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Displaying results 841 - 870 of 1525 in total
Conference Session
Capstone/ET Projects I: Electrical and Computer Focus
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Xiaoxia Li, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Farzin Heidari, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, 2016.[5] E. H. Au and J. J. Lee, “Virtual reality in education: a tool for learning in the experience age,”International Journal of Innovation in Education, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 215, 2017.[6] B. Schmidt and S. Stewart, “Implementing the Virtual Reality Learning Environment,” NurseEducator, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 152–155, 2009.[7] E.C. Iduh, “Effects of alcohol impaired driving: a virtual simulation educational tool for drivingunder influence”, M.Sc. thesis, Dept. of Industrial Management and Technology, Texas A&MUniversity at Kingsville, Kingsville, TX, 2019.[8] S. Weech, S. Kenny, and M. Barnett-Cowan, “Presence and Cyber sickness in Virtual RealityAre Negatively Related: A Review,” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, Apr. 2019.
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 14
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
René F. Reitsma, Oregon State University; Brian Gordon Hoglund, Oregon State University; Dua Chaker, University of Colorado, Boulder; Andrea Marks, Oregon State University; Michael Soltys, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
. Ertl, and G.M. Nielson (eds.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 305-327.[7] AAAS, and NSTA, AAAS Atlas of Science Literacy: Project 2061, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC, 2001.[8] T. Sumner, A. Faisal, Q. Gu, F. Molina, S. Willard, M.J. Wright, L. Davis, S. Bhushan, and G. Janée, (2004) “A Web Service Interface for Creating Concept Browsing Interfaces,” D-Lib Magazine, vol. 10, 2004, [Online] Available:, [accessed Nov. 13, 2019].[9] R. Reitsma, and A.R. Diekema, “Comparison of Human and Machine-based Educational Standard Assignment Networks,” International Journal on Digital
Conference Session
Approaches to Assessment and Student Reflection
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sabrine Griffith, Harvey Mudd College; Spencer Rosen, Harvey Mudd College; Eleanor Byrnes, Harvey Mudd College; Laura Palucki Blake, Harvey Mudd College; Matthew Spencer, Harvey Mudd College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Educ.,​ vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 283–294, Jul. 2009, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2009.tb01025.x.[3] S. Rosen ​et al.​, “Relating Level of Inquiry in Laboratory Instructions to Student Learning Outcomes,” p. 15.[4] S. Nikolic, “Training laboratory: Using online resources to enhance the laboratory learning experience,” in ​2014 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE)​, 2014, pp. 51–54, doi: 10.1109/TALE.2014.7062584.[5] L. D. Feisel and A. J. Rosa, “The Role of the Laboratory in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” ​J. Eng. Educ.,​ vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 121–130, Jan. 2005, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2005.tb00833.x.[6] S. Nikolic, C. Ritz, P. J. Vial, M. Ros, and D. Stirling, “Decoding
Conference Session
K-12 and Bridge Experiences in Engineering Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Timothy Ryan Duckett, University of Toledo; Gale A. Mentzer, Acumen Research and Evaluation, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
use of the instrument to track growth over time.Revisions to the PCTA are being incorporated to improve its reliability and the scoring rubric for the open-ended items is being reviewed in light of student responses so that it provides a closer match to the types ofresponses expected. Differential item function analyses will explore any potential biases in the instrumentaccording to age, gender, race, and education level. Eventually the results will be compared betweentreatment and control groups to provide evidence toward the efficacy of programs that focus on developingteachers’ CT instructional competencies.References[1] S. Papert, & I. Harel (1991). “Situating constructionism,” Constructionism, 36(2), 1-11.[2] S. Cansu, F Cansu (2019
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technical Session: The Remote World
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kevin Skenes, The Citadel; Jason Howison, The Citadel; Emily Kate Bierman, The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
I Homework. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics, Vol. 1, 2015.8. Galyon, C. E., Voils, K. L., Blondin, C. A., Williams, R. L., The Effect of Randomized Homework Contingencies on College Students' Daily Homework and Unit Exam Performance. Innovative Higher Education, Vol. 40, 2015.9. Book, E. K., Wood, T. A., Plumblee, J. M., Student and Faculty Perspective and Survey Results on an Innovative Homework Process. 126th Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference and Exposition, 2019.10. Trautwein, U., The homework-achievement relation reconsidered: Differentiating homework time, homework frequency, and homework effort. Learning and Instruction, Vol. 17, 2007.11. Dettmers, S
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Julee Farley, Montgomery County Public Schools and Virginia Tech; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
majority of boundary-spanning liaison positions between schools and universitiesare short-term or project-based (e.g., Castelli, Centeio, Boehrnsen, Barclay, & Bundy, 2012;Hoppey, 2016). In contrast, the role we discuss is a long-term position that spans multipleprojects and was constructed explicitly for boundary spanning between the organizations.MethodsTo determine whether the educational liaisons who facilitate partnerships between a researchuniversity and formal education sites fit the criteria of a boundary spanner, we designed aqualitative study in which we analyzed documents such as activity reports using ​a priori c​ odesadapted from Jesiek, et al.’s synthesized model. The data originates from our own reflectivepractice, so we
Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lulu Sun, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
] S. Mintz, “Are Colleges Ready for Generation Z? | Inside Higher Ed,” insidehighered, 2019. (accessed Feb. 01, 2020).[3] K. Moore, C. Jones, and R. S. Frazier, “Engineering Education For Generation Z,” Am. J. Eng. Educ. AJEE, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 111, Dec. 2017, doi: 10.19030/ajee.v8i2.10067.[4] D. Rothman, “A Tsunami of Learners Called Generation Z.,” 2016. ph-d.html.[5] D. H. Bassiouni and C. Hackley, “‘Generation Z’ children’s adaptation to digital consumer culture: A critical literature review,” J. Cust. Behav., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 113–133, Aug. 2014
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas Eric Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Gloria Guohua Ma, Wentworth Institute of Technology; James R McCusker PhD, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
who enroll in STEM fields for college after they finish Girl Scouts STEM activities.References:[1] Sahin, A., Ayar, M. C., and Adiguzel, T., "STEM Related After-School Program Activities and AssociatedOutcomes on Student Learning", Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(1), 309-322, 2014.[2] Ma, G., and Ma, L., "Retaining Female Students in a Robotics Program", Proceedings of the 2017 AmericanSociety for Engineering Education conference and exposition , 2017.[3] Crowe, S., "Robotics playing a bigger role in STEM education”, Robotics Business Review, May 27, 2005. URL: , accessed March 13,2018.[4] Zywno, M. S., Gilbride, K. A., and Gudz, N
Conference Session
Introduction to the Field of Biomedical Engineering - June 25th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rachel C. Childers, University of Oklahoma; Handan Acar, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
BME departments and identify best practices and practicalsolutions is necessary to help retain women and URM in BME.References:[1] Joseph Roy, “Engineering by the Numbers,” 2019.[2] E. Seymour and N. M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997.[3] T. J. Weston, E. Seymour, A. K. Koch, and B. M. Drake, “Weed-Out Classes and Their Consequences,” in Talking about Leaving Revisited, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 197–243.[4] L. A. Hechtman et al., “NIH funding longevity by gender.,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 115, no. 31, pp. 7943–7948, Jul. 2018.[5] D. K. Ginther et al., “Race, ethnicity, and NIH research awards.,” Science
Conference Session
Course Design, Course Projects, and Student Perceptions in Chemical Engineering
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Margot A Vigeant, Bucknell University; Amy F. Golightly, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
students having a broader technical base onwhich to draw for problem solving. Some students’ reported that they engaged with studentsfrom a major other than their own in classes where the faculty member said all class enrollmentwas from a single major. We believe students’ broader interpretation of Table 1’s“interdisciplinarity” comes from their actions outside of class - for example, consulting withfriends in other majors about the project, or being assigned to “talk to X potential customers”.Faculty may therefore realize some of the benefits of an interdisciplinary course even when theircourse is restricted to a single major by encouraging or assigning students to interact morebroadly on an assignment.Class atmosphere and student learning both
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Technical Session 9: Pedagogical Tools
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Thiago Fernandes Leao, Purdue University Northwest; Jiliang Li P.E., Purdue University Northwest; Jinyuan Zhai, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
, 2004.5. S. R. Davies, “Spreadsheets in structural design”, Longman Publishing Group, 1996.6. E. Zaneldin and S. Ashur, “Using spreadsheets as a tool in teaching construction management concepts and applications”, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, pp. 22-25, 2008.7. E. Zaneldin and B. El-Ariss, “Using spreadsheets and vba for teaching civil engineering concepts," J. Education, Informatics and Cybernetics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 28-36, 2011.8. K. W. Wong and J. P. Barford, “Teaching excel vba as a problem-solving tool for chemical engineering core courses", Education for Chemical Engineers, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. e72-e77, 2010.9. T. L. Chambers, “Teaching engineering analysis using vba for excel", in
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Faye R. Jones, Florida State University; Marcia A. Mardis, Florida A&M University - Florida State University
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
, "Engineering in K-12 education: Understanding the status and improving the prospects," ed: National Academies Press, 2009.[2] The Manufacturing Institute, "Roadmap for manufacturing education," ed, 2012.[3] Deloitte, "2018 Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute skills gap and future of work study," pp. 1-20[4] T. Bolli, K. M. Caves, U. Renold, and J. Buergi, "Beyond employer engagement: measuring education-employment linkage in vocational education and training programmes," Journal of Vocational Education & Training, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 524-563, 2018.[5] S. A. Low, "Rural manufacturing at a glance, 2017 edition," vol. Bulletin 177, Economic Research Service, Ed., ed: United States Department of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Entrepreneurship
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Crystal Bailey, American Physical Society
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
,” NationalCenter for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education,Washington, DC, NCES 2014-001, 2013.[4] R. Hilborn, R. Howes, and K. Drane, “Strategic Programs for Innovations in UndergraduatePhysics: Project Report,” The American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, MD,January 2003.[5] L. Merner, “African American Participation among Bachelors in the Physical Sciences andEngineering.” Focus On Report, American Institute of Physics Statistical Research Center,November 2015.[6] Fraction of Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by Women, by Major. College Park, MD: AmericanPhysical Society, 2015. Retrieved from[7] S. J. Basu, “How Students Design and
Conference Session
Capstone Design Practices
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Zhinan Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Houzhi Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Lu Chen, Shanghai JiaoTong University; Yaxin Huang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
-operate framework in a mechanical engineering capstone project.” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 32-54, 2020.[7] M. Beshoy, J. Shraddha, J. D. Summers, “Investigating the impact of requirements 11 elicitation and evolution on course performance in a pre-capstone design course,” J. Eng. Design, vol. ED-30, pp. 155-179, Apr. 2019.[8] E. B. Walker , D. M. Boyer, “Using Studio Culture to Foster Epistemic Change in an Engineering Senior Design Course,” IEEE Trans.Educ, vol. ED-62, pp. 209-215, Aug. 2019.[9] S. Howe, L. Rosenbauer, S. Poulos, The 2015 Capstone Design Survey Results: Current Practices and Changes over Time. Northampton, MA
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alireza Kavianpour, DeVry University, Pomona
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
data for the REETsenior project was analyzed. Several recommendations for improving student’s outcomes aresuggested.References1. Alternative Energy Systems and Applications, by B. K. Hodge, 2010, John Wily & Sons, Inc.2. Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 5th, S. Chapman, 2011 McGraw-Hill3. Power Electronics: Principles & Applications, Jacob, J. Michael, 20024. Renewable Energy - Sustainable Energy Concepts for the Future, engenmayr, Roland andBührke, Thomas, Eds., 2008.0 Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA., Weinheim, Germany5. Alternative Energy Systems in Building Design Gevorkian, P. (2010), New York: McGraw-Hill.6. Techniques for a Wind Energy System Integration with an Islanded Microgrid Goyal, M., Fan,Y., Ghosh, A., & Shahnia, F. (2016
Conference Session
Architectural Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Adriana Rios Santiago, Texas Southmost College; Anabel Pineda-Briseño, Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnologico de Matamoros; Jesus A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Uriel Saul Huerta P.E., Tecnologico de Leon
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering, Construction Engineering
, 2, 34-42.[6] Pinter-Wollman, N., Penn, A., Theraulaz, G., & Fiore, S. M. (2018). Interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective behaviour. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B37320170232[7] Self, J. A., & Baek, J. S. (2017). Interdisciplinarity in design education: Understanding the undergraduate student experience. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 27(3), 459-480.[8] Yocom, K., Proksch, G., Born, B., & Tyman, S. K. (2012). The built environments laboratory: An interdisciplinary framework for studio education in the planning and design disciplines. Journal for Education in the Built Environment, 7(2), 8-25.
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeyoung Woo P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Hyun Woo Kim, Incheon National University; Elaine Rawley Goetz, Ohio University Office of Sustainability
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
completing the semester(s), an instructor should document and communicate with the GBCI to finalize certification. To efficiently and effectively work with the USGBC and GBCI, an instructor is highly recommended to hire a student assistant who is familiar with the entire process of the course and can assist, with supervision, in submitting final project documentation. Having this assistance will ensure the successful completion of the LEED Lab project.Based on the lessons learned from this Sustainable Construction course, other institutions mayconsider adding an adaptation of the LEED Lab module to their sustainability-related or projectmanagement courses and may create a concrete plan to achieve their course objectives
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Technical Session: Potpourri
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Heather E. Dillon, University of Portland; Jeffrey Matthew Welch, University of Portland; Nicole Ralston, University of Portland; Rebecca D. Levison, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
. Fore, “A Systematic Literature Review of US Engineering Ethics Interventions,” Sci. Eng. Ethics, pp. 1–33, Apr. 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11948-017-9910-6.[2] M. C. Gentile, Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What?s Right. Yale University Press, 2010.[3] ABET, “ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs,” 2018.[4] KEEN, “KEEN - The Framework.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Jan- 2020].[5] K. D. Stephan, “A Survey of Ethics-Related Instruction in U.S. Engineering Programs,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 459–464, Oct. 1999, doi: 10.1002/j.2168- 9830.1999.tb00474.x.[6] D. R. Haws, “Ethics
Conference Session
Curricular Advancements in ECE
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brandi Geisinger, Iowa State University; Arlene de la Mora, Iowa State University; Cori J. Hyde; Diane T. Rover, Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
interactiveevaluation approaches will be discussed.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under award EEC-1623125. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.IntroductionResearchers and faculty have long acknowledged the challenges with undergraduate STEMteaching. As such, many engineering departments are striving to shed antiquated policies andrevolutionize department structures to enhance departmental climates, improve undergraduateeducation, heighten student retention, and increase student recruitment (particularly forunderrepresented students). However, attempts to improve curricula are often
Conference Session
Capstone/ET Projects I: Electrical and Computer Focus
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Wei Zhan, Texas A&M University; Byul Hur, Texas A&M University; Boong Yeol Ryoo, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii. Li, P., & Waletzko, D., & Durfee, W. (2005, June), At-Home System and Controls Laboratories Paper presented at 2005 Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. Schmidt, D., & Plett, G. (2002, June), Multidisciplinary Digital Control Systems Laboratory Paper presented at 2002 Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. Jariwala, A. S., & Zhou, F., & Zeng, W., & Li, S., & Drexler, C., & Wang, C., & Zhang, H., & Jiao, R. J. (2014, June), Case Study of a Multidisciplinary Engineering Capstone Design Project: Electric Drive Control System Paper presented at
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Technical Session 8: Modulus Topics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Safia Malallah, Kansas State University; Joshua Levi Weese, Kansas State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
curriculum.IntroductionSince 2006 the popularity of computational thinking (CT) - skills for solving problems byadopting the theoretical concepts of computer science - has been increasing substantially,leading to an increase in the amount of research and experiments on the CT method. Yet,there are limited numbers of inquiry investigate approaches to incorporated CT into acurriculum. Betül Czerkawski researched ways to integrate CT across all curriculum, throughsurveying instructional CT designers. She constructed the survey using the ADDIEinstructional design model. One of her findings showed that the Mind Map(s) (MM) strategycan establish a better connection between CT and instructional design [1]; however, verylittle research existed to investigate the correlation
Conference Session
Programmatic Integration of Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jenn Stroud Rossmann, Lafayette College; Kristen L. Sanford P.E., Lafayette College; Julia Nicodemus, Lafayette College; Benjamin Cohen, Lafayette College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
techniques to diverse audiences.In short, after completing the course, students should be able to understand the economicimplications of various courses of action.The course has been taught as a fairly traditional course on engineering economics, using astandard textbook. The learning activities and format for the course have varied depending on theinstructor. The instructor who taught the course in Spring 2019 used a traditionallecture/homework format. In other recent semesters, the instructor has designed a partially“flipped” format. In this format, to prepare for class meetings students are asked to read one ormore sections of the textbook, watch one or more short video clips, and attempt 1-3 problemsbased on the concepts in the reading(s
Conference Session
Cultural Issues in Engineering: International Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Miguel Andres Guerra, Universidad San Francisco de Quito; Homero Murzi, Virginia Tech; Johnny C. Woods, Jr., Virginia Tech; Abram Diaz-Strandberg, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
]. Students scored similarly to their country rankings in other cultural traits regardlessof the students’ areas of study. For example, students from the five engineering majors scoredsimilarly to Ecuador´s country ranking for the Uncertainty Avoidance dimension.One of the dimensions that posed more significant differences between the majors was uncertaintyavoidance. We found consider this is for several reasons. First, there are different disciplinaryperceptions and motivations regarding accepting risks. For example, disciplines like industrial andsystems engineering have relatively low uncertainty avoidance [39] because of the many differentcareer paths students can take and how flexible is the discipline in terms of the type of problemsthey solve
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Abul K. M. Azad, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
.[3] A. Miguel, J. F. PradaJuan, A. Serafín, G. Sergio and Manuel, D. “Challenges and solutions in remote laboratories. Application to a remote laboratory of an electro- pneumatic classification cell,” Computers & Education, vol. 85, pp. 180-190, July 2015.[4] D. Lowe, P. Newcombe and B. Stumpers, B. “Evaluation of the Use of Remote Laboratories for Secondary School Science Education,” Research in Science Education, vol. 43, pp. 1197-1219, 2013.[5] E. Mitsea and A. Drigas, “A Journey into the Metacognitive Learning Strategies,” International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 14, no. 14, pp. 4- 20, 2019.[6] S. Appanna, “A Review of Benefits and Limitations of Online
Conference Session
Approaches to Curriculum and Policy
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Afroditi Vennie Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University; Rebecca Segal, Virginia Commonwealth University ; Alen Docef, Virginia Commonwealth University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Paper ID #30511Sustainable Collaboration Paradigms Between Math and EngineeringDr. Afroditi Vennie Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Filippas received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece. After earning her M. S. and Ph. D. from the University of Texas at Austin, she completed post-doctoral research with the Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications in Athens, Greece. Post-academically, she worked for Ansoft Corporation as a research scientist spearheading the development of the next generation code for Ansoft DesignerTM. Dr. Filippas joined Virginia Commonwealth
Conference Session
Maker Spaces in Design Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carolyn Keller, University of Wisconsin, Platteville ; Jodi F. Prosise, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Philip J. Parker P.E., University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
at University of Minnesota and her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Iowa State University. She teaches courses in both Industrial and Mechanical Engineering at SAU, focusing in Engineering Graphics, Manufacturing, the Engineering Sciences, and Design. She was recently the PI of an NSF S-STEM grant to recruit rural stu- dents from Iowa and Illinois into STEM. Dr. Prosise mentors the collegiate chapter of SWE and organizes many outreach events encourage girls to go into STEM. She leads a study-abroad trip for engineering students to Brazil every-other-year, where students design, build, and implement assistive technologies for people with disabilities. Her research focus is to develop
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division 4: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jena Shafai Asgarpoor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
that were asked onthe trip. The expectation was for them to relate their answers to concepts learned in class whichwere reinforced on the trip. The instructor(s) teaching the course with the subject most alignedwith the trip had the responsibility of grading that assignment. To make this a manageableresponsibility for the instructor, a rubric was used in grading the field-trip reports (Appendix 1).Six Sigma DMAIC LabsThe curriculum included a course in Quality Management, which covered Six Sigmamethodology and tools, lean thinking practices and tools, process mapping, and applications forbusiness process improvement. Six Sigma is a method to reduce variation in business processes.DMAIC is a problem-solving technique integral to lean Six Sigma
Conference Session
Approaches to Encouraging Student Engagement
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brantly Edward McCord, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Ronald Erdei, University of South Carolina; David M. Whittinghill, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Marisa Exter, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
2019’s sixteen-week CGT Game Dev I course. All Fall 2019 CGT Game Dev I students retained in the course,who were sophomores or beyond, were considered participants, though due to unforeseentechnical difficulties in survey distribution and some student non-responsiveness, not everyretained student’s results were analyzed (n=56); all students belonged in the same group, withouta control comparison due to existing limitations of sample size and length of study.Figure 1. Gantt chart depicting the modes of work throughout the semester and when relevant data was collected.On the first day of lab, students were told the attendance policy: every student was allotted onefree unexcused absence without question, and any additional unexcused absences
Conference Session
Design Teams 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ardeshir Raihanian Mashhadi, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.EEC 1751369. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Papert and I. Harel, "Situating constructionism," in ConstructionismNew York, NY: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1991, pp. 1-11.[2] C. Williams, J. Gero, Y. Lee, and M. Paretti, "Exploring the Effect of Design Education on the Design Cognition of Sophomore Engineering Students," in Proceedings of ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference Session
Design Across the Curriculum 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michelle Maher, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Kathleen O'Shea, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Jacob M. Marszalek, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Darran Cairns, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
engineering education?” European Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 36:3, pp. 301-312, 2011.[3] K. Bain, What the best college teachers do. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004.[4] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M. P. Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol.111:23, pp. 8410– 8415, 2014.[5] J.S. Bruner, “The act of discovery,” Harvard Educational Review, vol. 31, pp. 21-32, 1961.[6] J.S. Bruner, The Process of Education, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1977.[7] S. Gómez Puente, M. Eijck, and W. Jochems, “A sampled literature review of