- tor in the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). As manager for the CAHSI INCLUDES Alliance, she works on a national basis to coordinate and motivate regional leads; facilitate CAHSI’s External Advisory Board; and serve as a liaison to CAHSI’s policy team, all so that CAHSI’s 60 partners can collectively realize the Alliance’s vision of Hispanics repre- senting 20% or more of those who earn credentials in computing by the year 2030. In her role in UTEP’s Office of Research and Sponsored Projects, Elizabeth assembles interdisciplinary project teams and em- beds herself within them in order to conceptualize, write, and submit large, institutional grant proposals
justice and engineering with the aim of cultivating an inclusive and socially just engineering profession.Dr. Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University Dr. Montfort is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engi- neering at Oregon State UniversityDr. Qwo-Li Driskill, Oregon State University Qwo-Li Driskill is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University. They hold a PhD in Rhetoric & Writing from Michigan State University. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019Exploring Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Engineering UndergraduateExperiences through
student to disclose their disability to their peers. We will discuss more of these as we get to our main recommendations. A Typical Process for a Student Faculty Bring Share letter implements diagnosis to AccessibilityGet diagnosis with teaching from Disability letter generated faculty student Services
all to figure out what we need to do to write better: I tried to incorporate explicit discussion and assignments that recognize different phases of writing, different genres of impactful writing, and different writing-related tasks to engage in. For example, we spend time deconstructing how authors build their arguments in the primary and secondary sources we read, we hear from authors about how they go about writing (ex. Lamott, 1994), students engage in peer review of each others’ work; I assigned different types of writing over the term (including reflective writing, outlining and rough drafting, and reviewing); and I shared papers that I had authored or co- authored along with the backstory of how
. Her research has been published in journals such as Theory into Practice, Action in Teacher Education, and Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Shifting Pre-Calculus from a Gatekeeper to a Gateway CourseAbstractThe national need to transform STEM education is paramount, as evidenced by the persistent gapin STEM degree attainment between whites and minorities, which continues to be a wide chasmin spite of greater numbers of minority students entering into STEM studies as compared to tenyears ago. This gap may be attributed in part to the systemic problem of
, professional society, and annual conference activities. As a result of her efforts, in five years DOE CSGF doubled the number and overall quality of applicants, including a doubling and in some cases quadrupling the number of underrepresented minority applications. Under her directorship, the National Science Foundation STEM Talent Expansion Program at Miami Dade College witnessed development and implementation of novel programming for cross-engagement of women and under-represented minorities in STEM. She initiated a rapid start, and then engaged and retained students through online and learning communities, specialized courses, virtual and traditional seminars, peer and faculty mentoring, field trips, and other
since 2012, wejust recruited our fourth cohort.One crux of our current grant is to examine what happens when we take anintervention and adapt it to a different group. When we adapted WEBS to BRAINS, wedidn’t explicitly study the process of adaptation.Our program is also influenced by the peer mentoring summits for womenengineering faculty of color previously run by one member of our leadership team,Dr. Christine Grant. 4Scientific and professional skills are necessary but not sufficient to increase thepersistence of women in engineering and computer science. The theory underlyingour program developed as the model evolved, first through WEBS and now
. 5Each student is asked to write briefly in their journals on a weekly basis to document their learning and their challenges. These are read by staff who include comments and questions for students. Staff intervene if they think it is needed to improve the situation for the student. In most cases the students are advised to advocate for themselves—ask questions, for example.At the end of the semester of research, the student develops a presentation that shows what she has done during her research, what she has learned, how the research will be impactful if successful, and if this research opportunity has influenced her future plans.They get to make their presentation to an audience of their peers, theirs and others’ mentors and faculty
, low salaries, and agender-biased environment.WISE@OU worked to address these challenges through workshops and trainings forfaculty in the STEM departments (and across campus). Over the course of the grantprogram, WISE@OU initiatives focused on career planning (including tenure), work-life leave options, granting writing and funding opportunities, and mentoring. 6WISE@OU created a series of luncheons where junior STEM faculty could meet eachother as well as administrators and senior faculty. These events were a uniqueopportunity to bring together faculty who didn’t normally interact. Newly-hired STEMfaculty were contacted at the start of each semester and
studentstraveled on in order to protect their anonymity.Data Source Data for this narrative analysis are written journal reflections completed by participantsduring the abroad portion of the global engineering program. Table 2 provides an overview ofthe reflection prompts given to students while abroad. In addition to these prompts, students wereasked to write daily reflections on their experiences abroad. Sampled journals range from 7-15pages in length.Data Analysis We conducted a narrative analysis on reflective journals from eight VT-NETSparticipants in the broader experiential global learning program. We employ narrative as amethod of analysis [24], [26], [27], focusing on the stories participants share in their journalreflections. Our
responsibility? And when you have identified an issue or area, give it a short title, write it down on the paper provided and sign it. Leave some room at the bottom for others to sign [up to attend] [4].”In our event, our facilitator incorporated this prompt into their introductory comments; a more detaileddiscussion of facilitation is provided in later sections of this paper.Use of Open Space/Unconference in Engineering Education Unconferences have been used in engineering education research to bring experts together andleverage their collective expertise to achieve research goals. Examples of unconference structures inengineering education include the PEER Collaborative [6], which was designed as a vehicle for assistantprofessors
underrepresented or marginalized groups. We examine survey data for undergraduate students who were enrolled in the CSE’s engineering majors (comprised of Pre‐Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science) during the spring of 2018. Results are compared for female‐identifying students, URM students, LGBTQ+ students, and students with disabilities across factors including students’ feelings of preparedness, sense of community, satisfaction with their academic performance, and experiences of bias from both peers and faculty/staff. These findings will be used to inform the development of new policies and programs within the CSE to better support students from
populations a moving target. In this paper,we examine some enormously complex aspects of equity and inclusion work that can often beperceived as simplicities, particularly among our collective scholarship and practicecommunities. Those with normative and privileged identities may in fact not see or understandthe range of experiences inside these hidden and transitioning identity categories and thecomplex challenges associated with investigating, intervening in, and embracing thesecommunities. There are yet more complexities under that surface. When writing about marginalizedstudent “populations” we tend to see them through a lens that others them as research subjects,and in turn, often fail to recognize the researcher and practitioner (i.e
methods for involving students in curriculum development and teaching through Peer Designed Instruction.Dr. Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University As an assistant professor of engineering education at Florida International University, Dr. Alexandra Coso Strong works and teaches at the intersection of engineering education, faculty development, and complex systems design. Alexandra completed her doctorate in aerospace engineering at Georgia Tech in spring, 2014. Prior to attending Georgia Tech, Alexandra received a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from MIT (2007) and a master’s degree in systems engineering from the University of Virginia (2010). Alexandra comes to FIU after completing a
-in Help Tutoring and study Academic help Provided for students Center for all students groups through center; writing help in Engineering LLC staffed by TA’s for minority student office center and Women in STEM help with early- LLC for common curriculum high failure Peer mentoring also Engineering college science and classes. includes tutoring in the offers Structured engineering courses small mentoring Supplemental
-basedmediation incorporating deep listening practices, followed by a directed visionary fiction writingexercises with prompts in relation to hoped for futures and outcomes in engineering education.The first exercise, meant to last about 5-10 minutes, will establish mindfulness, attention to one’scurrent emotional/physical state, and cultivate presence for the ensuing writing exercise. Withthe prompt we will have a free write, and then lead a conversation about shared visions,divergent visions, and intersecting themes with those already identified by interview participants.From here we may form action teams for brainstorming actionable items and strategies forfurthering the campaign. It is our intention, like the Highlander Institute, to culminate theory
to give presentations on data science applications of theirprojects. This exercise develops the student’s communication skills in preparation for nationalconferences and other formal presentations.Professional Development. To cultivate student skills beyond the laboratory, the Bridge programregularly hosts professional development workshops and seminars. Sessions occur during the academicyear monthly at NCSU and bi-weekly at NCCU. Sample topics include: ● Exploring non-traditional careers and networking ● Communicating your science to diverse audiences ● Graduate student mental health and wellness ● Entrepreneurship ● Literature searches and library resources ● Writing personal statements ● Graduate school
-directing an NSF/Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site on interdisciplinary water sciences and engineering at VT since 2007. This site has 95 alumni to date. He also leads an NSF/Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) site on interdisciplinary water research and have 10 alumni. He also leads an NSF-funded cybersecurity education project and serves as a co-PI on two International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.Dr. Christian Matheis, Guilford College Visiting assistant professor, Justice and Policy Studies. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019
, handling stress, etc. Service and Civic Responsibility: Engineering is a service profession. Engineers are charged to use their talents and gifts to solve problems that impact others. The performance and practice of engineering is an act of service. Understanding of Engineering Ethics: Engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Engineers are to hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Those whom engineers serve deserve nothing less. As one example, the competencies are also used in the required first-year seminar course, wherestudents create action plans and write goals to
% of all bachelor’sdegrees in engineering awarded to Black students were conferred by PWIs. Of these, 416 were inmechanical engineering, 432 in electrical engineering and 52 in aerospace engineering [17, p.100].Slaton chronicles the history and continuing legacy of racism against Black students inengineering [18]. Black students at PWIs face the particular challenge of being under representedon campus and in their classes, which can lead to stress, lower grades, isolation, and exhaustion[19]- [22]. Students in Fries-Britt and Turner’s study describe feelings of isolation andexhaustion based on the need to educate their White peers or to represent the Black experience.The participants attribute this not to hostility from their White peers, but
(see page 6) • Ask for the pronouns a person uses in situations where you have just met a person or are otherwise unsure of their pronouns (see page 5) • Include your pronouns in your email signature • Use gender-neutral/inclusive language whenever a gendered term can be replaced, both in speech and in writing (see page 5) • Know where to seek support as an ally and for LGBTQ+ students on campus • Thank and validate individuals who share their identity with you • Ask (don’t tell) individuals who seek allyship from you how you can best support themSafe Zone Participant Booklet — Level 1 Workshop (Updated 2/19) 2Level 1 Glossary of TermsAsexual
available, we have found that establishing peer mentoring circles amongthose in systemically minoritized groups greatly bolsters their belonging and advancement inengineering and STEM fields at large.This workshop is primarily designed for researchers but can also be meaningful foreducators/program administrators and other engineering related practitioners in thinking throughhow research can be used for advancing social justice in the work they do. 2Our Social Justice Values and Terms…What are they? –10 minutes(5 minutes) We believe in the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as central to ourresearch. [As indicated in Handout]Diversity
used, and all the standardized test scoreswere converted to SAT values using the pre-2005 version of the ACT-to-SAT concordance table[7]. In the MIDFIELD database, the only ACT score variable provided is ACT Composite;therefore, all SATs were also converted to a total score—with a maximum of 1600 (sum of SATVerbal and SAT Math, MIDFIELD data timeframe before SAT switched to separate CriticalReading and Writing scores with a maximum of 2400). For students with two SAT values afterthe conversion, the higher score was used.Next, all high school grade point averages were converted to a 5.0 scale. Only five of the 11institutions had maximum high school grade point averages less than 5.0; thus, converting to a5.0 scale conserved data resolution
, internet search, other college applications, etc.)? What struggles, barriers, or hardships Transportation issues, financial issues, working a job did you encounter that had an impact after school or on weekends, family duties or on your academic performance in responsibilities, extracurricular activities (sports, high school? band, etc.), societal expectations, legal issues, lack of stable home situation, lack of access to technology, other What helped you achieve success in siblings, friends, peers, extracurricular activities high school? (sports
having all learning be teacher-directed.The newer, and/or more professionally isolated teachers expressed gratitude that they had achance to observe expert teachers during the first PD session. All the teachers appreciatedtalking with peers across disciplines about teaching and being given a successful methodologyfor integrating app development into their curriculum. Five teachers reported that their teachingwill be forever changed by what they learned and observed in the PD. Some representativequotes include: • “I learned how to be organized especially when teaching something completely foreign. Also to look at all the different learners and tailor my approach. There was something in it for each level of computing knowledge. I