example, if a particular engineering disciplinehas a significant problem with retention in their gateway course(s), the path representingsuccessful completion of that gateway course will be disproportionate when compared to thepath for the same discipline at other institutions. In this way, the variability of the institutions isstill present, and makes it possible to study the effect of those gateway courses.Questions addressed by frequency and descriptive statistics. The frequency and descriptivestatistics of student pathways provide a broader picture of issues that are more commonlyperformed on students of a single institution. These will help identify general trends acrossinstitutions on the issues of concern listed below, which are likely to
, S. “A First Course in Digital Design Using VHDL and Programmable Logic,” Proceeding of IEEE Frontiers in Education, 2001.[2] Ashenden, P. J., The Designer's Guide to VHDL, 2 nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2001.[3] Brown, S. and Vranesic, Z., Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, McGrawHill, 2000.[4] Chu, Pong P., “Computation Theory in Digital Systems Course,” Proceeding of IEEE Frontiers in Education, 2002.[5] Calazans, N. L. V. and Moras, F. G., “Integrating the Teaching of Computer Organization and Architecture with Digital Hardware Design Early in Undergraduate Course,” IEEE Transaction on Education, May 2001, pp. 109- 119.[6] Ghosh, S., Hardware Description Language, IEEE Press, 2000.[7] IEEE Computer Society/ACM, Pre
GET ‘EM WHILE THEY’RE YOUNG! Integrated Engineering for Freshmen Dr. Steven A. Brandt1, Col. Cary A. Fisher2, LtCol. David S. Hansen3, LtCol. Steven T. Kuennen4, Maj. Pamela J. Neal5 United States Air Force Academy Engineering Division 2354 Fairchild Drive, Suite 6L-155 USAF Academy, CO 80840-6240AbstractNothing captures the imagination more than a hands-on, highly-relevant and interactive experience. Thispaper will describe Engineering 100 at the US Air Force Academy, a new freshman core course
. Carry out an Internet search etc. Focus on the reasons for choosing the particular truss shape, ‚" includes a printout from the program MDSOLIDS ™ for member forces of the truss configurations you considered (at least 3 alternate configurations) and your ‘final’ configuration., ‚" provides a set of your own calculations (using both the method of joints and of sections) for truss member forces for the final truss configuration assuming the truss supports a nominal 50kgm mid-span mass.Semester 2 Model(s)There are alternate primary models and one minor model.Secondary (minor) model- Shear strength of PVA adhesiveThis consists of an investigation of the failure characteristics and strengths of “Paddle Pop”sticks
, American Society for Engineering EducationBibliography1. Mervis, J. (2000). Diversity: Easier said than done. Science, 289 (5478), 378-379.2. National Science Foundation. (2000). Science and engineering indicators. (Appendix Table 3-10: A-155). Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.3. National Council for Research on Women. (2001). Balancing the equation: Where are women and girls in science, engineering and technology? New York: National Council for Research on Women4. Sanders, J. (1995). Girls and technology: Villain wanted. In S.V. Rosser (Ed.). Teaching the majority: Breaking the gender barrier in science, mathematics, and engineering. (pp. 147-159).5. Astin, H. S., & Sax, L. J. (1996). Developing
grade, but in addition each outcome is assessed using bothinstructor-given assignments and student self-evaluations.Outcomes were identified with various assignments as shown in Table 3. Assignment Outcome(s) 1 None 2 1, 2, 3 Homework 3 3, 8 4 4, 6, 7 5 5 6 9 7 (essay) 1, 8
A Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design Course With State-of-the-Art Technology Support from Industry Sanjay Raman, Adam S. Klein, Richard M. Svitek, Christopher Magnella†, Michael Clifford‡, and Eric C. Maass‡ The Bradley Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech 613 Whittemore Hall (Mail Code 0111), Blacksburg, Virginia, 24061, USA Email: sraman@vt.edu † Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector, Austin, TX ‡ Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector, Tempe, AZI. Introduction:The dawn of the 21st century is witnessing a tremendous demand for wirelesscommunications and information
controllers Text chat Figure 1: Snapshot of the LectureBoard labeling the main elementsThere are several advantages to this tool. First and most importantly, the LectureBoard solves theissue of collaboration for lecture creation. As many users as the bandwidth allows can use thetool and collaboratively work to build a lecture. The bandwidth limits depend on two factors: theedition and license of the Flash Communication Server MX [8]; and the local LAN bandwidthlimitations. The basic edition of Flash Communication Server, which is the edition used for thepurpose of this research, has a ceiling capacity of 1 Mb/s or 50 simultaneous connections,whichever limit is reached first. The
Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education”Increased demand for skills, deindustrialization, and relocation of employers to othercountries was limiting the job opportunities for less educated workers in the past decades.Now, with the outsourcing of scientific and engineering jobs to the developing countries,the trend started in the 1960’s and early 1970’s of hiring more educated employees hasbeen reversed. Today’s jobs for both educated and less educated workers are beingoutsourced to other countries.On the other hand multiple problems are caused as the result of a skilled but less educatedworkforce. This practice hinders the growth and success of the company in the short aswell as long terms. In the short-term the company is
, programmable power supplies, vector impedance meter, arbitrarywaveform analyzer, 8-bit digital bus drivers are included in the suite of software instruments. Cost for NI ELVIS is $2400 in quantity, about the cost of a personal computer. NI ELVISincludes the data acquisition (DAQ) card that goes into the computer, the NI ELVIS interfacebox that includes fuses and the interface, the experiment board, and the power supply. Like theIBM PC of the early 80's, both hardware and software are completely open so innovation at theexperiment, interfacing or software level can flourish. The students can use the softwareinstruments or embed them into a LabVIEW program for complete computer automation or even
Processing Magazine, vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 8-10, July 2001.5. S. Tiwari, S. Ramachandran, A. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, and R. Ramaswamy, “Prediction of probable genes by Fourier analysis of genomic sequences” in CABIOS, vol. 113, pp. 263-270, 1997.6. Niranjan Chakravarthy, A.Spanias, L.D.Iasemidis, K.Tsakalis, “Autoregressive modeling and parametric analysis of DNA sequences” in EURASIP Special Issue on Genomic Signal Processing, To appear in 20047. A. Spanias, et al., “On-line laboratories for speech and image processing and for communication Systems Using J-DSP”, in 2nd DSP-Education workshop, Pine Mountain GA
the MIT department of Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville,TN. He began his academic appointment in August 2000. Dr. Fidan received his PhD in MechanicalEngineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1996. His teaching and research interests arecomputer integrated design and manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, and manufacturing processes.Bibliographic Information 1. Ertas A., Jones J.C., “Engineering Design Process”, John Willey and Sons, 1997 2. Dieter G., “Engineering Design”, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 3. Fetvaci C., Tumkor S., Fidan I., “Development and Implementation of a Virtual Gear Design and Simulation Tool for Undergraduate Education”, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering
Systems Engineering at the Naval Academy T. E. Dwan, R. DeMoyer, C. E. Wick, and G. E. Piper Department of Weapons and Systems Engineering United States Naval AcademyABSTRACT This paper describes the current curriculum of the Systems EngineeringDepartment at the U. S. Naval Academy in detail. We show how our program not onlyserves the needs of each military graduate and meets the objectives and requirements ofan ABET accredited program, but also why this curriculum has become one of the mostpopular and successful undergraduate programs at the U. S. Naval Academy.OVERVIEW The Weapons and Systems Engineering Department at the U. S. Naval
midfielders, and the forwards or attackers. It is an analogous approach that we’re Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Educationproposing here. To the best of our knowledge, this type of approach has not previously beenused in Engineering Education.A successful soccer team consists of members that are able to perform their specific functionsefficiently and with the benefit of the team as their objective. At the different levels ofdevelopment, players usually show a natural predisposition to play a particular position and whatit is even more important is that they have a clear idea of what position(s) they do
Michigan Department of Career Development’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative for the supports of the Tech Scholars Learning Community Program.Bibliography:1. Michigan College/University Partnership (MICUP) Program Administrative Handbook,” http://www.michigan.gov/mdcd/0,1607,7-122--76515--,00.html2. “Analysis of Student Enrollment and Patterns of Educational Goal Completion at Schoolcraft College, 2002,”3. D. C. Newell, S. L. Fletcher, M. R. Anderson-Rolan, “The Women in Applied Science and Engineering Program: How Diversified Programming Increase Participations,” Proceedings of 2002 ASEE Annual Conference, Session 1392, June 16-19, 2002, Montreal, Canada4. M. Besterfield-Scare, M. Moreno, L. J. Shuman and C. J. Atman, “Gender and Ethnicity
and scientific careers in the US in their August, 2003, report The Science andEngineering Workforce: Realizing America’s Potential 1. A national policy imperative wasrecommended by the NSB in this report: The Federal Government and its agencies must step forward to ensure the adequacy of the US science and engineering workforce. All stakeholders must mobilize and initiate efforts that increase the number of US citizens pursuing science and engineering studies and careers. (p. 10) Science and technology have been and will continue to be engines of US economic growth and national security. Excellence in discovery and innovation in science and engineering (S&E) derive from an ample and well-educated
lead to a decision by the Collegeof Engineering to provide a more permanent foundation. Because the W. S. “Pete” WhiteChair is a rotating chair, transferred to a new honoree every 2 to 3 years, the decision wasmade to appoint an Engineering Study Group Program Coordinator independent of thechair. The coordinator was to take over the recruitment and administration of departmentalrepresentatives, and provided with a $3000 stipend. Furthermore the College assumedcomplete responsibility for the funding of the departmental representatives and coordinator.With these further changes in place the engineering study group program has continued togrow. Reporting so far this academic year shows that some 14 groups have been formedwith over 100
Session 2166 Weigh Dr. Lyons: An Application of Problem-Based Learning Jed S. Lyons, Ph.D., P.E. Department of Mechanical Engineering University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 20208AbstractA laboratory project is described that was developed for a mechanical engineering measurementsand instrumentation course. Each student designs, constructs, calibrates and uses a strain gagebased load cell to weigh the instructor. The project takes about three weeks to complete.Besides learning how strain gages work
Session 1171 Frontiers of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials P. G. Kosky, M. E. Hagerman, and S. Maleki, Union College, Schenectady, NY 12308Abstract Union College’s student body combines about 15% engineering students with apredominately liberal arts campus of approximately 2,000 students. Recently the Collegeembraced an interdisciplinary program “Converging Technologies” that integrates crosscurricula material into existing core engineering and liberal arts programs. We have developed an undergraduate course “Frontiers of Nanotechnology andNanomaterials” aimed at
with what we havecalled field theory software in a separate paper.II. A Brief History of Computer Aided Design at NMSUComputer aided design in the Mechanical Engineering Department at NMSU has its roots in themid-1970's when the department received a gift of an Applicon computer drafting system fromSandia Laboratories. The Applicon was integrated into the freshman level drafting courses, butby the early 1980's it was replaced by more economic PC's using such software as AUTOCADand CADKEY. Students were urged, but not required, to use these systems in ongoing designcourses. In the 1990's it became evident that there needed to be more integration between thecomputational drafting and computational design calculations and the department began
) 2. P or T and one other property, β, are given. β may be u, v, h, or s Go to saturation pressure or temperature table and find βf and βg If β < βf, subcooled or compressed liquid If β = βf, saturated liquid Page 9.615.7 If β > βg, superheated vapor 7 If β = βg, saturated vapor If βf < β < βg, two-phase mixture with quality x β −β f mvapor x= = (3.1), (3.2), (3.6), (3.7), (6.6) Moran & Shapiro
asdeveloping study and learning strategies.Figure 1 represents a screen capture of a playback of a typical eSI session conducted by the SIleader and having one student as participant. As observed in the figure, the SI leader used awhiteboard, available in CentraOne, with the student to discuss a given problem. Such aninteractive process was achieved through live voice and data sharing between the two parties. Ifdesired, control may be given to the student(s) attending to allow them to actively participate inproblem solution. Figure 1: Screen Capture of a CentraOne SessionThe kinds of questions and problems facing the IADE students were similar to those discussedearlier in the on-campus section, except that the IADE students
courses. The authors also recognize that their opinion is notthe only opinion on this subject—there are almost as many opinions as there are structural Page 9.1124.1engineering educators, and each opinion has a strong and loyal following. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering EducationA New or Old QuestionThe question of what should be taught in a structural analysis course for engineers was likelyfirst asked in the 1930’s shortly after Hardy Cross developed moment distribution for theanalysis of frames
Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education”students watch the video as a large group. They were then broken into small groups to discussseveral of the people in the video, and then reported back to the entire class their conclusions.The ethics presentation and discussion led by Dr. Jordan was based on two A.S.E.E. papers hehas written3,4. The cases presented all actually happened. Dr. Jordan observed these realsituations while working as an engineer for a medium sized steel company in the 1980's. Thecases were presented as ethical or moral dilemmas. The students had to decide upon their ownresponses before the professor presented what decision was made by the person involved.Time and Life ManagementThe first three habits from
ExplorationProgram in the 90’s, the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME) decided toupdate and modernize its AE course sequence, adding new thrust areas in EE and CS to its awardwinning and ABET accredited conventional AE program.Over the last two years, AME has developed a challenging and exciting modern AE curriculumthat incorporates the growing field of intelligent systems as a major aspect into the mix ofcourses and increases the space-engineering component while preserving a strong aeronauticsprogram. Specifically, the digital aspects of AE technology were added: an embedded real timesystems experience and an expanded controls sequence. The standard modern physics coursewas replaced by our own course in astrodynamics and space science
problem. 2. Document a PLC program for archival purposes. 3. Document project results in an appropriate manner. 4. Wire sinking and sourcing sensors and power supplies to a PLC. 5. Build a proof-of-concept model for a sensor validation experiment.Students used self-assessment to determine the success of the course in enabling them to achievethe course outcomes, with a 0 indicating no mastery and 10 very proficient. A typical courseassessment for the PLC portion of the course is shown in Figure 6 below. IN S T R U C T O R PLC O UTCO M ES ASSESSM ENT E E 2 8 5 S P R IN G 2 0 0 3 J O
Session 1432 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY EMPHASIS AT WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Jian Peng and Mark E. Cambron Department of Engineering Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101AbstractThe Department of Engineering at Western Kentucky University (WKU) has been given the rareopportunity to develop an entirely new engineering program. Western’s challenge is to create aunique undergraduate curriculum focused on the needs of current and future industrial partners.In the 1990’s, a move towards a
Session 3120[4] E. Eckhoff, V. Eller, S. Watkins, and R. Hall, “Interactive virtual laboratory for experience with a smart bridge test,” Proceedings of the 2002 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16-19, 2002, Montreal, CA.[5] M. Uskova, M. Bunch, D. Ludy, and V. Uskov, “Developing online educational materials for computer applications undergraduate courses,” Proceedings of the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 10-13, 2001, Reno, NV.[6] A. Striegel, “Distance education and its impact on computer engineering laboratories,” Proceedings of the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 10-13, 2001, Reno, NV.[7] C. Nippert, “Evaluating student performance in online laboratories,” Proceedings of
and guidance of the Materials Concept Inventory, as well as all engineering conceptinventories, by Professor Don Evans, head of the Center for Research on Science, Math,Engineering and Technology (CRESMET) at ASU.REFERENCES[1] Evans, D.L., Gray, D., Krause, S., Martin, J., Midkiff, C., Notaros, B.M., Pavelich, M., Rancour, D., Reed-Rhoads, T., Steif, P., Streveler, R., and Wage, K., (2003). “Progress on concept inventory assessment tools.” Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, T4G – 1-9.[2] Hestenes, D., Wells, Malcolm, Swackhamer, and Gregg (1992). “Force concept inventory.” The Physics Teacher, 30(3): 141-151.[3] Hestenes, D., Wells, and Malcolm (1992). “A mechanics baseline test.” The Physics Teacher, 30
. The course is unique in that it that has no prerequisitesother than junior class standing in a technical major. Assessment of the students’ knowledge andcompetence levels shows that undergraduates can indeed learn about MEMS, regardless of theirmajor field of study.REFERENCES1. Systems Planning Corporation, “MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), An SPC Market Study,” January, Page 9.204.8 1999. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education2. S. R. Lewis, “A Look toward the Future of MEMS