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Displaying all 8 results
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Outreach
2016 ASEE International Forum
Julia Ziyatdinova; Artem Bezrukov; Phillip Albert Sanger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Petr Osipov
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Diversity, International Forum
Engineering Professionals—Russia, India, AmericaAbstractIn this global world, today’s engineer is likely to have to work in global international teamswith colleagues from other nationalities. The challenge for many engineering curricula is howto include, in a realistic way, this global dimension and increase the student’s awareness ofthe issues that are encountered. However as curricula begins to be developed, it would bebeneficial to study what the differences might be between cultures.To expose the issues that may be encountered for future multidisciplinary teams made up ofstudents from USA, Russia and India, the Miville Guzman Universal Diversity Scale(MGUDS-S) survey and form which assesses cross cultural diversity
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Courses
2016 ASEE International Forum
Dorian A. Cojocaru, University of Craiova; Anna Friesel, Technical University-Copenhagen; Daniel Spikol, Malmö University
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Diversity, International Forum
”, ICEE2011 - August 2011, Belfast, North Ireland, UK.5. Friesel,A., Avramides, K., Cojocaru, D.: “Identifying how PELARS-project can support the development of new curriculum structures in engineering education”, The Experimental International Conference 2015 ('15), June, 2015, University of Azores, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal.6. Krumm, A.E.; Waddington, R.J.; Lonn, S.; Teasley, S.D. :” Increasing Academic Success in Undergraduate Engineering Education using Learning Analytics: A Design-Based Research Project”; Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2012-04 ; . Dragon, T., Mavrikis
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Skills Development
2016 ASEE International Forum
Autumn Marie Reed, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Renetta G. Tull, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; David A. Delaine, Universidade de São Paulo; Darryl N Williams, Tufts University; Rovani Sigamoney, UNESCO
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Diversity, International Forum
schools. She co-leads the ”ADVANCE Hispanic Women in STEM” project in Puerto Rico, and the Latin and Caribbean Consor- tium of Engineering Institutions’ (LACCEI) ”Women in STEM” forum. Tull was a finalist for the 2015 Global Engineering Deans Council/Airbus Diversity Award, and has presented on diversity in the US, Latin America, Europe, Australia, India. She is a Tau Beta Pi ”Eminent Engineer.”Dr. David A. Delaine, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo David A. Delaine is a progressive engineer who has strong interests in the intersections of engineering, education, and society. He has obtained a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Drexel University, in Philadelphia, USA. He is currently serving his second term as an executive
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Outreach
2016 ASEE International Forum
Terrell Lamont Strayhorn, The Ohio State University; Royel Montel Johnson, Center for Higher Education Enterprise
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Diversity, International Forum
. At [my internship] I worked with pretty young like 30’s people and then people on the top like my boss. I had to work with American managers and Japanese managers and clients all over [the world]. (Miguel) On my resume I have knowledge of AutoCAD and, yes, I learned that from my engineering degree [program] but I really (emphasis added) learned it from my summer internship when I worked with my mentor doing some CAD projects with AutoCAD mechanical. When you’re doing an AutoCAD design a lot of shapes are already built into the program so you’re creating the design for the electrical person to follow. It’s cool because I learned how to build the basic components myself. (Alexis)While
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I Study Abroad Programs
2016 ASEE International Forum
Monica Gray P.E., Lincoln University; Constance Loretta Lundy
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Diversity, International Forum
institution. It is common to include both study abroad officials and faculty. Individualschools may be relatively small and often do not have the enrollment numbers to create a costeffective study abroad contingent. By coming together, a group of schools can create agreementsamong themselves as well as with the global partner(s). The consortium then sends a large groupof students to their partner institution(s) reducing the overall cost per student as well as ensuringthe integrity of the educational experience. Member schools sometimes sign off on course creditsthough a process of triangulation. For example, if Lincoln and University of Delaware (UD) arepart of a consortium and UD gave credit for a Statics course taken at the University of the
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Skills Development
2016 ASEE International Forum
Jaby Mohammed, Petroleum Institute; Mary Ragnhild Hilja Hatakka, Petroleum Institute
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Diversity, International Forum
truue in relationn to the first three categooriesof epistemmic knowled dge and again w the resuults in studiees [7] and [8]]. In other words n coincides withthere is very v little diffference betw ween the episstemic viewss of Freshmaan and sophoomore studennts.Considerring the amou unt the studeents have stuudied and thee level of diffficulty they reach in theiirsophomo ore year, it caan only be deeduced that students s conntinue to relyy on their insstructors for ttheright answwers. It wouuld be interessting to find out why theyy do not vennture into moore uncertainnareas or towards t highher order thinnking
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Skills Development
2016 ASEE International Forum
Saud A Ghani, Qatar University
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Diversity, International Forum
shouldinculcate females towards this direction. All in all, the key issue appears to be ‘motivation’(Fingleton et al. 2014).ReferencesBix, Amy Sue. 2000. “Engineering Education in the United States Has a Gendered.” IEEE, Technology and Society Magazine 19(1):20–26.Douie, Vera. 1950. Daughters of Britain. edited by Ronald. London.Eagly, Alice H. and Linda L. Carli. 2003. “The Female Leadership Advantage: An Evaluation of the Evidence.” The Leadership Quarterly 14(6):807–34.Eccles, J. S. and B. L. Barber. 1999. “Student Council, Volunteering, Basketball, or Marching Band: What Kind of Extracurricular Involvement Matters?” Journal of Adolescent Research 14(2012):10–43.Escueta, Maya, Tushar Saxena, and Varun Aggarwal. 2013. Women in Engineering
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Outreach
2016 ASEE International Forum
Leslie Seawright, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Ibrahim Hassan P.E., University of Texas, Austin; Ali Darwish Alashar, Texas A&M University at Qatar
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Diversity, International Forum
english professor. Students gained valuable transferable skills while workingon this project including creative thinking, audience awareness, teamwork, technical writing,visual design, and communication. The authors of this paper, who include the students thatworked on the project, aim to promote and encourage the idea of undergraduate students activelyengaging and creating STEM programs and initiatives for K-12.IntroductionThe idea of STEM education has been around since the early 1900’s. Originally called, SMET(science, mathematics, engineering, and technology), educators focused on instructing studentsin skills that would benefit their future societies[1]. The idea of enriching these fields by creatingstudents well versed in them quickly