Training Graduate Students in Utilization of Analytical Instruments in a Failure Analysis Course S. Nasrazadani, S. Sekar, N. Padamati, X. Wang, F. Gamez-Rivas Department of Engineering Technology University of North Texas Denton, Texas 76207, E-mail: Abstract Technology at University of North Texas offers a sequence Department of Engineering Technology at University of of graduate course one on Failure Analysis in the FallNorth Texas offers a
Do Engineering Students Learn Ethics From an Ethics Course? Roman Taraban, William M. Marcy, Mark S. LaCour, Dashiell Pashley, & Klara Keim Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409 U.S.A. E-mail: Abstract essay forms of interaction. In ethics courses, students may The goal of the present research is to develop machine- be required to participate in online discussions, post toassisted methods that can assist in the analysis of students’ blogs, and submit research papers. Students are asked towritten
Development of a Rooftop Collaborative Experimental Space through Experiential Learning Projects Heather S. Rose, Charles R. Upshaw, Joshua D. Rhodes, Yuval Edrey, Michael E. Webber University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 204 E. Dean Keeton St. Austin TX, 78752 E-mail:, Abstract This paper provides the motivation of the lab, anThe Solar, Water, Energy, and Thermal Laboratory accounting of the equipment and systems that are included,(SWEAT Lab) is a rooftop experimental space at the and a
, such as participate in the intellectual and organizationalhow graduate program objectives are assessed, what aspects of the profession as applicable to the majorassessment tools are used, when data are gathered and area of study, including the ethical conduct ofevaluated, and when actions of improvement are made. research.This paper will also detail how the analysis of data wasutilized in making actions of continuous improvement. At 3. Assessment Methodthe end of the paper examples of the significant actions of 3.1 Student`s Performance Indicatorsimprovement made based on the department assessment The following assessment methods are used to gather dataand
low value of authors contributed to the design of the experiment as well ascontact angle from TPU (p < 0.05) suggests that the TPU films manuscript writing.are much more hydrophobic than the glass surface. Water absorption determines the amount of water uptake Referencesin a material over a period of time. Higher water absorption [1] S.-F. Chou, S. Gunaseelan, M.H.H. Kiellani, V.V.K.rate may lead to a change in surface hydrophobicity and faster Thottempudi, P. Neuenschwander, H. Nie, A review
subsequent courses, namely Dynamics and However, a recommendation and an opportunity was givenMechanics of materials. Hence it becomes critical for any to them to change teams after two quizzes. It was observedengineering student to understand and grasp the concepts of that the students were reluctant to change their teams asStatics course as it gives the students an ability to master some students did not seem to be concerned about theirfollow-up material in upper level engineering courses. team members, and the remaining students already formedTherefore, improving learning in the subject of Engineering teams with their friend(s) on day one. They were fourStatics deserves significant attention
in their first semester, showing around a 48% improvement in retention, or nearly 20 percentage points higher. Figure 1. Overall engineering retention rates, regardless if students took ENGR 1300 in their first semester. The years shown are the Fall cohorts of students. In Figure 1, we track first year, and second year retentionrates within the college of engineering. It should be notedthat ENGR 1300’s first cohort was Fall 2015 and was Figure 3. Second year engineering retention rates forrestricted to 72 students per section. Then, for Fall 2016, the Fall 2015 cohort considering whether students tookthe enrollment grew to 99 students per
addition of the ASA increasing thevoltages, and a distance of 7 to 9 cm from the tip of the needle spinnability of the fibers. Uniformity measurements on blankto the stationary collector plate. fiber mat (PCL/CHI = 100/0) revealed that fibers were mostly2.3 SEM Imaging and Material Characteristics deposited at the center of the collection plate and gradually Fiber morphologies and fiber diameters were analyzed by leveled off toward outer area (Figure 3).using a JOEL scanning electron microscopy. Circular punches 3.2 Mechanical Testingwere taken from the fiber mats and sputter coated with Au/Pd Representative engineering stress and engineering strainfor 30 s using
rates, More than Once 10.5%and course evaluation responses. The historical context of Course Evaluation Responsesthe course content and student engagement are presented in m 3.30the next section, followed by a discussion of the Question 12 s 2.06development and implementation of the problem-based m 3.50 Question 13course content
meetings, short courses, graduate courses). Progress to professional registration so that some The Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering individuals graduate from an ABET-accreditedat Texas Tech University is uniquely located in the Permian degree plan, pass the Fundamentals of EngineeringBasin, where approximately 22% of the nation`s petroleum Exam, work in increasingly responsible engineeringresources and 68% of Texas` petroleum resources lie in a
Nu (IEEE-HKN), the honor society of the Institute ofinstitution does not necessarily mean that the chapter is Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), are given.effectively serving the host department(s) and itsengineering students. This paper describes commonalities 2. Engineering Honor Societiesamong engineering honor societies, the possible roles of an 2.1 History of American Honor Societieshonor society within an engineering department, and some The industrial revolutions prior to 1900 led to the growthbest practices for effective honor society chapters. Specific of engineering careers. Various professional societies inexamples from the operation of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu engineering were formed
biomedicalthe groundwork for CFCs and meeting the assumptions laid science education needs a new philosophy,” mBio, vol. 8,out at the beginning: having a clear sense of one’s self, no. 6, pp. e01539-17, 2017. [5] H. Sauermann, and M. Roach, “Science PhD careeroverall goals, and several potential career options to discuss preferences: levels, changes, and advisorwith a supervisor. When asked what would increase the encouragement,” PloS One, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. e36307, 2012.likelihood of their using the TPT in the future, many [6] R. S. Clair, T. Hutto, C. MacBeth, W. Newstetter, N. A.(40.0
Work-in-Progress: Research Plan for Introducing Problem Solving Skills through Activities to an Introductory Computer Science Course Stephany Coffman-Wolph, Kimberlyn Gray, and Marcia Pool Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin 2317 Speedway, Austin, TX, 78712, USA E-mail: Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University Institute of Technology 512 S Kanawha St, Beckley, WV, 25801, USA E-mail: Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at
of 15 students that showed interest and applied to the program. However, we had 11 Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6, 2018 References [6] MathWorks,[1] Carbonaro, M., Rex, M., and Chambers, J., Using [7] Weaver, G. C., Haghighi, K., Cook, D. D., Foster, C. J.,LEGO Robotics in a Project-Based Learning Environment. Moon, S. M., Phegley, P. J., Tormoehlen, R. L., AttractingInteractive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer
the problem, students movewithin and outside of the biotransport domain. We believe that on to the second step, analysis, that involves identifying andthis illustrative case study provides significant quantitative defining the system(s) being studied, and interactions thatevidence supporting the effectiveness of challenge-based occur between the system(s) and the environment.pedagogies for engineering courses. Conservation laws (i.e. mass, energy, momentum) frame the
, college where strongly agree or agree= 1, neutral/not sure = 0, andPP3 My friends plan on going to college disagree or strongly disagree = -1 (see Figure 3).PP4 I enjoy school First, the specific career goal for each student wasPP5 My teacher(s)/counselor(s) care if I go to college plotted, as denoted by the yellow diamond in figure 3. ForPP6 I am interested in a specific college(s)PP7 I have a specific career goal example, during the pre-survey, GAL1 did not specify aPP8
begin with a think-pair-share exercise, convertingterminology. Because the computing lexicon generally finds its several teacher-provided logical statements in English tobasis in English, a student’s “phonology” (ability to Boolean representations (e.g. If I’ve completed my homeworkcommunicate computing ideas verbally) will naturally develop (h) and my favorite show (s) is not on, I will go to the gym (g).with understanding the course material. g = h·NOT(s) ). This kind of restricted exposure should be With these established analogs between SLA and simplified with “high quantities of target-language items”.[4]computing, we can explore particular SLA
with a 10-foot- concepts, increased creativity, improved teamwork skillslong copper tube of diameter 3/8 inch to design and and interpersonal communication skills. One or manyoptimize an immersion wort chiller that can cool a bucket previous well-defined project(s) by instructor is essential inof hot water as fast as possible. project-based learning. Instructors can assign one identical project to all student groups or assign totally differentPreliminary evaluation of learning experience enhancement projects to each student group. In many cases, students arewas performed by conducting a survey among the
Science Foundation or the National Institutes of Health.the directors of the other program to coordinate selection ofvisiting students to align with REU goals is crucial. The second is to reach out to faculty hosting Affiliated ReferencesScholars about the opportunity for their visiting [1] National Science Foundation. (2013). Researchundergraduate researcher(s) to participate in the REU Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites andactivities. Many times, these scholars are the only student Supplements Program Solicitation. Accessed Januarysent to host university from their home institution through a 2018:fellowship, such as the MARC and LSAMP programs, and
Semester Studentsequation can show quite a difference when there is an error in Completedthe calculations. However, when the calculations are correct, the S’17 221 153 S’16 237 151curves are found to have excellent agreement. F’16 48 22 Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6
entrepreneurship it is widely accepted Education, 86: 75–91. doi:10.1002/j.2168-that mentoring plays an important role in the success of a 9830.1997.tb0027product or a business. It may seem obvious, but some [6] Gilbuena, D. M., Sherrett, B. U., Gummer, E. S.,students completely avoid contact with faculty outside class Champagne, A. B. and Koretsky, M. D. (2015),time, not attending office hours and just keeping to Feedback on Professional Skills as Enculturationthemselves. Something as simple as asking for help can into Communities of Practice. J. Eng. Educ., 104:make a great difference in the academic life of a student. 7–34. doi:10.1002/jee.20061
elective hours. The 30-hour thesis Spring 2017 17option is completed with 6 hours of thesis, and the 33-hourproject is completed with 3-6 hours of project courses and Completer (MS Degree) Dataadditional departmental elective(s). All students must pass Completersa comprehensive oral exam and make a formal presentation Fall 2014 0of the student’s thesis or project. Spring 2015 0The following courses and rotation schedule are utilized forthe Systems Technology curriculum. Topic areas were
role model(s) who are scientists/engineers I want to earn more money I love creating/designing I am passionate about STEM Other Fig. 7: Interest in pursuing Engineering and/or Science careers, pre-camp survey Fig. 8: Student’s perception of learning outcomes post-camp survey assistants (TA’s), out of which three were instructors and had extensive
Using Vhdl,” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii (June 2007).Fig. 6 Frequency distribution of lecture and laboratory contact [4] Loo, S. M., Planting, A., and Murdock, M., “Introducing hours for Digital Systems courses for different universities Field Programmable Gate Arrays Into Sophomore Digital Circuits Course,” ASEE Annual Conference &Figure 6 shows a distribution of the number of hours devoted Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. (June 2006).to lecture portion of the course and to the laboratory [5] Hasan, M., “Course Development In
Fun and Interactive Activities for an Introductory Computer Science Course of 200 Students Stephany Coffman-Wolph and Kimberlyn Gray The University of Texas at Austin 2317 Speedway, Austin, TX, 78712, USA E-mail: West Virginia University Institute of Technology 512 S Kanawha St, Beckley, WV, 25801, USA E-mail: Abstract Teaching lectures with hundreds of students
seconds. It is important to is essential to transfer heat energy into the Sterlingunderstand that the simulation would import any engine.value of heat. However, the candle students used In addition to the hard skill learningin the physical model only had a maximum objectives, more valuable soft skill learning wascapability of 80 J/s. Therefore, it became important also done through this project. Students learned tothat the computer simulation would never ask for work effectively in interdisciplinary teams, sincea heat value over 80 J/s. It is shown that the the project consisted of multiple subsystems ofmaximum amount of heat needed to reach 0.3 volts multiple disciplines
regarding basic demographic9 (a) [27]. The team decided to implement a solar tracking information are not needed since they are available already. Figure 9 (a) L: Energy Harvest, Fixed vs. One-Axis Tracking [26], (b) R: Two-axis solar tracking prototype Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6, 2018In order to fully implement the bike share program on 11. M. A. Razzaque and S. Clarke, "Smart management ofcampus, it is necessary to create middle layer system that next generation bike sharing systems using Internet ofprovide smooth and transparent
Annual Conference & whose faculty member was on their campus. Though Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015. many distant students indicated frustration with some Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6, 2018[3] B. W. Caldwell and C. Halupa, "Exploring Video- technologies," Journal of Online Engineering Education,Intensive Delivery in an Online and Face-to-Face Statics 2(2), 1-10, 2011.Course," Journal of Online Engineering Education, 6(1), [15] A. Francis, C. Larkin and S. D. Aslinia
. M., LaCour, M. S., Pashley, D.,Information on how to submit an article can be found at & Keim, K., Do engineering students learn ethics from an . ethics course? Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education – Gulf Southwest (ASEE-GSW) Annual Conference, Austin, TX (2018) Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Texas Tech UniversityOffice of Global Communication. Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at
[5] Kuyath, S., Owen, T., Sharer, D., Murphy, D., Kimble,Platform was added to the class. J., and Englebert, M., “Development of an Electrical5.1 Performance Comparison in Summer 2015 – Engineering Technology Education”, ASEE AnnualFigures 7 & 8 Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings,In the performance of LT1, 100% of on-campus students 2003 ASEEreceived an A while 83% of DL students received an A. [6