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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 48 in total
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 12
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Keogh, University of Colorado, Boulder; Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
how team dynamics affect undergraduate women’s confidence levels in engineering.Dr. Malinda S. Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Malinda Zarske is a faculty member with the Engineering Plus program at the University of Colorado Boulder. She teaches undergraduate product design and core courses through Engineering Plus as well as STEM education courses for pre-service teachers through the CU Teach Engineering program. Her primary research interests include the impacts of project-based service-learning on student identity - es- pecially women and nontraditional demographic groups in engineering - as well as pathways and retention to and through K-12 and undergraduate engineering, teacher education, and
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelly Ann Cave, Colorado State University; Zinta S. Byrne, Colorado State University; Thomas J. Siller, Colorado State University; Anthony A. Maciejewski, Colorado State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #25763Board 89: What Engineering Students Think About How They Learn Pro-fessional SkillsKelly Ann Cave, Colorado State University Kelly Cave is an Industrial-Organizational Psychology doctoral student at Colorado State University. Her research interests include occupational health, training, and organizational culture. She is currently work- ing as a research assistant on the NSF-funded Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) grant with Colorado State’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.Prof. Zinta S. Byrne, Colorado State University Zinta S. Byrne is a tenured full professor of psychology at
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan Ware, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nicole Turnipseed, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; John R. Gallagher, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Celia Mathews Elliott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; John S. Popovics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Paul Prior, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Julie L. Zilles, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
teaching technical communications to upper- level undergraduate physics majors since 2000, and recently developed, with S. Lance Cooper, a graduate technical writing course.Prof. John S. Popovics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign John Popovics is a Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned his B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from Drexel University and his Ph.D. in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Penn State. His research interests include testing, sensing and imaging of infrastructure and geologic materials. He is also involved in efforts to improve writing skills in engineering students.Prof. Paul Prior, University of
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University; Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University; Ngan T.T. Nguyen, Texas Tech University; Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University; Danny D. Reible P.E., Texas Tech University; Chongzheng Na, Texas Tech University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
become reflective engineers who usetheir phronesis to take conflicts and dilemmas more seriously in order to meet the ultimate goalof engineering: to find ways to make the world a better place.Reflection in Engineering Education Literature Various forms of reflection have surely been practiced and promoted by engineeringeducators around the world for centuries. However, considering that “engineering educationresearch (EER) generally lacked definition as a discipline until the late 1990s and early 2000s”(Johri & Olds, 2014) relevant literature on graduate-level engineering education prior to the1990’s can be difficult to find. This review will focus primarily on literature of the past decadebecause it is both more readily available
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason R. Harron, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
of 3-D printed block that took 8 hours to print. (B) Assembled 3-Dprinted robot puppet prior to adding primer, paint, and weathering effects. (C) Finished robot on day of shooting in front of a green screen. References[1] J. W. Bequette and M. B. Bequette, “A place for art and design education in the STEMconversation,” Art Education, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 40-47, Mar. 2012doi:10.1080/00043125.2012.11519167[2] S. Fischer, D. Oget, and D. Cavallucci, “The evaluation of creativity from the perspective ofsubject matter and training in higher education: Issues, constraints and limitations,” ThinkingSkills and Creativity, vol. 19, pp. 123-135, Mar. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.tsc
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Madeline Polmear, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.; Chris Swan, Tufts University; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Med Plains 12 83 VH7 Public L RU/VH Prof+AS Med Plains 11 91 B-L1 Public L RU/VH Bal Large Southwest 17 82 B-L2 Public L RU/VH Bal Large Great Lakes 15 60 B-L3 Public L RU/VH Bal Large Great Lakes 11 64 VH-B Public L RU/VH Bal Med Mid East 13 38 H-B Public RU/H Bal Med New England 9 100 H-Pf-S Public
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin David Lutz, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.; Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Lachney, Michigan State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
STEM topics, Very few are more familiar with LEGOs and robotics and so it was very new to them… you know low socioeconomic[s]... It's not surprising because they do not have that type of exposure and so it's really important and I think was fascinating for them to have that exposure to see what STEM is all about and they seem to really enjoy it.It appears taken for granted that Jill’s and Bob’s students are familiar with LEGOs, and someeven Mindstorms. In contrast, Deborah’s consideration of the social and economic inequities thather students face does not allow her to make such assumptions.Teachers found the STEM connections educationally important in and of themselves, but alsoarticulated hopes that they inspire
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caitlin Donahue Wylie, University of Virginia; Ian Linville, University of Virginia; Angielyn Campo, University of Virginia; Suk Jun Kim, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
identify whether certaininteraction styles better serve specific purposes. These insights are valuable for defining andpracticing research skills for undergraduate and graduate students. Our findings could alsoinform training programs for graduate and undergraduate students as well as for faculty andothers who work with multilevel research teams. 11References[1] B. Latour and S. Woolgar, Laboratory life: the construction of scientific facts, 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986.[2] A. Johnson, Hitting the brakes: engineering design and the production of knowledge. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.[3] J. Lave and E
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alberto Esquinca, San Diego State University; Lidia Herrera-Rocha, University of Texas at El Paso
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundationReferences [1] C. Conrad and M. Gasman. Educating a Diverse Nation: Lessons from Minority Serving Institutions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015. [2] National Science Foundation (NSF), “Science and engineering indicators 2014,” 2014, Available: [Accessed: October, 15, 2018]. [3] S. L. Colby, and J. M. Ortman, “Predictions of the size and composition of the U.S. population 2014 to 2060: Population estimates and projects,” U. S. Census Report #P25-1143. Washington, DC
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session Session 10
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
discussions that followed the presentations ofpapers, I drew on notes that I took or, for the sessions I was not able to attend, obtained from themoderator or organizer (or both). Using this method, I created discussion notes for all technicalsessions. Each set of notes begins with a brief synopsis of the general theme(s) of that session.Most of the content of the notes is questions posed by the papers and discussion that might be thesubject of further research in the broad range of areas addressed within LEES scholarship. Notesfor all 13 sessions appear as appendices to this paper. Figure 1 below provides illustrativeexcerpts from the discussion notes for session U434B: Diversity and Inclusion: Concepts, MentalModels, and Interventions. U434B
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gail Baura, Loyola University Chicago; Leanne Kallemeyn, Loyola University Chicago
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
andrecognizable ECG profile. Briefly, during Fall, 2018, 22 sophomores, in 11 student groups, wereable to successfully perform the requested tasks with high levels of engagement, as measured bythe StRIP instrument. For the performance indicators LED Programming, ECG SignalAcquisition, Graphics, and Cardiograph Project Presentation Materials, the following studentpercentages reached Exemplary and Satisfactory levels: 100%, 100%, 100%, 45%, respectively.Thus, students reached Engineering Science Student Outcome thresholds in three of fourperformance indicators. Evaluation of Part II of the cardiograph project is discussed in muchgreater detail in [55].Social Justice Case Study DaysThe class of 2020’s presentations and discussion of Hurricane Maria were
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session 11
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park; Jennifer Radoff, University of Maryland, College Park; Ayush Gupta, University of Maryland, College Park; Hannah Sabo; Andrew Elby, University of Maryland, College Park
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 9
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
is persistent through the duration of the course, resulting inperformance parity for cumulative course scores.References[1] A. Y. Kolb and D. A. Kolb, “Learning Styles and Learning Spaces: Enhancing Experiential Learning in Higher Education,” Acad. Manag. Learn. Educ., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 193–212, 2005.[2] S. Han, S., R. Capraro, and M. M. Capraro, “How Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Stem) Project-Based Learning (Pbl) Affects High, Middle, and Low Achievers Differently: The Impact of Student Factors on Achievement,” Int. J. Sci. Math. Educ., 13(5), pp. 1089–1113, 2015.[3] R. M. Felder, L. Silverman, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education,” Eng. Educ., 78(7), pp. 674–681, 1988.[4] R. M
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer C. Mallette, Boise State University; Harold Ackler P.E., Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
. 13References[1] M. Poe, N. Learner, and J. Craig. Learning to Communicate in Science and Engineering:Case Studies from MIT. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2010.[2] K.B. Yancey, L. Robertson, and K. Taczak. Writing across Contexts: Transfer, Composition,and Sites of Writing. Boulder, CO: Utah State University Press, 2014.[3] C. Kalman, M.W. Aulls, S. Rohar, and J. Godley, “Students’ Perceptions of ReflectiveWriting as a Tool for Exploring an Introductory Textbook.” Journal of College ScienceTeaching, pp. 74-81, March/April 2008[4] C.S. Kalman, and S. Rohar, “Toolbox of Activities to Support Students in a Physics GatewayCourse.” Physics Education Research, vol. 6, no. 020111, pp. 1-15, 2010.[5] V.A. Burrows, B. McNeill, N.F. Hubele, and L. Bellamy
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session 11
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn A. Neeley, University of Virginia; Caitlin Donahue Wylie, University of Virginia; Bryn Seabrook, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
that fell into the applied STS category were not included in the search results.It is possible that a search for the word “sociotechnical” would produce more comprehensiveresults. We could also draw more on the experience of ASEE members who were instrumental insome of the changes we described here in constructing an account of how STS as been applied inengineering education.   13   References[1] D. Edge, “Reinventing the wheel,” in Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, S. Jasanoff, G. E. Markle, J. C. Peterson, and T. Pinch, Eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2005.[2] X. (Shane) Wang, N. T. Bendle
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessie Marshall Zarazaga, SMU Lyle School of Engineering; Andrew N Quicksall
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mathew D. Evans, Arizona State University; Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
and what response they receivedfrom their audience(s).The student writing projects were analyzed using discourse analysis 12 and multimodal analysis30,31 in order to examine how the students enacted positions through roles and relationships visa vithe reader, and the extent to which they were successful in their positioning (RQ1).We considered criteria for successful positioning in multiple ways. First, we asked ourselveswhether the authors actually positioned themselves as engineering researchers or engineers -what were the strategies they use, and did they appropriately signal membership in thatcommunity. For instance, scientists are expected to use the language of uncertainty and to avoidoverstating their claims when discussing the
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
3.00 L E A D E R S Average Normalized Ind Avg Wk 1 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 4.14 0.90 Tm Avg Wk 1 4.62 4.62 4.56 4.62 4.62 4.56 4.56 4.60 1.00 Ind Avg Wk 5 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 1.10 Tm Avg Wk 5 4.53 4.67 4.60 4.53 4.47 4.53 4.53 4.55 1.00 Ind Avg Wk 1 Tm Avg Wk 1 Ind Avg Wk 5 Tm Avg Wk 5 Figure 2: Student ‘D’ Leadership AssessmentThis positive improvement in
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Barillas, Rowan University; Stephen Fernandez, Rowan University
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
) μ σTechnology plays an important role in solving society's problems 3.29 0.77Engineers make more money than most other professionals 3.23 0.76My parent(s) would disapprove if I chose a major other than 1.5 0.81engineeringEngineers have contributed greatly to fixing problems in the 3.51 0.73worldEngineers are well paid 3.3 0.74My parent(s) want me to be an engineer 1.86 0.98An engineering degree will guarantee me a job when I graduate 3.32 0.81A faculty member, academic advisor, teaching assistant, or other 1.89 1.04university affiliated person has
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Reddy, Colorado School of Mines; Leslie Light, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
stakeholder needs.In spring 2017, Polak served as Executive in Residence in the Division of Engineering, Designand Society at Colorado School of Mines to guide faculty and staff on how to incorporate enduser information into routine design problem definition and solution processes. Today, thiscourse, which exposes students to both user empathy and stakeholder engagement [19], has thefollowing learning objectives: 1. Identify, breakdown, and define open-ended problem(s). 2. Research the context and background of problems and solutions, through a variety of scholarly and authoritative sources. 3. Design solutions through cycle of testing, refining, iterating, and feedback. 4. Equitably contribute to team efforts from start to end on a
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University; William M. Jordan P.E., Baylor University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Paper ID #25435What Do Engineering Students Really Need for the Workplace and Life?Dr. Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and propulsion
Conference Session
Liberal Education Division Technical Session 11
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Qin Zhu, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
learning approaches with ever-changing research-based and technologically instrumented means, transferring control over education from teachers to mangers of the bureaucracy.Therefore, engineering education is considered as a system that can be studied, controlled,optimized, and assessed. A classic example in this regard is the “pipeline” metaphor [10] that hasbeen widely used in the United States to understand and tackle the systematic challenges withretaining engineering students and recruiting underrepresented populations. Nearly allengineering education graduate programs in the United States are in engineering colleges,schools, or departments. Arizona State University (ASU)’s Engineering Education PhD Programis another good example
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean Eddington, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Andrew O. Brightman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Danielle Corple, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Patrice Marie Buzzanell, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 9
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Q. Li, University of New Haven; Judy Randi, University of New Haven; Jenna Pack Sheffield, University of New Haven
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katie Evans, Louisiana Tech University; Kirk St.Amant, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
communication and management acumen (e.g., technicalwriting, technical presentations, and project management). Such an approach is essential topreparing future engineers for the workplace [1]. The challenge becomes providing studentswith effective exposure to both kinds of skills within engineering programs.Traditionally, the development of such skills has been a matter of content-specific courseworkintegrated into a school’s engineering program(s). (A classic example is the technical writingcourse often offer by English or communication departments and required of engineeringundergraduates.) As institutional resources shrink and student demand increases, the need tofind alternative methods for offering training in these “soft-skill” areas grows
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Hampton, Virginia Tech; David Reeping, Virginia Tech
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
much as it can empower, usingcommon methods guided by a researcher’s position, i.e. narrative smoothing [26] and datacleaning of outliers. Our research intended and unintended consequences. References[1] Milner IV, H. R. (2007). Race, culture, and researcher positionality: Working through dangers seen, unseen, and unforeseen. Educational researcher, 36(7), 388-400.[2] Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. Handbook of qualitative research, 2(163-194), 105.[3] Campbell, C. M., & O’Meara, K. (2014). Faculty agency: Departmental contexts that matter in faculty careers. Research in Higher Education, 55(1), 49-74.[4] Milner IV, H. R
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 8
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Gallagher, Montana State University; Irina Karapetyants, Russian University of Transport; Karalyn Clouser, Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University; Natalie Marie Villwock-Witte P.E., Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, international relations in the sphere of transport communications, iternational logistics and supply chain management, sustainable development and ecology.Mrs. Karalyn Clouser, Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University Karalyn Clouser is a GIS and planning specialist with the Western Transportation Institute. She has expe- rience editing and managing spatial data to support transportation planning and implementation projects, and offers skills with numerous GIS tools and platforms. At WTI, she has provided GIS and planning support to the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit in Parks Technical Assistance Center, which assists with the de- velopment of alternative transportation on federal lands. Her experience includes
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering and Liberal Arts
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Summers, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Anique Julienne Olivier-Mason, Brandeis University; Marina Dang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Diana M. Chien, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Multidisciplinary Engineering
. structure oversees 5-18 peer tutors. tutors from that department. Central program director oversees departmental managers and cross-departmental activities. Composition of peer Graduate students and Graduate students and Undergraduate students coaching team postdocs postdocs Location of dedicated At least one designated One designated office Conference room in coaching space(s) room within each space campus makerspace
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie A. Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder; Alyssa Miranda Boll, Colorado School of Mines; Jenifer Blacklock, Colorado School of Mines; Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
engineering to include sociotechnical work the dualism we are trying to challenge Selecting appropriate problem statements Instructor optimism and excitement to create with consistent qualities across the courses meaningful new assignment(s) for impact was difficult given the diverse course contexts their students’ views of engineering and and student populations (year, major, etc.) abilities to engineer sociotechnically Logistical considerations, e.g. Who counts as a non-engineer? Can a student team divide up this assignment, or is it more fruitful to have them each work on it individually? Student perceptions of “true” engineering work as purely technical rather than sociotechnical