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2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Frederick Berry; Anne Lucietto; Andrew Scott
in 2003 through the development of an instrument focused on peer and self-assessmentcalled the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness. The system enhancesteam development by creating accountability and feedback for team members, suggesting thatteam members and instructors have a positive team learning experience.Capstone Courses – Multi Institutional Collaboration. The previous work by the multi-institutional collaboration identifies the current work done in many capstone courses includingthose factors that are measureable1. Those measurable factors3 are included in CATME, thus theauthors have chosen to use note taking 4, filing 5, goal setting6,7, and other reflective open ended Proceedings of the 2018
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Rachel Walsh
ability to communicate in practice• Impact of accents• Coping mechanism of self-segregation (Rose- Redwood and Rose-Redwood, 2013) Proceedings of the 2018 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2018 American Society for Engineering Education Session CEED 432 Overcoming Challenges• Focus on empowerment and practice • Ongoing language support (opportunities to practice, writing centers) • Workshops specifically targeting professional communication, LinkedIn, career fairs, networking, navigating cultural differences in the workplace, etc. • Peer mentorship Proceedings
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Peter Rogers
recording the lesson. Since the clear glass board of the Lightboard is lit upinternally with LEDs, the writing on the board appears as a lighted marker.Quantitative data for the study was analyzed by comparing student performance on in-classlearning activities in which the pre-class component (flipped classrooms require students toreview lesson material prior to class) included Lightboard videos with identical assignments inwhich Lightboard videos were not included. Additional quantitative and qualitative data wascollected through an end-of-semester questionnaire containing short answer and Likert-scalequestions addressing the impact of the Lightboard videos on student learning, critical thinking,and problem-solving skills.KeywordsLightboard
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Mohsen Ayoobi; Ana Djuric P.E.; Mukasa Ssemakula
) methodscan improve students’ problem-solving skills beyond that obtained in traditional teachingtechniques [5]. To date, several evidence-based active-learning techniques have been developedand introduced in the literature in order to enhance interactive engagement during classroomtime. Among these methods are: group quizzes/assignments, just-in-time teaching (aka. JiTT),peer-instruction, as well as in-class experiments for more applied engineering courses, etc. In thefollowing, some studies that examine these specific techniques will be described in more detail.While active learning techniques have been acknowledged as effective means of improvingstudent engagement in their learning, pressures of time and cost have led to many hands-onactivities
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Rafic Bachnak; Susan Eskin; Dave Wirick
. 3. This session was fun. 4. Supplies and training materials were easy to use. 5. As a result of this session, I am more interested in STEM.Participants had space to comment also: “Please use the following space to write any additionalinformation you would like to share with us regarding this session.”The field trips were evaluated as follows:.1. This field trip increased my understanding of the operation of laboratory/industrial facilities? __Strongly agree __Agree __Not sure __Disagree __Strongly disagree2. The most important thing I learned from participating in this field trip was:3. This field trip can be improved if:4. Overall, this field trip was: ___Excellent ___Good ___Fair
2018 ASEE Conferences - Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration / San Antonio proceedings
Sidney Martin
instructors will collaborate with others to ensure student success. Strongteachers will work together providing summative peer assessment of each other’s teachingeffectiveness. These peer assessments will be used for merit, promotion, and tenure decisions.Formative peer observation assists in the improvement of teaching. Class auditing andcontinuous improvement training should be provided for reviewers to ensure that the results areconsistent and beneficial to improving instructional delivery (Canale & Herdklotz, 2012). P-20 Impact on Researchers The P-20 researcher will work to research methods that address issues while addressingdisparities in education. The role of research in P-20 is to identify the