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Chemical Engineering Education
Joseph Holles; Lawrence Schmidt
) provide a focused application of RDM to activevitally important since they are in a special position to inspire research projects. These goals were then separated into indi-future students with the excitement and understanding of vidual learning objectives as reflected in the assessment, below.cyberinfrastructure-enabled scientific inquiry and learning.”[9] One recommended textbook was used for the course: DataFaculty studies concluded that researchers felt that some form Management for Researchers by Kristen Briney.[15] Additionalof data information literacy was needed for their students.[2] resources for the course included DMPtool[16] and the Data Graduate student education on RDM has generally taken
Chemical Engineering Education
Satyen Gautam; Sachin Jangam; Kai Chee Loh
. be further enhanced if a portion of the marks are assigned • Peer assessment can allow students to build mutual trust towards participation.[28] To promote student engagement, it and confidence in one another. was decided that a small portion of the marks will be assigned • Course review and content selection can help students towards student participation; assignment of marks will be improve on their judgment and critical reflection skills. dictated by: (i) quality of questions asked during Q&A ses- • Reciprocal peer teaching can extend students’ learn- sion; and (ii) usefulness of
Chemical Engineering Education
Steven Perri; M. Barclay Satterfield; Leah Burton
industry. Some of the many new partnership an appropriate investment for longer-term relationships models include: master research agreements; co-location or ranging from five to 10 years. other face-to-face engagement; and the use of requests for proposals (RFPs).HOW UNIVERSITY-BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS Master Research AgreementsHAVE CHANGED Master research agreements can require a significant front- Recent shifts in university-business partnerships reflect end time investment to negotiate since terms for
Chemical Engineering Education
Dorothy Skaf
Pennsylvania 2009 Undergraduate education The Chemical Engineering Building (stone building on the left) and White Hall. Chemical Engineering at . . . Villanova UniversityDorothy W. SkafVVillanova University illanova College was established in 1842 on the chemical engineering program was instituted in 1919, and grounds of Belle Air, a 197-acre summer estate as early as 1943 there were 29 students in the graduat- 12 miles to the west of Philadelphia. The property ing class.[2] To reflect growth in the number of academicwas purchased by the Augustinian order of priests and programs, Villanova College was renamed Villanovabrothers with the intention