Paper ID #23310Supporting Student Learning Through Peer-led Course Support InitiativesJenai Kelley Brown, Clemson University Jenai Kelley Brown has a background in college life coaching as well as career counseling. Before com- ing to Clemson University, she was a Senior College Life Coach at Florida State University working primarily with first generation college students. Jenai is currently the Assistant Coordinator for Tutor- ing in Clemson’s Academic Success Center where she trains and manages approximately 60 tutors each semester. While her roles in Higher Education have changed, her primary goal has remained to help
design would best assesscritical thinking skills. This course goal was separate from the engineering professionalismcourse goal. Initially, the individual technical writing assignment (ITW) and the individual oralpresentation (IOP) were chosen as the tools to assess the course outcomes tied to effectivecommunication, and the engineering professionalism goals. Critical thinking was seen more asthe domain of problem solving. However, this meant that the focus of the individual technicalwriting was very narrow in its purpose. The initial focus of that assessment was to demonstratecompetence in writing using a technical style, citing peer-reviewed work, and including correctinformation. These were all skills seen as necessary to proper engineering
,students covered topics such as purposeful writing, revision and writing process, argument andanalysis, critical reading, research and technology, and multimodality. The course also utilizedthe book Writing in Engineering: A Brief Guide by Robert Irish for student reference. This bookgives guidelines for writing in engineering and was chosen because it was easy for students tounderstand and apply concepts from it. The assignments in the course were broken up into stepsfor the students which included a rough draft process with peer revisions. The ENGL 1020course also allowed students to get support for the research paper they wrote in the ENGR 1208course. Students peer reviewed their research papers in the ENGL 1020 course with the guidanceof the
EngineerThroughout the Introduction to Engineering I course, students explore the field of engineeringand consider their reasons for pursuing an engineering major. The One-Minute Engineer is athree-part assignment where students first write a 300-400 word essay about why they arestudying engineer, conduct a peer-edit to reduce the word count to approximately 150 words, andfinally, present their One-Minute Engineer orally in front of their classmates. This assignmenthelps students articulate why they want to be an engineer while honing their technical writingand presentation skills. In their written drafts and presentations, students were required to reflecton at least one of their top-five Strengths.Results and DiscussionTeam formationIn general, the four
active team member. We used CourseMIRROR mobilelearning system to collect students’ reflections during an academic semester. We also evaluatedeach student reflection based on its quality. The reflection quality here refers to specificity orvagueness of reflections. Based on our prior research on the significance of the reflection qualityon student learning [1], we developed a coding schema to specify the degree of reflection’squality. We further used the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness(CATME) for peer and self-evaluation on five dimensions. Initial findings reveal statisticallysignificant relations between five aspects of CATME and reflection’s quality. We also conductedlinear regression analyses to explore how these five
empowermentwhile instructing in the classroom.IntroductionThis paper will discuss adjustments to the training of teaching assistants and how empowermenttheory was used to analyze the results of the training changes. Teaching assistants (TAs) arecommonly used in first-year engineering classes to provide instruction, grade student work,provide peer mentoring, and assist in course content delivery and development. In this large first-year program specifically, TAs are relied on heavily due to the high number of students. TheOhio State University has a teaching model that includes Faculty members, Graduate TeachingAssociates (GTAs), and Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) in its first-year engineeringprogram. These GTAs and UTAs perform a wide range of
MyEngineeringLab system.Laurel Whisler, Clemson University Laurel Whisler is Assistant Director and Coordinator of Course Support Programs in Clemson Univer- sity’s Westmoreland Academic Success Program. In this capacity, she provides vision and direction for the Tutoring and Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) programs and provides support to the General Engi- neering Learning Community. She is also co-developer of Entangled Learning, a model of rigorously- documented, self-directed learning in communities of practice. She has an M.A. in Music from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.L.S. from Indiana University.Ms. Abigail T. Stephan, Clemson University Abigail Stephan is a doctoral student in the Learning Sciences program at
industry practices, ePortfolio documentation of skills, andcollaborative peer engagement unlike anything currently available in Introduction to Engineeringcourses in the MOOC community. In the first offering of this course, 4,014 students wereenrolled including 69 students who paid a small fee to be ID-verified in order to potentiallyreceive a certificate for completion of the course; 22 students successfully completed the course.This paper describes the course goals, structure, and design including specific challenges relatedto designing a course for the MOOC environment. The implementation of the course will also bediscussed, including preliminary data on the effectiveness obtained from an end-of-course surveyadministered to students enrolled in
and mentoring, as one of the leading elements that contribute to students’ success [1],figure 1. Figure 1: Elements of Students' Success [1]In practice, peer tutoring has been utilized to support students in large introductory classes, suchas math, chemistry, and biology, with little-to-no support in engineering classes. Tutoringservices that target lower level engineering courses have been limited to individual attempts orclub organizations, e.g., IEEE and HKN. Additionally, limited studies are evaluating generaltutoring services in higher education [2].In 2017, the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at California State University,Chico established a tutoring center to provide drop-in tutoring
yearengineering and computer science students.At UIUC, Redshirt students take a course for credit that focuses on academic support, studyskills, and engineering projects. This course is similar to an introductory engineering coursetaken by all first year students, but has a stronger focus on academic and professionaldevelopment. Students are also required to take a writing course, introductory chemistry course,introductory physics course, and a math course.Pre-matriculation Summer Programs/Community-BuildingAll Redshirt programs have a required pre-matriculation summer program to help students get ajump start on their academics and begin bonding with their Redshirt peers, though theseprograms look quite different from school to school. At CU-B, UW, UIUC
programming platform that provides feedbackon incorrect code entries. The homework problems generally require fewer than 5 lines of codeto answer a homework problem relating to a single programming concept (e.g. define a variable,write an expression comparing two variables, write an if statement), whereas the projects ask thestudent to write a program that accomplishes a specific task requiring blocks of code that can beup to 30 lines long.The comparison being made takes account of two separate semesters of the course, Fall 2016 andFall 2017. In 2016, the programming component of the course was a 6-week portion of thecourse with Chapters 1-6. For this study, the researchers only used Chapters 1-5 to be consistentwith the chapters used in 2017. In
to develop a comprehensive theoretical and numerical multiscale strategy to accelerate the battery design process. He has presented his work nationally and internationally and has publications in several peer-reviewed journals. Currently, he is investigating the kinetics of nanoparticle dissolution at the mesocontinuum level using the phase field method. The goal is to develop a com- prehensive, theoretical and numerical strategy to predict the dissolution kinetics of small particles from experimentally measurable parameters to accelerate the particle engineering process during formulation development. Example applications include researching the effects of engineered particle size distribu- tions in solid dosage
engineering problems● Students from various STEM fields ● An ability to function on multidisciplinary participated in the Camp and were given teams various opportunities to work in teams. ● An ability to communicate effectively They were also required to communicate effectively with team members, both orally and in writing● Guest speakers talked about the ● An understanding of professional and ethical importance of being professional and responsibility ethical in their careers● Presentation by the Director of First ● A recognition of the need for, and an ability Year Engagement and Professional to engage in life-long learning Development emphasized on the importance of various skills
,this program is engineering discipline specific, open only to incoming students enrolled in thefall semester, and it is closely tied to the first engineering course offered at the university. Bootcamps at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and University of Washington (UW)are similar, but they focus on Math and Writing or Science and Math respectively [15], [16],which means that students will not necessarily meet others in their major.All incoming freshmen engineering students are encouraged to apply to E-FIT, which is designedto suit students of all ability levels. Currently, there is space for 132 students (approximately20% of incoming engineering students) to participate, but the program plans to be available to allincoming
. A largenumber of factors can make URM students of varying ethnic backgrounds feel like they do notbelong. Most of these factors appear in direct contact with are directly related to students’interactions and relations with people around them such as faculty, classmates, lab instructors,teaching assistants, significant others, family members, friends, and college staff. The researchersemphasized that faculty and peer interaction is one of the biggest driving forces behind increasingthe sense of belonging among those students in higher education. This can range from saying helloto having a casual interaction with a professor in the hallway. Accordingly, faculty plays one ofthe most crucial roles in improving students feeling of belonging to
teacher (or other STEMGROW “EduGuides;” faculty, staff and peer guides) provides briefmentoring responses to their activities, meant to engage students in additional writing andreflection.A 2016-2017 student survey revealed the following top impact areas, based on 473 studentresponses [4], to show growth or positive impact: “More self-motivated” (73%) “More confident to achieve: (68%) “More curious to learn new things” (66%) “Listen better to feedback” (65%) “Encourage and mentor others” (63%)In our EPCC and UTEP incarnation of the EduGuide process, students are tasked to use SMARTtechnology online activities for up to one hour per week outside of the classroom (for which theytypically will receive some course credit
Engineering Education, 2018 Exploring Engineering Major Choice and Self-concept through First-Year Surveys 2018-04-30Choosing an appropriate major is an important factor in ensuring a productive and successful college experience.Major choice determines the type of work the students will engage in and the faculty and peers that they will come incontact with, both of which have been shown to impact student learning, satisfaction, and persistence.1 Forengineering students, the selection of a discipline can be an overwhelming task. Many first-year students have onlyvague notions about what engineering is and a limited understanding of the scope of the work that might be typical
tosolve math problems, to be creative, to work collaboratively on a team, to understand science,and to perform a few other abilities. For every ability, the average student ranked themselvesabove average relative to peers. Data on incoming student self-efficacy towards general project-related tasks is shown infigure 1a, with results split by self-identified gender (a non-binary gender option was given, butsurveys that selected that response were too few to create a meaningful average). Differencesbetween genders were generally statistically insignificant except for the most general question of a) b) Figure 1. Responses to the (a) pre-class and (b) post-class survey questions on general engineering project self-efficacy, averaged
Engineering, to the first year engineering students with the aim to increase retention rate and reduce graduation time. Dr. Tiwari is an ABET program evaluator for ASEE.Dr. Pradeep Nair, California State University, Fullerton Pradeep Nair received his Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2009. His research interests include power/performance tradeoffs in the nanoscale domain, leakage power reduction in digital systems, computer performance analysis and evaluation, low Power FPGAs, and biomedical circuits and systems. He has published several peer-reviewed papers as part of his re- search. At CSUF, Dr. Nair has taught several engineering courses ranging from the freshman level to
multiple team projects anddeliverables. ENGG 233 is a required first-year technical course that introduces foundationalconcepts in programming and software engineering to all students, regardless of their intendedprogram.In 2015, ENGG 233 was redesigned to focus on algorithmic thinking through exploratory andapplied learning, as opposed to syntax-focused programming education [Pears, 2007]. Thisresulted in a course format similar to ENGG 200.Both courses have a significant regular laboratory component, where students are given theopportunity to collaborate with peers and receive coaching from instructors and teachingassistants. In these laboratory sessions, students work on exploratory exercises and larger design-based projects. This interactive
seeing an increased number ofstudents coming in with college credit, either Advanced Placement (AP) or other. In 2014 whenthe original cornerstone pilot was completed, over 50% of entering students had some AP creditin Calculus, 20% had Chemistry credit, 35% have College Writing credit and 35% have Physicscredit. These students as well as current students with advanced credit face a limited courseselection to complete their academic schedules in these early semesters since it is difficult to findcourses that they can take in the first year that do not have prerequisites. This created the need torevise the curriculum to offer students the opportunity to accelerate their exploration of anengineering major. In order to accomplish this, students
Video 1: Writing Digital Signals (8 minutes) Assignment, Video 2: Reading Digital Signals (8 minutes) online quiz 3 Video 1: Serial Communications (5 minutes) Assignment, Video 2: Analog Signals (13 minutes) online quiz 4 Video 1: Libraries and Servos (10 minutes) Assignment, Video 2: Review and Useful Resources (6 minutes) online survey 5 None Comprehensive online quizWhile a wide variety of resources are already
Award, the Black Engineer of the Year Career Achievement Award for New Emerging Leaders and fea- tured in several publications. She has presented keynote addresses, facilitated workshops and given moti- vational presentations at numerous civic and corporate forums domestically and internationally. She is a contributing author to Tavis Smiley’s book, ”Keeping the Faith”, with her inspiring life story. Dr. Wickliff was honored to write the forward for her youngest son’s book, ”Young And Driven” which chronicles his historical journey from youngest engineer in the nation at age 19 to youngest Harvard Law graduate at 22 and more. She believes that her life’s calling and thus career quest is to be a catalyst of signicant
engineering projects course at theUniversity of Colorado at Boulder, Knight et al. found that students who took the coursedemonstrated increased retention when compared with their peers who did not take the course [3].When Knight et al. discussed possible explanations for this increased retention, they attributed itto “the impact of active hands-on pedagogy, creation of student learning communities, an earlyexperience on the human side of engineering, self-directed acquisition of knowledge by students,instructor mentoring, and the success orientation of the course” [3]. It has been shown that ifstudents have a strong, positive conviction about their knowledge in engineering, then they aremore likely to succeed academically in the specific subject, as
The degree of connectedness students experience with peers, teachers and facultyIt stands to reason then, that admissions criteria that seek out these elements (high achievement,quantitiave skills), retention supports that encourage these behaviours, skills and attitudes ( habits, confidence in quantitative skills, self-awareness and goal setting), can help bridgethe gaps that students may experience (i.e. with respect to connection to their instiution, financialneed, family support or social activity) when embarking on their post-secondary studies.Additionally, pedagogical efforts have been made to engage students in active-learningexperiences throughout their degree. It is
shall at all times strive to servethe public interest,” and “shall be guided in all their relations by the highest standards of honestyand integrity” [1]. Design challenges push students to pay attention to the public interests anddifferent perspectives of community members, government officials, etc., as they work tounderstand and solve design problems. In addition, design challenges require both teamwork andindividual participation. This allows students to practice working with peers, similar to workingwithin a community of professionals. This can aid students in understanding the values andfunctions of their fields as well as the required knowledge they need.BackgroundPast research has demonstrated the benefits of early design experiences