implementingtheir designs, industrial engineering students learned from their mechatronics counterparts, thusengaging in PL. In addition, the student pairs that were able to finish the lab quickly were requiredto help the students that had problems implementing their designs thus engaging in PPPL. Allstudent pairs had to write lab reports providing the working designs, the problems theyencountered, and the solutions they devised. In addition, each student had to include two self-reflection paragraphs (part of closing the experiential learning feedback loop) about what theylearned and what they liked. A students’ questionnaire, test grades, lab reports, and lab designswere used as evaluation and assessment instruments. Student lab reports (qualitatively
study, and the best thirty from each category were retained foranalysis. Class descriptions were extracted from these documents, and these descriptions werecategorized into multiple categories reflecting the many types of laboratory experiences studentscan have: no laboratory component, traditional in-lab hardware experiences, software-basedlaboratories [4], take home lab kits [5], mixed studio-lecture courses [6], or other laboratoryexperiences.The hypothesis of this study was that both engineering discipline and school rank would drivesignificant differences in the number of laboratories a program offered because EE and ME havevery different capital requirements for laboratory classes, and resources are one explicit aspect ofschool
reflective exercise and public activities designing prototyping testing technical speaking writingFigure. 1 The alignment of the learning outcomes, direct assessment items, and instructional activitiesFinally, instructional activities including designing, prototyping, testing, written and oralcommunication, reflective exercise, as well as lectures. These activities are aligned with thenewly developed learning outcomes and direct assessment plan as shown in Fig. 1
rationale. This paper discusses the experience both the students and faculty had in the design, build,and test of the powertrain. The powertrain is an extensive system since it provides the power andtransmission to develop motion of the vehicle. The presentation covers the background of FSAEat UGA, the powertrain as part of the capstone experience, and the outcome. This paper views involvement in capstone activities thorough Kolb’s Experiential LearningTheory (ELT) [2], namely: concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualizationand active experimentation. Student class work learning is enhanced greatly by transfer ofabstract information to a concrete problem-solving activity.Background According the University of Georgia
college. There was no statistically significantdifference in the responses by groups of female (40/74), male (29/74) or transgender/non-identified (5/74) student groups. This paper describes the design elements of the course andmodules and a data set that illustrates the design supports students’ use of multiple learningresources.IntroductionA course on electronic circuits is common in engineering programs. It is often a challenging onefor novices because it relies on the abstract ideas of electron motion, charge build-up reflected involtage, and time-dependent responses. While sensing, instrumentation, and measurement arecommon activities in engineering, introductory circuits courses often focus on concepts andanalytical approaches to circuit
Cycle”wherein multiple stages of learning are introduced. These stages are Concrete Experience,Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization and Active Experimentation. According tothe theory, they create the “learning experience”. Armed with this information, the studyintroduces the concept of an E-Portfolio. This E-Portfolio provides users of remote labs with theability to record the work they performed and document their findings. The concept of thisportfolio does not stop at being a simple digital notebook, however. The study asserts that thisportfolio can be used by professors to check on students’ work or be opened to the public inorder to add a social dynamic. The study calls the social aspect a “community” and says that itcan
-indonesia-shares-experiences/article_a141ee08-66de-11e9-a6a0-5b654463377e.html[4] Thomas, D. Six Weeks in Kathmandu: Reflections of a Fulbright Specialist.[5] F. Ortega, A. Leyton, F. Casanova. Design And Evaluation Of A Rail Made Of Carbon FiberReinforced Material For An External Fixation System, Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas vol.79 no.174.Medellín July/Aug. 2012.[6] A. F. Carrera. Desarrollo de un dispositivo de fijación externa para transporte yalargamiento óseo. School of Mechanical Engineering - College of Engineering.Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia 2016.[7] J. F. García. Desarrollo de un sistema de fijación externa en materiales compuestospara transporte
) through activelearning than passive learning. Throughout our evolution, technology has been passed down bypupils imitating their mentors. This natural preference for learning is reflected in the genericlearning pyramid that was first proposed by National Teaching Laboratory Institute at theirBethel, Maine campus in the early 1960’s and the related work have been proposed by severalother researchers [31-34]. Though rightly criticized, the pyramid provides a measure of contentretention from lectures (5%), laboratory experiments (70%), and design projects (90%). Thisdisparity in content retention was recognized by the 5th century B.C Chinese proverb, “What Ihear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” ENDEAVOR harnesses
microprocessors. This experiment allows students to observe reverse breakdown inthe laboratory in a practical way using a Zener diode. They also see how it can be used in a circuitthrough simulation where the clamping behavior of the diode is observed. The curious studentwill ask where the additional voltage goes in the circuit. The increased current flow through thediode when the input voltage is increased can be observed in simulation to answer thisquestion.Assessment and ResultsThe laboratory assessment survey conducted at the end of the semester asked students to considerseveral reflective questions. The complete survey presented to students is show in Appendix A.The questions posed were pedagogical in nature and sought student impressions of
solution. Having determinedthe calibration and spatial resolution, Jaun and her partner went ahead and imaged a Bell Lab computer chip … with the settings of an x and y range of 300 µm and 200 x and y pointsJaun did not comment on the success or failure of imaging the computer chip, but did include afigure picturing that computer chip. Additionally, they chode a goldfish scale and while the details of the scale are most likely too small to capture with this microscope … there is a very clearly reflective region of the scale and some interesting contour linesStage 4Jaun ends her entry with stage 4, the “Conclusion.” the … lab resulted in imaging samples and determining the calibration factor for the microscope