Paper ID #15775Judging for Themselves: How Students Practice Engineering JudgmentDr. Jonathan S Weedon, Case Western Reserve University I am a graduate of English at Case Western Reserve University. I specialize in technical communication and engineering education and formation. My research is on how students learn to attend to engineering problems like professional engineers. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Judging for Themselves: How Students Practice Engineering Judgment The following case study describes and analyzes engineering judgment. The ethnographyobserves
. A Report to the Nuffield Foundation. London1966 LeBold, W. K., Perrucci, R. and Howland, Reported that in the 1930’s in the US three W. E., 'The Engineer in Industry and fifths of engineers under 40 were occupied Government," Journal of Engineering with administrative rather than technical Education, vol. 56, no. 7, March 1966, pp. work
examine solutions of their own. Students must understand the basicterminologies associated with different technologies. Being a college freshman student issufficient to understand the content of this course.Instruction consists of:a. Topics introduced through lectures, discussions, and reading assignments;b. Students working individually and collaboratively to complete assigned tasks and projects;c. Field activities, Internet, and library research on assigned subjects;d. Oral and multimedia presentations and written assignments;e. Quizzes, midterm test, and final exam.After an extensive search the selected book for the course was “Technology and Society:Issues for the 21st Century and Beyond / 3rd Edition” by Linda S. Hjorth, Barbara
National Academies, Washington, DC. 2. Borrego, M., Froyd, J. E., & Hall, T. S. (2010). Diffusion of engineering education innovations: A survey of awareness and adoption rates in US engineering departments. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(3), 185-207. 3. Prince, M., Borrego, M., Henderson, C., Cutler, S., & Froyd, J. (2013). Use of research- based instructional strategies in core chemical engineering courses. Chemical Engineering Education, 47(1), 27-37. 4. Froyd, J. E., Wankat, P. C., & Smith, K. A. (2012). Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education. Proceedings of the IEEE, 100(Special Centennial Issue), 1344- 1360. 5. Jesiek, B. K., Borrego, M., and Beddoes, K. (2010
Iapproach things.” Rowena saw the actions of engineers as expanding beyond “math andproblems you solve,” acknowledging that the course exposed her to “more opportunities than Ithought in engineering.” However, Marley’s description of engineering was simple: “Build it in away that won’t negatively impact that community.” This is not an indictment against engineers,but a simple expectation of what engineers do, or what they ought to do. Normative ideals of engineers and engineering include the “ought-to”s of the practice. Intheir descriptions of what engineers are, and their previous encounters with engineers andengineering, students had a specific normative vision as to what engineers ought to be and do.Milburn said, “They [Engineers] have a
is that their curricularhave to meet the requirements of many audiences. The difficulty of developing a communityof scholarship that meets the needs of all these audiences is illustrated by extreme examplesof the questions that the public need to answer in deciding what action they ought to take inresponse to such happenings as the GM and Volkswagen automobile scandals. Anengineering view of technological literacy is inadequate for the task it is expected to do. Aninterdisciplinary approach is clearly necessary.References[1] Krupczak, J., Blake, J. W., Disney, K. A., Hilgarth, C. O., Libros, R., Mina, M and S. R. Walk (2102).Defining technological literacy, Proceedings Annual Conference of the American Society for EngineeringEducation. Paper
Workshop should have less speakers Other (please specifiy)Figure 2. Results from the panelist survey based on how the event could be improvedThe results of the attendee survey mirrored the panelists’ responses on the organization andlength of the workshop again noting that it was a well-organized event and the length wasappropriate, though a small percentage felt the event was somewhat long. In addition to thesequestions, the attendees were also asked to reflect on their thoughts regarding workshop content,suggestions for future events, if they would consider attending again and most importantly thebenefit(s) from attendance.The attendees overwhelmingly replied that the topic was of interest to them and that some
backgrounds andinterests.References [1] Gustin, S. (2011). “Democratizing Design: Autodesk’s CEO Carl Bass Announces 123D.” Wired. First published May 3, 2011. Last accessed 1/20/2016 at[2] Editors. “adidas Futurecraft: The Ultimate 3D-Printed Personalized Shoe.” Materialize. Last accessed 1/20/2016 at[3] Florida, R. (2012). The Rise of the Creative Class. Basic Books.[4] Cavalcanti, G. (2013). “Making Makerspaces: Creating a Business Model.” Make. Published June 4, 2013. Last accessed 2/1/16 at[5
through social sciences is as real as how thesocial sciences understand society. Thus engineering education’s framing of issues as problemsmay serve to create an engineering education system that gives rise to, or exacerbates, thoseperceived problems. For example if it is widely believed there is a significant retention problemin engineering a possible solution would be to create a new first year course to better prepare1 In the late 1920’s a group of investigators from Harvard University were able to observe people at work in theWestinghouse Electrical Company’s works in Chicago. It was found that productivity increased among someworkers when the conditions of work had been changed for the worse with the expectation that productivity
, Autumn 2002, pp 221-2218. 11. Bloom, Benjamin S., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive Domain. Longman, New York (1956). 12. Sosniak, Lauren A. Bloom's Taxonomy: A Forty Year Retrospective. Lorin W. Anderson, editor, University of Chicago Press, 1994. 13. Anderson, Lorin W., David R. Krathwohl, and Benjamin Samuel Bloom. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 14. Wilson, Leslie., The Second Principle: Anderson and Krathwohl – Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised, (Accessed March 20, 2016). 15