aimed at improvingthe engagement, retention, and graduation of students underrepresented in engineering. Thesecomponents include: “intrusive” academic advising and support services, intensive first-yearacademic curriculum, community-building (including pre-matriculation summer programs),career awareness and vision, faculty mentorship, NSF S-STEM scholarships, and second-yearsupport.This work in progress paper describes the implementation of the Redshirt program2 at each of thesix Redshirt in Engineering Consortium institutions, providing a variety of models for how an1 For brevity, we will use the acronyms listed in this table in place of the full names of theinstitutions throughout the paper.extra preparatory year or other intensive academic
integrated approach to teacher professional development in stem. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 13 (2), 69.[9] Bandura, A., (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control: Macmillan.[10] Bandura, A. & Wessels, S., (1994). Self-efficacy.[11] Maddux, J.E., (1995). Self-efficacy theory. Self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment. Springer, 3-33.[12] Stohlmann, M., Moore, T.J. & Roehrig, G.H., (2012). Considerations for teaching integrated stem education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J- PEER), 2 (1), 4.[13] Shaughnessy, M.F., (2004). An interview with anita woolfolk: The educational psychology of teacher efficacy. Educational Psychology Review, 16 (2), 153-176.[14
. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, “Quality in interpretive engineering education research: Reflections on an example study,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 626–659, 2013.[2] C. E. Foor and S. E. Walden, “‘Imaginary Engineering’ or ‘Re-imagined Engineering’: Negotiating Gendered Identities in the Borderland of a College of Engineering,” NWSA J., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 41–64, 2009.[3] R. M. Marra, K. a Rodgers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue, “Leaving Engineering: A Multi-Year Single Institution Study,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 6–27, 2012.[4] J. P. Gee, “Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research in Education,” Rev. Res. Educ., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 99–125, 2000.[5] P. L. Horta, “Identity in Education
emotions of others”[10]. The latterhalf of this definition aligns well with the cognitive and affective dimensions of empathyin psychology literature. Crowley et al. also explicitly addressed empathy, recognizing itas a “foundational component of emotional intelligence.” Notably, while Welker andCarlson’s and Crowley et al.’s papers treat empathy respectively as a framework forengineering students’ moral and emotional development, neither one cites sources thatexplain the theoretical underpinnings of empathy. The lack of reference to academic sources on empathy lasted for a few more years,during which time a number of papers appeared in ASEE that explore the role of empathyin communication, teamwork, and design, and yet authors of these papers
PowerPoint slides that were discussed in lecture. Theslides included descriptions of common rating problems including giving everyone on the teamthe same scores across all dimensions, giving the same teammate the same scores across alldimensions, bimodal ratings (giving one teammate all 1’s and others all 5’s), etc. This lecturealso included a discussion of what information you are trying to give your teammates whenrating them and how the results of the evaluations can be interpreted in order to improve teamperformance. General comments were also made regarding what the rating patterns looked likein the class without identifying individuals or teams that used poor rating patterns. The goal wasto help students reflect on their own ratings and
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-based grading and reporting will improve education,” Kappan, pp. 64-68, Apr 2015.11. P. J. Parker, B. Bocher, & A. Polebitski, “Assessing Student Writing Competencies in Environmental Engineering Courses,” In Proc. 121st Am. Soc. Eng. Edu. Annu. Conf. & Expo., pp. 24.205.1–12, 2014.12. S. L. Post, “Standards-Based Grading in a Fluid Mechanics Course,” In Proc. Am. Soc. Eng. Edu. Annu. Conf. & Expo, pp. 24.1099.110, June 2014.13. S. L. Post, “Standards-Based Grading in a Thermodynamics Course,” vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 173–182, 201714. J. B. Hylton & H. Diefes-Dux, “A Standards-based Assessment Strategy for Written Exams,” 2016 ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo., 2016.15. Marbouti, Farshid, "A standards-based
-regulate bymaintaining a common in-class schedule and suggested due dates.There are, however, several potential issues related to a flexible deadline approach. The first isthe planning fallacy, where learners underestimate the time it takes to complete a task [3]. Ifflexible deadlines are in place, students may not undertake the requisite self-regulating strategiesin order to complete the assignments. Another potential issue with relaxed deadlines is thetendency for students to mass (cram) their work in very few study episodes just before thetasks(s) are due. Citing several works, Fulton et al. [3] note that distribution of practice (i.e.,more frequent deadlines) results in better performance across a wide range of tasks.In our experience
Improving the Prospects, National Academy of Sciences, National Academies Press, Washington D.C., 2008.[6]International Technology Education Association (ITEA): Standards for Technological Literacy, Content for the Study of Technology. 3rd Edition, ITEA, 2007, Ruston Virginia.[7] M. Khan and N. Wu, " On Measuring Personal Perception of Self-Efficacy of Students in Engineering Modeling and Design Courses", 2017 ASEE Midwest Section Conference, September 24-26, 2017, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.[8]A. Bandura, (1994). Self-efficacy. In V. S. Ramachaudran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior (Vol. 4, pp. 71-81). New York: Academic Press. (Reprinted in H. Friedman [Ed.], Encyclopedia of mental health. San Diego: Academic Press
] Mott, J., and Peuker, S., "Using team-based learning to ensure student accountability and engagement in flipped classrooms", ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. doi, 2015, pp. 25022.[18] Koretsky, M., Nolen, S., Volet, S., Vauras, M., Gilbuena, D., and Tierney, G., "Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Complex STEM Learning Environ-ments", ASEE Annual Conference, 2015.[19] Solomon, J., Viswanathan, V., Hamilton, E., and Nayak, C., "Improving Student Engagement in Engineering Using Brain-Based Learning Principles as Instructional Delivery Protocols", ASEE Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, 2017.[20] Weiss, R.P.," Brain based learning", Training & Development Vol. 54, No. 7, 2000, pp. 21
easier to bear. Growing a cohort offaculty and staff who understand the challenges has been paramount to the success of theprogram and is reflected in positive feedback from course evaluations. The main categories thatreceived increasingly positive feedback as the program grew were: Quality of instruction Quality, clarity, and ease of understanding materials Preparedness of instructors Quality and number of group exercises; and use of technology.Bibliography[1] Springer, M. L., Terruso, L., Speer, M., Ekeocha, Z., Byrn, S., & Clase, K. (2016). Administering a U.S. Based M.S. Degree in Kilimanjaro, Africa –A Global Benchmarking in Regulatory Science. ASEE 2016 Annual Conference Proceedings. New Orleans, LA.[2
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their own work resides in their own investment and dedication, c) Leadership skills and team management 4) Participants have a change in their behavior and attitude towards learning understanding that learning is more than pass a test, is the path to develop their own personality, exploring their strong capacities as well as improving those that they are not so strong.It is important to note that is the believe of the instructional team implementing both programs,that the success to accomplish the outcomes mentioned above relies in the fact that theinstructors became mentors, developing a strong personal relation between each participant andthe mentor/s. The teens are in need of strong role models that also are available
concernsand better manage their life-work-study balance for the five cohorts that have been supported bythis NSF S-STEM program. Student demographics are summarized along with graduation rates.A description of the support activities is provided and their contribution to retaining students inengineering is discussed. The value of the financial support and ASPIRE related activities isassessed using a survey and student reflections. The paper concludes with lessons learnedthrough implementation of this program.BackgroundBeginning in fall 2012, the University of New Haven has offered financial support toacademically promising sophomore and junior engineering and computer science studentsthrough A Scholarship Program to Increase Retention in Engineering
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updated in the future, it is important that thistake place using rigorous methodologies that take into account changes in the breath and depth ofcivil engineering knowledge. The widest possible input should be sought from stakeholderswithin the academic, practicing and government civil engineering communities. There is hardlya more significant set of documents to define and defend the civil engineering profession in achanging world.References[1] S. Lester, “On professions and being a professional,” Stan Lester Developments, Taonton,UK,, 2015.[2] E. Hoyle and P. D. John, Professional Knowledge and Professional Practice, London, UK:Cassell, 1995.[3] ASCE, “Policy statement 465 – academic prerequisites for licensure and
of improv-inspired games used in the class 1. No-Um Speech Purpose - Requires active listening to teammates, using their ideas without hesitation;requires that students begin giving a solution without forethought to the outcome. Gameplay- A team stands in a line in front of class and gives a speech on an impromptutopic. The topic could be related to course content. One person from the team begins speaking,and must continue talking without pause or saying a crutch word like um, uh, like, etc. As soonas the player says one of these words or pauses for > 1 s, a bell is rung and the next teammatemust immediately pick up where the previous teammate left off. The answer must continue, as ifa single person was saying the answer
deliverables comprise the designing of biomedical products. For example, to improvepediatric surgical outcomes, and based upon the needs analysis performed by a local pediatric surgeonin Nigeria, an Infant Warming Device for regulating temperature during pediatric surgeries has beendesigned, prototyped, and tested under laboratory conditions - it is currently being prepared for clinicaltesting. The warmer came about as a result of identifying problems and challenges being experiencedin Nigerian Hospitals by Nigerian doctors and has been developed by an international team of facultyand students from all four universities. In addition to the infant warmer, engineering, medical, andbusiness faculty in Nigeria have worked with colleagues from the US and S
Data Scientist’s Skill-Set(s)Once the talent gap in the area of data science & analytics has been identified, and many expertpredictions about the near-to-intermediate future about the continued growth in demand for therelated skills, and once the institutions of higher education in the US (as well as many globally)have taken a notice, the next question is: what are the actual, concrete key skills and knowledgethat the next-generation data scientists and analysts should have, in order to fill that gap mosteffectively? This, too, turns out to be a multi-faceted, complex question.We will briefly summarize below our own experience, stemming cf. from i) working as aSenior/Principal Data Scientist in industry (cf. high-tech/Silicon Valley) and
. Authentic inquiry focuses on student-centeredinvestigations/research/projects based on contextually-grounded real-world problems. The authors werespecifically interested in the types of projects students select, the number of students working in each typeof project, and the alignment of self-identified project types with project deliverables.Problem, Purpose, and Research QuestionIn STEM education there has been a push, starting within K12 in the 1990’s, from lecture, to hands-on, toinquiry, to authentic science learning (see literature review). While this pedagogical shift, based on priorresearch, is currently accepted at the K12 level, faculty at the university level still generally rely ontraditional lecture formats. The problem at the
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in any mechanical engineering program across theworld. This paper presents three different approaches taken by faculty at three different regionaluniversities in the United States with similar small class size, low student-teacher ratio, andcomparable cost of attendance. We examine the pedagogical approach, course content, desiredoutcomes, and assessment of outcomes at three different universities to identify the desiredbalance between traditional, analysis-based outcomes and those targeted towards practice-basedskills.IntroductionA course in the design of machine elements has been a part of most mechanical engineeringcurricula since the 1950’s. The content of this course has its roots in academic research in solidmechanics, mechanisms and