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2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Debjani Sarkar, College of Engineering, Michigan State University
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different opportunities, connect with resources, and bond,socialize, and network with their peers and the greater engineering community.A variety of novel techniques can be implemented to teach and assess communication skillsthrough the delivery of elevator pitches. Students can pitch with dorm mates, peers, and outsidersin their dorms, cafeterias, on elevators, and corridors, and be assessed by peers who can beprovided with a rubric of presentation expectations. Peer review can be in the form of a report oran executive summary, which is another innovative method of enhancing writing skills. They canface mock interviews in an active learning environment in class, with peers enacting as hiringmanagers, company executives, supervisors, and
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Leslie Bartsch Massey, University of Arkansas; Aysa Galbraith, University of Arkansas; Heath Aren Schluterman, University of Arkansas; Brandon Crisel; Candace Auburn Rainwater, University of Arkansas
college algebra.The Fundamentals of Success in Engineering (SES) Course DescriptionThe primary goal of SES is to help students with lower placement develop study skills beforethey are pushed into mathematically rigorous courses. The course was initially developed aroundthe Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career (Landis, 2013). Using the text asa guide, students explored lessons that challenged them to think more about why they wanted tobecome an engineer, what would be required to become an engineer, and what professional skillsthey needed to be successful. The course culminated with the writing project “Design YourProcess for Becoming a World-Class Engineering Student” in which students appliedengineering design concepts to
2020 First-Year Engineering Experience
Samuel John, Wayne State University; Cameron Hanson, Wayne State University; James Lenn, Wayne State University; Marcis Jansons P.E., Wayne State University; Jeffrey Potoff, Wayne State University
.). Jansons has authored over forty peer-reviewed, engine-related publications, and is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and on the Board of Associates of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Internal Combustion Engine Division (ICED). He is a 2012 recipient of SAE’s Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, conferred in recognition of significant contributions to teaching, research and student development and a 2015-16 Fulbright Scholar. Jansons has twenty years’ experience working with optical engines, and leads a research group of qualified and expe- rienced graduate students. Jansons serves as the Director of Early Engineering Programs, administering the core group of STEM courses common to