- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 1: The Practice of EMD
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Lawrence M. Strenger, CATME; Behzad Beigpourian, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Daniel M. Ferguson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Engineering Management
issues which are not related to a team’s task [4]. Relationship conflict isusually expressed through tension, animosity, and annoyance between group members [5]. It cancause team members to spend more time focusing on off-task issues and make team membersless cooperative and receptive to others’ ideas [4]. While there is conflicting research regardingthe impact of other conflict types on performance, there is a broad consensus that relationshipconflict has an adverse effect [6]–[8]. Relationship conflict is considered to negatively affectperformance regardless of when it occurs in a team’s lifecycle [9]. Task conflict is the result of differences in opinion regarding the content of a group’swork [4]. This type of conflict reflects
- Conference Session
- Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Bradley James Schmid, University of Saskatchewan
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Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
Canadian tax system but modifying this section to reflect the U.S. tax system (orany country’s system) should not be an onerous endeavor for a course instructor familiar withtheir local tax structure. Many of the examples used in the textbook relate to Canadian industriesand businesses. While there is nothing wrong with keeping these Canadian examples, it mayengage students more if the examples reflect the important industries or businesses of theirgeographic region.The authors of this current version of the open textbook would like to encourage others to adoptthe textbook and may provide some assistance with modifications to help suit the needs of otherinstructors.Future work also includes studies to determine the effectiveness of this open
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 4: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Yi-hsiang Isaac Chang, Illinois State University; Dave Yearwood, University of North Dakota
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Engineering Management
activities thatrealistically reflect practices in the field? Successful plans are easily differentiated from deficientplans when input from subject matter experts is considered. Therefore, determining the scope ofthe project, creating a work breakdown structure, and identifying the critical path particularlywith input from subject matter experts is crucial to facilitating learning-by-doing for real orpseudo projects in the planning stages. In this paper we present an innovative project-based learning approach for teachingproject management. By incorporating the design thinking strategy in the curriculum, studentteams identify and define problems (or needs) by empathizing with the users, proposing designalternatives, and creating quick-and
- Conference Session
- EMD 2: Issues in Engineering Management Education
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Elizabeth Hart, University of Dayton; Andrea Mott, University of Dayton; Sandra L. Furterer, University of Dayton
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Engineering Management
STEM faculty; and 4) professional advice and career paths. The initial mentoringprogram design was developed through two Lean Six Sigma projects, where they collected voiceof the customer (mentors and mentees) data, and designed the program. The program waspiloted in Fall 2019, spearheaded by the Women Engineering Program in the School ofEngineering, the director and a student graduate assistant. The success of the pilot program wasassessed in three ways: 1) number of mentor/mentee pairs starting the program, compared to theinitial number interested; 2) retention of women in engineering and science during the programperiods; and 3) through mentor and mentee reflections. In the initial voice of customer datacollection, we identified 14 possible
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 3: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Marnie V. Jamieson, University of Alberta; Lianne M. Lefsrud P.Eng., University of Alberta; Fereshteh Sattari; John Donald, University of Guelph
- Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
learning to design teaching and learning, program content and structure, student assessment, and continuous course improvement techniques. She managed and was a key contributor to a two-year pilot project to introduce blended learning into the chemical engineering capstone design courses, and is the author of a number of recent journal, book, and conference contribu- tions on engineering education. Her research focusses on how to teach innovation and sustainable design practices to engineers and develop a curriculum reflective of engineering practice requirements. Recently she has taught a short course on how to design and teach process engineering courses to professors in Peru and workshops on Metacognition and
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 4: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Jena Shafai Asgarpoor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
trips. As a consolation, the dairyfarm manager treated all visitors with ice cream! Responses to the first question about the dairyfarm indicated that the students learned from that trip at about the same level as the other trips.By the time students enrolled in Quality Management, four students had quit the program andgone back to China, so enrollment was at 102. Organizing and conducting the Labs was timeconsuming for faculty and an added responsibility since the labs took place outside of regularlyscheduled class meeting times. Hence, it was desirable to determine whether the Labs werejustified relative to perceived benefit they provided to students.During the last week of class, students had the opportunity to complete a survey to reflect
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 3: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Michael Sollitto, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi; Mehrube Mehrubeoglu, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
- Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
managing conflict.Taking Conflict Personally As an orientation, or trait, for perceiving conflict, Hample and Dallinger [21] describetaking conflict personally (TCP) as an individual’s tendency to experience negative emotionalreactions to conflict. Consisting of six dimensions, TCP reflects a feeling of punishment andpersecution resulting from conflict [22]. Direct personalization describes an individual’s hurtand negative feelings emanating from conflict. Persecution feelings describe a person’scombative view of conflict of others picking fights with him/her. Stress reaction describes anindividual’s feelings of discomfort and strain resulting from disputes. Collectively referred to asCONFLICT NEGOTIATION TRAININGcore TCP, direct
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 4: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Steven Hoak, United States Military Academy; John P. Richards, United States Military Academy
- Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
“significant” improvement.His research also found extensive and credible evidence that suggests that faculty consider anontraditional model for promoting academic achievement and positive student attitudes. [5]The core vehicle of teacher-centered learning is the traditional lecture where the student’s role isto listen and take notes. Student-centered learning is characterized by active learning techniquesthat push students to be responsible participants in their own education and providesopportunities for students to reflect, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and communicate on or aboutthe information presented. Machemer and Crawford summarized the advantages of activelearning as positive student attitudes towards the subject and learning, higher
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Division 4: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Sandra L. Furterer, University of Dayton
- Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
92% with a standard deviation of 5% (shown in Figure 4). Thestudents’ grades demonstrated that the students effectively applied the systems engineering toolsand methods to model the food justice system. An example of the instructor’s grading rubricsfor the first two phases are provided in tables 6 and 7. The instructor assessed how well that the students learned the material by grading thephase reports. The average grade across all teams and phases was 92% with an average standarddeviation of 5%, as shown in Figure 4. The instructor was pleased with the learning.Additionally the students completed a reflection on the food challenge experience