Foundationunder Grant No. 1524527. References[1] Jungst, S., Likclider, L. L., & Wiersema, J. (2003). Providing Support for Faculty Who Wish to Shift to a Learning-Centered Paradigm in Their Higher Education Classrooms. The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3(3), 69-81.[2] Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (1996). Navigating the bumpy road to student-centered instruction. College teaching, 44(2), 43-47.[3] Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231.[4] Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student
assigned both a project and a project team consisting of3-4 students who will work together until the end of spring, or 30 course weeks. Students areintroduced to their project stakeholder(s), the person or group of people who proposed the designprojects. In some cases, the stakeholders are industry representatives who partner with theuniversity it the hope of filling research needs and/or identifying talent. In other cases, facultyfrom within the school of EECS or other schools within the university with technical needspropose projects and mentor project teams. Whoever the stakeholder is, the teams endeavor tolearn their preferences and expectations so that they can best address their needs, and thisexperiential environment is continually
experience-based writing instruction and assignments, what constraints or opportunities drove the course(s) you targeted? ● What real-world/real-work communication situations (written or oral) did you choose to demonstrate professional communication competency? How have students, industry partners, and/or faculty evaluated (formally or anecdotally) the performance of students in these assignments? ● What kind of assessments have informed or validated your design and incorporation of authentic experience-based writing instruction and assignments into your engineering curriculum? ● What have been the biggest challenges in the approach you have taken, and how have you addressed them? ● If you had known when you
. 2, no. 4, pp. 1–17, Oct. 1997.[2] R. B. Guay, “Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Rotations,” 1977.[3] M. Jou and J. Wang, “Investigation of effects of virtual reality environments on learning performance of technical skills,” Comput. Human Behav., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 433–438, 2013.[4] S. Gregory et al., “Virtual worlds in Australian and New Zealand higher education: Remembering the past, Understanding the present and imagining the future,” 30th Annu. Conf. Aust. Soc. Comput. Learn. Tert. Educ. ASCILITE 2013, no. December, pp. 312–324, 2013.[5] A.-H. G. Abulrub, A. Attridge, and M. A. Williams, “Virtual Reality in Engineering Education: The Future of Creative Learning,” Glob. Eng. Educ. Conf., pp. 751
S Stakeholder interviews, expert panels and course materials 75 High T Patents 13 High U University websites, agricultural extensions, research groups 108 Medium Z Photo used in design proposal presentation 5 NeutralFigure 3 - Source types, total citations, and source desirability in technical writingResults and DiscussionThe first research question asked: does the use of a flipped lesson and team meeting positivelyimpact the quality of student citations on the design and final reports? To answer this question,the team looked for an increase in the quality of citations, on the 0-5
learningmathematics and English on the cost effective 25 USD ‘Akash’ tablets. We explained the following four principles of developing innovative entrepreneurialcompetencies [13]; (a) The competencies can be developed, b) Diversity is the key, c) Start bychoosing a challenge, d) RBIS (Research-Based Instructional Strategies) catalyze development ofthe competencies. In the rest of the document, entrepreneurship would mean innovative entrepreneurship,wherein one solves problem(s) in an innovative way and makes cost-effective and ethicalsolutions available to people who are facing the problem(s). We then identified broad challenge areas such as education, health, energy, security,efficient enterprises, urban infrastructure, environment, and
by a team of six senior mechanicalengineering students at The Citadel. At the beginning of the senior capstone course sequence,these students were given project requirements by their faculty client which included thefollowing criteria: Entire apparatus should be mounted on a board/plate/etc. for easy transport Entire apparatus should fit within a 3 ft x 3 ft x 2 ft volume or less Test section should be at least 1 ft long with a cross sectional area 3 in wide and 8 in high (water level will never be higher than 6 inch high, extra 2 inch height to prevent spillage) Water speed must be variable from 0 m/s up to 0.5 m/s in the test section A flow straightener should be installed upstream of test section to
] ASME, "ASME Vision 2030 project: Drivers for Change Data Actions & Advocacy," ASME, New York2013.[3] A. Kirkpatrick, S. Danielson, and R. O. Warrington, "Reduction to Practice," Mechanical Engineering, vol. 134, pp. 38-39, Nov 2012.[4] A. Kirkpatrick, "ASME Vision 2030: Designing the Future of Mechanical Engineering Education," in Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Phoenix, AZ, 2013, pp. 1-38.[5] M. Prince, "Does active learning work? A review of the research," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, pp. 223-231, Jul 2004.[6] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, et al., "Active learning increases student performance in science
Paper ID #22725Work in Progress: Designing Laboratory Work for a Novel Embedded AICourseDr. Mehmet Ergezer, Wentworth Institute of Technology Mehmet Ergezer (S’06) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, USA, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He received the D.Eng. degree in artificial intelligence from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA, in May 2014. From 2003 to 2005, following his internship with U.S. Steel, he was a Graduate Assistant with Youngstown State University. In
persistence and retention in the engineering field. Acknowledgements The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the National Science Foundation for supporting this work under grant EEC-1351156. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Also, the authors acknowledge the contributions of Amy Hermundstad Nave to the development and description of the BUILD model. References[1] Chubin, D. E., May, G. S., and Babco, E. L. (2005). Diversifying the engineering workforce. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 73–86. 9830.2005.tb00830.x[2
factors that promote student encounters with difference in first-year courses.," Review of Higher Education, vol. 33, pp. 391-414, 2010.[10] H. Smith, R. Parr, R. Woods, B. Bauer, and T. Abraham, "Five years after graduation:  Undergraduate cross-group friendships and multicultural curriculum predict current attitudes and activities," Journal of College Student Development, vol. 51, pp. 385-402, 2010.[11] P. Gurin, "Expert Report. "Gratz et al. v. Bollinger, et al." No. 97-75321 (E.D. Mich.); "Grutter, et al. v. Bollinger, et al." No. 97-75928 (E.D. Mich.)," Equity & Excellence in Education, vol. 32, pp. 36-62, 09/01/ 1999.[12] S. Hurtado, "Linking diversity and educational purpose: how diversity
, “knowing” the stimulus-response Although many people consists of long chains of training and reacts to the have the impression stimulus (S)–response (R) stimulus. that lecture/objective pairs that have been testing is a behaviorist associated with past events model, lecture lacks the key and their consequences features of often enough to form a self-pacing, small steps with connection immediate
Each CourseFaculty were divided into three math focus groups (leaving College Algebra for the end) wherethey specifically addressed main learning outcomes for the course, the core ideas upon whicheach course is grounded, and the supporting concepts that make up the core idea(s). Thisapproach builds upon a theoretical framework resulting from the work of numerous groups (i.e.,Mathematical Association of America - [MAA]) and individuals, such as Bransford et al., (2000)who, in his National Research Council commissioned book, How People Learn, providedrecommendations based on extensive work addressing learning and teaching in mathematics.Guiding their discussions were a series of questions such as (a) does the course outline reflect thedesired
. My social I appreciated that I identity All of my teammates I learned something was paired with impacts the contributed uniquely to the from the student(s) on student(s) of a way I interact team products (This does my team with a different or am not mean equal quality or different discipline. discipline(s). perceived on a amount of contributions
Education to the New Century,The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2005.[3] Creating the Future of Mechanical Engineering Education, ASME, New York, 2012.[4] The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025, Reston, VA, 2007.[5] N. Kellam, J. Walther, T. Costantino, and B. Cramond, “Integrating the engineeringcurriculum through synthesis and design studio,” Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 3, pp.1-33, 2013.[6] M. Trevisan, D. Davis, R. Crain, D. Calkins, and K. Gentili, “Developing and assessingstatewide competencies for engineering design,” J. Engineering Education, vol. 87, pp. 185-193,1998.[7] D. Davis, M. Trevisan, L. McKenzie, S. Beyerlein, P. Daniels, T. Rutar, P. Thompson, andK. Gentili, “Practices for quality implementation of the
capstone course(s) focus on achieving a blend of these skillsapplied to the real-world sustainability issues. The final output of the capstone project, a projectreport will specifically highlight how the 3 Es were addressed and met. Upon appropriatereviews by the university faculty, the report is ready for submission to the sponsor forimplementation. The capstone projects are generally done in student teams of 3.Capstone Project FrameworkUniversity has a unique model for adult education. Regular courses are taught at the rate of onecourse at a time over a 4-week period. The program is accredited and approved by WesternAssociation of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for both onsite and online offerings. As eachprogram course string starts, a student
be earned. A Team Battle is an activelearning exercise designed by the instructor that involves group problem solving and has beenused successfully by the instructor in the past for a different flipped course [2]. In this course, theinstructor split the class randomly into teams of four, provided each team with two problemsrelated to the week's topic, then had students work in pairs to solve the problems. When a teambelieved they solved both problems correctly, one representative wrote the team name on thewhiteboard and the instructor checked their answers. If one or both answers are wrong, the teamwas given a three-minute timeout in which they could continue to work on the incorrectproblem(s) but could not write their team name on the board
new team membershave been able to productively contribute.As with the design-based research approach, we will continue to iterate on our design, to bettertest ways to help team members value each other’s assets.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.EEC #1544233. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Harvey, “A different perspective: The multiple effects of deep level diversity on group creativity,” J. Exp. Soc. Psychol., vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 822–832, 2013.[2] J. A. Mejia, A. Wilson-Lopez, C. E. Hailey, I
, J. (2015, June),Creating Inclusive Environments in First-year Engineering Classes to Support Student Retentionand Learning Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle,Washington. 10.18260/p.23757[5] Brewer, M., & Sochacka, N., & Walther, J. (2015, June), Into the Pipeline: A FreshmanStudent's Experiences of Stories Told About Engineering Paper presented at 2015 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24355[6] Walden, S. E., & Foor, C. E., & Pan, R., & Shehab, R. L., & Trytten, D. A. (2015, June),Leadership, Management, and Diversity: Missed Opportunities Within Student DesignCompetition Teams Paper
gender identity, race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, or family, marital, or economic status. a. Engineers shall conduct themselves in a manner in which all persons are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. b. Engineers shall not engage in discrimination or harassment in connection with their professional activities. c. Engineers shall consider the diversity of the community, and shall endeavor in good faith to include diverse perspectives, in the planning and performance of their professional services [1].Prior to Canon 8's adoption
the early 2000’s, but the problems were often posed as already defined tasks, that while open-ended in possible solutions, provided the students all of the outside information that they need to develop the model. In practice, we have found that when working on MEAs, students often misunderstand the problem or the client’s needs and wants early in the problem-solving cycle. The three activities presented here are MEAs that have been modified to better scaffold the problem-defining phase of the design cycle and to support students in developing problem-scoping skills. Activity Summaries
to tell where an output originated withoutcontext; fortunately, the utterance “I had a thought” communicates clearly the idea originatedwith S1. Considering S2’s response in line two it is evident that there is some confusion on theusefulness of differentials, making the discussion inherently valuable. S1: I had a thought. Are we going to have differential temperature within the differential length? S2: I’m not sure…why we need a derivative this way? This [current equation] seems accurate, because… S1: If you have a differential length are you concerned with the temperature within that…at that length? Because this temperature is dependent on the length, right? So, I guess it’ll be just dT/dl…but then… S3
byadaptation.In an ideal setting, participants in a transdisciplinary project would have immediate feedback onthe effects of their actions. They would then adapt through small-scale experimentation and learnfrom the results [33]. For example, in the theoretical project on water catchment, participantsmay have a theory that water features with sustainable gardens would lead to greater sense ofcommunity and less crime. This theory could be tested with a prototype project and inquiry intochanges into the sense of community. The feedback would lead to further adjustments. Assuggested by Waddock et al.’s [9], an adaptive evaluation framework would adhere to theheuristics to “prioritize learning in the context of constant change, with co-evolution
, such as relative to others in their peergroup or in the field. Consider one student’s diagram:Figure 1: This student’s deep expertises included Linux, technical problem-solving, and “going through airports (transport).” The shallow expertises included cycling, compilers, digital circuits, and signal processing.The student commented that s/he was keeping the order of deep expertises increasing down thevertical axis, to represent expertise as a distribution with more general knowledge up towards thetop of the vertical bar and more esoteric knowledge down at the bottom, where “you’re like0.001%” of the experts at this level (see bottom right of Figure 1). S/he placed “Russia” outsidethe T diagram
Civil Engineering Course," presented at the ASEE, St. Louis, Missouri, 2000.[10] O. Buzzi, S. Grimes, and A. Rolls, "Writing for the discipline in the discipline?," Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 17, pp. 479-484, 2012.[11] H. Drury, T. Langrish, and P. O Carroll, "Online approach to teaching report writing in chemical engineering: implementation and evaluation," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 22, p. 858, 2006.[12] F. S. Johnson, C. C. Sun, A. J. Marchese, H. L. Newell, J. L. Schmalzel, R. Harvey, et al., "Improving The Engineering And Writing Interface: An Assessment Of A Team Taught Integrated Course," presented at the ASEE, St. Louis, Missouri, 2000.[13] J. A. Leydens and J
,andotheruniquepathwaysinadditiontothetypicalpathwaysateachinstitution.Thesestudentswillbeinterviewedagainduringtheirjuniorandsenioryearsforatotalofthreeinterviewsperparticipant.Thisinformationwillallowustodevelopatrajectoryforeachstudenttobetterunderstandhowtheymovefromlegitimateperipheralparticipantsinthecommunityofpracticeofengineeringtofullparticipants.FutureWorkOncethebaselinesurveyiscompleteandtheinterviewsareunderway,wewillcontinuewithfocusgroupsoffacultyandadministratorsthatwillbeusedtobetterunderstandandtriangulatefindings.WebelievethatthoseinvolvedinmakingFYEchangemustbebroughtintothisresearchsothatinformedchangecanbemadeinthefuture.TheoutcomesofourworkwillhavesubstantialimpactonengineeringeducationbecausetheyensurethatthechangesmadeinFYEarepositivelyimpactfulandhelpensurethesuccessofFYEstudentsasitrelatestotheircommunitiesofpracticeandengineeringidentitydevelopment.AcknowledgementsThismaterialisbaseduponworksupportedbytheNationalScienceFoundationunderGrantNos.1664264and1664266.Anyopinions,findings,andconclusionsorrecommendationsexpressedinthismaterialarethoseoftheauthor(s)anddonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsoftheNationalScienceFoundation.References[1] X.Chen,C.E.Brawner,M.W.Ohland,andM.K.Orr,“ATaxonomyofEngineering MatriculationPractices,”120thASEEAnnu.Conf.Expo.,2013.[2] M.K.Orr,M.W.Ohland,R.A.Long,C.E.Brawner,S.M.Lord,andR.A.Layton, “Engineeringmatriculationpaths:OutcomesofDirectMatriculation,First-Year Engineering,andPost-GeneralEducationModels,”Proc.Front.Educ.Conf.FIEProc.- Front.Educ.Conf.FIE,2012.[3] K.Reid,T.J.Hertenstein,G.T.Fennell,andD.Reeping,“Developmentofafirst-year engineeringcourseclassificationscheme,”Am.Soc.Eng.Educ.Annu.Conf.Expo., 2013.[4] K.J.Reid
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 CLEAR Scholars in Engineering: Academic, Career, and Leadership Development to Help Students with Financial Challenges Achieve their Full Academic PotentialFunded by a National Science Foundation S-STEM grant, the CLEAR Scholars in Engineeringprogram at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) provides financialsupport, mentoring, and leadership and career development to undergraduate students withdemonstrated potential to succeed in engineering, but who face significant financial challenges,possibly in combination with other barriers to meeting their full potential, such as being a first-generation college student or a member of an
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Connecting STEM Scholars with Employers WorldwideAbstractSTEM career opportunities are plentiful worldwide; however, students are not always able tofind those opportunities due to location, time constraints, and other barriers. A significantcomponent and goal of the 2015 National Science Foundation S-STEM grant received was todevelop a program that increases career exploration opportunities for scholars who are fromunderrepresented populations in STEM fields. With entering grant year three, scholars aregraduating with their master’s degree and are seeking advanced STEM career placement. Byimplementing a virtual career fair, access to the career exploration process increases for
environments,” in Design Knowing and Learning: Cognition in Design Education, C. Eastman, W. C. Newstetter and M. McCracken, Eds. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier, 2001, pp. 63-77.4. National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2004.5. S. Jordan and M. Lande, “Might young makers be engineers of the future?” in Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education conference, Madrid, Spain, 2014.6. C. J. Atman, M. E. Cardella, J. Turns and R. Adams, “Comparing freshman and senior engineering design processes: an in-depth follow-up study” in Design studies, vol. 26, number 4, pp. 325-357, 2005.7. R. S. Adams, J. Turns and C. J. Atman, “What could design
involved pilot testing and refining concise, generalized measures of the variables ofinterest. The leadership role confidence and risk orientation measures presented in this sectionwere designed based on the literature, tested in advance with a smaller sample of 99 respondents,and then refined based on pilot test respondent feedback about clarity. We believe this approachaligns with this paper’s scope of testing unifying hypotheses that support and generalize uponprior findings.In conceptualizing a leadership confidence variable, we utilize a “role confidence” approachsimilar to Cech et al.’s measurement of confidence toward achieving professional outcomes [40].We designed our measure as a means of differentiating among students who felt they were