Paper ID #19933Work in Progress: A Strategy for Assessing Learning Through Reflecting onDoingMr. Jackson Lyall Autrey, University of Oklahoma Jackson L. Autrey is a Master of Science student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ok- lahoma from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma and currently is involved with research into design-based engineering education. After completion of his Master’s degree, Jackson plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering.Prof. Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma Zahed Siddique is a Professor of Mechanical
innovative freeform modeling capabilities.The multidisciplinary teams include students, mostly seniors, from systems engineering anddesign, mechanical engineering, bioengineering and industrial design. The design projectsconsist of biomedical products and devices, and each project includes a sponsor from thehealthcare industry. The instructors include faculty from systems engineering and design,industrial design, and bioengineering.Using this testbed, a graduate student conducted research on reflective practice, design thinking,and how students engage in and use digital tools for design and collaboration. The initialresearch was conducted in the fall of 2015. Project results include a five-minute video thatdescribes student impressions of their
outcomes.This paper will explore successful engineering and design pedagogy case studies, taken from courseworkand curricula at Ohio State University and at Columbus College of Art & Design. These stories andchallenges will be explained to highlight what can emerge from creating curricula around open-endeddesign pedagogy, which serves to mimic real world, often ‘wicked’ scenarios. By describing engineeringand design programs doing similar pedagogical activities, the authors will reflect on their own classroomexperiences, discuss lessons learned, and propose a framework that instructors can call upon to encouragestudents to embrace ambiguity, thus becoming more agile and resilient in the future.Each author has taught the case study courses for
spirit, we contend that in design, build, and test courses studentslearn when they are required to reflect on their experiences and identify theirlearning explicitly. Further, we posit that utilization of an assessment instrument,the learning statement (LS), can be used to both enable and assess studentlearning. In our course, AME4163: Principles of Engineering Design, a senior-level,pre-capstone, engineering design course, students learn by reflecting on doing bywriting statements anchored in Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. In Fall 2016we collected over 11,000 learning statements from over 150 students. To addressthe challenge of analyzing and gleaning knowledge from the large number oflearning statements we resorted to text mining
epistemology, teamwork and equity). While seminar goals aligned with the goals ofLA programs nationally, our seminar design team also articulated several values which guidedthe design of our seminar: a) helping LAs reframe their role as supporting growth rather thanevaluation, b) valuing a broad set of metrics of success from day one, c) celebrating that differentstudents bring in different expertise, and disrupting overly simplistic expertise/novicedichotomies, d) acknowledging that we all have different starting points and valuing a pluralityof goals, e) helping our students track their own progress through reflecting on concreterepresentations of their thinking, and f) supporting LAs in developing deep disciplinaryknowledge of design thinking. This
abilityto transfer the closed-ended skills used on a typical math problem to an open-ended problem.The Reflective Practitioner. A study by Valkenberg and Dorst discussed the use of descriptive andreflective practices in design [6]. This paper drew heavily on Schön’s paradigm of reflective practice [7].Schön contends that every design problem is necessarily a unique challenge. Teaching students the skillsto reflect on their design while innovating, in order to advance the design, is essential to teaching design.This also can lead to problems, since if every problem is unique, and the students want a single concreteroadmap for how a project should go, there is bound to be conflict. Valkenberg and Dorst discussed fourdifferent design activities
approach innovation. She serves on the editorial boards of Science Education and the Journal of Pre-College Engineering Educa- tion (JPEER). She received a B.S.E with distinction in Engineering in 2009 and a B.S. degree in Physics Education in 1999. Her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees are in Science Education from Arizona State University earned in 2002 and 2008, respectively. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 WIP: Assessing Middle School Students’ Changing Conceptions of DesignAbstractDesign is a complex, ambiguous, and iterative process. Expert designers place extra emphasis onparticular design activities, such as framing problems, practicing idea fluency and reflecting ontheir design process
Review’ where they answer questions to assess theircurrent skill level and motivations. Next, students are presented with “Core Content,” a collection of resourcesfrom multiple disciplines. The third step is a “Knowledge Check” of close-ended and open-ended questions withfeedback given from a remote grader. In the fourth step, students are presented with an “Application” task, inwhich they are prompted to take the knowledge they have learned and apply it to a given design challenge.Students must meet with a coach to present their “Application” task outcomes and receive real-time feedback.Finally, the “Reflection” serves as the final part of the block when students ruminate on what they have learnedand consider how they will apply their newly
appears to involve thecognitive, affective, social, and psychomotor domains of learning, which has been proposed asproviding an effective way to improve ethical reasoning. For assessment of ESI learning, anaverage of two methods were used per course with a maximum of 8 methods reported; 10% didnot assess ESI knowledge. The most commonly used assessment methods were: group-basedwritten assignments (47%), individual reflections (33%), and individual homework assignmentsgraded with a rubric (31%). Instructor satisfaction with the ability to assess the outcomes ofsocietal context and ethics instruction was weakly correlated with the number of assessmentmethods used (correl. coeff. 0.25). Among all survey respondents 62% believed thatundergraduate
teachingtechniques and the knowledge they seek to convey.1.0 IntroductionDesign reviews or critiques are a common pedagogy for helping learners in any disciplinedevelop and demonstrate design expertise (Dym, Agogino, Eris, Frey & Leifer, 2005; Huet,Culley, McMahon & Fortin, 2007; Goldschmidt, 2002), although their structure and content mayvary across disciplines (Adams, 2016a). Many describe the practice of moving from desk todesk explaining what is right and wrong with student work as the “bread and butter” of designtraining (Goldschmidt, Casakin, Avidan & Ronen, 2014) and a central feature of preparingprofessionals as reflective practitioners (Schön, 1993).During design reviews, students receive feedback on their design decisions and guidance
incorporation of groupwork experiences into cornerstone and capstone experiences, where individual work hashistorically been typical. However, as many institutions are experimenting with alternativemodels that incorporate group work throughout a degree program, there is little understanding ofhow—or whether—students are able to develop the skills they need to work on their own. In thisstudy, we address students’ views towards collaboration and their construction of individualcompetence in a novel transdisciplinary learning environment, where group projects are typicaland individual work is highly atypical.Collaboration and Teamwork SkillsEngineering education researchers have long recognized the importance of collaboration andteamwork, reflecting the
multiple approaches to inquiry to research this particular wicked problem of ourtime. Our course incorporated documentary film, fiction, arts based inquiry, research, andmultiple modes of reflection to frame the design of creative solutions to complex problems.Engaging students in practices of attending to experience introduced them to artistic/creativereflective practices, design thinking, and aesthetic inquiry. Examining how artists interweaveart, science, technology, and math in imaginative artworks that blur boundaries between art,design, and STEM disciplines developed "thinking dispositions that are valued both within andbeyond the arts," (p. x, Hetland, Winner, Veenema, & Sheridan, 2013). In this paper we discuss how an art
premotor cortex (known to be involved in themanagement of uncertainty, control of behavior, and self-reflection in decision making). Thenumber of solutions generated was also significant (p=0.032). Freshmen generated 5.6 solutionson average during the brainstorming activity while seniors developed 4.1. In many ways, thisinitial work serves as a proof of concept in using neuroimaging to study the processes involvedin engineering design. Through a better understanding of these processes, we can begin toexplore specific elements of the engineering curriculum that may contribute to student ability tomanage complexity inherent in engineering design problems. We hope this interdisciplinarystudy integrating engineering education and neuroscience
multiple ways.The initial framing and resulting ideas that a designer generates to solve a design problem maybe influenced by that individual’s cognitive style. Cognitive style is a stable attitude or way ofthinking that reflects how a given individual prefers to interpret and respond to information.7Kirton’s Adaption–Innovation (A–I) theory posits that some individuals are more adaptive andprefer more structure, while others are more innovative and prefer less structure. Althoughindividuals may have a preferred problem solving approach, there are always different problemsituations or different times within a problem in which there could be a benefit to approachingthat problem in a non-preferred way. A person who is able to ideate along a spectrum
students’understanding of the diverse uses of iteration within design. Recommendations for futureresearch directions are presented in the paper along with implications for design educators whowish to further develop their students’ understanding of iteration.MotivationExplorations of the experiences of novice and experienced designers have demonstrated criticaldifferences in their approaches to solving design problems1–3. Some examples of the differencesoccur during problem framing, research phases, idea generation, trade-offs analysis, decision-making, and reflection on design experiences3. For example, as part of problem framing,experienced designers hold off on making decisions until they have had time to diverge andunderstand the challenge in a more
these connections, the wilderness environment is a particularly apt locationto consider Schön’s notion of design thinking as a process of reflection-in-action10. Asdescribed by Dym et al., design thinking “reflects the complex processes of inquiry andlearning that designers perform in a systems context, making decisions as they proceed,often working collaboratively on teams in a social process”9. Designing in and for awilderness environment is intended to provide the “surprises, pleasing and promising orunwanted” that would encourage students to respond as reflective practitioners to design-based learning prompts11(p56)Curriculum DevelopmentThe design-based wilderness education curriculum consisted of a series of lab andclassroom activities
already on the market. In order to have a successful crowdfunding campaign, our product needs to differentiate itself to get people to fund our project versus buying a product already on the market. FIGURE 3. EXAMPLE OF AN ANSWERED CONSTRAINT-SOURCE MODEL QUESTION.The design attributes are grouped into sections, as indicated in Table 1. Within its section, eachattribute is listed with an eliciting, reflective question. Students are asked to respond bothquantitatively and qualitatively. On the quantitative side, the CSM provides the
teach engineers how to effectively workin teams [11, 12]. Pandemic is a cooperative game where players are members of a Center forDisease Prevention and control team tasked with treating and curing four global diseases. As acooperative game, players only win against the game instead of against each other. In that study,we found, through reflection and experiential learning, the students were able to not only extractproper teamwork but also put it into practice [11, 12].However, we recognize the Pandemic game does not cover all teamwork skills and may onlysimulate the use of other skills at a mediocre level. As such, the goal of this work in progress isto identify other commercial games capable to address the shortcomings of Pandemic for upper
enduser throughout the design process; (2) all students participate in a lecture on ethics that focusesprofessional ethics as it relates to a case study as well as their own projects, and (3) students wereasked to reflect on ethics periodically throughout the semester as a component of the course. Theauthors chose this program for this study in part because of the emphasis on the role of the enduser throughout the design process, and the emphasis on ethics education in this program, to probeif students in such a program interact distinctly with regard to ethical versus technical concernsrelated to design. We focused on two classes, which are comprised of project teams consisting of3 to 9 students each. Each class shared a common theme, advisor
reflective mini-essay regarding what could be done to improveperformance for the next client meeting, and to provide feedback regarding the new version ofthe rubric. Collectively, the reflective pieces indicated a need for a more informative agenda anddelegating team members’ roles with respect to the meeting. The students indicated that therevisions to the rubric were very clear, but also made some suggestions for further improvementthat informed subsequent rubric versions.Rubric Reliability, Validation, and RefinementGiven the positive feedback received from the initial use of the Client Interaction Rubric, theauthors implemented a systematic review and refinement of the instrument, including examiningit for reliability and subjecting it to
. Finally, twointerdisciplinary case studies involving nuclear engineering topics are discussed – one frommechanical engineering and one from electrical engineering. These case studies includedescriptions of the projects along with reflections and assessments by students and facultymentors on their impact.IntroductionAn investigation into how interdisciplinary senior design projects emphasizing nuclearengineering applications can best be managed has been conducted, and nuclear engineeringtechnical content areas with the greatest opportunity for interdisciplinary projects are presented.RationaleAs the nuclear industry workforce ages, a new generation of engineers capable of filling this gapis needed [1]. At the same time, emphasis on detection of
peerreviews and periodic reflections on team dynamics. Interestingly, Giurintano, et al. [8], found aneed to focus on teamwork and leadership coaching after observing a lack of effective teamworkamong interdisciplinary teams. They adopted an approach similar to that discussed here withseveral capstone lectures devoted to teamwork and related topics. They also providedspecialized training to interdisciplinary teams. However, an important difference from ourapproach is that their capstone instructors developed and provided the training. The authorsreported that 70% of students surveyed felt that the material was valuable and only 6% said thatit had no value to them. This outcome supports the validity of our approach.MethodologyOur university is
for students,makerspaces encourage experiential and situated learning experiences through communities ofpractice. Experiential learning is not merely a technique that can be utilized to provide studentswith an experience from which they can learn, but a philosophy of education (Dewey, 1986; A.Y. Kolb & Kolb, 2005). This experiential learning philosophy is characterized by several tenets:learning is (1) a process not an outcome, (2) relearning, (3) resolving conflicts, (4) holisticallyadapting to the world, (5) interacting with the environments, and (6) creating knowledge (Kolb1984). This perspective is built on the notion that knowledge is created from reflecting upon atransformative experience, exemplified through the processes of the
global, h. economic, environmental, and societal context i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j. A knowledge of contemporary issues An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering k. practice.In addition to ABET student outcomes, learning outcomes listed in the TUEE Phase 1 reportwere considered carefully because they reflect industry perspectives. Outcomes are rated byimportance and by extent to which they are observed in engineering graduates [1]. Becauseneither ABET nor TUEE outcomes were defined in terms that are consistently interpreted, theauthors developed definitions of fifteen top outcomes that
Figure8DwarfMountainPineChallengesandStrategiesdiagram 8The second diagramming example is that of the Cicada. The wings of Cicadas shed dirt andwater while inducing a self-cleaning effect to prevent contamination, erosion, and bacterialaccumulation. The biological structure of these wings also creates an anti-reflective coating.Wings contain thousands of hexagonal sections across the surface. These sections have nipple-like protrusions that hold air pockets between them to prevent the build-up/accumulation ofbacteria, residue, and matter.9 Figure9CicadaChallengesandStrategiesdiagram
another’s perspective and reflection 29. Thisdevelops solutions in an improvised fashion that, in retrospect, might appear inevitable tooutsiders. As learning scientist Keith Sawyer puts it, “when it’s over, it appears more predictablethan it actually was” 10 This is a common response to seeing a creative thought in action, whichSawyer calls script-think – presuming there was a script to follow when in fact, there was none.It is creative engineering work in möjligheter-finding that distinguishes for the developmentteam the difference between acceptable and unacceptable solutions, leaving the ‘script,’ if therewas one, to be the process of developing an acceptable solution.Teaching möjligheter findingDeveloping product möjligheter includes
incorporate all four of the phases in the cycle: Concrete Experience,Abstract Hypothesis & Conceptualization and Active Experimentation. However, if the capstoneexperience is one of the first times that formal design process is introduced to the students, theopportunity for Reflective Observation becomes more difficult as the students are literallythrown into a high intensity design process where failure to develop a good product or systemcould lead to failure to obtain their engineering degree [17, 11, 18]. Concrete Experience (dissection, reverse engineering
andprocess information (Allinson & Hayes, 1996; Goldstein & Blackman, 1978; Messik, 1984;Riding, 1997). It is reflected in the organization of information in memory, the speed andaccuracy of decision-making under uncertainty, the global or macro approaches to dealing withproblems, and the preference for different problem solving strategies (Messik, 1976, 1984;Sternberg & Grigorenko, 1997).Two measures of cognitive design style are used in this project, the first is the problem-solutionindex and the second is design patterns based on the transitions of design issues and designprocesses. These provide quantitative measures of design styles. Cognitive design style ismeasured at the meta-level by dividing the entire design activity into two
,analyses of award winning products, and a case study of a long-term design project, DesignHeuristics capture the cognitive “rules of thumb” used by designers to intentionally vary their setof candidate designs[23]. These strategies appear to be ones that expert designers employautomatically, without consciously deciding to do so[24]. The heuristics were individuallyextracted across multiple concepts from multiple designers to reflect a useful level of abstractionin describing how to alter design characteristics to create new ones[25]. The resulting set of DesignHeuristics capture 77 different strategies, each of which can be applied independently or in tocreate new designs[26].The set of Design Heuristics is packaged as an instructional tool for
project area may have a significant impacton team effectiveness. We notice that project preferences may initially impact an individualstudent’s performance. For example, in cases where we might assign a student to a projectinvolving multidisciplinary participation, some students may find it difficult to appreciate theirparticular role on a project. We find that project preferences may be a factor during the initialweeks of the semester when students are becoming acquainted with a project, however, a studyof end-of-semester reflective memos indicates that as a project progresses, other factors, beyondinitial project preferences provide much of the motivation needed for team effectiveness andsuccess [15]. This transient motivation effect appears to