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Conference Session
Engineering Librarian Collaborations in the Library, On Campus, and Beyond
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kelly Giles, James Madison University Libraries; Elizabeth Price, James Madison University Libraries
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Engineering Libraries
assigned as her peer mentor. A shared workspace and regularone-on-one meetings between the two librarians facilitated greater collaboration in reference,instruction, and collection development. Both librarians learned more about specialized resourceswith which they had been less familiar. For instance, the engineering librarian gained newexpertise in market research and shared knowledge about patent searching with the businesslibrarian. Their closer working relationship led to a partnership in support of entrepreneurship oncampus. They developed and presented a faculty workshop on entrepreneurship research and arecurrently collaborating on a series of instructional videos on the subject.Literature ReviewA review of the literature found several
Conference Session
Assessing, Expanding, and Innovating Information Literacy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amber Janssen, California State University Maritime Academy; William W. Tsai, California State University Maritime Academy
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Engineering Libraries
completed by both a testand control group. They found the faceted taxonomy was useful for categorizing the sourcesused for the assignment, understanding the assignment was geared toward online sources and hadno requirement to use scholarly sources. For this pilot study, 30 bibliographies were scored.Rosenzweig, Thill, and Lambert [7] adapted the same faceted taxonomy to assess researchpapers in an English writing course. Their goal was to better understand the sources selected bystudents and how they determined authority. They chose to use only the facets for authoridentity, editorial process, and publication purpose. They did not use the numerical scores usedby Leeder, Markey, and Yakel [6] instead taking a more descriptive approach. They scored
Conference Session
Assessing, Expanding, and Innovating Information Literacy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
S. Norma Godavari, University of Manitoba; Anne E. Parker, University of Manitoba
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Engineering Libraries
. The goal is to encourage students to step back, as it were, and reflect on things thatwent well and things that didn’t go so well; we also encourage them to consider ways to avoidsuch pitfalls in the future and build on what they’ve learned. For example, the portfolioassignment asks students (as part of the assignment) to provide thoughtful responses to whateach of them has learned about their strengths and weaknesses as a writer (such as their use oflanguage, organizing their writing effectively, and developing clarity in their writing), and whatareas each of them will continue to work on as they move forward. We also ask them to considerthe value of the two peer reviews we have conducted during two writing labs, where studentsboth give and
Conference Session
Professional Issues and Opportunities for Engineering Librarians
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Debbie Morrow, Grand Valley State University
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Engineering Libraries
toward the institutional mean, others tendingnegatively away from it. We conclude that NSSE-IL in 2016 has in fact allowed us to observe ananomaly, that Seniors in one specific program do not share a perception of information literacyexperiences in common with their peers in other programs at the same institution; this, in spite ofwording in the survey instrument that includes built-in assumptions that, taken at face value,could have led to an inaccurate or misleading profile of GVSU Engineering graduates'experience.IntroductionHigher education in the twenty first century is increasingly driven to engage in continuousimprovement cycles toward goals of delivering an excellent educational experience, effectivelearning, and well-prepared graduates
Conference Session
Professional Issues and Opportunities for Engineering Librarians
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Libraries
of one being a peer reviewed publication. Citations are appropriately used and formatted.The above example is the only institution that didn’t use their capstone design to measure 3.g.Another institution used the VALUE rubric for Oral and Written Communication to assess 3.g),(Cooney [19] maps all of the VALUE rubrics to ETAC student outcomes) which contains anoutcome “Sources and Evidence” with a rubric description at the ‘proficient’ level of Demonstrates skillful use and citing of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. [20]This institution also indicated that they had an embedded information literacy outcome, The ability
Conference Session
Information Literacy in First-year Courses and Co-curricular Experiences
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brianna B. Buljung, Colorado School of Mines; Leslie Light, Colorado School of Mines
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Engineering Libraries
classroom [21]. At Canisus College in New York, Bordonaro andRichardson collaborated to embed a librarian in an undergraduate education course. They foundthat through the embedded information literacy assignments, several types of scaffoldingoccurred including: peer to peer, librarian and professor to student, library and professor to eachother and external education professionals to student [22]. As students worked through theassignments, they gained experience using information literacy skills in the discipline.MethodologyFollowing full implementation of the flipped information literacy lesson in fall 2017, theresearch team began to discuss methods to improve the quality of student bibliographies on thefinal report assignment. In the initial
Conference Session
Opening Up: Data, Open Access, and Open Educational Resources
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Leena N. Lalwani, University of Michigan; Paul F. Grochowski, University of Michigan; Jamie M. Niehof, University of Michigan; Craig E. Smith, University of Michigan
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Engineering Libraries
% of students said that they had decided against buying a textbookbecause it was too expensive,” [12], Boczar and Pascual write about an “E-books for theClassroom” program at the University of South Florida where the library “purchases the e-bookversion of a text that is needed for a course” [9].At the University of Minnesota, the Interlibrary Loan and Course Reserve departmentscollaborate on a service to fill student requests for required course materials [10]. The Universityof Buffalo Libraries began an e-Textbook Initiative in 2012, whose goals were to “…reducetextbook costs for students…and to explore equitable, sustainable business models for e-textbooks” [11].Rokusek and Cooke state, “Textbook affordability has been a critical issue in
Conference Session
Improving and Understanding Engineering Collections and Publication
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Paul McMonigle, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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Engineering Libraries
1833 Nuclear Engineering 26 275 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Number not Held Number @ LibraryFigure 2ResultsBefore the project began, it was determined that each subject should show a rate of at least 80%of citations belonging to materials held in the library’s collection. This high number was chosenbecause of the great emphasis placed on engineering in the University’s mission and visionstatements as well as the overall size and breadth of the library’s collections in general. It was(and still is) believed that in order to compete with peer
Conference Session
Information Literacy in First-year Courses and Co-curricular Experiences
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Evie Cordell, Northeastern University; Alissa P. Link Cilfone, Northeastern University; Susan F. Freeman, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Northeastern University; Brooke Davis Williams, Northeastern University
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Engineering Libraries
Paper ID #29200A First Year Engineering Information Literacy Workshop to IncreaseStudent Awareness of Research DatabasesMs. Evie Cordell MSLIS, Northeastern University Evie Cordell is the First Year Experience and Undergraduate Engagement Librarian at Northeastern Uni- versity. She is the liaison to the Writing Program, General Studies Program, Explore Program, ContiNUe Program, NUi.n. and several other First Year Programs at Northeastern University. She also serves on the First Pages (Northeastern University’s common reads program) committee and is a member of the FUNL (First Generation, Undocumented, Low-Income) Network
Conference Session
Improving and Understanding Engineering Collections and Publication
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Angela Henshilwood, University of Toronto; Cristina Sewerin, University of Toronto; Michelle Spence, University of Toronto; Mindy Thuna, University of Toronto; Tracy Zahradnik, University of Toronto
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Engineering Libraries
what they have learned sofar and what is left to cover [see Appendix]. The training is done in person, and it is not alwayspossible for all three of the newest selectors to be present at every training session, so this chartgives everyone a sense of their progress. At the time of this writing, the newest cohort ofengineering selectors are currently half-way through this more structured training. It is importantto note that due to the winter holidays, conferences, and the like, this in-depth training has beendelayed and sporadic. A downside to the enriched training is that it takes longer, increasing thelikelihood that life and other responsibilities will get in the way. It is a tradeoff - if you needsomeone to start selecting immediately