demonstration of the prototype to an audience thatincludes the client, users, faculty, staff, students and community at the Fall or Winter DesignExpo. These Expos are part of the Design Institute’s Fall and Winter Expos that showcase thework of students in multiple Graduate and Undergraduate design courses and clubs. The DTC2presentation involves a demonstration of the prototype to a smaller audience including theclient, user(s) and other teams that are working on the same project. Unlike DTC1, DTC2projects are distributed to one team per section and across two to four sections. In both DTC1and 2 presenting is an opportunity for students to develop an appreciation for how much theirtechnological and engineering literacy on a specific topic has changed
Paper ID #21227Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes Through Freshman Summer Engi-neering Experience (SEE) ProgramsDr. Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology Dr. Hossein Rahemi is a professor and department chair of Engineering and Technology at Vaughn Col- lege of Aeronautics & Technology. He is the author of two books, Vaughn College Journal of Engineering and Technology (VCJET), numerous conference papers in the areas of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, vibration analysis, fracture mechanics and reliability analysis. He is also a principle investi- gator for the NSF S-STEM grant and
the US and even around the world. This accreditation certainly ensures highquality of the engineering education that is provided to the students. However, with ABET’sapproach of accrediting individual programs, universities (and departments) tend to develop theirengineering programs largely in isolation. There is likely to be a strong overlap between thecollege-level math and basic sciences courses that are required by ABET, but the courses onengineering topics may or may not be common across multiple programs. There could certainlybe overlap based on the history of how these courses were initially designed, the programs theywere initially offered under, the faculty member(s) who designed and/or taught them, scheduling,etc. Universities and
Methods in Engineering Mechanics: Part Three,” 124th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH, June 25 – 28, 2017.5. Ambrose, S.A., Bridges, M.W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M.C. and Norman, M.K. (2010). How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.6. Dweck, C.S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York, NY: Random House.7. McGuire, S.Y., and McGuire, S. (2015). Teach Students How to Learn. Sterling, VA: Stylus.8. Nilson, L.B. (2013). Creating Self-Regulated Learners. Sterling, VA: Stylus.9. Lovett, M.C. (2013). Making Exams Worth More Than the Grade. In M. Kaplan, N. Silver, D. LaVaque-Manty and D. Meizlish
themselves come from a demand forinnovation, not just an interest or conventional idea for an encapsulating project. Generally, theprojects come from one of two places. Most commonly, MUSE faculty (along with theconnections they have made in their previous endeavors and continued careers) generatepotential projects that will push students to innovate and create new solutions for real-worldproblems. Alternatively, students have the option of finding their own project to work on bycontacting companies for industry-based projects. As long as the project is approved by thestudents’ advising professor(s), the project can be pursued. The requirement of finding actualvalue in the project, outside of being a grade, is an essential start to creating a real
development program [1], [16]. This paper provided a brief overview of theprogram’s construction and content. We then discussed how our preliminary results showed thecohort’s overall strengths and weaknesses, and also that their professional reputation for somecompetencies varies between subordinates, peers, and advisors. Insights like these will helpparticipants interpret their reports, and design the best development goal for well-roundedgrowth.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1545211.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
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implemented muddiestpoints as a feedback mechanism.Muddiest points first entered the pedagogical toolbox in the late 1980’s through publications byMosteller [3,4] and Cross and Angelo [5]. Since then, their documented use and the study oftheir impacts has grown. It has only been in the last decade or so that significant interest hasappeared in the engineering education literature, however. Krause et al. [6] presented apedagogical toolkit including the use of muddiest points for improving the teaching of materialsscience. Carberry et al. [7] summarized results from studies of the implementation of muddiestpoints in several settings including chemistry and engineering. Researchers have correlated useof muddiest point-inspired explanatory materials with
A FMEA When analyzing a product for B FTA potential risks due to faults and C Both A & B 1 failures, I am aware of the following D None of the above fundamental tools. My project does not need E risk analysis at all In a House of Quality (HOQ), to A Benchmarking better understand competitor’s B Reverse Engineering 2 product(s), I am aware of two C Kano Diagram standard methods that could be D Either A or B employed. E Both A & B To
in their own section(s) anddivide the classes up into student groups of 4-5 students. Our instructional team consistscompletely of teaching professionals (non-tenure track faculty) with a variety of backgroundsand industry experience. In order to make mentoring 10 to 20 teams tractable, all students teamscomplete the same design challenge. Creating a “good” design challenge is crucial, as the coursedoes more than simply teach the design process (see Figure 1). Teaming and leadership skills,project management, ethics, and technical communication are important outcomes for the course.All of these “Soft-skill” areas are made more palatable to our students if our design challenge isengaging and fun.With eleven different engineering disciplines
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all courses throughout the program • Minimum of “Satisfactory” on all work evaluations throughout the program • Meet program expectation as outlined in the Commitment Form that will be distributed at program orientationAn assessment plan was developed for the new degree program that is consistent with ETAC ofABET requirements for Student Learning Outcomes (SLO), as shown in Table 2. This plan iscurrently a draft, and will be revised to consider other course mappings/assessment tools.Table 2. Assessment Plan for the Advanced Manufacturing Technician Program Student Learning Outcome Course Mapping Assessment Tool (s) SLO 1. Ability to apply the EET 1321: ELECTRICAL Students
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offering of the course. Overall, the experiencehas been very rewarding and challenging for the students as well as the instructor. Assessment-generated action items will be implemented for the next offering of the course, and additionalassessment data will be collected from future offerings as part of the program’s continuousimprovement plan.References1. J. D. Lang et al., “Industry expectations of new engineers: A survey to assist curriculum designers,” Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 43-51, Jan 1999.2. J. S. Dalton et al., “Mini-lab projects in the undergraduate classical controls course,” Proc. ASEE Annual Conf., 2003.3. B. Dutch et al., “The power of problem-based learning: A practical how-to for teaching undergraduate
Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. IDEC Corporation. OPC Foundation. Mahnke, W., Leitner, S.H., Damm, M.. OPC Unified Architecture. Springer Science & Business Media; 2009.6. Gonzales, I., Calderon, A. J., Barragan, A. J., Andujar J. M., “Integration of Sensors, Controllers and Instruments Using a Novel OPC Architecture”, MDPI-Sensors, No. 17(7), 1512, DOI:10.3390/s17071512, 2017.7. Schleipen, M., Gilani, S., Bischoff, T., Pfrommer, J., "OPC UA Industrie 4.0 - Enabling Technology with High Diversity and Variability", Procedia CIRP, vol. 57, pp. 315-320, 2016.8. Vázquez, F.G. (2015, October), Test Platform for the Performance Evaluation of OPC-UA Servers
, and renewable energy storage systems.Dr. Patricia Mellodge, University of Hartford Patricia Mellodge is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Hartford. She received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rhode Island. Her graduate work was completed at Virginia Tech where she received an M.S. in Mathematics and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.Dr. Ying Yu, University of Hartford Dr. Ying Yu received her B.Eng. from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2000. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Brown University, R.I., USA, in 2003 and 2007, respec- tively. Currently, she is teaching as an associate professor of the S