Paper ID #18785Enhancing participation of deaf engineering students in lab discussionDr. Raja S Kushalnagar, Gallaudet University Raja Kushalnagar is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Information Technology Program at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. He teaches information technology courses, and mentors deaf, hard of hearing and hearing students in information technology and accessible computing research. His research interests focus on the intersection of disability law, accessible and educational technology, and human-computer interaction. He worked in industry for over five years before
Paper ID #18465Action on Diversity: A Content Analysis of ASEE Conference Papers, 2015–2016Ms. Mayra S Artiles , Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education Mayra S. Artiles is a Ph.D. student in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. She has a B.S. in Mechan- ical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez and an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University with a focus on nanotechnology. Prior to her current position, she worked at Ford Motor Company as an Electrified Vehicles Thermal Engineer. Her research interests are broadening participation in engineering higher education, higher
metallurgical engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SD Mines). Between 2008-2013, he served as site director of the NSF I/UCRC Center for Friction Stir Processing (CFSP). Since then, he has been involved in a range of projects involving friction stir joining and alloy processing in a variety of metal alloys including aluminum alloys, ODS steels, titanium alloys, cast irons, and dissimilar metal alloys. He is also actively engaged in STEM-Ed projects and serves as the director for the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) ”Back to the Future”, coordinator for the Army Educational Outreach REAP program for High school students at SD Mines, and PI for the S-STEM Culture and Attitude program
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understanding of the importance of linking to professional practice through involvement of the department’s or college’s existing Industrial Advisory Board (or equivalent); An acknowledgement of additional example strategies, such as increasing the stature of professor(s) of engineering practice and their role as change agents or connecting the work with professional master’s programs. An incorporation of scalability and adaptability considerations.After Riley’s keynote, the webinar transitioned to the panelists who discussed questions, such asWhat is revolutionary and not-so-revolutionary? What does it mean to start and sustain arevolution? The panelists were Elsa Villa from University of Texas at El Paso, Milo
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of opportunity for transformation in the organization: What element(s) of the wheel has the most color? In our example, “Help Recruit and Retain Talent”, “Develop Professional Skills”, and “Improve Problem Solving” have the most color. These are the areas where our hypothetical organization is demonstrating the most strength and thus can be used to help buffer the areas which are weaker. It is important, however, not to diminish these elements while working on improving the other areas of the wheel. What element(s) of the wheel have the least color? These are the areas that make the wheel “flat”. In our example, “start new lines of operations” and “transfer best practices” are certainly
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and recognition influenceachievement and interest, especially for girls and women.26,30-36 The preference for empatheticwork appears to help women maintain their identities, not merely adopt the identities ofmen.3,4,37-39Interest. The National Research Council identifies interest as a critical factor in predictingfuture engagement in STEM.40 Studies focused on girls in STEM indicate girls lack interest, notability.4,41 Interest may have a larger influence than academic achievement on choice of STEMas a career.42,43 Fewer and fewer students have been choosing to major in scientific fields atsecondary and university levels.44,45 In some areas, such as mechanical and electricalengineering, the number of women has declined since the 1960’s.46
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rubric gradingcan be good assessments for students and their work, but other forms of assessment may showevidence for growth. Blogs and other reflections could help assess student progress [20]. As theCEE Department increases its commitment to diversity and inclusion, the faculty will strive todiscover multiple avenues to improve the current curriculum.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underIUSE/PFE:RED Grant No. 1632053 and EEC 1539140. Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsor recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science FoundationReferences[1] S. Hooker and B. Brand, " College knowledge: A
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