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Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-On Activities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yogesh Bhandari, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Akshay Vora, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; Sengavi Thirupathy; Rashi Singh, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Oscar Azofeifa
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
groups,studied and analyzed options available to them, developed sustainability projects to be proposed,presented their ideas in front of their colleagues (in ENG 573) for critical feedback, consulted withpersonnel at university’s facilities and services (F and S) and other departments, prepared the proposals,and then submitted them before the deadline. This paper is also a part of the exercise, written primarilyby the students in class. It was a valuable experience. Based on lessons learned, this class will be offeredagain in this format in coming semesters.INTRODUCTIONUniversity of Illinois has an Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE, [2]). College ofEngineering at the University of Illinois has been offering a graduate
Conference Session
Installation, Integration, and Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sung Joon Suk, Western Carolina University; Steven Anthony Sciara, Western Carolina University; George D Ford, Western Carolina University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
that shading can not only inhibit the performance of the array, butcan cause power to be absorbed into shaded panels from non-shaded panels. The phenomenontermed hot-spot can occur when an imperfection in materials, flaws in fabrication, partial shadingor some form of damage to the panel(s) has occurred (Pandian, 2016).An important factor in the absorption of irradiance by PV panels is the state in which the solarfaced glass surface is maintained. Regular cleaning intervals are recommended and are usuallydetermined by both physical and geographic location of the array. Partial shading of PV panelsby foliage may exacerbate poorer performance due to organic material adhering to the glass suchas leaf debris, sap, or pollen. Airborne contaminants
Conference Session
Energy Conservation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nitt Chuenprateep, University of the District of Columbia; Warren Orlando Abrams, University of the District of Columbia; Alicia Marshall, University of the District of Columbia; Sasan Haghani, University of the District of Columbia
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
in Washington D.C.’s Petworth neighborhood consisting of twenty separateresidences. Two of these are multi-family residences, consisting of six apartments each, with asquare footage of 700 square feet with a variance of 50 square feet. The other 18 residences weresingle-family homes with a square footage of 1700 feet, with a variance of 400 feet. These valueswere obtained with the assistance of the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Housing Survey, whichcan be used as a basis for determining the nature of housing in a given area [10]. With GridLab-D, these variances allow for randomization in the model with 400 feet as the value for onestandard deviation. In addition, five separate power demand schedules were generated anddistributed amongst the
Conference Session
Installation, Integration, and Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James W. Jones, Ball State University; Janet Fick, Ball State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
further their own sustainability initiatives by having their buildings certifiedthrough the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance process. This paperprovided a description of one institution’s implementation of LEED Lab, from initiation throughbuilding certification. Readers might find, as the authors did, that the LEED Lab programprovides a tremendous opportunity to incorporate sustainability education and action into asingle course that prepares students with the knowledge and experience to be the green buildersof the future.Bibliography1. Buente, S. (2016, February 10). LEED Lab: Sustainability in higher education goes global. Retrieved from
Conference Session
Using Real-World Examples
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael G Mauk P.E., Drexel University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Ieva Narkeviciute, Stanford University; Gabriel K. Head, University of Pennsylvania
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
algae aquaculture systems with pumps, control, andsolar cells (Figures 4 through 8). The system is made out of clear acrylic plastic sheet (3 to 5mm thick). The sheet is cut with a Universal Laser Systems 40W CO2 laser using AutoCAD orSolidWorks source files. The acrylic is bonded with acrylic cement (Weldon 4052), but ingeneral, all adhesives and materials should be checked for toxicity to algae.The channel height (normal to incident sunlight) is about 1 cm. The widths of the channelsranges from 4 to 8 cm, and can be up to 1-2 m long. Flow rates range from 1 to 10 ml/s, whichcorresponds to a Reynolds Number of about 20 to 500, and a flow velocity of 1 cm/s, indicatinglaminar flow. Syringe pumps are gentle to the algae, and peristaltic pumps
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-On Activities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Anne Valdes, University of Florida; Carlene Elizabeth Cuadra, University of Florida ; Fazil T. Najafi, University of Florida; Nick M. Safai, Salt Lake Community College
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
through photosynthesis by future biomass crops.In 2011, it was discovered that bioenergy was used as an energy source more than oil in Sweden.The Swedish Energy Agency found that 31.7% of the energy used was generated from biomasswhile 30.8% of the energy originated from oil. One of the principal reasons for this increase inbioenergy is the fact that biomass is the primary energy source in the district heating sector, asector that demands more than half of the overall heat demand in residential areas. 7 Figure 5shows the different sources of energy in Sweden in 2011 (Sweden Energy Use 2010, May 10). Figure 5: Source of Energy in Sweden 2011References 1. Abolhosseini, S., Heshmati, A., & Altmann, J. (2014, April). A
Conference Session
Installation, Integration, and Development
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Herbert L. Hess, University of Idaho, Moscow; Saied Hemati, University of Idaho, Moscow
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
-Contact-Pickups/dp/B0076ON66S, accessed February 2017.3 Amtel Corp., “Atmega 328 Data Sheets,”, accessed February 2017.4 Digi International Inc., “Zigbee S2C Data Sheet,”, accessedFebruary 2017.5 Expert Power Store, “EXP1270-12-Volt-7-Amp-Rechargeable-Battery,”, accessed February 2017.6 Mindworks Community, “Interdisciplinary Senior Design,”, accessed February 2017.7 S. Beyerlein, D. Gerbus, E. Odom, “applying Theory of
Conference Session
Using Real-World Examples
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G. Belu, Southern University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Lucian Ionel Cioca, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
hybrid power systems and microgrids. The topics covered include the needs andbenefits of distributed generation, wind and solar energy potential assessment, models of energystorage devices, power electronic interfacing, life cycle assessment and cost analysis, and gridintegration issues. The benefit of such broad coverage is to give the students a comprehensiveview of the various RES components. Each student picks one area to explore further by studyingand presenting one or two research paper(s) to the class as well as doing an end-of-term projectdeveloping a written report and presenting the results of their work to the entire class.The objective of this course is to present and introduce the students to various renewable energytopologies and
Conference Session
Using Real-World Examples
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeed D. Foroudastan, Middle Tennessee State University; Cary Richard Woodson, Middle Tennessee State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
a need to quantify the program’s efficacy as a tool forreducing the attrition rates of participating STEM majors as reducing the number that switchmajors or drop out altogether is considered to be the program’s primary goal. The end result ofthis research, along with all quantifying data, is slated to be the topic of a future paper.Bibliography 1. C. Brame, “Active Learning,”, (accessed Dec. 2016). 2. J. Handelsman, S. Miller, C. Pfund, Scientific Teaching, 1st ed., W.H. Freeman, New York, 2007 3. S. Freeman, S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, M.P. Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics
Conference Session
Sustainability and Hands-On Activities
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra Ph.D, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Xavier Shastri Domnique Henry, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Agriculture’s Capacity BuildingGrant, Award # 2012-38821-20038." The authors would also like to thank the NBBEP and BEAT,participants and other faculty and students that helped with the project execution.Bibliography 1. US Energy Information Administration (EIA). 2016. Short-Term Energy Outlook. Retrieved from 2. Amin, S. 2009. Review on biofuel oil and gas production processes from microalgae. Energy Conversion and Management, 50: 1834-1840. 3. Demirbas, A. 2009. Political, economic and environmental impacts of biofuels: A review. Applied Energy, 86: S108-S117. 4. Van der Ham, J., Mutsert, K. 2014. Abundance and Size of Gulf Shrimp in Louisiana's Coastal Estuaries following the
Conference Session
Using Real-World Examples
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Gilbert, Sinclair Community College
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
:// The University ofDayton Industrial Assessment Center is one of twenty-six Department of Energy funded Centers.It has been in operation since the early 1980’s and has completed over 950 industrial assessments.In the years of operation, the Center has developed many spreadsheets, software programs, andreport formats which it made available to the Ohio Lean Building Project (OLBP). Colleges anduniversities wishing to replicate such a program would also have access to the “Energy EfficiencyGuidebook.”Formal Program GoalsThe program’s goals: 1. Train the next generation of energy engineers and technicians in building energy efficiency. 2. Make Ohio’s buildings more energy efficient by
Conference Session
Energy Conservation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glenn T. Wrate P.E., Northern Michigan University; Joe Routhier, Northern Michigan University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) and Manufacturing in a Certified Technical Education (CTE) program at Gwinn High School in Gwinn, MI. Joe earned his master’s in Secondary Education from Northern Michigan University and is currently working on his Ed S degree. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Using Industrial Test Equipment in an Undergraduate Electrical Machinery Lab SettingAbstractTo prepare engineers and engineering technologists for the “real world” work environment, itwould be best if test equipment similar to that being used in industry was used in the laboratory.The problem with this is that most of the machines – transformers, motors, and
Conference Session
Using Real-World Examples
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Felipe Euyoqui Mojica, University of California, Merced; Po-Ya Abel Chuang, University of California, Merced; Uriel Ruiz
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Stand-AloneWind/Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Energy System. Ieee Transactions On EnergyConversion 23, 957-967 (2008).[8] M. Hosseini, I. Dincer, M.A. Rosen. Hybrid solar–fuel cell combined heat andpower systems for residential applications: Energy and exergy analyses. Journal OfPower Sources 221, 372-380 (2013).[9] P.A. Lehman, C.E. Chamberlin, G. Pauletto, M.A. Rocheleau. Operatingexperience with a photovoltaic-hydrogen energy system. International Journal OfHydrogen Energy 22, 465-470 (1997).[10] D. Shapiro, J. Duffy, M. Kimble, M. Pien. Solar-powered regenerative PEMelectrolyzer/fuel cell system. Solar Energy 79, 544-550 (2005).[11] D. Rekioua, S. Bensmail, N. Bettar. Development of hybrid photovoltaic-fuel cellsystem for stand-alone application
Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
. R., Jennings, P., Renewable energy education in sustainable architecture: lessons from developed and developing countries. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B-Social and Educational Studies, 2010. 2(3-4): p. 111-131.8. Poboroniuc, M.-S., et al. SALEIE: An EU project aiming to propose new EIE curricula oriented to key global technical challenges. in 2014 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE 2014). Iasi, Romania: IEEE.9. Kandpal, T.C. and L. Broman, Renewable energy education: A global status review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014. 34: p. Pages 300–324.10. Bachmann, C., et al. Engineering For Non-Engineering Schools: A Hands-On
Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David McDonald P.E., Lake Superior State University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
initial chapter(s) of the Hybrid Electric Vehicle textbook.2. Perform basic calculations involving electrical current, voltage, and power as well and speed, torque, and efficiency. Discuss and perform basic calculation for hybrid topics such as speed coupling and torque coupling of multiple motor systems. Student Self Assessment: (Subjective) ……………..…. 89% Faculty Grades of Student Work: (Quantitative) ….….. 85% Student Comments  From other classes  Review a little from EGEE210  Described well in class  Motors in the lab and in class. Completed homework  Because of other classes Faculty Comments  There was a very wide background of the students even though they
Conference Session
Energy Conservation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rajarajan Subramanian, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg; Fazil T. Najafi, University of Florida
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
now, then it is going to be very difficult when each stateattempts to satisfy the energy needs through 100% natural renewable energy sources such assolar, wind and water.Interpretation of ResultsThe E3’s findings can offer some insight into the usefulness of rooftop PV in Pennsylvania.Assuming that Pennsylvania has a greater average sunlight than many other states, we canconclude that the results only encourage the use of rooftop PV in Pennsylvania. The small scaleinstallation threshold of 5000 KWh for California could be applied to small scale Pennsylvaniainstallations because of their comparable sun exposure. However, when considering the FederalITCs, both the contended conditions approach cost-effectiveness.ConclusionIt is undeniable that
Conference Session
Energy Efficiency and Capstone Projects
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hayrettin Bora Karayaka, Western Carolina University; Trevor Parrish, Western Carolina University; Robert D. Adams, Western Carolina University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
; Watton, A. (2006, June), Teaching Improved Methods Of Tuning And Adjusting Hvac Control Systems. Paper presented at 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. Field, B., & Ellert, D. (2010, June), Project Based Curriculum For Thermal Science Courses. Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. Ross, S., & Giordano, P., & Blanck, J., & Johnson, D., & Jansson, P. (2004, June), Undergraduate Research On Sustainability: Campus Energy Analysis And Building Lighting Audits. Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Conference Session
Energy Conservation
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher J. Damm, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Wesley A. Zloza, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Samuel Jaroslav Stafl, Milwaukee School of Engineering ; Brent Radlinger
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
Solar Cell E Electric T Thermal CHP Combined Heat & Power NG Natural Gas PV Photovoltaic ST Solar ThermalReferences[1] U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. (2015,February 7). Solar Resource Data API. Golden, Colorado, United States.[2] Cuttica, J. J., & Haefke, C. (2009, May 14). Midwest CHP Application Center. Retrieved fromEnergy.Gov:[3] Blank, L., & Tarquin, A. (2008). Basics of Engineering Economy. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.[4] Damm, C. J. (2015, Feb 16). Price Values of Installed Solar Systems. (S