Paper ID #21319The Use of SPICE Simulation to Promote Reflection and Metacognition in aMicroelectronics CourseDr. Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh Renee M. Clark serves as research assistant professor focusing on assessment and evaluation within the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of Engineering and its Engineering Education Research Center (EERC), where her interests center on active and experiential learning. She has 25 years of experience as an engineer and analyst, having worked most recently for Walgreens and General Motors/Delphi Automo- tive in the areas of data analysis, IT, and manufacturing
Paper ID #21547Time for Reflection: Development of Twenty Short Videos to Introduce NewTopics and Engage Students in Circuit TheoryDr. Benjamin David McPheron, Roger Williams University Benjamin D. McPheron, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Engineering at Roger Williams University. Dr. McPheron received his B.S.E.E. in Electrical Engineering at Ohio Northern University in 2010, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University in 2014. Dr. McPheron teaches Freshman Engineering and various courses in Electrical Engineering including Circuit
this paper is thedesign, evaluation and improvement of a multi-faceted, intra-disciplinary laboratory called theSystems Exploration, Engineering, and Design Laboratory (SEED Lab). Created with the supportand input of industry partners, the SEED Lab aims to emulate our students' likely futureexperiences in a professional environment. The course employs assessment techniques such asreflection logs, CATME evaluations, team presentations at regular intervals, performance-baseddemonstrations, and case studies.This work will contribute to the body of engineering education scholarship by evaluating theimpact of the SEED Lab on students' development of attitudes toward failure in the engineeringdesign process and reflection abilities. While this
competency are reflected in curricular and student activities. His interests also include Design and Engineering, the human side of engineering, new ways of teaching engineering in particular Electromagnetism and other classes that are mathematically driven. His research and activities also include on avenues to connect Product Design and Engineering Education in a synergetic way. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Designing a curriculum that helps students create connected narratives in electrical engineeringIntroductionThis paper proposes a framework for helping students construct conceptual narrative arcsthroughout a traditional Electrical Engineering
. After producing and submitting the videos, students were then required to perform ananonymous peer review of three classmates’ presentations. Additionally, one graduate student,not responsible for an example video, also performed an assessment of the videos. Finally, thestudents were required to provide guided self-reflections on their communication skills after theyhad completed their videos and performed and received peer reviews. It has been wellestablished that having students reflect on their own learning can enhance the learning process[6]. Self-reflection questions were chosen to encourage students to be critically reflective of theirown performance and consider how to improve their performance for future video submissions.Here are the
concerns. Simply asking ”What can Ido to help you learn better? What can you do to learn better?” helped students reflect on theirlearning behaviors, and in many cases, improved their experience throughout the course. Thisstrategy provided an opportunity for students to take more responsibility for their learning andvoice their feedback about the course. The assessments also helped the faculty member improvethe course in real time. With this approach, the instructor also identified a number of learningbottlenecks, where a significant number of students were having problems. This very simpleformative assessment strategy proved to be a powerful tool for creating a student-centeredcourse. Findings from this study included providing the instructors
SystemVerilog of their implementation; and abrief reflection on the difficulties experienced during the lab and how they would approach the labdifferently if they were to repeat the design and implementation.Implementation DetailsWe use a Digilent Nexys4 development board as the target platform and SystemVerilog and XilinxVivado to implement the design and configure the board. Students are introduced to the designtools and the development platform through the first lab (see Table 2) and utilize them in all of theother labs. In general, any HDL and target platform should work. The only elements needed, asidefrom the pulse sensor, are four 7-segment displays, two buttons, and a slide switch, which areavailable on almost any contemporary development board
awareness of their own identities as writers and asengineers through their work facilitating, suggesting that the writing studio model providesan opportunity for writing center tutors to engage in metacognitive thinking about their owndevelopment as a disciplinary writer.The facilitators did note the difficulty in keeping their roles as engineering student separatefrom facilitator, and noted that they had to negotiate when to bring in their engineeringknowledge and when to act as an outside audience. One facilitator noted in her session notes,“An interesting reflection for me during this studio was that my first tendency when workingwith engineering students (especially those that I know in some context) is that I transitioninto being a team member
, source transformations, voltage and current dividers. Unit 2: Node-voltage, superposition, Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits. Unit 3: Op amp circuits, systems, digital logic. Unit 4: RL, RC, RLC circuits.B. AssessmentBoth formative and summative assessments were used throughout the course to better understandthe student experience and the most challenging concepts. Assessments included weeklymuddiest point reflections and/or quizzes and self-assessments (depending on the professor), fourexams, and online feedback (every 3 weeks). 1. Muddiest Points (weekly)In weekly written Muddiest Point assessments, students related the concepts they found mostconfusing that week, and tried to explain them. A small amount of
accountability, each student is thenasked to formulate a discussion question and be prepared to lead a 10-15 minute in-class groupdiscussion. This approach was successfully used in a senior-level course on digitalcommunications [11]. The accountability requires student reflection to provide a productivelearning experience when the students meet in a group setting. The professor can then randomlyselect or solicit a student volunteer to lead the discussion.The F2F learning is a more expensive mode of communication when compared to onlinecommunication. F2F learning requires both instructor and students to be physically together. Ina F2F environment, learners must work together at the same time and place, to reach a commonunderstanding of what is to be
mostly as an archive and is useful when reflecting on the current state of the project or when planning the next stage of the project. In Scrum, these would be called "sprint retrospective" and “sprint planning” stages, respectively. 7. Journal: This is used to keep track of dates of meetings and decisions made. It helps the team and instructor(s) track their activity. There should be at least one in-person team meeting outside of the classroom (lecture or lab time). It can be done using online tools, e.g., Hangouts, Skype or similar.Depending on the details of a project, more columns can be added. However, having too manycolumns can make information more obscure so this should be used with care.2.4. Trello CardsOnce
Course WorkStatistics on students’ overall perception of course work are presented in Table 5. 73.7% ofstudents reported that the submitted work for the course (including the examination) reflected alot or a great deal of their understanding of the course content. 77.5% of students reported thatthe course work and course activities benefited their learning a lot or a great deal. Table 5. Perception of course work The scale is defined as follows: 1=Not at all, 2=A little, 3=A moderate amount, 4=A lot, 5=A great deal. The final column represents the sum of A lot and A great deal.B. Direct AssessmentStudents generally struggled with end-of-semester topics such as frequency response, Bode plot,and filter
, and so students ought to learn the peculiars of wiring up an LED early on. • Integrate digital and analog electronics. Today, nearly every consumer electronics device contains a microcontroller, meaning that every product is a mix of analog circuitry, digital circuitry, and software. Our labs reflect this by incorporating a microcontroller and software into three out of the four major projects. • Focus on real applications. Real applications provide the essential motivation for students to keep learning the material, and this cannot be deferred until years later in the program. As the following sections will show, we aim to incorporate real applications not just in the labs but also in lectures, homework, and exams
profiles developed. In contrast to the study described in [6], wedifferentiated between two dimensions of engagement – behavioral and emotional – andseparately explored the levels of engagement in each dimension. We also used a differenttimeframe; rather than considering a single class period, we asked students to reflect on theirengagement across the entire semester. These differences allowed us to develop a comprehensivepicture of student engagement profiles, which we hope will be useful for electrical engineeringinstructors. Specifically, knowledge of students’ engagement profiles may help instructors tounderstand the various ways students engage in a course. This knowledge may also help informinstruction and course management
difficult2 – Not very difficult3 – Somewhat difficult4 – Moderately difficult5 – Very difficult To develop the skill-set of researchers involved in this project who were new toqualitative methodology and to identify features of our presentation that facilitated or hinderedthe experts understanding the exam questions and coming to a consensus, we decided to conducta beta version of the focus group. In the course of the beta focus group and upon reflection, we decided to make thefollowing changes to our procedure for the official focus group: 1. Because the experts often ranked questions as being between two levels of difficulty, e.g. between a “2” and a “3,” we determined that a scale of 1 - 10 would be more useful for
five years, ensuring that weare using the documents that are actively shaping and reflecting the current departmental life. Wechose to analyze public and internal documents in conjunction with each other because theyallow us to see the stories that the department tells the public and itself about itself throughofficial documentary artifacts. In this way, we are able to explore the messages within thesestories about engineering identity for undergraduate engineering students in electrical andcomputer engineering. TABLE I DOCUMENT TYPES Document Type Document Sub-Type # of Documents Analyzed Public-Facing
fundamentals to future technologies 2) Ability to solve open-ended problems with great complexity 3) Ability to work with a team with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.The current curriculum is recognized as successful in training students in the fundamentals ofEE, and has traditionally been the major emphasis of curricular discussions among faculty.Outcomes 2) and 3) are aligned with the identified shortcomings in training students withsufficient team skills, societal relevance, and cross-disciplinary content to prepare students fortoday’s workforce, and in directly promoting diversity. To achieve these student outcomes, thefollowing have been identified as goals for curriculum change: 1) Teach fundamentals that reflect current and future
theUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, funded and supported by National Science Foundation(#1525345).References[1] F. Martin and J. C. Whitmer, "Applying learning analytics to investigate timed release in online learning," Technology, Knowledge and Learning, vol. 21, pp. 59-74, 2016.[2] J. Mott, "Envisioning the post-LMS era: The open learning network," Educause Quarterly, vol. 33, pp. 1-9, 2010.[3] Y. Xie, F. Ke, and P. Sharma, "The effect of peer feedback for blogging on college students' reflective learning processes," The Internet and Higher Education, vol. 11, pp. 18-25, 2008.[4] P. Black, C. Harrison, C. Lee, B. Marshall, and D. Wiliam, "Working inside the black box: Assessment for learning in the
our undergraduate students who plan to take thecourse discussed in this paper as an elective.The main goals of the course are (1) to teach students the fundamental concepts in the 4 areasmentioned before and (2) to clearly illustrate the way in which advanced FPGA-based systemsare designed on PYNQ platform, using computer aided design (CAD) tools. During the lecturesession of the course, the first 90 minutes are used to present the theory materials in the form ofpower-point slides and journal articles to not only reflect the current trends in FPGA-basedembedded system design but also enforce the basic concepts needed by the engineering and thecomputer science students. During the remaining 90 minutes of the lecture session, students
andretaining a workforce that reflects the gender and racial diversity of the Nation. At the sametime, the evolution of the industry is also creating a number of new workforce opportunities,including jobs in renewable energy, natural gas, and information and communicationstechnology (ICT) [7]. The second edition of the U.S. Energy and Employment Report(USEER) published in January 2017 reported that about 862,000 people are employed injobs related to electric power generation [8].In recent years, various efforts [9]- [13] have explored how to incorporate Smart Grid topicsinto the engineering curricula however many of these proposed curricula have focused onmodifications of current electrical engineering courses. Supported by a grant from the
post-remediationwith instructional processes and events. Through the leveraging of student achievement data,cyber-enabled adaptive team composition, and real-time monitoring to sustain instantaneousmodeling of the learner, it is likely to realize outcomes that are highly-transportable across awide range of STEM disciplines and levels to transform the efficacy of hands-on learning. Forinstance, Beck [20-22], Heffernan [23, 24], Koedinger [25], Salame [26] and others identifytradeoffs in learning outcomes with online formative assessments through immediate feedback,which is useful for allowing for reflection whereby the student use of feedback becomes a toolfor continuous growth [27-29].Related works utilizing dynamically-formed peer cohorts are
in teams sped up students’ learning pro- 87% 92% cess – Finding a common time is a major factor. (6) Students utilized recitation sessions – Time con- 50% 50% flict was a factor. (7) Students thought the presence of the teacher assis- 73% 86% tants were helpful – This was adequate resources.with an 85% agreeance rate for the first language taught, then a sharp decrease to a 45% agreeancerate for the second language taught. Another reason for the drop in agreeance for item 3 could bethe inclusion of some intensive in-class lectures given for the second language to help get studentsup-to-speed quicker than for the beginning of the class. Item 4 reflects
-efficacy measures were used to measure self-efficacy in engineering courses but only a few werein line with Bandura's definition and his guidelines [17]. Some of the studies also had conceptualand practical shortcomings as the developed measures reflected on general self-confidence and didnot address the concept of self-efficacy. As highlighted in [18], historically developed measuresalso do not adequately cover the engineering domain and therefore may not accurately predictacademic achievement. To date, to the best of our knowledge no study has examined themeasurement of self-efficacy in engineering modeling and design courses. Considering thatengineering modeling and design are key skills and are essential to the success of future engineersas
experience for theirengineering learning and development.AcknowledgmentThis work was made possible in part by Motorola Solutions Foundation Innovation Generationgrants, by National Science Foundation award 1432416, by ONR STEM grant 11884065. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.References[1] Executive Office of the President, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, “Report to the President: Realizing the full potential of government-held spectrum to spur economic growth,” Tech. Rep., 2012. [Online]. Available:[2] Defense
eliminate any issues a minority of students had because they could not ask questionswhen watching video lectures. The overall depth and quality of questions generally reflected thestatus of the course as being outside the core interests of the students, who were mostlyMechanical Engineering majors.Note that the use of something like Piazza seems to be critical to making flipped classroomswork. Students need to know that they have a mechanism for asking questions, no matter whereor when they are working. Also, it encourages students to help one another. There is littlecompetition for grades in these courses because standards are clear and students are remindedover and over that our goal is that, someday, everyone will earn an A. Piazza also provides
GPA. In the follow-up interviews, the students consistently praised SITE for: Working in teams Working with students of different backgrounds Exposure to other fields Meeting faculty on a close basis Working on projects with real applications Integrating material learned in courses to solving complex problems Opportunity to think about careers in industry Good for the resume At this early stage in their educational careers, SITE represented one of the first times that many of these students were able to engage in and reflect upon these important aspects of STEM training. The following highlights some markers of positive impact on students: 22% of students
offering.AcknowledgementsThis material is based in part upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE)Program under grants CBET–1067740 and UNS–1512564. Opinions, findings,conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. The authors acknowledge the students that participated in this effort and their work in termsof example images and data that they provided for this paper. This material was included withthe written permission of the students. References[1] "iHealth Feel Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor," iHealth Labs Inc., 2017,