Paper ID #15290Progress and Impact of LEAP: An NSF S-STEM Scholarship ProjectDr. Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University Afsaneh Minaie is a professor of Computer Engineering at Utah Valley University. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. all in Electrical Engineering from University of Oklahoma. Her research interests include gender issues in the academic sciences and engineering fields, Embedded Systems Design, Mobile Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Nanotechnology, Data Mining and Databases.Dr. Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University Reza Sanati-Mehrizy is a professor of Computer Science Department at Utah Valley
Paper ID #14522NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program Initiative via Recruitment, Innovation,and Transformation: SPIRIT Program Year-One ResultsDr. Chip W Ferguson, Western Carolina University Chip Ferguson is the Associate Dean of the Kimmel School and Associate Professor of Engineering and Technology at Western Carolina University.Dr. Paul M Yanik, Western Carolina University Dr. Paul Yanik is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Western Carolina University. His research interests include human-robot interactions, assistive devices, pattern recognition, machine learning, and engineering
Paper ID #17294Summary of a 14-Year NSF-Sponsored S-STEM Academic Scholarship andProfessional ProgramDr. Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University Mary Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University MARY R.ANDERSON-ROWLAND is the PI of an NSF STEP grant to work with five non-metropolitan community colleges to produce more engineers, especially female and underrepresented minority engineers. She also directs an Academic Success and Professional Development program, with an emphasis on transfer students. An Associate Professor in Computing, Informatics, and Systems Design Engineering, she was the Associate Dean of
Paper ID #14427The S-STEM Scholarship: An Integrated Approach to Helping Talented Stu-dents in NeedJana Lunt, Southern Utah University I am an assistant professor of mathematics at Southern Utah University. I serve as the principal inves- tigator for the S-STEM grant at SUU. My research interests include finding ways to increase student understanding in lower-division mathematics classes in order to increase retention in STEM disciplines.John S. MacLean, Southern Utah University Dr. Johnny MacLean has taught geology at Southern Utah University since 2010. He strives to create field-based and integrative learning environments
Paper ID #15256Challenges, Opportunities, and Impacts of S-STEM Projects: Insights for In-stitutional Capacity Building at Minority-serving InstitutionsDr. Yvette Pearson Weatherton P.E., University of Texas, Arlington Dr. Yvette Pearson Weatherton received her Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science (Environmental Engineering) from the University of New Orleans. She is a member of the Civil Engineering faculty at the University of Texas at Arlington, a Program Evaluator for the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, and a registered Professional Engineer in Louisiana. She is currently serving as a Program
Paper ID #14416How are Social Media, Engineering and Leadership Related to One Anotherfrom a Student Perspective?Dr. Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Dr. Jed Lyons is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina. His passion is developing authentic engineering learning experiences for students from grades K through Ph.D. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 How are Social Media, Engineering and Leadership Related to One Another
Paper ID #14907Neuroscience 101: Might Your Teaching and Their Learning Benefit?Dr. Stuart G. Walesh P.E., S. G. Walesh Consulting Stuart G. Walesh, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE, and F.NSPE (, is an author; teacher; and an independent consultant providing leadership, management, and engineering services. Prior to beginning his consultancy, he worked in the public, private, and academic sectors serving as a project engineer and manager, department head, discipline manager, marketer, legal expert, professor, and dean of an engineering college. Walesh’s technical
(AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellowship in 2012-2013, with a placement at the National Science Foundation.Mr. Samuel S. Newton, Clemson University Samuel S. Newton is an undergraduate researcher pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University. He plans to enter the aerospace industry and is considering a M.S. in Aerospace Engineering. His interests pertain to aircraft design. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Uncovering Forms of Wealth and Capital Using Asset Frameworks in Engineering EducationIntroductionThis work-in-progress paper presents the intermediate results from a qualitative research projectfor which we are
Paper ID #16287Learning Engineering and Teaching Engineering: Comparing the Engineer-ing Epistemologies of Two Novice Teachers with Distinct Pedagogies of DesignKristen Bethke Wendell, Tufts University Kristen Wendell is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Tufts University, where she is also a Faculty Fellow at the Center for Engineering Education and Outreach.Ms. Jessica E. S. Swenson, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach Jessica Swenson is a graduate student at Tufts University. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a research focus on
curricula for introducing the LEWAS into multiple courses at Virginia Western Community College and Virginia Tech. He also has international collabora- tion experience in first-year course development, engineering education research, and real-time watershed monitoring.Mr. Daniel S. Brogan, Virginia Tech Daniel S. Brogan is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Working under Dr. Vinod K. Lohani, he has had a leading role in the development and implementa- tion work of the Learning Enhanced Watershed Assessment System (LEWAS) Lab for more than three years. His dissertation research involves the development and classroom integration of the Online Wa- tershed Learning System
led energy conservation research projects for Argonne National Laboratory. He has a BS in civil engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University and an MS in civil engineering with an emphasis in regional planning from Northwestern University. Wayne is a frequent speaker and author on continuing education for engineers, and is a member of the College of Engineering’s Education Innovation Committee.Dr. Jeffrey S. Russell, University of Wisconsin, Madison Dr. Jeffrey S. Russell is the Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning and Dean of the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In his role as Vice Provost, he is striving to make UW- Madison a global leader in the service to lifelong learners. He
Paper ID #14743Engineering Identity Implications on the Retention of Black Women in theEngineering IndustryMrs. Monique S Ross, Purdue University, West Lafayette Monique Ross is a doctoral candidate in the Engineering Education department at Purdue University. Her research focuses are race, gender, and identity in the engineering workplace, specifically the experiences of Black women in engineering industry. She also has interest in preparing women and minorities for career advancement through engagement in strategies for navigating the workplace. She has a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from Elizabethtown
Paper ID #14474Entrepreneurship Education for Women in Engineering: A Systematic Re-view of Entrepreneurship Assessment Literature with a Focus on GenderChristina S. Morton, University of Michigan Christina S. Morton is a doctoral student in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Ed- ucation at the University of Michigan. Christina has professional experience in Academic and Student Affairs, serving as an Academic Success Coach at Johnson C. Smith University and a Residential Direc- tor at North Carolina State University. Her primary research interests are in the motivation and persistence of
Paper ID #14733Exploring Nontraditional Undergraduates’ Resistance to Active Learning inan Online Support Forum in CalculusMr. Derrick S. Harkness, Utah State University I am currently a graduate student at Utah State University working on a Master’s degree in Mathematics with an emphasis in Education.Ms. Angela Minichiello, Utah State University Angela Minichiello is a Principal Lecturer and doctoral candidate in the Department of Engineering Ed- ucation at Utah State University (USU). She instructs undergraduate engineering courses via distance delivery methods to students at the USU regional campuses. Angela is a
engineering and science at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia. John came to SLA through the Philadelphia Teaching Residency Program as a Noyce Scholar. Prior to teaching, John spent a few decades as an entrepreneur, co-founding WAM Systems, a global provider of supply chain planning and optimization solutions to large manufacturers. Before WAM, he designed spacecraft at GE for many years. John holds engineering degrees from Penn State and Villanova. When not teaching science and engineering, John can be found playing jazz clarinet, practicing yoga, or inventing oddities in his workshop.Jessica S. Ward, Drexel University Jessica Ward serves as the Director of Operations for the DragonsTeach program. She previously
Paper ID #15880An Innovative Approach to Offering a Global Supply Chain Class for Engi-neering Managers in an International ContextDr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, California State University, Northridge Dr. S. Jimmy Gandhi is an assistant professor at California State University, Northridge. His research interests and the courses he teaches includes Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, Innovation & Entrepreneurship,Sustainability as well as research in the field of Engineering Education. He has over 30 conference and journal publications and has brought in over $500K in research grants to The California State University
analysis of human and organizational factors, along with technical elements, in offshore drilling safety with an emphasis on negative pressure test. She has been able to present and publish papers in the area of risk assessment and safety management in different conferences and scientific journals.Dr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, California State University, Northridge Dr. S. Jimmy Gandhi is an assistant professor at California State University, Northridge. His research interests and the courses he teaches includes Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, Innovation & Entrepreneurship,Sustainability as well as research in the field of Engineering Education. He has over 30 conference and journal publications and has brought in over
Paper ID #15651Lessons from Senior Design and a Shifting Interpretation of AppropriateTechnologyDr. Greg S Mowry, University of St. Thomas Dr. Mowry was raised in Iowa and is currently resides in Minnesota. He earned a BS and MS in Met- allurgical Engineering from Iowa State University. While working Dr. Mowry continued his education through a non-thesis MSEE degree program at Stanford University that focused on analog electronics and micro-magnetics. Later, while leading the advanced recording head design teams at Seagate Technology, he earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Physics from the University of
Paper ID #14876Improved Student Engagement through Project-Based Learning in Fresh-man Engineering DesignDr. Mary S Carpenter Ed.D., CCD - Custom Curriculum Design With more than thirty years’ experience in the education profession, Dr. Carpenter has a track record of managing the development of high quality, revenue impacting, blended curriculum. A seasoned professor and corporate trainer, she has delivered valuable learning experiences to students who range in age and ability from Head Start preschoolers to doctoral candidates at one of America’s oldest universities. As a certified Instructional Designer, she has held
Paper ID #17164Integrated (Private) Cloud Computing Environment for Access to SpecializedCampus-bound Software Applications - Pilot StudyDr. Emil H Salib, James Madison University Professor in the Integrated Science & Technology Department at James Madison University. Current Teaching - Networking & Security and Cyber Intelligence Security. Current Research - Private Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile IPv6 and Design for Motivation CurriculumIan Healey, ASIS InternationalMr. Alexander Ryan ChamberlainMrs. Livia S Griffith c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016
Paper ID #14744An Exploration into the Impacts of the National Society of Black Engineers(NSBE) on Student PersistenceMrs. Monique S. Ross, Purdue University, West Lafayette Monique Ross is a doctoral candidate in the Engineering Education department at Purdue University. Her research focuses are race, gender, and identity in the engineering workplace, specifically the experiences of Black women in engineering industry. She also has interest in preparing women and minorities for career advancement through engagement in strategies for navigating the workplace. She has a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering from
Paper ID #16378A New Software Engineering Undergraduate Program Supporting the Inter-net of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)Prof. Linda M Laird, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Systems & Enterprises) I am currently an industry professor in software engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology. Prior to that, I ran large development projects at Bell Labs/Lucent.Dr. Nicholas S Bowen, Stevens Institute of Technology Dr. Nicholas Bowen is an Industry Professor in the School of Systems and Enterprises. His primary focus is developing new graduate programs that combine Systems Engineering & Software
in Engineering. Dr. Ladeji-Osias’ involvement in engineering curricular innovations includes outcomes-based articulation and online delivery of undergraduate engineering degrees. In addition to conducting research on color image fusion and real-time implementation of algorithms, she is the immediate past chair of the Middle Atlantic Section of the American Society for Engineering Education and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. She enjoys observing the intellectual and professional growth in students as they prepare for engineering careers.Dr. Cindy S Ziker, SRI International Cindy Ziker, Ph.D., M.P.H., is a Senior Researcher at SRI International’s Center for Technology in Learn
Paper ID #16919A Longitudinal Study of Social and Ethical Responsibility Among Under-graduate Engineering Students: Preliminary ResultsDebra S. Fuentes, Brigham Young University Debra S. Fuentes is a doctoral student at Brigham Young University in Educational Inquiry, Measurement, and Evaluation specializing in Mathematics Education. She received a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction emphasizing English as a Second Language, and a Bachelor’s degree in elementary education, minoring in Spanish and pre-medicine studies. She previously worked in education as a teacher and administrator in Utah and Mexico for
Paper ID #16908Comparing Different Learning Activities in a Global Neuroscience MOOCMs. Casey Lynn Haney, Purdue University, West Lafayette Casey Haney is an undergraduate student in junior year at Purdue University and a research assistant in Dr. Jennifer DeBoer’s Lab as a part of the Purdue’s INSPIRE Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering.Ms. S. Zahra Atiq, Purdue University, West Lafayette S. Zahra Atiq is a PhD student at the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University, West Lafayette. Her research interests include: computer science education specifically on teaching computer programming to
Paper ID #16427Comparisons of a Female-Only, Male-Only, and Mixed-Gender EngineeringEnrichment Program for 4th GradersDr. Linda S. Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Assistant Director for Research, Evaluation and Program Operations for the Center for Pre-College programs at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Hirsch has a degree in educa- tional psychology with a specialty in Educational Statistics and Measurement from the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University. She has been involved in all aspects of educational and psychological research for over 20 years. Dr. Hirsch has
university and the State of South Carolina for their work. In honor of his support for engineering students who are changing the world, David was awarded the 2012 Martin Luther King Jr. Excellence in Service Award and the 2014 Distinguished Service Award from Clemson University.Aaron S. Gordon, Clemson University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Enhancing Student’s Learning Experiences through Translational Research in Multidisciplinary Engineering EducationAbstractTo tackle the societal grand challenges of the 21st century, this article proposes that the conceptof translational research has valuable applications within a broad
Paper ID #14939The Bucknell Poetry Path App Experiment: A Collaboration Across CampusProf. Michael S Thompson, Bucknell University Prof. Thompson is an associate professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Bucknell University, in Lewisburg, PA. While his teaching responsibilities typically include digital design, computer engineering electives, and senior design, his focus in the classroom is to ignite passion in his students for engineering and design through his own enthusiasm, open-ended student-selected projects, and connecting engineering to the world around them. His research interests
Humanitarian Opportunities of Service-Learning) for approximately ten years. She has incorporated service-learning projects into her classes and laboratories since she started teaching in 2000. Her research interests include community engaged learning and pedagogy, K-12 outreach, biomaterials and materials testing and analysis.Prof. Elizabeth S Hart, University of Dayton Beth Hart is a Lecturer for the University of Dayton School of Engineering Dean’s Office. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Dayton, both in Chemical Engineering. She currently teaches engineering design and oversees the Women Engineering Program, part of the Diversity in Engi- neering Center.Mrs. Laura Kozuh Bistrek, University
teacher (7-12) and taught in public schools and museums from 2003-2013.Dr. Marci S. DeCaro, University of Louisville Marci DeCaro is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Louisville. Her research focuses on the role of cognitive factors such as working memory in learning and performance situations. She studies these topics with adults and children in laboratory and educational contexts.Dr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hieb, University of Louisville Jeffrey L. Hieb is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the Univer- sity of Louisville. He graduated from Furman University in 1992 with degrees in Computer Science and Philosophy