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Displaying results 421 - 438 of 438 in total
2000 Annual Conference
Hrishikesh Potdar; Kurt Gramoll
Test for the Fundamentals of Engineering. ASEE conference 19992. McArthur David J., and Lewis Matthew W. - Untangling the Web. Rand Education, 19983. Mccright, John S. PC Week Online, ‘ Cisco Chambers: e-learning will help us control our destinies’4. Walter L., Smith J., Steadman J., White K., Engineering curriculum assessment – ‘ Using the fundamentals of engineering (FE) examination to assess academic programs.5. Potter, Merle C. Fundamentals in Engineering – FE/EIT A.M. and General P.M. Review, 7th Edition, 19986. Young, Donovan EIT Industrial Engineering Review for the FE exam, 19977. Musiciano C., and Kennedy B., HTML The definitive guide, Third Edition 1998.8. Macromedia Flash 3.0, Using Flash. First Edition, 1998.9. AmesA
2000 Annual Conference
Suzanne E. Keilson; Randall Jones; Lester Coyle; Elliot King; Duane Shelton
renaissance of provenmethods, but one that exploits modern technology to make experience with the scientificmethod affordable and attractive to students and professors.What is new in the late 1990s is that rapid development of the Web has created an opportunity toprovide all students with involvement in the full range of pure and applied science methods in anaffordable and attractive manner. This project provides a focus on completing the full range oflearning of scientific methods by incorporation of real laboratory experience with the informationdelivered over the Web.Bibliography1. Rada, Roy, "Developing Educational Hypermedia: Coordination and Reuse," (Ablex Publishing: Norwood, NJ 1995)pp. 2-33.2. Beattie, K., C. McNaught and S Wills
2000 Annual Conference
Charles V. Camp; Anna P. Phillips; Paul Palazolo
. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Publishers, 249-263, 1987.8. Flower, L. Metacognition: A Strategic Response to Thinking. In The Construction of Negotiated Meaning. Southern Illinois University, 223-262, 1984.9. Kellogg, R.T. Strategies. In The Psychology of Writing. New York: Oxford University Press, 249-263, 1994.10. Odell, L. Teaching Writing by Teaching the Process of Discovery: an Interdisciplinary Enterprise. In L. Gregg and E. Steinberg (Eds.) Cognitive Processes in Writing, Hillsdale, NJ: LEA, 139-159, 1980.11. Hammons-Bryner, S. and Robinson, B. Excitement in Core Curriculum Classes. College Teaching, Vol. 42, 97-100, 1994.12. Engineering Criteria 2000, 3rd Edition, Engineering Accreditation Commission, Accreditation Board for
2000 Annual Conference
Mike Papadakis
hole. A smoking hole pre supposes a defectof some kind. I get to grade the papers, I do not have to take the test. “ I come to bury thewidget, not praise it”As a trial lawyer, I am going to try and persuade the jury made up of twelve nonengineers that there was a defect within the product or that some act of negligence doneby the defendant company caused the harm that befell my client. I will try to paint apicture in the juries mind ‘s eye that will indelibly mark your product defective as theresult of bad engineering. Do not allow that bad engineering to be yours.The law gives me two favorite ways to win for my client, while making your productliable for the accident.The first is through application of NEGLIGENCE LAW, The second is
2000 Annual Conference
Molly M. Gribb; Elisabeth M. Alford
that came form your brainstorming session(s). • Continue your searching for information, and think about ease of manufacture along the Page 5.709.9 way...Design Project Assignment 3 Now that your team has identified design constraints and developed a weighted list ofdesign criteria, it is time to have a little fun! Each team member is to fabricate an edible car tobring to a team meeting. Teams will analyze the alternative designs according to their owndesign criteria. Based on these results, each team will determine the final design to be pursued. The written portion of this assignment is as follows. Prepare a table
2000 Annual Conference
Ernest W. Tollner
. Soc. Agr. Engrs., St. Joseph, MI.Esteghlalian, A., B.P. Verma, T. Foutz and S. Thompson. 1999. A step-wise procedure for incorporating environmental and societal consideration into engineering design. ASAE Tech. Paper No 992257. Am. Soc. Agr. Engrs., St. Joseph, MI.Geisler, N.L. 1989. Christian ethics: options and issues. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI.Hare, R.M. 1952. The language of morals. Oxford University Press, London, England. (1991 edition is available also).Hitt, W.D. 1990. Ethics & leadership: Putting theory into practice. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.Hitt, W.D. 1998. A global ethic: The leadership challenge, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.Leopold, A., 1966. A sand county almanac. Ballantine, New York, NY.List
2000 Annual Conference
Arleen Anderson; Gwen Lee-Thomas
-workers excellent orgood. Findings from the data revealed that over half (57%) of the students felt that thelevel of responsibility, their learning benefit, and the salary was either good or excellent.Forty-six percent of the students did not respond to questions regarding whether or nottheir coursework had prepared them for the co-op experience nor to any of the questionson Career Services (C.S.) except for the question on preparation meetings offered by C.S.(See Table 1) The “no response” column in Table 1 shows that students either did not fillout the evaluation form or chose not to answer the question(s). Page 5.115.3Rose-Hulman Institute of
2000 Annual Conference
Sheldon M. Jeter; Jeffrey A. Donnell
, “Documentation – Presentation of scientific andtechnical reports”, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 15 March 1982. Markel, M., 1995, “Using Design Principles to Teach Technical Communication,” Journal of Business andTechnical Communication, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 206-218. Petraglia, J., 1995, “General Writing Skills Instruction and its Discontents”, Reconceiving Writing,Rethinking Writing Instruction, Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, Mahwah, N. J. Thomas, S., 1995, “Preparing Business Students more Effectively for Real-World Communication”,Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 461-474. Tuve, G. L. and L. C., Domholdt, 1966, Engineering Experimentation, McGraw-Hill, New York
2000 Annual Conference
Charles T. Jahren
(1996). “Consensus! Students Need More Management Education,” Jounalof Manament in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 12, No. 6. pp. 17-29.2. Eschenbach, T. G. and J. W. Ra. (1997). “Shift from Lecture/Exam Paradigm in EngineeringManagement Education,” Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 42-49.3. Lamancusa, J. S., Jorgensen, J. E. and Zayas-Castro, J. L. (1997) “The Learning Factory—A NewApproach to Integrating Design and Manufacturing into the Engineering Curriculum,” Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 86, No. 2, 103-112.4. Sullivan, F. J., and R. Baren, (1998) “Simulating the Workplace in an Engineering Technology Course:A Rhetorical Model,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp.279-284.5. “Engineering Criteria
2000 Annual Conference
Jeffrey L. Newcomer
, DC, 19987. McGourty, J., “Four Strategies to Integrate Assessment into the Engineering Educational Environment”, Journalof Engineering Education, Vol. 88, No. 4, October 1999, pp. 391-3958. Tener, R. K., “Outcomes Assessment and Faculty Culture: Conflict or Congruence?”, Journal of EngineeringEducation, Vol. 88, No. 1, January 1999, pp. 65-71 Page 5.520.129. Gabriele, Gary A., “Employing Reverse Engineering Projects in a Capstone Design Course,” Proceedings of the1994 Advances in Capstone Education: Fostering Industrial Partnerships Conference, S. P. Mableby and C. D.Sorensen, Eds., Provo, UT, 1994, pp. 171-17610. Newcomer, J
2000 Annual Conference
Kenneth Kelly; Etienne Khayat; Fouad T. Mrad
to 1382 ±2.2°C or ±0.75%E 0 to 900 32 to 1652 ±1.7°C or ±0.5%K 0 to 1250 32 to 2282 ±2.2°C or ±0.75%R or S 0 to 1450 32 to 2642 ±1.5°C or ±0.25%B 800 to 1700 1472 to 3092 ±0.5% Sub-Zero RangeT -200 to 0 -328 to 32 ±1.0°C or ±1.5%E -200 to 0 -328 to 32 ±1.7°C or ±1.0%K -200 to 0 -328 to 32 ±2.2°C or ±2.0% Table 2
2000 Annual Conference
Narayanan Komerath
Attrition in Engineering”. J.Engg. Education, Vol.86, No.2, July 1997, p. 139-150.7. Demetry, C., Groccia, J.E., “A Comparative Assessment of Students’ Experiences in Two Instructional Formats of an Introductory Materials Science Course”. J. Engg. Education, Vol.86, No.3, July 1997, p. 203-210.8. Richards, L.G., Carlson-Skalak, S., “Faculty Reactions to Teaching Engineering Design to First-Year Students”. J. Engg. Education, Vol.86, No.3, July 1997, p. 233-240.9. Carlson, B., Schoch, P., Kalsher, M., Racicot, B., “A Motivational First-Year Electronics Lab Course”. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.86, No.4, October 1997, p. 357-362.10. Hatton, D.M., Wankat, P.C., Lebold, W.K., “The Effects of an Orientation Course on
2000 Annual Conference
William C. Oakes; Ronald Wukasch; Richard Foretek; Jennifer Watia; Jeffery L. Gray; Leah H Jamieson; Edward Coyle
semester while juniors and seniors are encouraged to register for 2 credits. The upperdivision students are expected to serve as the technical leaders on the teams and thereby take onmore responsibility.Each student in the EPICS Program attends a weekly two-hour meeting of his/her team in theEPICS laboratory. During this laboratory time the team will take care of administrative mattersor work on their project(s). All students also attend a common one-hour lecture given each weekfor all EPICS students. A majority of the lectures are by guest experts, and have covered a widerange of topics related to engineering design and community service. The long term nature ofthe program has required some innovation to the lecture series as students may be
2000 Annual Conference
William C. Oakes; Leah H Jamieson; Edward Coyle
in Community Service Program is availableat:, M. (1993). Educating engineers for the real world, in Technology Review, Aug./Sept. 1993, pp. 14-16.Engineering Deans Council and ASEE (1994). Engineering education for a changing world, report of theEngineering Deans Council and Corporate Roundtable of the American Society for Engineering Education.Available from the American Association of Engineering Education.Honnett, E. P. & Poulsen, S. J. (1989). Principles of good practice for combining service and learning: AWingspread special report. Racine, WI: The Johnson Foundation, Inc.NSF Coalitions Programs [Online]. Available: [1997, July 2].AuthorsEDWARD J. COYLE
2000 Annual Conference
Thomas Litzinger
scientific terms such as molefraction or specific fuel consumption without explanation or they included complex chemicalreactions. However, several teams did express the emissions in more meaningful units thang/kW-hr, such as total kg/year, or they normalized them to the baseline to show reduction withthe converter. In general, the technical discussion in the papers indicated that the studentsunderstood the basic operation of a catalytic converter, the effects of emissions on the humanbody and the environment, and the operation of small engines. Grades on the papers were 82and above with most in the 90’s. Page 5.97.10Summary of Assessment
2000 Annual Conference
Thomas Hall
computer simulation versus laboratoryexperience, and the sequencing of instruction, in teaching logic circuits.” Ph.D. diss., Iowa State University, 1989.Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts International 51: 96-A.6. Garren, Willard S. 1990. “An experimental evaluation of using computer-aided design simulations in teachingbasic electronics at the college level.” Ed.D. diss., North Carolina State University, 1990. Abstract in DissertationAbstracts International 51: 1141-A.7. Moslehpour, Saeid. 1993. A comparison of achievement resulting from learning electronics concepts bycomputer simulation versus traditional laboratory instruction Ph.D. diss., Iowa State University, 1993. Abstract inDissertation Abstracts International 54: 4413A-4414A.8. Hair
2000 Annual Conference
Thomas Stanford; R.J. Bennett; R. Jacoby; M.I. Mendelson; D.A. Keating
2000 Annual Conference
Joseph D. Torres; Tom Cummings