itproduced a “wrong” answer because it failed to account for the most significant factor in ethicaldecision-making: a decision that has the potential to harm the environment, people or morespecifically children, will have a more greater impact on the decision than the current modelallows [4].A traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA) consists of listing alternative projects and programs,listing stakeholders, and selecting measurements. In the triple bottom line approach, quantifyingsuch attributes becomes increasingly difficult as has been discussed since the introduction of thesocial and environmental components in the 1970’s. The difficulty in creating a commonmeasurement of quantity for comparing and creating a single CBA rests in the question of
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Justifywhytheirdesignsolutionisappropriatebasedonapplicationofcore communicatetheir science/mathematicsconcepts. designsolutionthrough B Justifywhytheirdesignsolutionisappropriatebasedoninformationobtainedin useofevidence-based problemscoping. reasoning. En grTEAMS Projec t i s fu nded by t h e N a t i o n a l Sci e n ce F o u n da t i o n un d er gra nt NSF DUE- 1238140Notebooks in the CurriculaThroughout the design project, each student maintains an engineering notebook in order to take notes, develop ideas,record testing and observations, document decisions, and plan next steps. Each of the 13 units has both commonelements of the notebook and elements that are specific to that unit. The common elements of the notebooks
student preparation, although it does not account forpreparation in math or specific pre-requisite courses.Every effort was made to make the online instruction mimic in-class delivery. The sameinstructor taught both cohorts from the same set of lecture notes, and students were required touse the same textbook [38]. Homework assignments were similar, simulation-based learningassignments were identical, and midterm exams were of approximately equivalent difficulty.The project assignment was intended to replace Cohort #1’s third midterm, and the content ofthese assessments is not expected to influence preparedness for the final exam. Importantly, bothcohorts completed identical final exams in equivalent testing conditions.Final Exam PerformanceThe
• Friends 4 for Often 5 for Yes, Very Much Do the following see you as an engineer? 1 for No, Not at All • Yourself 2 for Seldom Recognition by Self • Engineering instructor(s) 3 for Sometimes 4 for Often 5 for Yes, Very Much In your opinion, to what extent are the following associated with the field of
course will becompared with a lecture-based or a laboratory-based course in order to determine whether classsize is more critical for specific types of courses. Furthermore, the study will be replicated with alarger number of data points to compare very small class sizes to significantly large ones.References1. Whitehurst, G. J., Chingos, M. M., 2011, “Class Size: What Research Says and What it Means for State Policy,”Brown Center for Education Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC.2. Ehrenberg, R. G., Brewer, D. J., Gamoran, A., Willms, J. D., 2001, “Class Size and Student Achievement,”Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 30, pp. 1-30.3. Finn, J., Gerber, S., Boyd-Zaharias, J., 2005, “Small classes in the early grades
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shaft work, the energy balance simplifies to the following: ∆𝐻𝐻̇ = 𝑄𝑄̇ If the device can be assumed to be adiabatic, then the heat added to the system by the heater element is equal to the change in enthalpy.i) Set up an enthalpy table for the system, clearly identifying the reference conditions. References: Glycerin and propylene glycol liquids at 25°C and 1.01325 bar Substance 𝑚𝑚̇𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 �𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐻𝐻 𝑚𝑚̇𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 (g/s) �𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 (J/g) 𝐻𝐻 Glycerin (A) 0 - 0.001748 �1
that the position data is correct they are asked to use thecode to collect position and time data for a cart moving on a horizontal track. The carts are fairlylow friction and students expect to find a linear relationship between the position and time. Thisproject has been run with 4 laboratory sections (20 different lab groups of 3-4 students) over twospring semesters. Each year one lab group has used the 0.25 s delay between acquisitions as the∆t to build their position vs. time graphs. This produces very good results for a cart that is givena speed of around 0.5 m/s. The rest of the lab groups have relied on the default time variable,Duration, output by the starter sketch, see Fig. (4). This output produces a plot of position vs.time that
car and hallway used for testing are shown in Figure 4. During the test, thecar is placed in various lateral starting positions and orientations on one end of the hallway. Thehallway used for testing is 7.5 feet wide by 43 feet long. When the car started with a clear viewof both sides of the hallway, it was able to stay close to the center of the hallway most of thetime. However, sometimes the car would travel in an S or zig-zag pattern, by overcorrecting inone direction and then overcorrecting again in the opposite direction about the center of lane.The zig-zagging resulted in lateral deviations of up to 1 foot on either side of the center of lane,and crossing the center of lane up to 13 times while traveling down the hallway. When the
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Program was originally founded through the Center for EnergyEfficient Electronics Science, and has since branched to multiple disciplines includedbiotechnology and robotics. TTE REU was designed as an intervention for students so thatthey would have an opportunity to build their confidence and knowledge in science andengineering with the goal that this intervention would lead to more students transferring to abachelor program. As discussed by S. Artis4, TTE REU brings students from communitycolleges around the state of California to the University of California, Berkeley to complete a9 week summer research internship. The first week of the internship has the students goingthrough a “laboratory bootcamp” where the students learn lab safety, ethics
“professional socialization,” acquisition of workplace skillsand attitudes needed for recent graduates to develop successful professional careers [1].Improving these skills may also influence student persistence toward an engineering degree.Student attitudes toward engineering have been identified as playing an important role inpersistence decisions [2]. Specifically, student perceptions of engineering as they relate to futurecareer success are strong predictors of student persistence [3]. Assisting students to developprofessional skills and establish connections to the workplace while still in school may assistthem to complete their degrees and to achieve better success through their workplace transition.In Hull-Blank et al.’s study on the career self
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AnalysisThe objective of the second assignment was to apply basic engineering principles of problemdefinition to their system of choice. The assignment goals were to define a system process andrelated variables and identify gaps in the knowledge through a Degrees of Freedom analysis.Students were required to: 1. Sketch your Chesapeake Bay system. 2. Define processes (splitting, mixing, reactions, etc.) and show the streams entering and exiting your process(es). 3. Define and show the variables associated with your processes. 4. Set up a Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) analysis of your system. Determine the variable(s) you will need to calculate (solve for). 5. Determine how many variables will you need to define through research in order
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60 40 20 0 Systems 2 and 4 Systems 1 and 3 (under-damped) (over-damped) Figure 9: Bar graph for final exam question 1 r(t) System, G(s) y(t) Figure 10: Input/output black box for Question 2damping than system 1. While this is true in some sense, it
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