedback process for different coursesand
program,” in Proc. of the 3rd Annual Conference of the LTSN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences, 2002, vol. 4, pp. 53–58.[14] M. J. Scott and G. Ghinea, “Educating programmers: A reflection on barriers to deliberate practice,” in Proc. 2nd HEA Conf. on Learning and Teaching in STEM Disciplines, 2013, p. 028P.[15] zyBooks “Programming in MATLAB”, https://zybooks.zyante.com/#/catalog , accessed Jan. 30, 2016.[16] Learning Catalytics from Pearson, https://learningcatalytics.com/ , accessed Jan. 30, 2016.
thatisolated student performance on the specified outcomes. The rubrics used in the assessment ofoutcomes and corresponding evaluation results are independent from student grades. For thefirst assessment, the students’ ability to design an Internet-of-Things solution to a real worldproblem was measured. In the second assessment, the students’ level of attainment of ABEToutcome (h), the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions ina global, economic, environmental and societal context, was measured. The final assessmentpresented is an indirect measure, student surveys that reflect their opinions on the course andtheir learning.4.1 Assessment of Student Ability to Design an Internet-of-Things SolutionFor this first
versa [1]The multitude of specific recipes for how to flip a class reflects the diversity of education: even abrief search through ASEE publications with the keyword ‘flipped’ yields more than a thousandpapers describing various flipped courses. Not surprisingly, a recent survey admits that There is a lack of consensus on what exactly the flipped classroom is. [1]Flipping a course requires at least 3 actions, which can be seen as disruptive innovations: (1) Decide which “events that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom” will be moved outside the classroom, and explain to students how they benefit from this move (2) Create the new teaching events outside the classroom to ensure that the student learning