Technology (PCAST. ) “Transformation and opportunity: The future of the U.S. research enterprise”, Report to the President, 2012.[5] C. Wendler, B. Bridgeman, R. Markle, F. Cline, N. Bell, P. McAllister and J. Kent. Pathways Through Graduate School And Into Careers. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 2012.[6] H. S. Barrows, Practice-Based Learning: Problem-Based Learning Applied To Medical Education. Springfield, IL: Southern Illinois University, 1994.[7] H. S. Barrows, How To Design A Problem-Based Curriculum For The Preclinical Years. New York, NY: Springer, 1985.[8] I. Choi, Y. C. Hong, H. Park, and Y. Lee, “Case-based learning for anesthesiology: Enhancing dynamic decision-making skills through
capstone course(s) focus on achieving a blend of these skillsapplied to the real-world sustainability issues. The final output of the capstone project, a projectreport will specifically highlight how the 3 Es were addressed and met. Upon appropriatereviews by the university faculty, the report is ready for submission to the sponsor forimplementation. The capstone projects are generally done in student teams of 3.Capstone Project FrameworkUniversity has a unique model for adult education. Regular courses are taught at the rate of onecourse at a time over a 4-week period. The program is accredited and approved by WesternAssociation of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for both onsite and online offerings. As eachprogram course string starts, a student
benefits and deeply heldcultural beliefs within some organizations about the negative connotations of a doctorate degreein engineering. Participants also described how university policies, such as partnership degreeprograms or inconvenient course times and modalities might compliment or conflict withemployer policies and further shape an employee’s decision to earn a PhD. These findings offersome initial insight into the employer-level factors that could inform returners’ thinking thatreturners, employers, and universities may want to consider in future decision making. References[1] Baker, S., Tancred, P., & Whitesides, S. (2002). Gender and Graduate School: Engineering Students Confront Life
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instructors to enhance the quality of language and literacy socialization in their midst and toaccommodate and support newcomers—from all language backgrounds—within these discoursecommunities more satisfactorily and seamlessly as well (pp. 186-187)”. Indeed, the implicationsof these findings for changes in support programs, institutional policies, and pedagogicalpractices can offer the field a more thorough perspective into the intricate and dynamic nature ofacademic discourse socialization and how institutions of higher education can better serveinternational graduate students.References[1] C.P. Casanave, Writing Games: Multicultural Case Studies of Academic Literacy Practices in Higher Education, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002.[2] S.A. Myers, S
facilitated richer discussions in the course (MSE 598) wherethe instructor set up notifications and regularly monitored and participated in the postings.Some particular strengths that help enforce MP best practices are: Easy to link or embed – Instructors can easily link to or embed the actual board(s) within their online courses to help ensure students see it within the context of the content. This helps increase participation as they are less likely to forget to post and also less likely to get lost on other places on the web while navigating to the site. Notifications – Instructors AND students can set up notifications so they receive an email when new content is posted. This helps keep the
with professional development and not knowing how to support thegraduate students in their pursuits. This study’s comprehensive examination of an activeadvisor’s experience with supporting graduate student development proves to be informative anduseful in determining potential next steps in the formative development of a program aimed atgraduate student professional development.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1545211.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
, TX, 2012, p. 25.1394.1-25.1394.13.[7] E. A. Erichsen and D. U. Bolliger, “Towards understanding international graduate student isolation in traditional and online environments,” Educ. Technol. Res. Dev., vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 309–326, 2011.[8] J. L. Colwell, J. Whittington, and C. F. Jenks, “Writing Challenges for Graduate Students in Engineering and Technology,” in 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC, 2011, p. 22.1714.1-22.1714.13.[9] S. L. Gassman, M. A. Maher, and B. E. Timmerman, “Supporting Students’ Disciplinary Writing in Engineering Education,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1270–1280, 2013.[10] A. A. Kranov, “‘It’s Not My Job To Teach Them How To Write’: Facilitating The Disciplinary
GRE from the pre and post survey with 78% ofthe participants reporting that they agreed or strongly agreed to that they felt more prepared totake the GRE. The attendance from the two workshops was recorded by the number of surveyresponses collected, which increased from 36 to 51 (42% increase).IntroductionThe NSF S-STEM program provides student scholarship funds to encourage and enableacademically talented but financially needy students to complete STEM degrees and enter theworkforce. The Student Integrated Intern Research Experience (SIIRE) project [1] addressesNSF’s programmatic goal by integrating external (industry supported) intern or co-opexperiences for students with ongoing on-campus engineering research activities to provide aguided
development for STEM graduate students, the Council ofGraduate studies recommended, “Greater alignment among employers and universities to ensurethat the professional development experiences provided to advanced STEM graduate students arerelevant, and where possible tailored, to employer needs.”1 They also recommended greaterpartnerships between STEM graduate programs and employers to better prepare students whowere going into non-academic careers, and that professional development complement thestudents’ academic coursework.1 Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degree programs werestarted in the late 1990’s to meet industry’s demand for STEM graduates who also had businessprofessional skills.2The Master of Science in Professional Science (MSPS
strategy to support inclusion by providing usthe tools we need.Future WorkThis is a work in progress. Moving forward we will continue to offer these trainings to educatemore people and will expand the survey instrument to capture more demographic data.Additionally, we will provide opportunities for participants to practice their interventionstrategies.References[1] National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,“Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering”, Special ReportNSF 17-310. Arlington, VA. Available at 2017.[2] G. Wong, A. O. Derthick, E.J. R. David, A. Saw, and S. Okazaki, “The What, the Why, andthe How: A Review of Racial Microaggressions
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 The Effectiveness of an On-Campus Open House Targeting Underrepresented StudentsAbstractThe study highlights the outcomes of a program to increase diversity of the application pool bybringing prospective students to campus early in the application cycle. We identified active andearly engagement of female and underrepresented minority prospective students in an on-campusevent as a way to interest them in our graduate programs. During the one- to two-day eventstudents have the opportunity to engage with faculty, staff and students in their program(s) ofinterest, prepare for the application process and learn about funding and faculty research
, were granted admission into the program.3. Application BreakdownExamining details from the applications can provide valuable insight on key factors affecting thesuccess of s students completing the admission process through enrollment as well as featuresthat can strengthen international recruitment for the OMGT program.3.1. Number of ApplicantsOne of the first metrics to evaluate is the number of applications received during the time periodbeing analyzed (2011-2017). There were a total 361 applications from international students forthe Operations Management program at the Univerity of Arkansas. From those students, 15% ofthem were from applicants who were previously enrolled at the university. The remaining 85%did not have previous
Research Data Management Course Content: Teaching the Data Management Plan (DMP). in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2018. Salt Lake City, UT.28. Madihally, S., Reviving graduate seminar series through non-technical presentations. Chemical Engineering Education, 2011. 45(4): p. 231.29. Burrows, V. and S. Beaudoin, A Graduate Course in Research Methods. Chemical Engineering Education, 2001. 35(4): p. 236.30. Ollis, D., The Research Proposition. Chemical Engineering Education, 1995. 29(4): p. 222.31. Ollis, D., Catalyzing the Student-to-Researcher Transition: Research Initiation and Professional Development for New Graduate Students. Chemical Engineering Education, 2016. 50(4): p. 221-229.32
development program [1], [16]. This paper provided a brief overview of theprogram’s construction and content. We then discussed how our preliminary results showed thecohort’s overall strengths and weaknesses, and also that their professional reputation for somecompetencies varies between subordinates, peers, and advisors. Insights like these will helpparticipants interpret their reports, and design the best development goal for well-roundedgrowth.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1545211.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science