Paper ID #29422The Napkin Sketch Pilot Study: A minute-paper reflection in pictorial formCapt. Jes Barron, U.S. Military Academy Jes Barron is an Instructor in the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from West Point (2009), a Master of Business Administration from Oklahoma State University (2015), and a Master of Science degree in Underground Construction and Tunnel Engineering from Colorado School of Mines (2018). He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas. His research
students 71.4% 50.8% NA 46.5% 57.0%Classes with 50 or more students 12.5% 20.1% NA 1.5% 0.0%4-year graduation rate 40% 32% 3% 85% n/a6-year graduation rate 76% 64% 37% 90% n/aAcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the support provided by the National Science Foundation throughgrant NSF 1820888 and 1821439. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.ReferencesCheville, RA., 2019, “Pipeline
into circuits and communication links. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Measurement of the Effect of Interactive Questions in Lab Manuals on LearningAbstract -- This research paper will describe the results of an experiment in which two groups ofstudents in a laboratory class received different web-based lab manuals featuring interactivequestions, the treatment with many more interactive questions than the control. The hypothesiswas that asking students more questions would cause the students to reflect on the task at hand,which would in turn increase learning. This study was motivated by work on experientiallearning, particularly Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle, which suggests that
Paper ID #30869Four Complications in Designing a Validated Survey to Gather Informationon Student Reactions to Reflection ActivitiesKenya Mejia, University of Washington Kenya Z. Mejia is a second year PhD student at the University of Washington in the Human Centered Design and Engineering program. Her work focuses on diversity and inclusion in engineering education focusing on engineering design education.Dr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering
. The typical number of problems the students wereasked to solve in both the mid and final exams were either three or four. Each of these problemshave a similar guide. Prior to the exams or during the exams, students were not instructed to gothrough the guides. During the final exam, students were asked to respond to the following twoopen-ended questions, and their reflection on the questions were assessed. 1. Do you normally go through the guide and the grading criteria included next to each problem before attempting the problem? 2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of including such a guide and grading criteria for each problem. The figure shows an aluminum and a steel rod that are fixed at the base and support a
projects.Dr. Carolyn L Sandoval, University of California, San Diego Dr. Sandoval is the Associate Director of the Teaching + Learning Commons at the University of Cali- fornia, San Diego. She earned a PhD in Adult Education-Human Resource Development. Her research interests include adult learning and development, faculty development, qualitative methods of inquiry, and social justice education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Integration of Weekly Reflections in an Introductory Design Class to Assess Experiential Learning OutcomesI. Introduction Hands-on design courses, particularly at the introductory level, have gained popularity in engineering
the ASEE ECE Division, served as an as- sociate editor for the ASEE Journal of Engineering Education, and served on the IEEE Committee on Engineering Accreditation Activities, the IEEE Education Society Board of Governors, the ABET EAC (2009-2014), and EAC Executive Committee (2015-2018). Dr. Rover is a Fellow of the IEEE and of ASEE.Dr. Mani Mina, Iowa State University Mani Mina is with the department of Industrial Design and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. He has been working on better understanding of students’ learning and aspects of tech- nological and engineering philosophy and literacy. In particular how such literacy and competency are reflected in curricular and student
Sustainable Infrastructure (RISE-UP). Both projects are funded by NSF. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Work In Progress: Combining Strategies for Leadership Development of Engineering StudentsAbstractThis work in progress reports an intervention to develop leadership skills in engineeringundergraduate students. A methodology based on a cognitive apprentice framework wasimplemented, where coaching, Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), cooperative learning,reflection, and self-assessment are combined to train peer leaders from different engineeringprograms. Students in the PLTL Peer Leaders initiative are low-income academically talentedstudents (LIATS) from a Hispanic
of the six-week summer experience and serve as the source of data for this study,which sought to answer the following three research questions: 1. How do participants use research notebooks to record and catalog research activities? 2. How do participants use research notebooks to record and catalog potential pedagogical practices related to using engineering concepts? 3. How do the notebooks reflect participants incorporating engineering concepts into the development of engineering informed lesson plans?MethodsFrom a methods perspective, qualitative procedures were used to address the project researchquestions. This approach was taken because qualitative methods are better suited to answeringquestions
engineering degree attainment, even controllingfor undergraduate cumulative GPA [12].Expectancy-Value FrameworkBoth individual characteristics and social factors influence STEM trajectories [13]. Using theexpectancy-value achievement model by Eccles and Wigfield [14], we frame thesecharacteristics as part of a cohesive framework designed to reflect the myriad factors thatcontribute to students’ ultimate academic choices. In the expectancy-value framework, threeoverarching factors contribute to educational and career choices: 1) psychological factors, 2)biological factors, and 3) socialization factors. These three components jointly predictachievement behavior and choices (e.g. selection of a major). For the purposes of this paper, wefocus primarily
. Here we create and test achemical engineering problem-solving assessment based on this design.Figure 1: Outline of assessment design. In the first stage students are shown a nonfunctional system and asked to identify thecriteria on which the system should be evaluated, requiring them to identify the goals of the problem and reflect on the solution.They are then shown a corrected system that is suboptimal and asked a series of increasingly detailed questions on how they willevaluate it. In the third stage they are asked what information they want to evaluate the system and how to use that information.Finally they are shown an optimized solution and must decide whether or not they will accept the proposed changes based on allthe data they have
game design mechanicswere also taught via weekly board game sessions conducted inside and outside of class wherestudents both played and deconstructed the mechanics of the games experienced. In the latterpart of the course, a major course project was assigned in which four teams of students inconjunction with graphic design students developed unique games meant to teach others aboutclimate change and civilization collapse. Specific game mechanics were not prescribed; instead,student teams were encouraged to explore a variety of mechanics and design elements that bestsuited their chosen audience and game theme. In addition to this final board game product,students wrote a reflective paper to (a) explain how the board game accomplished the goal
of EER&I research, audiences that need to be aware of the impact onengineering education, potential systematic processes for documenting impact, and plans forpiloting some processes for documenting impact. Metrics ranged from the relativelystraightforward measures of the number of engineering education programs and productivity ofthose programs and individual researchers, which could be expected to have impact, to the moresubtle changes in attitude toward EER&I and extent of implementation of the results of EER&Iresearch, which would reflect the impact. Some of those subtle changes include attitudes towardwho can/should be an engineer and how the engineering culture, and courses, can change tobroaden participation in engineering
’ reflection papers on use of SRL skills through “Design YourProcess For Becoming A World Class Engineering Student” project activities. In this paper, as ourstudy is focused on SRL skills on engineering design activities in extracurricular research projects,we adopt a relatively simple survey instrument [8] that was developed and validated particularlyfor assessment of use of SRL skills in engineering design. Derived from a widely-usedquestionnaire for assessment of SRL in general classroom settings [9][10], it captures student’sperception of metacognition along the cycle of engineering design which typically includesproblem definition, conceptual design, preliminary design, detailed design, and designcommunication. This survey instrument was
] Research question What is a way of experiencing What is the actual difference between two ways something (X)? of experiencing “the same thing” (X)? Data Collection Ask for experience with X. Ensure Ask to experience the same instance of X through that all participants a task Data People talking about their past Participant talking about what they can “see” of experiences with what they X while addressing the task identify as X (Since there is no Participant reflections on their way of addressing common experience, participants the task (Since they
and communication with technical and non-technical peers. Students worked in teamsof three and four to solve ill-defined problems presented by the instructor. Topics coveredConstruction Waste, Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Recycling Education, PublicTransportation, and Campus Transit. Deliverables, including a technical report, an oralpresentation, and an analytical reflection, were used as data for this project. Students weresurveyed to assess their perceptions of problem-based learning. There were seventy-twoparticipants over three semesters. One preliminary result from both the survey and qualitativedata is that students felt confident about working with others from different disciplines. Studentsmostly commented positively about their
engineering students and eightpreservice teachers. T-tests were used to compare participants’ pre-/post- scores on a codingquiz. A post-lesson written reflection asked the undergraduate students to describe their roboticslessons and what they learned from interacting with their cross disciplinary peers and thefifth/sixth graders. Content analysis was used to identify emergent themes. Engineering students’perceptions were generally positive, recounting enjoyment interacting with elementary studentsand gaining communication skills from collaborating with non-technical partners. Preserviceteachers demonstrated gains in their technical knowledge as measured by the coding quiz, butreported lacking the confidence to teach coding and robotics independently
such asCalculus, and increase their sense of belonging, preparedness, and self-efficacy. To understandstudent perspectives and experiences, we utilized Participatory Action Research (PAR) toconstruct a series of formative assessments prioritizing the views and participation of the RAMPstudents themselves. PAR was selected as a research and assessment strategy due to its emphasison student participation and empowerment linked with action for positive change. Onlinesurveys and four focus groups involved the students in topics geared towards developing apsychologically safe space for sharing experiences, providing feedback on program activities,and reflecting on personal goals, values, and aspirations. Based on our findings, we identify
, we focus on human diversity as reflective of “broad heterogeneity in socialidentities and statuses represented among individuals in a shared engineering experience” [1].We see these dimensions as situated in, interacting with, and influenced by the cultural andsocial norms in which individuals operate. In turn, individuals affect those cultural norms.Understanding these aspects is increasingly recognized as an important part of learning tobecome an engineer. Though traditional engineering education has been, and to a large extentstill is, focused on students acquiring technical knowledge [2] [3], in the workplace engineers arerequired to bring more than technical expertise to solve problems. As part of their work, theyoften draw on different
Engineering students develop competencies through classroom learning, work-integratedlearning outside the classroom, and extra-curricular activities on and off campus [1-3]. In twoways, current engineering education research (EER) does not adequately reflect these multipleinterlinked experiences that contribute to competency formation. Firstly, while much EER hasbeen devoted to students’ classroom learning [4, 5], less emphasis has been placed on work-integrated learning and the synergies arising from learning inside and outside classrooms.Secondly, the potential of existing data sources, such as administrative data, academic recordsand student surveys which engineering schools routinely collect, remains relatively untapped.These data sources are
decisions today, related to yourdesign project?”). We found that students reliably accounted for the decisions observed.Based on these subconstructs, we developed Likert statements written as simple concepts [48]with a 7-point bipolar scale, with a middle option to reduce measurement error [49]. Researchsuggests that using item-specific scales, as opposed to the commonplace agree/disagree scale,can improve the quality of responses [50]; we thus avoided agree/disagree scales and focused ondeveloping scales that reflected the construct we sought to measure. For instance, we avoidedscales that focused on frequency (e.g., always to never), as in our discourse analysis, weobserved that even infrequent decisions were sometimes very impactful. This
rubricelements as the SCD such as concept of operations and team logo. As the semester progressed,we realized that our meets elements should be closer aligned with including assignment elementsrather than clarity. We also fully admit that some of our criteria were not well written, but the 5criteria was the best we could come up with at the time – a lesson learned from implementingspecifications grading: the need for ongoing reflection and clarification of specifications asfaculty and students learn.Peer evaluations were completed using CATME, and students passed the assignment if theywrote meaningful comments including improvements for team members
with program faculty. Finally, students created portfolios and individualdevelopment plans which would be expected to support their career development, but studentsreported that these requirements were more onerous than helpful. The D3EM program serves asan example of how impactful programs can be designed to encourage students to explore avariety of potential future career pathways, particularly beyond tenure-track faculty positions.Implications from the findings include the continued implementation of such programs andsustained efforts to change the conversation about PhD careers that reflect the job market andgraduate student interests.Introduction In the past decade, graduate engineering education has emerged as a research
research plan, (4) research ethics, (5) graduate school familiarityand applying for graduate school, (6) presenting your research plan, and (7) professional skills. To complement the lectures, assignments for the course are shown in Table 2. The skillsand concepts to be reinforced by each assignment are also shown in Table 2. Assignments fallinto the same seven areas as listed above for course topics/lectures.Table 2: Course Assignments Topic Skills/Concepts Reinforced 1 Finding a Mentor Faculty/Student Interaction Research Interests Self-Reflection Identifying Potential Mentors Web research Meeting Mentors Oral and Written Communication 2
engineeringeducation reform, and give suggestions for the construction of the second round ofnew engineering research and practice projects.2 BackgroundAt the end of 20th century, international engineering education reform was surging.Return to Engineering Practice, STEM Education, Engineering IntegrativeEducation, Engineering With a Big E, An Integrative & Holistic EngineeringEducation, CDIO, Holistic Engineering, Systematic Engineering, EngineeringEducation as a Complex System, Engineering Education Ecosystem, and otherconcepts have been proposed successively, all of which reflect the internationaldevelopment trend of innovative engineering education.[5] With the gradualtechnological breakthroughs in cutting-edge technologies such as
’ views of success included commonmeasures of academic success in engineering; they also reflected participants’ longer-term careergoals and financial plans. Findings have implications for the development of robust engineeringpathways at both 2- and 4- year institutions. Departures from the “norm”: How nontraditional undergraduates experienced success in an alternative engineering transfer programThe idea/ideal of the traditional college undergraduate as “one who earns a high school diploma,enrolls full time immediately after finishing high school, depends on parents for financial support,and either does not work during the school year or works part time” is giving way in 21st centuryAmerica [1]. As early as 2002, researchers noted
engineeringcurriculum in fundamental ways. Among advantages of the capstone course sequence and serviceoriented learning are the enhancement of communication skills and a promotion of deeperlearning over surface learning. Success for tomorrow’s engineers necessitates the design ofengineering curricula that promote awareness of the broader impacts of engineering, enhancessystems thinking, reflects sustainable engineering practices, and helps prepare students to makean impact in the global community. The projects provide students with a context for learning.They give them a reason to see why and how the fundamental principles of science, math andengineering can be utilized to solve practical design problems. The development of well-rounded, multi-skilled
signify the unification of cognitive elements of self-motivation, self-direction, self-reflection, self-regulation, and self-correction.and interactive virtual environments (VEs) [17],[33],[34]. Thereby multiple approaches may becombined to enhance the user experience and increase the learning success. For example, asituation-based gaming environment may allow learners to explore content on their own, thus,increasing their sense of autonomy and progress control, factors identified as important to learnerself-regulation and responsibility [11],[13],[24],[29],[35].Through VEs users can be immersed in specific environments in order to elicit tasks under whatis perceived as realistic circumstances. Thus, fidelity as “a measure of the degree to which
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) emphasized the critical nature ofempowered, autonomous individuals and work teams as success factors in global aviation safetyand process standardization [60], [61] applicable to all of the aviation industry [6], [61]. Self-responsibility and proactive problem-solving expectations are likewise modeled by the FAA inits relationship with industry in safety and quality management of daily processes [4]. Problem-based learning in engineering was consistently emphasized in preparing engineering graduates,and development of collaborative teamwork, self-directed, independent learning and problemsolving based upon critical self-reflection were considered “crucial competencies” in addition totechnical degree