at Clemson University, sought to support an open and iterativecollective effort: To bring the voices of those concerned with such study into a systematic andproductive encounter.Part of this project centered on the selection of participants eager to reflect on the directions theirresearch had taken and might take in the future, and to assure that a wide range of student andfaculty subject-populations would be represented in our conversation. A focus on intersectionalanalyses, stressing the shifting and contingent nature of identity, meant that participants wouldbe asked to consider the most fundamental features of their work and the conditions of“diversity” study and publication. We selected participants who seemed excited about
undergraduate institutions(PUIs) in the second-year engineering curriculum. All students were given a lecture on bio-inspired design and asked to complete the C-K mapping template in class as part of learningactivities to understand the process of discovery, and again in their assignment to scaffoldapplication to the course project. Analysis of the student-generated templates using a rubricshows that students were able to successfully use information (knowledge transfer) to makeconnections between biology and engineering for creating solutions for design problems.Additionally, all students were asked to respond to six reflection questions regarding the content(biology) and process (bio-inspired design). Qualitative content analysis of second
Feedback e Research from other fields suggests the practice of video recording presentations andreceiving feedback yields even greater gains in communication skills. The use of video to recordpresentations and review for feedback has been referred to as the “gold standard” ofcommunication education, and is widely used in professional education in the “helpingprofessions” such as education, medicine, psychology, and social work[13]. Video recordingallows for students to reflect on their presentation at a distance, and offers a realistic picture oftheir abilities[14]. Furthermore, the video medium offers the ability to parse out specific aspectsof communication, such as
a data-intensive approach to study one of the most fundamental research topics inlearning sciences and engineering education: “How do secondary students learn and applyscience concepts in engineering design processes?” We have collected data from over 1,000middle and high school students in Indiana and Massachusetts through automatic, unobtrusivelogging of student design processes enabled by a unique CAD tool that supports the design ofenergy-efficient buildings using earth science, physical science, and engineering scienceconcepts and principles of design. Data collected includes fine-grained information of studentdesign actions, experimentation behaviors, electronic student reflection notes, and virtual designartifacts. These process data
" mentoring which focused developing theresearch skills of inexperienced undergraduate researchers, whereas the other five provided"supervisory" mentoring continued to concentrate on obtaining technical (research) results fromundergraduate researchers.This paper focuses on the first implementation of a new mentor workshop designed to includedesirable training practices from previous programs, but also to incorporate significant elementsof trainee self-reflection and small-group sharing, as well as practice in communicating thebroader context and motivation of research. The workshop was designed and delivered incollaboration with higher-education science-communication and professional-developmentspecialists based at Museum of Science Boston was
• Based on interests • Sense of belonging • Locally applicable • Growth mindset PERIODIC/ REOCCURRING Community Involvement Survey of Classroom • Local Community Organizations Climate (e.g. City Council)Figure 1. Framework for series of classroom interventions.Authentic Project (Relevancy)• On the first day of class, an authentic project is assigned to pique student interest and demonstrate the applicability of the course. Students are asked to reflect on their
automates the dataprocessing and report generation, allowing the system to scale to larger numbers of users withminimal added effort.The core of the DEFT system is a weekly questionnaire which asks students to describe theirclass-related activities during the preceding week, to rate and comment on the performance oftheir peers, and to answer some questions intended to elicit reflection on their own approach tothe design process. Figure 1 shows an excerpt from the “beta version” of the student weeklyquestionnaire. The resulting data is used to construct an overview of the design processfollowed by each student; this overview can then be used as research data; as a reflective toolfor students; and as a class evaluation tool by instructors
are necessary for assessing educationaloutcomes across engineering problem contexts. We are in the process of updating and refiningthe rubric’s content and structure to reflect current practices and ensure its applicability acrossdisciplines. A systematic literature review of sustainability and sustainable design in engineeringcurricula and practice confirmed most criteria in the rubric but also indicated several gaps. Somegaps were expected because the original rubric was directed towards civil and environmentalengineering projects, but most of the themes were confirmed in other disciplines. Examples ofpotential gap areas included ethics, affordability and equity, and innovation. While these areasare reflected in the SD Rubric 1.0, the
in fall 2015, all engineering students taking the UW-Stout course Impacts ofEngineering have participated in a pre- and post-survey, examining their values and ethical beliefsregarding professional responsibilities and humanitarian service learning work. This courseintroduces students to the engineering design process, explores “past and present impacts onpeople, society, and the environment,” and examines “contemporary and emerging issues relatedto engineering.” Survey questions measure attitudes and competencies surrounding ethics,sustainability, the need to include social and environmental factors in designs, and attitudestowards including pro-bono and international work in careers. Text response questions askedstudents to reflect on the
the United States Department of Education. Dr. Jamil’s research focuses on the measurement of teacher effectiveness and psychosocial functioning, as well as the design and implementation of professional development interventions that support teacher-student interactions, as well as teacher reflection, wellbeing, and effective practice across content areas. Dr. Jamil has significant expertise in teacher assessment and the use of assessment data from teachers and students as the basis of teacher coaching, program evaluation, and instructional planning.Dr. Karen A High, Clemson University Dr. Karen High holds an academic appointment in the Engineering Science and Education department and joint appointments in the
metacognition and its critical role in learning. Therefore, the metacognitiveindicators also provide a path for instructors to understand metacognition better whilesimultaneously yielding valuable information about what students are doing in their attempts tolearn the content of their courses. The indicators enable conversations between instructors andstudents about learning processes where the instructors can respond and suggest specific ways ofprocessing, thinking about, or using the content to learn it better or more efficiently. Instructorsmay well find themselves reflecting on their own learning experiences – in general andspecifically within their area of expertise – which can provide powerful points of connectionwith their students.The next
extent to which members are implementing techniques that are new to them varies, but themodel also encourages instructors to reflect on their existing teaching practices.) SIMPLE groupmembers are asked to write design memos that document their process in implementing a newstrategy. Design memos typically describe the strategy itself, why it was chosen, the type ofcourse in which it was used, if/how new activities were graded, how students responded, andlessons learned for future implementations. Design memos serve both as a means to sharestrategies and insights with other instructors and to provide a structure for reflecting on one’steaching.The group in question included a group leader, faculty member participants, and graduatestudents. The
, critical reflection, social justice, innovation.Ms. Laura Mae Rosenbauer, Smith College Laura Rosenbauer is an engineering major and landscape studies minor at Smith College. She is a research assistant on the national and international capstone survey efforts and the development of CDHub 2.0. She is also assisting with a new research collaboration to study the transition from capstone design to work. She was a summer intern at the Urban Water Innovation Network, where she studied the thermodynamic and hydrologic properties of pavements. She is interested in a career in civil engineering.Mr. Sidharth Arunkumar, New Mexico Tech Sidharth Arunkumar is pursuing his Masters in Mechanical Engineering at New Mexico Tech. His key
theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, liberatory maker spaces, and a RED grant to increase pathways in ECE for the professional formation of engineers.S Masters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University S. Masters is a doctoral student and Graduate Research Assistant at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Masters received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Delaware and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Masters’ research interests include equity and social justice in engineering with particular attention to the experiences of women & LGBTQ
their hometown. 4. The Great Animal Escape: Portable Livestock Corral Design Project. In this lesson, students will work in teams to design and build scale models of portable livestock corrals. The scale models will be tested using robotic hamsters that represent livestock, and try to escape from the model. Following the activity, students will reflect on how their individual participation in the group reflects teachings on the Diné way of life. Finally, students will scale their model up on paper and create a bill of materials for a full-size portable livestock corral.Next StepsFollowing the curriculum pilot, the curriculum will be improved and additional curriculummodules added to continue building out
IntroCS courses. Each instructor will create a portfolio ofmaterials, and complete reflective teaching logs. Each mentor will observe and provide feedbackon each member’s classroom. All team members will join the existing CS-POGIL community ofpractice, and be invited to a one-day mid-year meeting. Finally, we will provide coaching andresources for instructors who wish to develop their own POGIL activities.Objectives III and IV: Assess factors that affect faculty adoption and persistence with POGIL;assess the impact of using POGIL on student outcomes. These research objectives will involve avariety of data sources. Direct video observation of POGIL classrooms will enable us to observeand discover things that faculty and students might not notice
-on activities. For example, a lecture about the circulareconomy and the life-cycle of electronics included an opportunity for each teacher to dismantlingelectronics products, analyze the components, and think about the barriers to recyling forelectronics products.Research Experiences and Curriculum Development The research experiences at both universities comprised a primary focus of the program.On a weekly basis, teachers reflected on and shared what they had learned and documented ideasfor teaching engineering in facilitated conversations. The PU and TU cohorts shared experiencesand research results through weekly sessions enabled by WebEx. Guided reflections explicitly connected the RET experiences with educational
pedagogy [1]. John Dewey [8] who is most commonly associatedwith the theory of experiential learning described this learning approach as simply ‘learning bydoing”. This echos Confucius’s famous quote that states the following: I hear and I forgot, I seeand I remember, I do and I understand. Critical pedagogy is a philosophy of education and socialmovement. Critical pedagogy includes relationships between teaching and learning. Itsproponents claim that it is a continuous process of what they call "unlearning", "learning", and"relearning", "reflection", "evaluation", and the impact that these actions have on the students, inparticular students whom they believe have been historically and continue to be disenfranchisedby what they call "traditional
the overall lessons we learned from this experience and discuss next summer’splans as a result of our analysis and self-reflections.1. IntroductionIn recent years, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) educators,professionals, business leaders, and policymakers have recognized and highlighted therequirement to build a strong and technologically trained workforce. This requires a strongeducation system with qualified and trained educators. While the American college leveleducators are willing to train this workforce, the K-12 education system is currently challengedby a crisis of inadequate teacher preparation in STEM disciplines leading to low studentpreparation and performance1. Furthermore, the K-12 science teachers will be
had submitted large scale proposals (~$2M each for 5 years), we anticipatedsignificant alignment among team members regarding project goals and approaches. However,team members from most institutions reported that re-establishing the conceptual basis and theplanned operations of the project was an important step in the development of their teamdynamics. The significant time lag between submitting the proposal and securing funding(almost nine months) was proffered as a major causative factor in the need to re-align projectgoals and approaches. One team reflected: Our proposal was based on what we thought the future might look like. When we would write a sentence, we put four things in that sentence, and the sentence makes it look
different instructors (color-coded including one who did not flip the class) showquite different results even though common or block exams were used in all threesections. The flipped classroom always had the lowest DWF rate, but not that the“flipped B” instructor (green) achieved lower DWF rates the second time he taught thecourse suggesting that the use of the flipped classroom may take some experience - evenwith substantial help—to implement most effectively.SummaryWe have provided here an executive summary of several efforts to transform the facultyculture with respect to teaching and with the result that student achievement and successhas been strongly enhanced. These preliminary results reflect the efforts of individualfaculty members who have
material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Division ofGraduate Education under Grant Numbers DGE-1535462/1535226. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
series of qualitative, longitudinal interviewswith students selected from normative and non-normative groups to understand how theynavigate their engineering experiences and define their educational trajectories over the firsttwo years of college. This data is being deductively analyzed based on our existing identity andintersectionality frameworks, as well as inductively coded for emerging themes on howstudents feel belongingness within engineering culture.This project seeks to move traditional demographic data beyond socially constructedperceptions of others and allows for the representation of student diversity from the perspectiveof each participant. This increasingly accurate reflection of diversity provides novel insight intothe
encourage more women andunderrepresented students to pursue engineering and to consider more fully the wide range ofengineering disciplines available.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1505006. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesBandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior andHuman Decision Processes, 50(2), 248-287.Wharton, A. (1992). The social construction of gender and race in organizations: A socialidentity and group mobilization perspective. In P. Tolbert & S
they are working towarddegree completion.Program ManagementThis one-of-a-kind scholarship program has a complex structure and requires carefulcoordination. Because the program continues to evolve and develop, we created a checklist toensure all key tasks are correctly completed throughout the year (see Appendix A). The checklistcomponents include information on marketing and recruitment, communications, student supportservices, event coordination, and program evaluation and assessment activities; and it is crucialfor replicating and improving program management. In some aspects, the working checklistbecomes a reflective journal for the current year. While there were aspects we planned out beforeimplementation, some facets of the program are
hesitant to explain their answers or commenton their solutions once they had reached the end of the mathematical process. Students neglectedcritical elements in the communication process like the interpretation and reflection steps ofmathematical modelling. The use of mathematics to justify engineering decision-making is ofgreat importance to practicing engineers (Gainsburg 2012), and justification requirescommunicating the results of these interpretation and reflection steps.“Once they have the answer, I wish i did this more, but getting students to comment on the result.Ok, here's the result, give me some comments. Tell me why you expect the terms up her or downhere, or at least rationalize why this makes sense, or take some limits of
providesstudents with the opportunity to reflect on the state of their learning. The checkpoint includesmultiple choice and true/false questions that assess the various learning outcomes of theanimation. Students are given feedback on the correctness of their answer and an explanation ofthe correct answer with an indication of the topic to review in the animation for the assessedconcept. Students can return to the checkpoint at any point in their current session to continuetheir progress through the questions. Although feedback and progress status are given to thestudents, it is important to note that these checkpoints provide formative self-assessment and arenot intended to be a computer-assisted learning system that adjusts to the
programsurvey was used to probe participant ‘s abilities/confidence in research. Their results indicateddirect relationships between research skills and research self-efficacy. These researchers alsofound that research skills and self-efficacy were good predictors of career aspirations.8 However,the measures used to assess research self-efficacy were not ideal. For example, items such as “Ihave the ability to have a successful career as a researcher,” and “I have a strong interest inpursuing a career as a researcher” are reflective of the student’s career goals, but may not reflecttheir beliefs in their current research capabilities. This concern about the quality of self-efficacyitems for assessing the gains in REU programs was highlighted earlier by
hearing student’s comment on what - Pre/post-class is confusing: "When to use which feedback cards for formula" – this depends entirely on students in two determining the type of data; after Degree and type sections of the course class this day, 33% of hearing students of difficulty that - Reflection and in the class and 0% of DHH students topic has for discussion of student felt they had high level of knowledge DHH students research team
explanations that address scientifically oriented questions. 3. Learners formulate explanations and conclusions from evidence to address scientifically oriented questions. 4. Learners evaluate their explanations in light of alternative explanations, particularly those reflecting scientific understanding. 5. Learners communicate and justify their proposed explanations.The rubric is used to elucidate the extent to which teachers utilize a learner centered versus ateacher centered pedagogy with respect to each of these five curriculum features. Each of thesefeatures are evaluated with one question prompt on the rubric, with the exception of feature twowhich includes two question prompts, as shown in Appendix A. For each of these prompts