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Displaying all 8 results
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I - Courses I
2017 ASEE International Forum
F.C. Lai, University of Oklahoma; Dong Liang, Laboratory Engineer; Al R Evans, Sichuan University - Pittsburgh Institute
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Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
Education, 2017 SCUPI Derby – A New Approach to “Introduction to Mechanical Design” D. Liang and A. Evans Sichuan University – Pittsburgh Institute Chengdu, Sichuan, People Republic of China F. C. Lai Anadarko Presidential Professor School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USAAbstractThe sophomore class of “Introduction to Mechanical Design” in SCUPI is rather unique in thesense that it pairs a traditional mechanical design class with an English writing class that iscentered on technical writing. To the
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II - Curriculum II
2017 ASEE International Forum
Sigrid -- Berka, University of Rhode Island; Anett Geithner, University of Rhode Island; DAAD; Eric Kaldor, University of Rhode Island; Scott Streiner, University of Pittsburgh
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Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
directors through the spring/summer “internship course” whichallowed them to critically reflect on the experience while they were in it by writing reports,producing videos or engaging in interactive peer-to-peer assignments in the target language -- allof these components of curricular design and faculty intervention during the students’ year abroadmake out the background and most likely key to the success behind the seniors’ high interculturalgains and later on also career success10.An additional key element that may have played a role in the students’ high GPI scores is thesequence of a voluntary faculty-led short-term trip abroad prefacing their year-long independentsojourn. The short-term tour plays a significant role in engineering student
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II - Study Abroad
2017 ASEE International Forum
Chun Kit Chui, University of Hong Kong; Hayden Kwok-Hay So, University of Hong Kong; Nyein Thwe Khaing, Dagon University
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Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
process. Sciencestudents prepared the instruments for the experiments (a container and pellets of sodiumhydroxide), arranged the setup of the experiment, designed the schedule of collectingreadings, and interpreted the pressure readings. Engineering students prepared the necessaryhardware components such as pressure sensors, microcontrollers, display monitors, andprinted circuit boards. The whole team worked together to develop and deploy the system,which included applying soldering to connect various hardware components to the circuitboard, installing the electronic parts into the glass container, and writing computer programsto read the values of the pressure sensor, to perform necessary calculations and to display thereadings on the
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I - Skills Development
2017 ASEE International Forum
Daniel Christe, Drexel University; Jay J. Bhatt, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.)
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Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
view, games will be an important component of addressingcalls(28, 29) for inquiry-based research or design active learning experiences from the onset of the universityexperience. A preponderance of evidence demonstrates that introducing active learning in any form to theclassroom environment (e.g. peer-led learning, clickers, reflective discussions, socratic methods, games)(30,31) significantly improves conceptual understanding while reducing failure rates across disciplines,institutions, and class sizes(31).Digital games are an exciting opportunity to explore meaningful technology integration to enhance learningexperiences. Games can deliver a continuous data-driven view into how learning occurs, at a level notcaptured in offline
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I - Skills Development
2017 ASEE International Forum
Michael S. Shapiro,
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Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
herein. That is not the focus of this work. My sole purpose is to detail and illustrateIEEE CSM activity, explore the breadth of service provided, and celebrate the value institutionsreceive.This paper is intentionally limited in another way. While other online resources are tangentiallymentioned in this work, most of the documentation and bibliographic references used hereincome from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Few other tools, platforms, sources, publishers,consolidators, or search engines were engaged. This intentionality narrow scope allows for a raredeep dive into a single leading, highly cited, peer-reviewed, scientific resource; its content andfunctionality. Limiting the focus of this work also allows the author to discuss what he
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II - Courses II
2017 ASEE International Forum
Kevin Kochersberger, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Ashley R Taylor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Christopher Kappes, Virginia Tech
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Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
milestonesduring the Fall include a concept review with the client (advisor or industry liaison), midtermpresentation and report, preliminary design review, and the final presentation and report. TheSpring semester does not have a lecture component, allowing students to spend the first sevenweeks finalizing the design, fabricating parts, writing code and assembling the product. Adedicated 3,100 ft2 machine shop and fabrication space is available to the seniors for this phase ofwork. The second half of the semester is the evaluation and testing phase where performancemetrics are compared to target specifications written during the Fall semester. Milestones duringthe Spring include the critical design review, midterm “rollout” presentation, a final
2017 ASEE International Forum
Vasiliy Grigoryevich Ivanov, KAZAN NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY; Mansur Galikhanov, Kazan National Research Technological University; Farida Tagirovna Shageeva, Kazan National Research Technological University
was founded at KNRTU with an accredited European Engineering Educator program. He was the key driver of the 42d IGIP International Conference ”Global Challenges in Engineering Education” held in Kazan in 2013. Vasily Ivanov has published over 400 research and methodology works, including 20 monographs, 38 textbooks and study guides, 92 papers in the leading peer-reviewed journals, 35 papers in international journals.Prof. Mansur Galikhanov, Kazan National Research Technological University Dr. Mansur Galikhanov is vice-director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education at Kazan National Research Technological University in Kazan, Russia. Born in born in Kazan in 1972, he received the specialist
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I - Curriculum I
2017 ASEE International Forum
N. Krishnamurthy, (Self-employed)
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Diversity, Main Forum (Podium Presentation)
by international students (Asian or otherwise), the causecould be traced to language issues, particularly in understanding the teacher and the material, andin expressing descriptive passages and abstract concepts in the English language. Singaporehaving been under British rule until after World War II and continuing to be under the influenceof Britain-trained policy makers, its lingua-franca is English, more British than American. In Group-A, by the time the student reached my course (Junior-Senior level), the foreignstudents had caught up with local idiom (– playfully referred to as 'Singlish') and the presentationskills of their peers sufficiently to hold their own in class and do well in assessments. Languagemistakes might be hidden in