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Displaying results 241 - 270 of 918 in total
Conference Session
Innovative & Computer-Assisted Lab Study
2004 Annual Conference
Sami Alsaialy; Dalia Tawy; Thomas Schubert; Susan Lord
the semester moved from almost exclusive usage of the 571 to approximatelyequal usage of the two instruments.Thus the development of a LabVIEW interface for an older, more complex transistor curve tracerimproved its utility in a teaching laboratory situation significantly. Experienced users movedfrom infrequent usage to usage equivalent to that of a newer, simpler curve tracer. New usersseem to prefer using the interface, although that preference may be a function of classroomrequirements. When asked the best and worst features of each instrument, complaints centeredaround the 370’s size, age, and the transistor sockets rather than the user interface: only onecomplaint was received concerning software problems. The ease of use, the LabVIEW
Conference Session
Innovative IE Curricula and Courses
2004 Annual Conference
Bob White; Tycho Fredericks; Steven Butt
department’s undergraduateengineering statistics course to a more dynamic style that includes relevant and interestingmaterial. At the same time, however, the course content needed to comply with the guidelinesset forth in the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) generalaccreditation criteria for engineering programs14 and the additional engineering disciplinerequirements of the WMU programs which use this course to meet core probability and statisticsrequirements.From the introduction of the industrial engineering program at WMU in the 1970’s, the structureof the undergraduate engineering statistics course had consisted of three one-hour lectures perweek. In its new form, the course now includes two one-hour lectures and one
Conference Session
Motivating Students to Achieve
2004 Annual Conference
David Socha; Valentin Razmov
our course. At that point weneeded to determine which of the things previously covered by experiential simulations could beconveyed effectively in other ways within the constraints of 50-minute class sessions and withpotentially twice as many students to guide. This required additional columns in the table toreflect the different manners in which we would teach each item. We used the following extracolumns (shown here with their respective meanings): • S = requires a full 50-minute class session • H = can be given as homework • L / l = works well as a lecture / mini-lecture • P = can be derived from working on the project • E = an experiential session • M = miscellaneous; anything not covered by one of the other
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanics Education
2004 Annual Conference
Scott Danielson
statics’ classes. The resulting concept list is shown in Table2. However, the group decided that a Delphi process5 would be a valuable way to obtain andvalidate consensus about both the concepts and skills of statics. Page 9.834.3 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education Table 2. Statics Concepts after First Review (Pre-Delphi) Newton’s First Law: equilibrium Newton’s Third Law: action and reaction “Nature” of force(s)—but only contact forces—to
Conference Session
NASA Fellowship Program
2004 Annual Conference
Sid Wang; Kenneth Roberts; Joseph Monroe; Ajit Kelkar; Devdas Pai
techniques and methodologies of conducting research• Students prepared a summary report, and made presentations. In addition one-day field trip to one of the NASA Centers for SURE participants wasplanned. Each year NASA-SURE program recruited 15 pre-engineering students from 10different institutions.BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Pai, D., Layton, R.A., Hamoush, S., Owusu-Ofori, S., and Wang, S-L. “Space – Sugar Coating for the Mechanics Pill,” CD Proceedings of 2000 International Conference On Engineering Education, August 14-18, 2000. 2. Wang, S-L., “Case Studies on NASA Mars Rover’s Mobility System,” CD Proceedings of 2000 ASEE Southeast Conference, Roanoke, Virginia, April 2-4, 2000. 3. Layton, R., and Pai, D., “An Apparatus for
Conference Session
ECE Online Courses, Labs and Programs
2004 Annual Conference
Feng Jao; Khalid Al-Olimat
Session 2432An Investigation of the Attitude of Learners toward Media Based Instructions of PSPICE in Electric Circuits Analysis Feng Jao, Khalid S. Al-Olimat Ohio Northern UniversityAbstractThis paper explores the assessment results of an investigation of learners’ attitude toward mediabased instructional tool. The investigation is based on a survey completed by forty studentsenrolled in Electric Circuits courses at Ohio Northern University. The students are majoring indifferent engineering disciplines, namely computer, electrical and mechanical. The instructionaltool
Conference Session
ECE Capstone and Engineering Practice
2004 Annual Conference
John Greco
., Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach featuring the Internet.Addison-Wesley, 2001. Page 9.14.54. Bersekas D. and Gallager R., Data Networks, 2nd Edition. 1992, Prentice-Hall. Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ©2004, American Society for Engineering Education5. Tanenbaum, A. S., Computer Networks, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, 1996.6. Laboratory Manual, Laboratory and Software Projects to accompany Y. Zheng and S. Akhtar, Networksfor Computer Scientists and Engineers. Oxford University Press, 2002.7. University of Illinois, ECE 335 - Computer
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
David Bahr; M. Grant Norton
2001 Annual Meeting, General Abstracts Adhesion Symposium February (2001)12. Slip Band and Step Formation Around Small Scale Indentations, D.F. Bahr, C.L. Woodcock, and K.R. Morasch, in: Material Instabilities and Patterning in Metals, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society (2001)13. Micro-Machining Of PZT-Based MEMS, T. B. Myers, S. Bose, J. D. Fraser and A. Bandyopadhyay, in: Proceedings of the Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites, American Ceramic Society (2001)14. Polymer-Ceramic Composites for bone Graft Applications, S. Bose, T. Myers, A. Bandyopadhyay and H. L. Hosick, Polymer Preprints, 41, 1620 (2000)15. Electro-Mechanical Coupling And Power Generation In A PZT
Conference Session
ECE Education and Engineering Mathematics
2004 Annual Conference
Roland Thomas; Albert Rosa
by beginning with dc circuits, introduce circuittheorems, then possibly teach dependent sources and the operational amplifier, introduceinductors and capacitors followed by first-order RL and RC circuits, then transition to ac circuitsusing phasor analysis. Subsequently there appears to be two major approaches. Some will teachfrequency response and three-phase power using only phasor analysis, while others willintroduce Laplace transforms and do ac circuits using Laplace analysis.Up to the early 1990’s essentially all circuits courses that were taught solved only analysisproblems – that is, circuit problems were usually constructed so that students determined anoutput of a circuit given one or more inputs. There was only one acceptable
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in MFG ET
2004 Annual Conference
Shawn Strong; Scott Amos; Richard Callahan
E g l d. s C dy t . en tro at es
Conference Session
Outreach and Recruitment
2004 Annual Conference
Dae-Wook Kim
Session 2563 An Outr each Pr ogr am To Pr omote Manufactur ing Car eer s To Under r epr esented Students D. Kim 1, I. Cossette2 1 School of Mechanical and Mater ials Engineer ing, Washington State Univer sity, Vancouver , WA / 2Edmonds Community College, Edmonds, WAAbstr actThe Puget Sound Consortium for Manufacturing Excellence (PSCME), funded by theNational Science Foundation, and the Mathematics, Engineering, and ScienceAchievement (MESA) Program co-sponsored two student field trips; one to RentonTechnical College, and another to Edmonds Community College and Dillon Works
Conference Session
Retention: Keeping the Women Students
2004 Annual Conference
Monica Gaughan; Donna Llewellyn; Marion Usselman
data from their institutionalrecords. Therefore, we will be able to ascertain if the results from the telephone survey arerepresentative of the whole cohort, and if not, we will be able to identify the extent of potentialbiases in this sample.References1 Becker, G. S. (1964). Human capital; a theoretical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education, distributed by Columbia University Press.2 Schultz, T. W. (1970). Investment in human capital; the role of education and of research. New York,, Free Press.3 Behrman, Jere R, and Taubman, Paul, (May 1976) “The Intergenerational Correlation between Children's Adult Earnings and Their Parents' Income: Result from the Michigan Panel Survey of Income Dynamics,” Review of
Conference Session
Virtual and Distance Experimentation
2004 Annual Conference
Vernon Matzen
anticipate investigating this aspect in future studies.“Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education”AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon the work supported by National Science Foundation under grant No.DUE-0310845 and by the Department of Civil Engineering as well as the College of Engineeringat North Carolina State University. The authors acknowledge the work by Graduate studentsScott Wirgau, Tanya Kunberger, and undergraduate student Joe Dudeck.Bibliogr aphy1. Corradini, M. L., Ippoliti, G., Leo, T. and Longhi, S., “An internet based laboratory for control education,” in Proceedings of the
Conference Session
Women in Engineering: Faculty/Curriculum
2004 Annual Conference
Heidi Diefes-Dux; Brenda Capobianco; Judith Zawojewski; Margret Hjalmarson; P.K. Imbrie; Deborah Follman
, Division of Science Resources Statistics1 reports some gains with regards to theenrollment and retention of women in science and engineering (S&E):• The percentage of women enrollment in engineering programs has increased from 16 percent in 1990 to 20 percent in 1999, with the total number of women enrolled in engineering increasing despite the decline in total engineering undergraduate enrollments from 380,000 to 361,000.• Data suggest that women and men have nearly equivalent attrition rates with "the percentage of freshmen women intending S&E majors in 1994 (27 percent) is close to the percentage earning S&E bachelor's degrees in 1998 (28 percent
Conference Session
Manufacturing Laboratory Experience
2004 Annual Conference
Can Saygin
:// 1980’s, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) has dramatically changed the way ofmanufacturing in all industries as well as the way manufacturing courses are taught. Amongmany worldwide CIM programs offered at various universities, some are more applicationoriented, some focus more on the business aspects, and some put more emphasis on theinformation technology behind the CIM concept. Over the last decade, CIM had evolved into anewer concept, namely Computer Integrated Enterprise (CIE), due to the advancements in thearea of information technology and its applications in e-business. Nevertheless, there is still agap between the shop floor and the upper level functions, such as enterprise resource planning.This paper
Conference Session
Assessment Issues I
2004 Annual Conference
Tyler Cummings-Bond; Robin Adams
Session 3230 Career trajectories in engineering education – Where are they now? Robin S. Adams, Tyler Cummings-Bond University of Washington Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE)As part of the newly funded Center for the Advancement of Engineering (CAEE) we aredeveloping year long Engineering Education Institutes to build greater capacity in thescholarship of engineering teaching and learning. Although the National Science Foundation(NSF) and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) have targeted building capacity as a topgoal, the engineering
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques & Funding Research
2004 Annual Conference
La Verne Harris; Mary Sadowski
Page 9.1272.9 “Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education”References 1. Slaughter, S., & Leslie, L.L. (1997). Academic capitalism: Politics, policies, and the entrepreneurial university. Baltimore, Maryland: The John Hopkins University Press. 2. Stokes, D.E. (1997). Pasteur's quadrant: Basic science and technological innovation. Harrisburg, VA: R.R. Donnelley and Sons, Co. 3. Heller, D. (2002). The policy shift in state financial aid programs. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Vol. 17. J. C. Smart, (ed.) New York: Agathon Press
Conference Session
Technology, Communications & Ethics
2004 Annual Conference
Kathy Scmidt; Jeffrey Siegel
performance on relatedquizzes and exams. We are also evaluating whether CPS technology is appropriate for studentsof all learning styles. Decision makers considering adoption of this technology would alsobenefit from controlled experiments comparing student learning from CPS to traditional lecturemethods.AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge the support of an Academic Development Grant from TheUniversity of Texas of Austin College of Engineering that was used to implement CPS in ARE346N. We would also like to acknowledge the information that Dr. Charles Chui provided to uson his experiences with CPS. The teaching assistants for the class, Joseph J. Fradella andRajkumar S Thottikalai provided invaluable assistance generating and categorizing
Conference Session
Teaching Teaming Skills Through Design
2004 Annual Conference
Hugh Jack; John Farris
designs. The theory quality score was assigned bythe instructors. C M  t s 2 -------- 200 - B T ------- 0.2 score =  --- ( 4 ) ( 10 ) ( 10 ) ( 2 ) d where, t s = the time to settle (s) C = total cost of part ($) d = distance moved in test (m) B = build quality score assigned by judges (0=best, 1=worst
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs
2004 Annual Conference
Clive Dym; Anthony Bright
constraints; and detailing the metrics against which the achievement of the objectives can be measured and assessed.One important question addressed only implicitly in this abbreviated list is, Whose objectives arebeing elicited? The answer(s) to this question is/are crucial because the objectives will almostsurely vary with the role of the respondent. Students want a good educational experience leadingto good jobs or graduate school; professors want to do research; employers want young, newly-graduated hires with twenty-five years of experience, ready to do any job competently andproductively; trustees want to fulfill the fiduciary responsibility of ensuring that the collegeremains financially sound; presidents want their university to
Conference Session
Knowing Students: Diversity & Retention
2004 Annual Conference
Karl Stevens; Sharon Schlossberg; Maria M. Larrondo Petrie
Session Number: 1430 Students to Engineering Practice K. K. Stevens, S. M. Schlossberg, M. M. Larrondo Petrie College of Engineering, Florida Atlantic UniversitySTUDENTS TO ENGINEERING PRACTICE (STEP) is a manifestation of a research project* that setsthe task of developing a sustainable and replicable industry-academia partnership model forhelping talented, but financially disadvantaged, students complete their baccalaureate degrees intimely fashion and move successfully into the workforce. The intent of the project is todemonstrate that significant improvements in retention, placement, and workforce throughputcan be achieved by
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experiences
2004 Annual Conference
Sean Holleran; Elaine Chan; Chad Rasmussen; Alan McGaughey
is to inform students about various aspectsof a career in academia6, ASEE recognizes that many Ph.D. students decide to pursue careers innon-academic environments, and that a substantial number of students are often unsure whetherto pursue careers in academia or elsewhere. To help address these matters, the student chapterorganizes the event Non-Academic Careers for Ph.D.’s to provide students with information onjob opportunities and the work environments in industry and government for doctoral graduates.In this panel discussion students learn that their Ph.D. degree is applicable to a wide variety ofindustrial and government positions and gain an understanding of employment at theseinstitutions. In 2003 the panel consisted of former
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Shivram Sankar; Chetan Sankar; P.K. Raju
Teaching Science Concepts using LITEE Case Studies Shiva K. Sankar, Northwestern University Chetan S. Sankar, Department of Management P.K. Raju, Department of Mechanical Engineering Auburn UniversityProject Goals The NSF, in its Shaping the Future document (NSF, 1996), declared that improvedscience, mathematics, engineering, and technology education is central to shaping America'sfuture. They expect that it will be increasingly necessary that citizens have a substantialunderstanding of the methods and content of science and technology and some understanding oftheir potential and limitations, as well as their
Conference Session
Exploring New Frontiers in Manufacturing Education
2004 Annual Conference
Sunday Faseyitan; Robert Myers; Pearley Cunningham; Winston Erevelles
action of your circuit2. What are the limitations of the circuit you designed Figure 4. Application Example for the CycleExamination of Figure 2 will show that a student begins the cycle by wiring a circuit or using apre-wired one to explore the fundamentals of logic. Using two switches, the student fills out thestate of the output in response to changed states of the input – these are documented in the table.Figure 3 shows the dialog that follows. The instructor at this point would engage the student(s)in a discussion on what just transpired and guide them through the relevant theory – truth tables,normally open and normally closed contacts, and the setting of bits, in this case. With thisknowledge gained in
Conference Session
Assessment & Evaluation of Graphics Programs
2004 Annual Conference
Kathleen Harper; Frederick Meyers; John Demel; Frank Croft
community, faculty are working to include as much instructionas possible in limited time. They are trying new approaches and this test can provide them witha method for measuring results. This can be particularly important when there are not enoughsections of a class to have both pilot and control groups. As we refine the test it will be madeavailable to faculty teaching similar curricula at other institutions.Compare with FCI for PhysicsNationally normed tests can have a profound effect on the educational state of a discipline. Asan example, consider the case in physics. In the early 90’s, the Force Concept Inventory (FCI)was developed and published.5 Soon physics instructors at a variety of institutions, from two-year colleges to elite
Conference Session
Innovations in the ChE Laboratory
2004 Annual Conference
Ron Artigue; Mark Anklam; David Miller; Dan Coronell; Atanas Serbezov; Sharon Sauer; Alfred Carlson
Session 2213 Improving Student Learning in the ChE Laboratory David C. Miller,* Mark Anklam, Ronald S. Artigue, Alfred Carlson, Daniel G. Coronell, Sharon G. Sauer, and Atanas Serbezov Department of Chemical Engineering Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyAbstract: The unit operations lab brings together a significant number of educational goals forthe students: experiencing a broad range of equipment and instrumentation, enhancing teamingskills, learning to analyze experimental data, and developing written and oral communicationskills. To help improve the
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention
2004 Annual Conference
Robin Sanders; John Favata; David Kukulka; David Barker
Session 3249 Implementation of the Computer Science, Engineering Technology, and Mathematics Scholarship (CSEMS) Program at Buffalo State College David J. Kukulka, David S. Barker, John Favata and Robin Sanders State University of New York College at Buffalo, Mechanical Engineering Technology Program, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14222The CSEMS program at Buffalo State College (BSC) is funded by a grant from theNational Science Foundation (NSF). This program provides scholarships andcareer/educational opportunities for academically talented students that are financiallyneedy in the
Conference Session
Recruitment and Retention
2004 Annual Conference
Alan Price
engineering andbiomedical engineering are competing with older engineering disciplines for the same anddecreasing supply of students 2.Since the 1970’s there has been a reactive to proactive shift for many universities and colleges tomarket their individual programs and educational offerings. Increased competition anddemographic changes in student population have placed considerable pressure on many Page 9.642.2institutions to adopt “customer driven” strategies to compete more effectively in the educational “Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
Unique Laboratory Experiments & Programs
2004 Annual Conference
Alex See
steady condition after about 25 s in time. Figure 5.2.6 Open circuit voltage profile of the series connected solar panels versus tracking time. The sampling interval is 0.5 sec. The tracking system appears to maintain steady condition after about 25s. Page 9.657.14 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright ø 2004, American Society for Engineering Education Figure 5.2.7 A single channel data acquisition block diagram for open circuit voltage measurement6.0 Student response to practical hands-on
Conference Session
Engineering Education Research
2004 Annual Conference
Kimberly Barron; Sang Ha Lee; John Wise; Robert Pangborn; Thomas Litzinger
. Page 9.499.4 Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright© 2004, American Society for Engineering Education Table 2. ANOVA Results – Breakdown by Grad School vs. Employed Question P-Value (Prep) P-Value (Imp) Higher Group A Make Oral Presentations 0.833 0.024 Grad School I Write Clearly 0.844 0.251 S Listen to Others 0.450 0.008 Employed T Deal with Conflicts 0.403 0.000