limited web access to prevent them from searching for solutions to the design problem onother web sites.Coding development. In typical protocol analyses the researchers commence with a pre-existingcoding scheme and modify it based on the task and events in the current protocol. In this projectwe will use a principled coding scheme based on the FBS ontology developed by Gero andcolleagues (Gero, 1990; Gero & Kannengiesser, 2004). The FBS ontology contains three types ofvariables: Function (F), Behavior (B) and Structure (S). Function (F) represents the designintentions or purposes of the design; behavior (B) represents the object’s attributes that can beeither directly derived from a representation of the object (Bs) or expected to be derived
area of expertise is in applying the knowledge base of human factors en- gineering to the design and operation of human-computer systems that involve rich interactions among people and technology. His research covers the entire spectrum of system design: from identifying the user needs to designing and developing systems that inform and motivate user behavior and empirically evaluating the efficacy of these interventions. He draws on qualitative and quantitative methodologies including ethnography, contextual inquiry, surveys and controlled behavioral experiments to understand how humans perceive, make sense of, and interact with complex human-machine systems.Mr. Jeff BertrandDr. Rebecca S. Hartley, Clemson University
steam. Properties are calculated as a function of temperature and pressure. Theinterface allows users to call out temperature (T ) and pressure (p) explicitly by name or simplypass them in order like in a traditional function call. Here, we calculate the enthalpy (h) andspecific heat (c p ) of air at 450K and 1.47bar.>>> steam.h(T=450., p=1.47)2827.075794818073>>> steam.cp(450., 1.47)2.000229350330389>>> steam.cp()4.181097326774104In the last example, no arguments are given, so PYroMat defaults to standard values for tem-perature and pressure (300K, 1.013bar). The interested user can reconfigure those numbers. Allof the properties are standardized to a kJ, kg, s, K, bar system. These units were chosen to
can greatly improve students’understanding of thermodynamics by visualizing property relationships. As a highly visual andintuitive tool, property diagrams eliminate the time devoted to mastering steam tables. Afterteaching steam tables for multiple years within a year-long thermal-fluid sciences course andrecognizing the poor pedagogic utility, the steam tables were entirely replaced by thetemperature-entropy (T-s) diagram as the primary source for water thermodynamic properties.This paper discusses the implementation, challenges, and the outcomes of this introduction.Apart from developing instructions aligned solely to property diagrams, a number of visual toolswere identified, adopted, and developed to facilitate the transition. The
θo n (∆t )1 ( ∆t ) 2 (∆t )3 ∆t 10° 6 2.99 s 3.01 s 3.00 s 3.00 s 20° 6 3.15 s 3.11 s 3.13 s 3.13 s 30° 6 3.29 s 3.26 s 3.23 s 3.26 sTable 2. Natural Period and Frequency for Half-Disk Oscillation θo Pexper (ωn )exper (ωn ) theor Ptheor Rel. Error 10° 0.500 s 12.57 rad/s 11.58 rad/s 0.542 s 7.75% 20° 0.522 s 12.04 rad/s 11.58 rad/s 0.542 s 3.69% 30° 0.543 s
be found in a review59 paper by Muschik16. None of these approaches address the four pedagogical shortcomings listed above;60 they are still based on RHE’s operating between temperature reservoirs. Many Introductory physics61 textbooks at the college level have modified their presentation of the second law by introducing entropy62 from a molecular perspective, while using an abridged version of the sequence shown in figure 1 to63 discuss only RHE’s (exergy is generally not covered). Some introductory physics textbooks17-20 skip the64 Clausius theorem altogether, and derive RHE efficiency starting from ∆S=0. Others derive the Clausius65 theorem from RHE efficiency21, which is presented as the upper limit of efficiency (without
activities was to augment the existing Kinematics of Mechanisms classwith human kinematics and protein kinematics concepts in the form of interactive cross-disciplinary experiences in order to enhance student knowledge in the area of kinematics andprepare them to be successful in their future jobs. Before each project, there were a number ofplanned activities, such as detailed description of the project with included main objective(s)and recommended research papers and instructions for the successful completion. As a nextstep, the students were required to come up with possible solutions to the open-ended researchprojects. To increase the quality of writing [23] and presenting, the students were asked to submitreports, as well as give oral
you to design a fountain. As a member of the National Fluid Power Association, he requires that one or more of the nozzles is controlled by a hydraulic system which will allow the nozzle(s) to move the water jet(s) in some sort of pattern. The water jet(s) from the movable nozzle(s) must be high enough pressure to allow for a sufficient water height. He wants this fountain to be an attraction for his customers. You will need to consider a water delivery system, filter(s), a piping system, hydraulic system, and other components for this fountain. Preliminary Reply Investigation: some (not all) considerations during the first week: What major components are needed for a fountain and
1) improve individual learning, 2) improve team performance, and 3) would mostbenefit individual members within teams performing at a high level. To explore these hypotheseswe compared student performance across two semesters, one that utilized cooperative groups andthe second that utilized TBL.MethodsThis research was approved by the University of Kansas Human Research Protection Program.In Fall 2014, 59 students enrolled in the course which was taught in a flipped format (Beichner,2008) in an active-learning classroom and utilized cooperative groups. Each class meetingconsisted of: 1) a reading quiz, 2) lecture highlights, 3) example problem(s), and 4) group work.The instructional team consisted of the professor, two graduate teaching
the relative velocity. Their resulting calculation of Coriolisacceleration is plotted in Figure 3 above. For the experimentally determined Coriolisacceleration, the team reached a value of 0.1305 m / s 2 while their theoretical calculation wasfound to be 0.1608 m / s 2 . A sample is given here from the team’s concluding remarks:“From our data we can conclude that we successfully isolated the phenomenon. We did this bycalculating our theoretical acceleration and comparing it to what the sensors actually recorded.Areas of improvement would be a more rigid base, smoother running surface, a constant angulardrive and linear velocity for the car.”B. Sample 2: “Trebuchet”The students in this project constructed a homemade launching apparatus known
element in both versions of the course.For the recorded videos, the students were able to review the videos as much as they needed. Therewere also embedded quizzes and questions in the recorded online videos to help students stay on trackand to engage students in actively applying their learning. The course connected students to EverydayExamples in Engineering (E³s) 5, engineering concepts to which students can readily relate. Some E3sused were: Using a tire gauge to measure the pressure in a bicycle tire, Using mobile devices to findthe current outdoor temperature, and then converting that reading to different temperature scales,Discussing open and closed systems and the properties of pure substances while brewing and drinkingcoffee
change request 10 LCA of efficient airplane Comparison between Results for water table wings experimental and experiments computational results Joint ReviewHomework and project assignments are due weekly and cover manufacturing, design andthermo-fluid dynamics. The teaching assistant/s will have office hours with access to the watertable later in the quarter so that students can access the table and conduct tests for the project.Airplanes fly because their wings cause a lift force when air flows past the wings. In addition tothe lift force, the flying airplane experiences thrust, drag, and weight forces (Anderson
: 100,000×0.6 m= =0.765 kg 287×273.15The specific heat cv is a function of temperature, and is evaluated at the target temperature of0oC, i.e., cv = 0.717 kJ/kg-K. The equation for Qopening can then be simplified as j Q opening=mc v ∑ ,.T -k k=1An assumed door-use behavior is given in Table 2 below (j = 5): Table 2. Pattern of Refrigerator Door Opening. Duration of Air Exchange, Δt Ti = 0.1xΔt ΔT = Ti - 0 (s
utilization of the plots by adesign engineer (see supplemental section S.1 for full project description). The purpose of this design project was to give students an opportunity to compute thedistribution of safety factor over a changing design parameter, and make engineering decisionsbased on the information obtained. For this project students were expected to use concepts theylearned in previous classes (specifically statics, solid mechanics and computational methods). Figure 1: Picture of scenario for Design Project 1 showing a crate supported by three cables.Project 2 – Kinematics of a Linkage System The second design project involved a kinematic analysis of a linkage system. The projectwas done in the context of the practical
general obstaclesplaced in high Reynolds number flows. The problems presented here would make for anexcellent interdisciplinary learning experience in such courses.Bibliography1. Mohammadzadeh, A. & Haidar, S., “Integral methods in solving governing partial differential equations in the undergraduate heat transfer course”, in Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, (ASEE paper ID 15166), June 2016 Incropera, Frank, P.; Dewitt, David, P., “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th. Edition”, J. Wiley, 1996.3. Kreith, Frank, Bohn, Mark,S., “Principles of Heat Transfer, 6th. Edition", Brooks/Cole, 2001.4. Arpaci
-University: Missouri S&T10 Texas A&M11 University of Kansas13 Kansas State University14 Lincoln12 First Year Introduction to Mechanical Introduction to Mechanical Introduction to Mechanical Introduction to Mechanical Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Computer Applications in Engineering
requirements of collecting and returning homeworkassignments reduces the time commitment and difficulty in teaching large classes.Bibliography1. Hauk, S. & Segalla, A. Student perceptions of the web-based homework program WeBWorK in moderate enrollment college algebra classes. J. Comput. Math. Sci. Teach. 24, 229 (2005).2. Thoennessen, M. & Harrison, M. J. Computer-assisted assignments in a large physics class. Comput. Educ. 27, 141–147 (1996).3. Flori, R. E. et al. Incorporating web-based homework problems in engineering dynamics. in Proceedings of American society of engineering education conference (2002).4. Spain, J. D. Electronic homework: Computer-interactive problem sets for general chemistry. J Chem Educ 73, 222 (1996).5
is collected, quick measurements of the bell(s) should be made so that a model can bebuilt in Solidworks. This model will be used in Abaqus to determine a numerical value for theresonant frequency, and the quantity subsequently used for comparisons with experimental data. 1. Program the MATLAB FFT analysis script. 2. Strike the two bells, and run the program to record the sound and analyze the audio input. 3. Use Solidworks to model the bells separately, export the part files to Abaqus. 4. Apply Abaqus to calculate the vibration in resonance step. 5. Compare the results from the FFT and simulation strategies in each group. Determine what errors are present in the experiment and how to eliminate them. The process for the
presentation of such an equation must necessarily beaccompanied by a definition of the terms along with their units: RMR is the metal removal rate inmm3/s or in3/min, I is the current in amps, and Tm is the melting temperature of the work metal inC or F.Perhaps the most rigorous treatment of units is in the thermal sciences. Most thermodynamics,fluid mechanics, and heat transfer texts use unit conversion factors to demonstrate a rigorouscancellation process in example problems. Students are left with no doubts as to where numberscome from. In spite of the rigor with which units are treated, there is no common non-SI systemused in thermal science texts. Fluid mechanics texts by Gerhardt [5] and Pritchard [12] use theBG system, with the derived mass
explore laminar, transitional and fully turbulentconditions.To determine the volumetric flow rate through the pipe test section, water flowing out ofthe pipe was caught in a measuring cup, and the time required to fill 500 mL measuredwith a stopwatch. The pressure drop along the pipe was determined using the fourmanometers integrated with the pipe and positioned 3.0 inches apart. The uncertainty involumetric flow measurements that ranged between Q = +/- 1 ml/s at low flow rates (10ml/s) to Q = +/- 2 ml/s at high flow rates (30 ml/s). The uncertainty in the pressuremeasurements using the integrated manometers was +/- 2 mm H2O or +/- 20 Pa.The pipe flow/head loss experiment shown in Fig. 3 was characterized by measuring thepressure drop along the
the previous quizlet but using cold-air-standard analysis.8With the new structure, the problems start out simple and repetitive but then build up to thelarger problems. This learning process was efficient enough that the instructor was able to coverextra material in that week, thus the introduction of the Otto cycle (Day 3, Quizlets 2 and 3).4. Assessment In 2015 and 2016, surveys were distributed approximately one month into the semester. These surveys included the free-response question: “What aspect(s) of the class help you the most and why?” Results from that question are summarized in Figure 3.Figure 3: Summarized results of the survey question “What aspect(s) of the class help youthe most and why?” given approximately one
, J., & Newman, S. (1989). Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the Crafts of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics, In L. Resnick (Ed.), Knowing, Learning, and Instruction: Essays in Honor of Robert Glaser, (453-494), Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.2. Elsaiah, S., & Jansson, P. (2016). An Effective Design Course to Inspire Active Learning in Undergraduate Education. Proceedings of the Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Erie, PA.3. Harris, T., & Jacobs, H. (1995). On Effective Methods to Teach Mechanical Design. Journal of Engineering Education, 84(4), 343-349.4. Howe, S., Lasser, R., Su, K., & Pedicini, S. (2009). Content in Capstone Design Courses: Pilot Survey Results from Faculty, Students &
approved as exempt by theUniversity of Portland IRB committee.References[1] H. Dillon, N. Schmedake, K. Eifler, T. Doughty, and K. Lulay, “Design of a Curriculum- Spanning Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Experiment,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2016.[2] K. E. Lulay, H. E. Dillon, T. A. Doughty, D. S. Munro, and S. Z. Vijlee, “Implementation of a Design Spine for a Mechanical Engineering Curriculum,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2015.[3] T. VanDeGrift, H. Dillon, and L. Camp, “Changing the Engineering Student Culture with Respect to Academic Integrity and Ethics,” Sci. Eng. Ethics, pp. 1–24, Nov. 2016.[4] R. Barr, C. Pfieffer, H. E. Dillon
the beginning of the semester in the second course inthermodynamics are shown. These questions are based on the topics covered in the prerequisitecourse.Example 1: Identify the following items as (A) True or (B) False23 1. For a composite system consisting subsystems (a) and (b), the overall pressure is always expressed as P = Pa + Pb 2. For a composite system consisting subsystems (a) and (b), the overall enthalpy is always expressed as H = Ha + Hb 3. For a composite system consisting subsystems (a) and (b), the overall specific entropy is always expressed as s = sa + sb 4. The volume of a closed system cannot change during a process 5. A control volume is a special type of closed system that does not interact in any
, ismore advantageous than traditional lecturing in improving student performance across the STEMfields and across all class sizes. This aligns well with the need in the engineering mechanicsclasses to engage student in qualitative judgement activities for active learning.Several studies have been conducted on demonstrations for engineering courses. Vander Schaafand Klosky [12], Welch and Klosky [13] presented demonstrations for solid mechanics to linktheory to the students’ natural knowledge and excite interest in the course. Paul. S. Steif andAnna Dollár [14, 15, 16] developed demonstrations on statics along with concept questions thatinvolved students applying forces with their hands or body to make force and moment conceptsmore perceivable in
exponential functions such as e2x correctly. Most students or in some cases the entireclass did not completely answer the thermodynamics questions correctly. For example none ofstudents completely answered the following question correctly. For a single component fluid (e.g.,water) in the two-phase saturation region, which of the following properties defines the state (areindependent pair of properties)? Circle all correct pair of properties: a) P and v, b) P and s, c) P and T,d) v and x, e) T and x, f) u and v.Most students could not correctly simplify the following general rate equations as applied to acontrol volumes with single inlet and outlet under specified conditions. dmcv dt m m i
; Wenderoth, M. P. (2008). Biology in Bloom: Implementing Bloom’ s Taxonomy to Enhance Student Learning in Biology. CBE - Life Sciences Education, 7, 368–381., R. M., Harris, M. A., Chang, W. S., Dent, E. W., Nordheim, E. V., & Franzen, M. A. (2016). Physical models have gender-specific effects on student understanding of protein structure-function relationships. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 1– 10., S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of
vertical position, will be implemented using a finite state machine. Note: you are not required to design the feedback controller or state machine. Select appropriate sensors and actuators to implement the proposed system. These may include position/velocity/acceleration sensors, temperature sensors, motors, linear actuators, and many others. Note: accuracy, speed, and cost all matter! Select an appropriate microcontroller(s) to implement the proposed SLS system. If necessary, design appropriate interfaces between sensors and actuators and the microcontroller(s). Note: while useful in class, the Arduino Uno is likely not sufficiently
realobject. Based on free responses it can be said that some students appreciated the link betweentheory and practice. The activity has gained interest at the author’s institution where two additional instructorshave adopted it. It is anticipated that it will evolve as a result of broader deployment.Acknowledgements The author acknowledges the James Madison University Quality Collaborative project,funded by Lumina Foundation.References[1] S. D. Sheppard and B. H. Tongue, Statics Analysis and Design of Systems in Equilibrium (revisd edition), Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.[2] F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, Jr., D. F. Mazurek, P. J. Cornwell and B. P. Self, Vector Mechanics for Engineers (11th edition), New York, NY: McGraw