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2001 Annual Conference
David S. Cottrell
Session 2306 Integrating Design Projects into an Introductory Course in Graphic Communications David S. Cottrell Pennsylvania State University at HarrisburgI. IntroductionThis paper describes the integration of design projects into the curriculum of anintroductory graphics communications course at Penn State University at Harrisburg.These projects served a double purpose of reinforcing topics taught in the classroom aswell as introducing students to the engineering design process with their first hands-ondesign experience.In recent years, much has been written
2001 Annual Conference
S. Scott Moor
Session 1313 Open Beginning Projects: A flexible approach to encouraging student curiosity and creativity S. Scott Moor Lafayette CollegeAbstractIn the rush to fulfill all that they must do, our students often find little time or encouragement toindulge their curiosity. To encourage curiosity, to allow for the diversity of our students tastesand abilities, and to allow for creativity, I introduced a flexible system of small student definedprojects. In addition to being open-ended, these
2001 Annual Conference
David S. Cottrell
Session 2650 Building Bridges: Computer-Aided Design as a Vehicle for Outreach to High School Students in the New Millennium David S. Cottrell Pennsylvania State University at HarrisburgI. IntroductionThis paper describes the use of a computer-aided design (CAD) software package as avehicle for outreach to high school students. Particularly, this research effort affordedpupils at a secondary school in central Pennsylvania the opportunity to participate in aprogram that was designed to accomplish the following: • To stimulate interest in engineering and design
2001 Annual Conference
Thomas S. Kuhaneck; Frank Noonan
Session 2478 A DL Course in Risk-based Decision-Making for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Professionals in the United States Coast Guard Frank Noonan, LCDR Thomas S. Kuhaneck Worcester Polytechnic Institute/U.S.C.G. R&D CenterAbstractThis paper explains the motivation for a proposed course design for marine safety andenvironmental protection professionals in the United States Coast Guard (CG). Thecourse is intended to build competency in risk-based decision-making under a distancelearning (DL), continuing education format. The course design is, first and foremost
2001 Annual Conference
A Boyanich; S P Maj
Session 1520 Benchmarks - Are they Really Useful? A Boyanich, S P Maj Department of Computer Science Edith Cowan University Western Australia iso9660@yahoo.comAbstractBenchmarking is an important commercial tool, which can be used for quantifying theperformance of computer and network equipment. Furthermore, benchmarks arepotentially valuable as part of curriculum studies in computer and network technology.Benchmarks may be of value to support the understanding of different
2001 Annual Conference
Rick Duley; S P Maj; D Veal
Session 2793 Conforming Curricula for Software Engineers: Observations from the Australian experience Rick Duley, S P Maj, D Veal Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western AustraliaAbstractOf the 37 universities in Australia offering undergraduate courses in computing, eleven offercourses in Software Engineering which are accredited by the Institute of Engineers, Australia andwhich may lead the graduate to membership of the Institute. In this way Australia has seized theinitiative in the recognition of Software Engineers as professionals and the Institute has
2001 Annual Conference
Eric Warmbier; James S. Fairweather; P. David Fisher
Session 2793 THE IMPACT OF BENCHMARKING PEER INSTITUTIONS IN CURRICULAR REFORM P. David Fisher, James S. Fairweather, and Eric A. Warmbier Michigan State UniversityAbstractBenchmarking peer institutions should be viewed as an essential element in curricular reform,i.e., continuous quality improvement (CQI) in both the undergraduate and graduate curriculum.The process of benchmarking can also be viewed as an opportunity to establish a network ofindividuals who share common interests and potentially a common vision regarding educationalreform. This paper describes the outcomes
2001 Annual Conference
S. K. Khanna; David Roylance; C. H. Jenkins
Session 1464 Innovations in Teaching Mechanics of Materials in Materials Science and Engineering Departments David Roylance Massachusetts Institute of Technology C. H. Jenkins and S. K. Khanna South Dakota School of Mines and TechnologyAbstractTraditional mechanical design employs experimentally obtained or handbook material properties in selection andsizing to develop a product. This approach is increasingly inefficient as designs come to employ
2001 Annual Conference
Rick Duley; S P Maj; D Veal
Session 2793 To Pull In Harness: Industry and Universities face educating the Professional Software Engineer Rick Duley, D Veal, S P Maj Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western AustraliaAbstractComputing curricula in Australia have tended to emphasize the scientific and computerengineering side, the hardware side, of computing but the advent of the Professional SoftwareEngineer (PSE) demands new approaches to curricular design. With the Institute of Engineers,Australia, (IEAust) already taking part in establishing the new profession in Australia it is to
2001 Annual Conference
Rick Duley; A Boyanich; S P Maj
Session 1520 Too Much Material, Too Little Time: The computer education curriculum dilemma Rick Duley, S P Maj, A Boyanich Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western AustraliaAbstractAdding an engineering component into an already overcrowded computer science course tocreate a course suitable for the graduation of a potential professional Software Engineer (SE)reminds people of the problem of getting a quart into a pint pot — there is far too much materialand far too little time. Since Curriculum ’68 was published, designers of computer sciencecurricula have
2001 Annual Conference
Geoff Swan; S P Maj; D Veal
further work is planned for the future.Cross-subject cooperation between staff concerned with physics and computing scienceteaching has enabled use of equipment and ideas to span both subjects allowing for thedevelopment of a workshop that would have not been possible with the equipment normallyused on the NIM unit. The cost of the material used was minimal. Even the reels of UTPcabling could be reused as it was not cut into pieces only the ends were used to attach toconnection blocks and terminal posts.Bibliography1. Barnett III, B. L. An Ethernet Performance Simulator for Undergraduate Networking, ACM SIGCSEBulletin, 25 pp 145-150, 1993.2. Engel, B & Maj, S. P. Towards Quality of Service on the Internet - an educational case study,, 3rd
2001 Annual Conference
Geoff Swan; S P Maj; D Veal
Session 1365 Mathematics Requirements on a Computer Technology Unit D Veal, S P Maj, G.I. Swan Computing Science / Computing Science /Physics Program Edith Cowan University (ECU). Perth. Western AustraliaAbstractComputer Installation & Maintenance (CIM) is a ‘hands on’ unit run by the ComputingScience department at Edith Cowan University (ECU). CIM was designed and introduced asa direct result of an analysis of job advertisements in newspapers in Western Australia andinterviews with potential employers in the field of computer
2001 Annual Conference
William S. Carlsen; Christine M. Cunningham; Carol B. Muller; Peg Boyle Single
Session 2793 Electronic Mentoring: Supporting Women Engineering and Science Students in the Crucial Early Years of College Peg Boyle Single, Carol B. Muller, William S. Carlsen, Christine M. Cunningham MentorNet/MentorNet/Pennsylvania State University/Cornell UniversityMentorNet is using electronic communications to address a persistent problem in engineeringeducation: the underrepresentation of women. This paper in particular will focus onMentorNet’s efforts to support women engineering, science, math, and technology studentsduring the crucial first year of undergraduate education.In this paper, we review the
2001 Annual Conference
Tolga Cangar; S. Engin Kilic; Ömer Anlagan; Burak Sari
2793WEB BASED CIM LABORATORY EXPERIENCE IN ME CURRICULUM: PART DESIGN, NC-CODE GENERATION AND WORK ORDER DISPATCHING VIA INTERNET Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research Group Sari, B., Cangar, T., Anlagan, O. & Kilic, S. E. Department of Mechanical Engineering Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TurkeyAbstractThis paper focuses on how basic CIM laboratory work can be enhanced through the use ofInternet. In the typical CIM laboratory experiment students are asked to produce their NC-Codesfor a given task. By the
2001 Annual Conference
V. Ramachandran; Ravi Ramachandran
(1c)The relationship (1a) corresponds to that of a resistor or equivalent; the relationship (1b)corresponds to that of an inductor or equivalent; and the relationship (1c) corresponds to that ofa capacitor or equivalent. These relationships are not required in the statement of the extendedTellegen’s theorem that we propose. However, they are required in the analysis. The analysismay be carried out either in the time-domain or in the Laplace transform domain. The Laplacetransform domain equations corresponding to Eqs. (1a), (1b) and (1c) are given below: Av(s) = k1 . Tv(s) (2a) Av(s) = (sk2) . Tv(s
2001 Annual Conference
Vernon Blackledge; Narciso Macia
,general feedback block diagram. The equivalent transfer functions (pre-filter and feedback) areobtained by means of superposition. Then, all the blocks are reduced into a single transferfunction by means of the simplification formula: P(s)G(s)/(1+G(s)H(s)). The resulting transferfunction shows the gain for each configuration (-RF/RA for the inverting Op-amp and 1+RF/RAfor the non-inverting configuration) and bandwidth. It also shows that the Gain*Bandwidthproduct is constant for the non-inverting configuration, but not so for the invertingconfiguration. This approach is straightforward and insightful, specially for those students whohave previously been exposed to feedback theory and who have backgrounds in fields other thanelectronics.I
2001 Annual Conference
Nora Christianson; Henry Russell
civilianlabor force (with respect to gender and RNO), 2) identify the representation among the nation’sscience and engineering (S&E) Ph.D. recipients, and 3) identify the institutions from which thedesired population can be recruited.In the last year, ARL conducted a nationwide study of S&E Ph.D. programs and the distributionof these degrees. As part of this study, the trends for Ph.D. degrees conferred to the women andminority population over the last ten years were identified. This study also identified S&E Ph.D.programs and the number of Ph.D.s awarded by Historically Black Colleges and Universities(HBCU)and Minority Institutions (MI). This study has been expanded to include an examinationof representation in the nation’s S&E
2001 Annual Conference
John Heydweiller; Huang-Chin Hung
represented by the transfer function G(s) that relates the observed pH to the pH in the reactor. → X(s) → G(s) → Y(s) Batch Reactor pH meterThe input to the meter is represented by: X(s) = L [ x(t) - x(0) ] (1)where L is the Laplace transform operator. The output of the meter is represented by: Page 6.414.2 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright  2001, American Society for Engineering Education
2001 Annual Conference
Edwin Zivi; Jenelle Piepmeier
Session 2220 Dynamic System Animation Within a Simulink Laboratory Environment Edwin Zivi, Jenelle Armstrong Piepmeier U.S. Naval AcademyAbstractRecent innovations in the animation of student developed, laboratory simulations have beenfound to significantly improve student understanding and enthusiasm. This animation canbe implemented using Matlab s-functions that are typically called from a Simulinksimulation. These rudimentary animations have been found to be relatively easy toconstruct and well received by students. General observations and
2001 Annual Conference
Andrew Rusek; Barbara Oakley
integrating fundamental electronic circuits and componentswith overarching communication systems. A critical issue is the availability of inexpensive orfree software that demonstrates the major circuit design considerations necessary for laboratoriesand projects. This paper has been written to relate our positive experiences using PSpice in aclass entitled “High Frequency Electronics” (EE 626), which is a graduate level course atOakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Examples discussed include the development anduse of y- and s-parameter extraction circuits, Wilkinson power dividers and adders, directionalcouplers, baluns, hybrid rings, HF filters, and stability and load calculators. Several examples ofcircuit analysis using “PUFF” software have
2001 Annual Conference
Raghu Korrapati; Nikunja Swain; Mrutyunjaya Swain; James A. Anderson
3 .2 0 0 .0 0 1 .0 0 P o le s Z e ro s 0 .5 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 0 3 .8 7 + 0 .0 0 i 0 -9 . 2 8 + 0 . 0 0 i B -1 .7 1 + 0 .0 0 i 1 .1 6 + 0 .0 0 i 0 1 .0 0 1 .0 0
2001 Annual Conference
Eugene McVey; Gary Dempsey
Session 2793 An Analytical Method for Optimum Frequency Domain Design in Control Applications Gary L. Dempsey, Eugene S. McVey Bradley University/University of VirginiaAbstractOur paper will revisit a method that was first introduced at Yale University in the late 1950s by Bowerand Schultheiss in their linear control textbook, Introduction to the Design of Servomechanisms.Control system design normally requires several design iterations in a simulation environment to meet aset of system specifications. The analytical method discussed here comprises the
2001 Annual Conference
Joseph K. Hitt; Wayne Whiteman
C El gi lS uf / C M yn m n d an ia lE d s/ u
2001 Annual Conference
James Somerville Jr.; Narciso Macia
P 0.5PU ∞ 0 PI 0.45PU 1 TU 0 12 . PID 0.6PU 0.5TU 0.125TUIn the second method, the control loop is opened, the plant is subjected to a unit step and theresulting reaction curve is observed. If the system response to the step input resembles an S-shaped curve, the lag time L and time constant T can be measured, as shown in Figure 2-4. Ifthe reaction curve does not resemble an S-shaped curve, the second method cannot be used
2001 Annual Conference
Earl Owen
designand analysis programs have been developed to demonstrate concepts of high frequency design.This paper will detail some of the topics students need to understand in design and test of highfrequency circuits, and describe the computer programs that are used to assist them. Theseprograms are patterned after standard commercial design and analysis programs, but are simplifiedto be adaptable to the learning environment rather than the professional. The computer programscontain graphics and animation to assist with teaching and learning objectives, while alsoproviding the computer-assisted circuit design and simulation necessary at high frequencies.Topics learned include definition of s parameters, circuit design using s parameters and the
2001 Annual Conference
George Karady; Khaled Nigim
) Etest E( n ) := Kmot⋅ 2⋅ π⋅ n⋅ E( n) = 5.312V Kmot := V⋅ s Rf ωtest⋅ If_test Kmot = A Vm1( n ) − E( n
2001 Annual Conference
Raul Ordonez; Hong Zhang; Ravi Ramachandran; Stephanie Farrell
control which aresummarized below.Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers Figure 1: A general block diagram of a control system A general block diagram of a control system is shown in Figure 1. All signals and systemfunctions are labeled as a function of the Laplace transform variable s [2]. The input and outputsignals are denoted by X(s) and Y(s) respectively. The plant is denoted by G(s). The controller isdenoted by K(s) and the feedback loop has a system function H(s). The transfer function of thesystem is given by T(s) = (K(s) G(s)) / ( 1 + K(s) G(s) H(s) ).A PID controller has a system function K(s) = (K1 + K2s + K3/s) where K1 is the proportionalgain, K2 is the derivative gain and K3 is the integral
2001 Annual Conference
Jr., Oscar Barton; Edward Lenoe; Clinton Cornell
Analysis of SiC-2/ Aluminum Composite Box Beams Oscar Barton, Jr. and Clinton Cornell United States Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 and Edward Lenoe United States Military Academy West Point, NY 10996AbstractIn this paper the relative capabilities of metal matrix composite (MMC) box beams fabricatedby welding and brazing techniques are explored. The metal matrix composite system consist ofsilicon carbide fibers and T6061 aluminum matrix with the laminate stacking sequence of [0,±45, 0] s. To assess
2001 Annual Conference
William Johnson
Session 3233 A Psychrometric Test Facility for the Undergraduate Laboratory William S. Johnson The University of TennesseeAbstractThis paper describes a laboratory test facility designed, built and tested by undergraduatestudents. The facility incorporates industrial hardware including electric heating coils, a coolingcoil with a chiller, a rotary enthalpy recovery heat exchanger, a humidifier, a blower and threeremotely controlled dampers along with instrumentation to measure airflow, varioustemperatures and relative humidities throughout the system. An
2001 Annual Conference
Joey Parker
functions are solved with this single command. The "assign"command is again used to associate the solution with the variable ωL. The first term in the"collect" command in Figure 5 divides the symbolic solution for ωL by the input ea. The"collect" command is used to group all of the terms with the same power of s in the solution forthe transfer function ωL/ea. Unfortunately the denominator of this transfer function is not in thebest possible form. Figure 6 illustrates some of the Maple commands that are available toreformat the denominator of the transfer function for better understanding. The "denom"command separates the denominator from the remainder of the solution for ωL. All terms arealso divided by LaJmJL, which was the coefficient of the