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AEE Journal
Jae-eun Russel; Mark Andersland; Sam Van Horne; John Gikonyo; Logan Sloan
Advances in Engineering Education FALL 2017Large Lecture Transformation: Improving Student­Engagement and Performance through In-class Practice in an Electrical Circuits CourseJAE-EUN RUSSELLANDMARK S. ANDERSLANDUniversity of IowaIowa City, IASAM VAN HORNEUniversity of DelawareNewark, DEJOHN GIKONYOANDLOGAN SLOANUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA ABSTRACT Post-secondary educators are increasingly experimenting with the possibility of blending orreplacing traditional lecture-based instruction with student-centered instruction. Although somestudies have been completed, much remains to be learned about when and why student-centeredinstruction
AEE Journal
Ryan Solnosky P.E.; Joshua Fairchild
further investigated (by interviews and by examining technical reports) for possiblereasons. Teams that dropped between surveys two and three did so for several reasons. Based onthe follow-ups, the reason for most drops were identified as arisen conflicts in the team at the timein which the surveys were administrated. Identified conflicts included: diverging ideas on system(s)integration, a lack of collaboration among one or more disciplines due to personalities, confusion16 FALL 2017ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATIONSurvey Tools for Faculty to Quickly Assess Multidisciplinary Team Dynamicsin Capstone Courseson the direction to proceed that will produce
AEE Journal
Nicola Brown
/10.5339/qproc.2014.wcee2013.4. Bishop, L.M., Tillman, A.S., Geiger, F.M., Haynes, C.L., Klaper, R.D., Murphy, C.J., Orr, G., Pedersen, J.A., DeStefano, L.,and Hamers, R.J. 2014. “Enhancing graduate student communication to general audiences through blogging aboutnanotechnology and sustainability.” Journal of Chemical Education 19: 1600–1605. Bennet, S., Maton, K., Kervin, L. 2008. “The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence.” British Journalof Educational Technology 39: 775–786.14 FALL 2017ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATIONUpdating Assessment Styles: Website Development Rather Than ReportWriting for
AEE Journal
Claire Dancz; Kevin Ketchman; Rebekah Burke P.E.; Troy Hottle; Kristen Parrish; Melissa Bilec; Amy Landis
of dimensions ofsustainability were judged on four criteria, including “no evidence” = no mention, “weak” = mentionedbut no specific example, “fair” = mentioned one example, and “good” = mentioned multiple examples(Bielefeldt 2013).Sustainability Links McCormick’s et al. Sustainability Links were used to assess the connections and interrelatednessbetween the three dimensions of sustainability. Students’ examples of sustainability links were judgedon three criteria, including “concept” = discussion of a topic(s) in relation to a single sustainabilitypillar, “crosslink” = discussion of a topic(s) in relation to two sustainability pillars, and “interdepen-dency” discussion of a topic(s) in relation to all three sustainability pillars
AEE Journal
Cheryl Bodnar; Matthew Markovetz; Renee Clark; Zachari Swiecki; Golnaz Irgens; Naomi Chesler; David Shaffer
Tool for EngineeringDesign Assessment. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education. Seattle, WA. Bodnar, C., Clark, R., Besterfield-Sacre, M. (2015). Lessons learned through sequential offerings of an innovation and­entrepreneurship boot camp for sophomore engineering students. The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship. 6(5), 52–67. Byers, T., Seelig, T., Sheppard, S., & Weilerstein, P. (2013). Entrepreneurship: Its role in engineering education. NationalAcademy of Engineering The Bridge: Linking Engineering and Society, (Summer), 35–40. Chesler, N., Arastoopour, G., D’Angelo, C.M., Bagley, E., & Shaffer, D.W. (2013). Design of a professional practice ­simulatorfor educating and motivating first-year
AEE Journal
Katherine Fu; Robert Kirkman; Bumsoo Lee
of Illinois. Deerwester, S., S.T. Dumais, G.W. Furnas, and T.K. Landauer. 1990. “Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis.” Journal ofthe American Society for Information Science 41 (6):391–407. Drake, M., P. Griffin, R. Kirkman, and J. Swann. 2005. “Engineering Ethical Curricula: Assessment and Comparison ofTwo Approaches.” Journal of Engineering Education 94:223–231. Feister, Megan Kenny, Carla B. Zoltowski, Patrice Marie Buzzanell, and David H. Torres. 2016. “Integrating Ethical­Considerations in Design.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans,LA, June 26-29. Felder, Richard M., and Rebecca Brent. 2003. “Designing and Teaching Courses to Satisfy the ABET EngineeringCriteria.” Journal
AEE Journal
Gail Goldberg
example project portfolio that each judge could go through. Maybe once we submitour findings have some sort of way to compare with others. Feedback is priceless for judges too!”). Although the EDPPSR was new to the vast majority of KC judges, when asked how this most recentexperience using the EDPPSR compared to any earlier experience(s), one of the three experiencedusers of the rubric who responded to the survey simply said, Excellent.” The last survey questioninvited additional feedback and elicited a range of comments, including: • I generally like the approach and believe it offers an opportunity for fair evaluation for each participant. • Based on rubric criteria and examples I feel I harshly graded students/ I hope