and Engineering Program at BSU and served as the first chair. From 2011 to 2017, she wasDean of the College of Engineering. Her research interests include engineering education and microelectronic packaging, particularly 3-D integration and ceramic MEMS devices.Dr. JoAnn S. Lighty, Boise State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Work-in-Progress: Flexibility and Professional Preparation via a Multidisciplinary Engineering CurriculumThis paper reports on one institution’s work-in-progress to build innovation and creativity into aflexible, ABET accredited undergraduate Engineering B.S. degree that provides a variety ofchoices to undergraduate engineering
, thinking, and interdisciplinary capabilities. Attitude proficiencies included themotivation required to be successful in the course, the student’s belief about their capability to besuccessful and achieve the course goal, and their ability to work with ideas that challenge theircurrent mental models of the world. After developing the learning proficiencies, course developerssorted them into early, middle, and late proficiencies. The timing did not necessarily correspondwith the timeline students would learn the material, but focused primarily on the sequence. Table1 summarizes the learning proficiencies. (K=knowledge, S=skill, A=attitude) Stage Category Proficiency K …know and apply sustainability principles
featured in a national publication. Even back in the early 1980’s his interests in computers and graphics was strong. Quickly in his career, he turned his focus on CAD production drawings on the computer and built a computer division and set standards at the Myers/Schmallenberger Design firm in Columbus, Ohio. In the Early 1990’s, Marty started up his own consulting company doing visualizations and animation for companies in the design industry. Some of his clients included: Rubbermaid, Christian Broadcasting Network, Frigidaire, Hobart Ware-washing Division, Character Builders, and American Greetings. The highlight to his consultant career was working on the 1996 movie ”Space Jam” and had 10 seconds of animation
2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 January 2018].[5] R. C. Schaaf, S. Toth-Cohen, S. L. Johnson, G. Outten and T. W. Benevides, "The everyday routines of families of children with autism. Examining the impact of sensory processing difficulties on the family," Autism, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 373-389, 2011.[6] E. J. Marco, L. B. N. Hinkley, S. S. Hill and S. S. Nagarajan, "Sensory Processing in Autism: A Review of Neurophysiologic Findings," Pediatric Research, vol. 69, pp. 48R-54R, 2011.[7] A. E. Robertson and D. R. Simmons, "The Relationship between Sensory Sensitivity and Autistic Traits in the General Population," Journal of Autism and
systems are selected, configured and designed.Prof. M K Parfitt c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Observed Best Practices for Student Driven Multi-disciplinary Team-based Architectural Engineering CapstoneABSTRACTThe design, construction, and operations of buildings fall within the architecture and engineeringdomains. Buildings are highly technical and critical systems that are engineered to performance levelsthat allow buildings to function for 100’s of years. To achieve this, buildings require engineers andmanagers to be of a learned, regulated and licensed profession. While many engineering degrees educatebuilding design, perhaps best suited for the task is
differences. Journal of engineering education, 94(1), 57-72.[4] Kuri, N. P., & Truzzi, O. M. S. (2002, August). Learning styles of freshmen engineering students. In Proceedings, 2002 International Conference on Engineering Education, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 18-22, 2002.[5] ILSA, 2018, “Tactile Learning Strategies for Learners Who Prefer to Begin by Making or Handling Materials,” Available: International Learning Styles Australia (ILSA), Sensory+Approaches+to+Learning/Tactile+Learning+Strategies.html. [Accessed February 5, 2018].[6] W. Zimmerman and S. Cunningham, “Editor’s introduction: What is mathematical visualization”, Visualization in teaching and
Project Based Service Learning". In Proc.of ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2009[2] Engineers Without Borders USA. [Online]. Available:[3] EPICS - Purdue University. [Online]. Available:[4] J. Pembridge and M. Paretti. "The Current State Of Capstone Design Pedagogy". In Proc. of ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, 2010[5] S. Reichle, A. Bang, and C. Considine. "International Service Learning Projects For Senior Capstone Projects"in Proc. of ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2009[6] J. Duffy, L. Barrington, and M. Heredia. "Recruitment, Retention, And Service Learning In Engineering" inProc. of ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2009[7] M. S. Zarske, D. T
focus and ability to get advanced technical jobs.AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful for funding support from the National Science Foundation under awardEEC-1446001. The authors would like to thank Drs. Cathleen Barczys Simons and GaryLichtenstein for their design of the final survey. The authors acknowledge the contribution ofMs. Steffi Renninger in administering the survey.References[1] S. LeBlanc, S. Renninger, and E. Shittu, “Nanotechnology Fellows Program : Preparing Undergraduate Students for Careers in Nanotechnology,” in Proceedings of ASEE Conference & Exposition, 2016, pp. 1–8.[2] S. LeBlanc, V. Sorger, and E. Shittu, “Nanotechnology Fellows Program: An Interdisciplinary Practicum for Nanotechnology
creators of The Science Of . . . a web-based video magazine. In addition to her role as Associate Provost Dr. Cements is also the director of Experiential Learning and a tenured Professor of Biology and Marine Science at Jacksonville University.Cindy LeongMisha M ChalkleyMr. Crandall Maines, Jacksonville University Engineering c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Experiences of NSF- supported ScholarsAbstractThe Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics (MEP) scholar program at our university supportedby NSF S-STEM scholarship program is preparing individuals for the STEM workforce byproviding an educational experience
, making their Interests, Qualifications, Experience,Expertise, and perhaps most importantly, their contact information viewable to potentialteammates. Students use the website to schedule and attend team formation meetings where theynot only learn more about the project(s), they also help to formulate its deliverable and thusdictate project direction. Once students have more or less settled into teams, they update theirstatus to “joined” and seek instructor approval, usually around week eight. The project modulesare then utilized by instructors to track team progress and host all project documentation throughthe end of the year.In this way, teams are self-selected and self-aggregated; students must justify their presence totheir peers and show
. Figure 3. IDEAS StagesAfter the proposal is approved, the groups start working in a literature review to develop a betterunderstanding about their research topic. The students then produce an abstract (Figure 3 b),which is submitted online by the deadline, to be peer reviewed by the course’s teachingassistants. The groups prepare their physical model(s) and experimental set-up (Figure 3 c) to betested according to their experiment design (Figure 3d). Once the laboratory results, handcalculations, and simulations are completed, the groups write and submit a paper according to theprovided template and guidelines (Figure 3f). The students also create a poster (examples areprovided) which is presented at the showcase along with the model(s), video(s
in the project increasedtheir confidence to enter the workplace [16]. Likewise, students involved in the project discussedin this paper have stated that they are more comfortable and competent with working withacademic/industry professionals through this research experience.SE Student 1:SE Student 1 is the first author of this paper and considers this type of research disseminationactivity to be highly reflective of the unique opportunities that have been presented to him on thisproject. SE Student 1’s main motivations are to expand his professional network, contribute toresearch and writing of conference papers/presentations, and to collaborate with industryprofessionals on a project that has a humanitarian outcome. The research team is
Biomolecular Engineering. Common across all teams is a minimumtimeframe of three to five years. Teams typically become integral parts of faculty researchprograms, continually evolving with the team advisor’s research.3. The program is curricular and all participating students are graded (A-F; not P/F, S/U). VIPis not an extra- or co-curricular activity. It is a sequence of courses whose credits count towardsstudents' degree requirements, and letter grading holds students accountable for their work. Inmany ways, feedback and grading in VIP is like an evaluation in the workplace. Work isevaluated, guidance is given, and students have the opportunity to improve. The curricularstructure and the philosophy that all students can benefit from the experience
familiarize themselves with how they are done and to generateawareness of the types and level of projects undertaken. The formal presentations are reviewedby students in the audience, faculty, sponsors, and invited guests. These reviews are collectedfor the purposes of awarding prizes for the best projects. They also become part of the periodiccapstone project review process, which is described next.The Robotics Engineering program has developed a review process for the content and quality ofsenior capstone projects. Each student completes an evaluation form and the faculty advisor(s)also fill out their own project evaluation form. Other programs at WPI have similar processes.The faculty-generated form asks the advisor(s) to evaluate the students
teamwork across disciplines aremultidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. The two concepts have a great deal common, but mayentail slightly different outcomes for participants and for their projects.Briefly, in multidisciplinary work, collaborators work together on a problem. Each bringsexpertise, but, as Borrego and Newswander explain in their overview of cross-disciplinaryengineering collaboration, “collaborators leave the project without having learned much aboutthe other discipline(s). Each researcher continues on his or her own independent trajectory,unchanged by the experience [8].” This means that, while multidisciplinary work brings togetherpeople with different ways of conceptualizing and operating on problems, each takes on
Assessment.. Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.[5] Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2011). Product Design and Development, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill.[6] ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, ABET Inc., 2015-16 Accreditation Cycle, 15.pdf, Retrieved 2/10/2017.[7] ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, ABET Inc., 2015-16 Accreditation Cycle, Criteria-05-04-15.pdf, Retrieved 2/10/2017.[8] Smith, J. H., & Nichols, S. A. (2004
various disciplinessometimes, but that “… it doesn’t go deep enough to be ‘truly’ multi-disciplinary.” Theobstacle mentioned by Student B was that academic approaches often isolate one probleminto one discipline, whereas perceiving them into a “holistic system thinking” will providemore complete solutions.Everyone agreed that ‘multidisciplinary’ should matter to a university, because:“This is where new discoveries are made.” Student Dand:“Real-life problem(s) cannot be solved by single professionalism or viewed by one aspect,students need to know how to communicate or cooperate with others in order to solve theissues.” Staff AHowever, some disagreed that the university puts enough effort on multidisciplinary matters:“On the classroom level
to college: What evidence is there that it works?” Change, 30(4), pp. 26-35, 1998.[5] T. Kriewall, K. Mekemson, ”Instilling the Entrepreneurial Mindset Into Engineering Undergraduates,” The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, vol 1, Number 1, pp. 5-19, January 2009.[6] J. Wheadon, N. Duval-Couetil, ”Business Plan Development Activities as a Pedagogical Tool in Entrepreneurship Education” The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, vol 5, Number 1, pp. 31-48, June 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Dec. 29, 2017].[7] M. Schar, S. Sheppard, S. Brunhaver, M. Cuson, M. Grau, ”Bending Moments to Business Models: Integrating an Entrepreneurship Case Study as Part of Core Mechanical
“machines” generally to describe all of the things that engineers build, including infrastructural,informational, molecular, mechanical and biological constructs. What are the new machines?Simply put, these are the things that we must prepare our graduating students to build in themiddle of their careers, 20 to 30 years from now, to address societal needs. Here is an example ofwhat we have termed as “old machine” and “new machine”.The airplane on the left is a 1950’s era Boeing 707; it is designed based on aerodynamics. Theflying machine on the right is NASA’s X-57 Maxwell, an aircraft that looks like the one on theleft but is being developed based on electric propulsion using lithium-ion batteries; they estimatethat it will reduce fuel use by a
-term projects than a single semester or year would permit. This allows faculty to take on more ambitious projects; it gives new students experience in coming up to speed on an existing project - as they'll inevitably need to do in a future workplace; and, it gives returning students leadership experience, as they help on-board and organize the activities of new members. 3. The program is curricular and all participating students are graded (A-F; not P/F or S/U). VIP is not an extra- or co-curricular activity. It is a sequence of courses whose credits count towards students' degree requirements. Letter grading holds students accountable for their work. In many ways
in Engineering Research and Learning,” in Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, A. Johri and B. M. Olds, Eds. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 713–730.[2] S. McChrystal, T. Collins, D. Silverman, and C. Fussell, Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World. New York: Penguin, 2015.[3] R. Stevens, A. Johri, and K. O’Connor, “Professional Engineering Work,” in Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, A. Johri and B. M. Olds, Eds. New York: Cambridge, 2014, pp. 119–137.[4] D. H. Jonassen, “Engineers as Problem Solvers,” in Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research, A. Johri and B. M. Olds, Eds. New York: Cambridge, 2014, pp. 103–118.[5] ABET
matrix to record overlaps between our criteria and those from eachof the three frameworks. For example, if a researcher considered the minimizes natural resourcedepletion criterion to correspond with STAUNCH©’s biodiversity criterion, then he or sherecorded a “1” in the appropriate matrix cell in her/his individual scoring matrix. After individualcompletion of matrices, the three researchers met over several sessions to compare and contrastscores. Subsequently, each researcher re-evaluated his or her matrices to make amendmentsbased on group conversations.Finally, individual matrices were compiled and totaled to produce a collaborative matrix for eachframework. For instance, if two researchers found that Rubric Criterion A (e.g
:// education-model-for-the-materials-engineering-field [Accessed 27 Apr. 2018].[4] D. A. Fowler, R. Arroyave, J. Ross, R. Malak, and S. Banerjee, “Looking Outwards from the “Central Science”: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Graduate Education in Materials Chemistry,” in“Educational and Outreach Projects from the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative Undergraduate and Graduate Education Volume 1, R. Waterman, and A. Feig, Ed. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 2017, pp. 65-89.[5] J. Wang, B. Thijs, and W. Glänzel. "Interdisciplinarity and impact: Distinct effects of variety, balance, and disparity." PloS one, vol. 10, pp. 1-18, 2015.[6] A. Yegros-Yegros, I
in their own section(s) anddivide the classes up into student groups of 4-5 students. Our instructional team consistscompletely of teaching professionals (non-tenure track faculty) with a variety of backgroundsand industry experience. In order to make mentoring 10 to 20 teams tractable, all students teamscomplete the same design challenge. Creating a “good” design challenge is crucial, as the coursedoes more than simply teach the design process (see Figure 1). Teaming and leadership skills,project management, ethics, and technical communication are important outcomes for the course.All of these “Soft-skill” areas are made more palatable to our students if our design challenge isengaging and fun.With eleven different engineering disciplines
, Indianapolis, Indiana. Jack, H. & Pung, C. P., (2009, June), A Web Based Approach To Senior Undergraduate Project Management, Paper presented at 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, Texas. Hillman, T. L., Keenlance, P., Moore, J. A., Swanson, B. J., Jacquot, J. J., Witt, J. C., & Cornman, A., (2017), Genetic diversity of reintroduced American martens in Michigan's Lower Peninsula, Journal of Mammalogy. 98. 10.1093/jmammal/gyx075.5. VonEhr K., Hilaski, S., Dunne, B. E., & Ward, J., (2016, May), Software Defined Radio for Direction- Finding in UAV Wildlife Tracking, Paper presented at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro
://[6] S. Colt (Director), “Henry Ford,” American Experience, January 29, 2013. Sarah Colt Productions (Producer). Boston: WGBH.[7], “News Transcript: DoD News Briefing – Sec. Rumsfeld and Gen. Meyers,” [Online]. Available:[8] R. Dilworth, “Historical thinking as a skill in public affairs graduate education.” The journal of public affairs education, vol. 20-4, pp. 19-31, winter 2014.[9] L. Fink, “After National Standards, what next for history in the schools?” American Historical Association: Perspectives on History. September 1998. [Online]. Available: http
contamination have people been exposed to? • Can environmental forensics assist in allocating remediation costs?To answer the above questions, information is needed. The sources of the informationinclude the documentary record, including statements of witnesses or otherknowledgeable individuals, aerial photographs, insurance maps, stored electronicinformation, and measurement or sampling data from the field.Chemical wastes placed on a property by several different owners/operators over decadesof occupancy may necessitate a cleanup of both polluted soil and underlyinggroundwater. The ability to determine which disposal practice(s) by each owner/operatorresulted in the need for cleanup activities usually involves historical information andoften
Line, vol. 12, no. 9, May-June 2003. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Dec. 2, 2017].[3] Y. Matsuda and N. Okada, “Community diagnosis for sustainable disaster preparedness”, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, vol. 28, no.1, pp. 25–33, 2006.[4] A. Maskrey, “Revisiting community-based disaster risk management”, Environmental Hazards, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 42–52, 2011.[5] S. Santa-Cruz, G. Fernández de Córdova, M. Rivera, M. Vilela, V. Arana and J. Palomino, “Social sustainability dimensions in the seismic risk reduction of public schools: A case study of Lima, Peru”, Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2016.[6] J. Klein, “A