been incorporated to treat the collected stormwater and the resultshave shown that this material can removal heavy metal contaminants and provide purified water.This would provide an effective way to removal toxic pollutants such as heavy metals whilemaintain versatile and compact. Overall, this portable stormwater collection and treatment systemprovides an effective and economical affordable solution to process non-point pollutions,especially the stormwater runoff for urban residents.Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSUBibliography[1] Savage, N., and Diallo, M. S., 2005, "Nanomaterials and water purification: Opportunities andchallenges," Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 7(4-5), pp. 331-342.[2] 2013, "Emerging
., Mahanta, P., Raju, K. S., and Kumar, P. S., 2004, "Review of passivesurface to enhance heat transfer, other recent study showed that 140 Re=127 heat transfer augmentation techniques," Proceedings of the Institution ofthe use of nanofluids and nanotube coating offers a lower heat
of cause and effectdirect thinking and reverse thinking when the final velocity is given instead of the initial velocity(Figure 1). The ill-structured problem of giving the initial velocity direction without magnitudeand final velocity direction without magnitude in cell phone camera shots as the projectileinformation has been given routinely to gauge the development of fluid intelligence when theelapsed time between the two camera shots is known. In such a case, the position of the (9.8m/s/s * t) vertical vector needs to be moved sideways until it would fit into a triangle since thelength of v0 and vf are not known. The velocity addition with a parallelogram construction inconstant acceleration was devised for ball throwing using
. AirportTramAcceleration 0.3 0.2 Accleration(g's) 0.1 0 time(s) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3Figure 1. Sample acceleration data. Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSU AirportTramPosition 300 250 200 position(m) 150 100 50 0 0 5 10
instruction: a review of the literature on effectiveness inprekindergarten through 12th grade classrooms” Rivier academic journal, volume 7, number 2,fall 2011[6] Schmidt, H. G. (1983). Problem-based learning: Rationale and description, MedicalEducation, 17, 1116. Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSU[7] Scarbrough H , Bresnen, M., Edelman, L., Laurent, S., Newell S. and Swan, J. A. The processesof project-based learning: An exploratory study. Management Learning, 35 (2004). 491-506.[8] Sullivan, J.P., Watkins, W.A., “A design/Build/Test Environment for Aerospace Education”,Proceedings of 30th SEFI Annual Conference, Firenze, Italy, 2002[9] Malmqvist, J., Young, P.W., Hallstrom, S., Kuttenkeuler, J., and
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tools. Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSUReferences1. Gaudin, S. (2007). Security Breaches Cost $90 To $305 Per Lost Record. InformationWeek. April 2007.2. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2017). Information Security Analysts. Retrieved from Richards, R., Konak, A., Bartolacci, M. R. and Nasereddin, M. (2015). Collaborative Learning in Virtual Computer Laboratory Exercises. Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, 2015 Villanova University,1-13.4. Konak, A. and Bartolacci, M. R. (2016). Using a Virtual Computing Laboratory to Foster Collaborative Learning for Information Security and
right of center) directed at optical detectors with audio amplifier andspeakers located to the left and right outside of the image. Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSUReferences. 1. James L.Huff, Carla B. Zoltowski, and William C.Oakes, “Preparing Engineers for the Workplace through Service Learning: Perceptions of EPICS Alumni,” Journal of Engineering Education (January 2016): 43 – 69. 2. John S. Lamancusa, Jose L, Zayas, Allen L. Soyster, Lueny Morell, and Jens Jorgensen , “The Learning Factory: Industry-Partnered Active Learning,” Journal of Engineering Education (January 2008): 5 - 11. 3. Alan J. Dutson, Robert H. Todd, Spencer P. Magleby, Carl D. Sorensen, “A Review of
to the S language and environment which was industrializedat Bell Laboratories. It was developed by John Chambers and his colleagues. R is considered tobe enhanced and has an upgraded implementation of the S language. Most of the code written forS runs unaltered on the R platform. R provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, mainly linear andnonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification and clustering.R is also used as the vehicle of choice for research in statistical methodology and this platformprovides an open source route to participation in this activity. One of R’s key advantages is thatit is easy to work with and it is well-designed for publication of quality plots
where the student explains how s/he solved the problem. To answer thissection, we ask the students to imagine that they are trying to explain what they did to their boss,what the problem was, and how it was solved. Students should assume that their boss knowsabout computer hardware and the current subject. Thus, they should use the correct language andthe right terminology. Some labs ask the students to write a procedure to solve the problem theysolved, assuming that the procedure would become part of the company’s documentation andtraining for other technicians. Some labs require collecting data from the conducted experiment.Students most format the data in tables and charts and present an analysis explaining themeaning of the data. This
anode electrode. IMFC is the current produced by theMFC reactor. The meanings of all parameters shown in Equations (4) - (8) can be found in ourprevious ASEE paper [3]. The model contains 4 differential equations, 9 equations, and 25parameters. dS = -qa xa - qm xm + D( S0 - S ) (4) dt dxa = - µ a xa - K d ,a xa - a a Dxa (5) dt dxm = - µm xm - K d ,m xm - a m Dxm (6) dt
Study Student's Exhibition, didcomplete visual identities and package designs for the project and added valuable feedbackduring Team meetings: Evan Ardanaz, Angel Juarez, Jamie Liu, Jackson Magnaye, MatthewPerrotti, Francesca Robinson, and Alessandra Sardella.References 1. James L.Huff, Carla B. Zoltowski, and William C.Oakes, “Preparing Engineers for the Workplace through Service Learning: Perceptions of EPICS Alumni,” Journal of Engineering Education (January 2016): 43 – 69. 2. John S. Lamancusa, Jose L, Zayas, Allen L. Soyster, Lueny Morell, and Jens Jorgensen , “The Learning Factory: Industry-Partnered Active Learning,” Journal of Engineering Education (January 2008): 5 - 11. 3. Alan J. Dutson, Robert H. Todd
vd 0 v o v in A cL 1 Kirchoff ' s Current Law : iR2 i R1 i R 2 Virtually at vin 0 v in v in v o
beimplemented in the chosen course(s). During the two-year cycle, it is the departmental CCL’sresponsibility to implement the GenEd SLGs into the course(s) and assess the work with helpand support from full-time and part-time faculty members who are teaching the course(s). This isaccomplished by holding workshops (in-person or online), updating the syllabus, providingstudents with an assignment or project, changing or adjusting the topics covered in the course,utilizing rubrics, among other activities.Every semester, there is one Dean’s meeting for every School with all the CCLs invited toparticipate. During that meeting, the CCLs report on the progress and difficulties theyencountered. At the end of the two-year cycle the CCLs provide a final report
, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Swiss 2011.8 Wang, L., Smith, N., Khoshnevisan, S., Luo, Z., and Juang, C.H. (2017). “Reliability-based geotechnical design of geothermal foundations.” Geotechnical Frontiers 2017: Geotechnical Materials, Modeling and Testing, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP 280), pp. 124-132.9 GeoLogismiki, “CLiq User's Manual”, K. Karamanli 6, 62100, Lefkonas, Serres, Greek 2015.10 Juang, C.H., Ching, J., Wang, L., Khoshnevisan, S. and Ku, C.S. (2013). Simplified procedure for estimation of liquefaction-induced settlement and site-specific probabilistic settlement exceedance curve using cone penetration test (CPT). Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50(10), 1055-1066.11
, I.M., Shageeva, F.T. and Vasil, Y. (2015). “Development of Cross-Cultural Competence of Engineering Students as One of the Key Factors of Academic and Labor Mobility.” Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Florence, Italy.7. Klein-Gardner, S. and Walker, A. (2011). “Defining Global Competence for Engineering Students.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.8. Hunter, B., White, P.G., and Godbey, G.C. (2006). “What Does it Mean to be Globally Competent?” Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 10, No. 3, 267285. doi:10.1177/10283153062869309.9. May, D., Wold, K., and Moore, S. (2015. “Using Interactive
can be found by simulation. An example of a basketballthrown with unknown speed at 45 degrees with known range can be found on page 73 of PhysicsFundamentals, Vincent Coletta, Second Edition, 2010, Physic Curriculum & Instruction Inc. Abasketball with unknown speed thrown at 45 degree going from (0, 2m) to (6m, 3m) is listed andthe book method contains algebra steps to solve for initial speed by eliminating time variable,with the answer = 8.4 m/s.The simulation results can be categorized in the following format for the illustration of deductionthinking and induction thinking:Science Deduction1 (Statement)If speed was 8.4 m/s, then ball entered basket.Science Deduction2 (Contrapositive)If ball did not enter basket, then ball was not thrown
., Felder, R.M., Fuller, H. (2000). “Accounting for individual effort in cooperative learning teams,” J. Engr. Education, 89(2), 133–140. 8. Thornton, R. K. (1997) Learning Physics Concepts in the Introductory Course: Microcomputer-Based Labs and Interactive Lecture Demonstrations, Conference on the Introductory Physics Course, J. Wilson, ed. Wiley, New York, 69-85. 9. Hestenes, D., Wells, M. and Swackhamer, G. (1992) Force Concept Inventory, The Physics Teacher 30, 141-158. 10. Schwartz, Daniel L.; Chase, Catherine C.; Oppezzo, Marily A.; Chin, Doris B.Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 103(4), Nov 2011, 759-775. 11. Perkins, K. K., Adams, W. K., Pollock, S. J
Annual Conference & Exposition. American Society for Engineering Education.[6] Sidhu, S.M. and S. Ramesh. (2006). Multimedia Learning Packages: Design Issues and Implementation Problems. Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology (MOJIT). 3(1): p. 43-56.[7] Haron, H.N. (2008). Challenges in Teaching and Learning of Engineering Statics. in 4th International Conference On University Learning And Teaching. Shah Alam, Malaysia.[8] Haron, H.N. Shaharoun, A. Puteh, M. and Harun, H. (2012). Does Motivation Affect Students’ Understanding and Performance In Engineering Statics?, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 56 ( 2012 ), pp 191 – 203[9] Montfort, D., Brown, S. and Pollock. D. (2009). An
Scientific Field trips”. Sci. Educ., 75(5), pp 513-523. 7. Rebar, B. M. (2009). “Evidence, explainations, and recommendations for teachers’ field trip strategies”. Doctoral disseratation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 8. Smith, G. A. (2008). “First-Day Questions for the Leraner-Centered Classroom “. The National Teaching and Learning Forum, Vol. 17, Nos. 5,. 9. Gunhan, S. (2014). “Collaborative Learning Experience in a Construction Project Site Trip. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and practice, Vol. 141, Nos. 1 pp. 1-5. 10. Ghanat, S. T., Kaklamanos, J. K., Ziotopoulou, K. Z., Selvaraj, S. I, and Fallon, D. J. (2016). “A Multi- Institutional Study of Pre-and Post
Figure 5The data indicates that students’ success attaining this performance indicator, was higherin part 2 (75%) than in part 1 (50%). This is as expected result, since part 1 requiredmore critical thinking skills, than part 2. Overall, the students performed 63% percent.This level of success leaves much room for quality improvement, but at least there isconfidence that the assessment procedure outlined in this work is a good tool formeasuring and demonstrating ABET outcome E.[1][2] Dudeck, K., Grebski, W. (2013). Energy Education and Training: A Case Study. In Anwar, S. (Eds.), (Vol. On line, March 2013). Taylor and Francis. 120048423.[3] Dudeck, K., Grebski, W. (2011) “New
TAs prior to the start of each module.During these sessions, both lab managers and TAs work through the mathematical equations ofeach module and practice obtaining data using the available equipment. Lab managers haveaccess to the lab 24/7 and may practice using the equipment on their own prior to meeting withtheir groups. The role of the lab manager for each of these modules is to ask the freshmenquestions to ensure a uniform learning experience. Specifically, the lab managers ask: 1. What mathematical equation(s) will you use to model your system? 2. What assumptions did you make to develop your model? 3. How will you test your model in lab? What experimental protocols will you use to verify the model? 4. How does the predicted
Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. 7. Kelnhofer, R., & Williams, S., & Petersen, O. (2010, June), Sustainable Assessment For Program Improvement And Abet Preparation Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. 8. Blake, J. (2010, June), Technological Literacy, Eac Abet, And Tac Abet Accreditation Criteria Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. 9. Shankar, R. T., & Dickson, J. P., & Mazoleny, C. A. (2013, June), A Tool for ABET Accreditation Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Undergraduates (REU) Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSUprogram, which was designed to attract talented students into research careers in science andengineering (S&E). 4Other national organizations also realized the importance of undergraduate research early on.The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), founded in 1978, is a national organization ofindividual and institutional members representing over 900 colleges and universities. Theorganization defines undergraduate research as “an inquiry or investigation conducted by anundergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to thediscipline.” 3From the myriad of supporting members represented amongst the 900 plus colleges