- Conference Session
- A Focus on Sustainability
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Azadeh Bolhari P.E., Angelo State University; Daniel Ivan Castaneda, James Madison University; Kenneth Stewart, Angelo State University
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Environmental Engineering
exit interviews(blue shaded cells). Table 2- Artifacts reflecting sustainability mindset categorized by present or future orientation. Location of Artifacts Artifacts Household Present Future Two Entry Household 2 1 0 4 Interviews Household 4 0 1 Four Interim 2 Household 2 0 2 Interviews or Focus Groups 10 Household 4 7 3 Household 2 0 0 Two Exit Interviews 5
- Conference Session
- Emphasizing Communication and the Humanities in Environmental Engineering
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Roman Taraban, Texas Tech University; David Robledo, Texas Tech University; Francesco V. Donato, Texas Tech University; Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University; Jeong-Hee Kim, Texas Tech University; Danny D. Reible, Texas Tech University; Chongzheng Na, Texas Tech University
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Environmental Engineering
aspiration is to find meaningful ways to give art students a better understanding of the current state of empirical aesthetics in the belief that such an appreciation would inform and influence their studio art practice.Dr. Ryan C. Campbell, Texas Tech University Having completed his Ph.D. through the University of Washington’s interdisciplinary Individual Ph.D. Program (see bit.ly/uwiphd), Ryan is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate and Instructor at Texas Tech University. He currently facilitates an interdisciplinary project entitled ”Developing Reflective Engineers through Artful Methods” and teaches courses in the colleges of engineering and education. His scholarly interests include both teaching and research in
- Conference Session
- A Focus on Sustainability
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Fethiye Ozis P.E., Northern Arizona University; Nihal Sarikaya, Northern Arizona University; Roy St. Laurent, Northern Arizona University; Daniel'le April DeVoss, Northern Arizona University
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- Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
issues, in somecases also promotes positive environmental attitudes, behaviors, and values among variousstudent groups, which range between middle school and college [6]-[13]. Muderrisoglu andAltanlar [14] stated that although environmental attitude and intention may improve, the changemay not be reflected in behavior to the same degree. Lack of participation in activism towardsenvironmental issues among college students was noted as quite concerning [14].Along the lines of activism, Yazdanpanah et al. [13] studied young adults' intentions to conservewater. "The students’ attitude (the extent to which he/she believes that supporting a conservationwater scheme will deliver positive outcomes) was the main determinant of his/her willingness
- Conference Session
- Innovative Development for Various Faculty Lines
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Shannon L. Isovitsch Parks P.E., University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
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Environmental Engineering, Faculty Development Division
55 70 57 45*Hours reflect time spent during the academic year. Much research is done over the summer withoutfunding or salary.Being a part of a large R1 university offers many resources such as additional training, software, andpotential grants, though most are housed at the main campus. Some training classes are brought to thebranch campus and even less are offered remotely (i.e. via conference call). Lab space and equipmentfor research is extremely limited, and any lab equipment is more for teaching purposes and notappropriate for research. Grants that are appropriate and practical for the teaching professor are verysmall and would not begin to cover a summer salary. While larger grants are possible through the
- Conference Session
- Innovative Approaches to Improving Student Learning
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Phil Dacunto, U.S. Military Academy; Andrew Joseph Ng, U.S. Military Academy
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Environmental Engineering
- Conference Session
- A Focus on Sustainability
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Inez Hua, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
- Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
(faculty, graduate relevant skills science teachers students, high school science Benefits of high from Indiana teachers undergraduate students) Scientific discoveries about school science and Alabama environmental impacts of electronics teacher Professional development activities development Engineering (weekly guided reflection, field Advancement of knowledge in graduate trips) various engineering disciplines High school students at preparation for Purdue and Technical presentations and
- Conference Session
- Best in 5 Minutes: Demonstrating Interactive Teaching Activities
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Daniel Hochstein, Manhattan College
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Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering
previously been exposed to (some of them in different courses). Thediscussions had during the lesson use active learning to motivate the students to thinkindependently and enhances student involvement.This lesson appeals to different types of learning styles. Sensory and visual learners can bestimulated by being able to see the reinforced concrete beam and to physically makemeasurements. This is in comparison to typical example problems in the course where twodimensional illustrations are used and all values are directly provided. Active learners also benefitfrom this lesson by being able to interact with their classmates during the activity. Additionally,students who fall into the intuitive, verbal, or reflective learning styles benefit from this
- Conference Session
- Innovative Development for Various Faculty Lines
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Jes Barron, U.S. Military Academy; Andrew Ross Pfluger, U.S. Military Academy; Kathryn K Pegues, United States Military Academy; Thomas Bazemore
- Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering, Faculty Development Division
during each semester. Survey responses from faculty inCME and GENE reflect these differences in approaches. In CME, 10 of 11 responding faculty(both junior and senior faculty) indicated they were observed by another faculty member at leastonce during the previous semester. Of responding faculty in GENE, however, only 5 of 11responding faculty stated they were observed at least one time. Interestingly, of the 5 positiveresponses in GENE, none were junior faculty members. This result suggests that CME’s morestructured classroom observation program increases opportunities for feedback and ensures eachjunior faculty member is observed. While the efficacy of each classroom observation programwas not examined, anecdotal feedback from CME faculty
- Conference Session
- Inventive Opportunities for Research and Exposure
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Pamela McLeod, ReNUWIt at Stanford University; Junko Munakata Marr, Colorado School of Mines; Richard G. Luthy, Stanford University
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- Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
. A few others plan to start graduate school in Fall 2020. Of the 48 who went on topursue graduate degrees in water science and engineering, 34 (71%) were female and 18 (38%)were URM. No statistical differences in the likelihood to attend graduate school were observedbased on gender or race/ethnicity. Our legacy assessment will further characterize the educationand career trajectories of our program alumni, as well as their retrospective reflections regardingthe impact participating in our program had on their education and career choices.Alumni tracking for the three comparison environmental engineering REU Programs found thatover 60% of participants of the Clarkson REU attended graduate or professional school [9],approximately 60% of the CU