- Conference Session
- Technical Session 5c
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- 2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
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Deana R. Delp, Arizona State University
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section
assist ASD students, however somestudents will sign up for this assistance, while others do not. Beyond the college resources theinstructor must fill in the gaps to ensure student success. First, the instructor must recognize theASD student’s learning style. The needs of the student and the learning styles vary by individual.For freshman year instructors it may be difficult to determine these needs in a timely manner,since most students do not self-disclose their disability. Observation and communication with thestudent are key in this step. Many first year engineering courses utilize individual and groupwork with both written assignments and “hands-on” projects including writing, drawing,problem solving, scheduling, budgeting, and craftsmanship
- Conference Session
- Technical Session 5b
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- 2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
- Authors
Cheng Chen, San Francisco State University; Hamid Shahnasser, San Francisco State University; Wenshen Pong P.E., San Francisco State University; Xiaorong Zhang, San Francisco State University; Zhaoshuo Jiang P.E., San Francisco State University; Kwok Siong Teh, San Francisco State University; Hamid Mahmoodi, San Francisco State University; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College; Oskar Granados, Cañada College; Maryam I Khan; Manuel Alexis Ramirez, San Diego State University; Madoka Oyama, Cañada College; Nathan Carlson, Cañada College
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section
ASPIRES internship program has three levels targeting students atdifferent stages in their academic careers. The ASPIRES Summer Group Research InternshipProgram is the second level ten-week program for sophomore students who have no previousresearch experience and have at least one more year of courses to complete at Cañada Collegebefore transferring to a four-year university. In addition to allowing students to participate in theprogram as part-time interns, the group setting wherein students work with their peers and facultythey know will give students the supportive learning environment needed to succeed in their firstinternship experience. A collaborative learning environment has been shown to positively impactminority students—improving
- Conference Session
- Technical Session 1c
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- 2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
- Authors
Alvaro Monge, California State University, Long Beach; Panadda Marayong, California State University, Long Beach; Shadnaz Asgari, California State University, Long Beach; Birgit Penzenstadler; Praveen Shankar, California State University, Long Beach
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section
tenured full professor. CSULB is a teaching-intensive institution and thus, he has taught classes at different levels from introduction to programming and data structures; to junior level classes in database design; senior level classes on database, web development, and senior projects; and finally to graduate classes in database systems. In 2014, Dr. Monge joined a team at Google that created NCWIT’s EngageCSEdu, an online living col- lection of peer-reviewed teaching instruments that use research-based techniques that retain and engage students, particularly effective in broadening participation in computing. Dr. Monge’s research inter- ests have evolved over time. Through his participation in an NSF sponsored
- Conference Session
- Technical Session 5a
- Collection
- 2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
- Authors
Alexander Sebastian Furlanic, San Francisco State University; Philip A. Thomas, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo ; Panfilo Jesus Armas, SFSU; Rene Parra Medina, San Jose State University; Jackie Lok; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College; Wenshen Pong P.E., San Francisco State University; Cheng Chen, San Francisco State University; Kwok Siong Teh, San Francisco State University; Xiaorong Zhang, San Francisco State University; Hamid Mahmoodi, San Francisco State University; Zhaoshuo Jiang P.E., San Francisco State University
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section
Pitch: Advocating for Your Good Ideas were provided to help students developindependent research ability, better present research outcomes, and effectively promote researchfindings. Participants were divided into two groups and the team members in each group wererotated after 4 weeks of the program to promote team work and peer learning. Weekly meetingwas utilized to ensure the research to be in the right direction and allow students to practice theirpresentation skills through the mandatory presentation given by the participating students.In order to evaluate the success of the internship program, pre- and post-program surveys wereconducted. The pre-program survey was administered on the first day of the internship programand the post-program
- Conference Session
- Technical Session 4a
- Collection
- 2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
- Authors
Yongping Zhang P.E., Cal Poly Pomona; Xudong Jia, Cal Poly Pomona; Jon Bumps, Caltrans, District 8; Du Lu, Caltrans, District 8
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Pacific Southwest Section
average of 3.5 out of 4. In other words, overall the qualityof the student projects were between Proficient (Good Quality for Graduating Senior) andExemplary (Professional Level Quality).Starting in spring of 2009, as part of the senior project presentations, students were asked toindividually prepare a one-page document describing their contributions to the senior projectteam and describing their personal achievements during the project. A rubric was developed forevaluating these documents and a small group of faculty, including faculty from the Englishdepartment, conducted a normed assessment of the student performance. Writing was evaluatedin the following four areas: 1) Clarity and quality of technical content 2) Style 3) Exhibits