AC 2010-331: SCHOLARSHIP OF ENGAGEMENT AND PROJECT BASEDLEARNING: EXPERIENTIAL BASED LEARNING PROJECT FORCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT STUDENTS AT WESTERN CAROLINAUNIVERSITYRonald Miers, Western Carolina UniveristyGeorge Ford, Western Carolina University Page 15.1053.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Scholarship of Engagement and Project Based Learning: Experiential based learning project for construction management students at Western Carolina UniversityAbstract The Peggy Crosby Center located in Highlands, North Carolina is a multi-use complex that wasbuilt in the late 1800’s. Originally built as a private dwelling and after many
lateral bracing (bridging) design to insure students understand more specifics related to structural designReferences[1] Satareh, M., Bacim, F., Jones, B., Polys, N., Geng, T., Orsa, B. (2012). Integrating Web-based Visualization withStructural System Understanding to Improve the Technical Education of Architects. Journal of Online-EngineeringEducation, Vol. 3, No. 2, Article 2[2] Merritt, F., and Ambrose, J. (1990) Building Engineering and Systems Design. Springer US p. 16[3] Arciszewski, T., and Lakmazaheri, S. (2001) Structural Design Education for the 21st Century.International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 17, Nos. 4 and 5, pp. 446-454, 2001[4] Raja, V, and Fernandes, K. Ed. Reverse Engineering: An Industrial Perspective (2008
might learn to move up and down the taxonomy fromtheir Architectural peers. Page 14.1126.2Bloom’s TaxonomyBloom’s Taxonomy is the seminal work of the 1950’s educational committee chaired byBenjamin Bloom. The committee established a set of taxonomies in three domains of learning:cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The cognitive domain taxonomy is widely accepted inmany fields and has been identified as, “arguably one of the most influential educationmonographs of the past half century 1.” The taxonomies are a language that is proposed todescribe the progressive development of an individual in each domain and are defined asfollows2
strengthen project- based instruction, optimize student learning experiences while fully engaging the intellectual resources available on university campuses. 4. A course on deployable structures would be best realized when taught as a design studio or as a complementary course parallel to a studio. The possibilities of creating new and efficient deployable systems are endless when taught in the context of disciplinary diversity. AcknowledgmentsThe author would like to acknowledge graduate students Chengcheng Peng and Yaxin Li whoprepared the models in Figs. 3 and 5, respectively.References[1] Bar-Cohen Y. (2012), Biomimetics: Nature-based Innovation, CRC Press.[2] Calatrava, S., Tzonis, A., & Lefaivre, L. (2001). Santiago Calatrava's
Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCEI’2006), 2006.9. Edward J. Coyle, Leah H. Jamieson and William C. Oakes, “Integrating Engineering Education and Community Service: Themes for the Future of Engineering Education”, Journal of Engineering Education, January 2006, pp. 7-11.10. Bernard Amadei, “Engineering for the developing World”, Russel C. Jones and Bethany S. Oberst, “Capacity Building – Engineers For Developing Countries”, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 200312. Smith, Anna Gabriela Richardson, “Building Blocks for Life: Improving the Quality of Concrete Masonry Units in
building, renewable energy, and sustainability initiatives in architectural education and the built environment over the past 20 years during her tenure as an architecture department faculty member at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. In the mid-1990’s, she was part of a design-engineering team that produced a feasibility study for a campus biological solid waste and wastewater treatment facility at Cal Poly, and worked as a consultant with Sasaki and Associates on a Sustainability Master Plan for California State University, Monterey Bay. She participated in the Vital Signs Building Case Study Project throughout its 10-year lifespan. This NSF and Energy Foundation funded curriculum project set standards and provided
addition to their social status, their training and experience allows themto implicitly know where the boundaries are and what is appropriate in a complexmultidimensional and multivariable problem solving. Architectural historians and the generalpublic, on the other hand, are considered better long term arbiters. Many of the buildings thatreceive architectural awards and recognition by professional peers sometimes fade, or in extremecases are considered failures, by architectural historians and the general public. The Pruitt-IgoeHousing Project in St. Louis, designed in the early 1950’s, which won many architectural awardsbut was ultimately demolished less than twenty years later was considered a failure by thegeneral public and architectural
, M. G. (2006). Building School-Community Partnerships: Collaboration for Student Success. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.[8] Schuman, A. W. (2006). Introduction: The Pedagogy of Engagement. In Hardin, M.C, Eribes, C., Poster, C. (Volume Eds.), Zeisel, W.(Series Ed.). From the Studio to the Streets: Service-Learning in Planning and Archtiecture. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.[9] Rios, M. (2006). Where Do We Go from Here? An Evaluative Framework for Community-Based Design. In Hardin, M.C, Eribes, C., Poster, C. (Volume Eds.), Zeisel, W.(Series Ed.). From the Studio to the Streets: Service-Learning in Planning and Archtiecture. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.[10] Gaber, S., Bennett, D. (2006). Institutional
and best use” (p 6)8.Container Architecture7 by Jure Kotnik is one of the frequently cited sources of information inthis field. Originating from the 1950’s, today’s shipping container began its adventure intoarchitecture through exploratory makeshift sheds or shops while others were created as moresculptural, statement pieces. The surplus of these containers pushed its design and repurposingevolution to move quickly. Sending an empty container back to be reused costs $900 (p 16)7,therefore it is often more economical for companies to purchase a new one. The growingknowledge of this abundance problem has helped shape the re-use of these structures intobuildings. By 1990, for example, James Palibroda submitted a patent application with the
there and our job is to identify the problem (s) and come up with theappropriate solution (s). To do so, we need to use tools and equipment to measure and identifythe parameters that help us to identify the problem (s). This kind of work needs expertise andunderstanding of how to measure and identify the fundamental parameters, such as temperature,pressure, concentration, illuminance, and airflow.Design and troubleshooting are considered as two subcategories of problem solving (McCade).Problem solving has been defined in many ways. Ritz describes a problem as a need which mustbe met (Ritz, et al. 1986a). The main difference between the two subcategories is the fact that thedesign is a “proactive” problem solving (Baker & Dugger, 1986) and
: The most common system used in the late 1800s and early 1900s consisted of a roof tank(s) combined with constant-speed pumps that operated by a level switch in the tank. When the level in the tank would approach a pre-determined height, the pumps would either turn on to fill the tank(s) or turn off when the tank is full (Larson, 2007). Water storage was also required for fire protection, and tanks provided for both needs. The water is distributed using gravity downfeed arrangement. b. Multiple zones: High zone tank and low zone tank: If multiple zones were required, multiple tanks were used. An air gap creates a pressure break between the upper and lower zones. The tanks must be
. William Braham5 places the establishment of discrete courses in structures forarchitecture students separate from studio as taking place in the 1940’s and 50’s. This impliesthat educators today were educated themselves in a curriculum that sequestered structures awayfrom the design studio.In the defense of the shift in design thinking, it is true that with an understanding of structuralconcepts, an architect may design a space without ever calculating a size. But, in reality, a spacedesigned without the ability to at least estimate component size will, in all likelihood, become avery different space once an engineer has finished the working drawings. Control of design isessential to the architect as is the ability to communicate with engineers
). Cost analysis of inadequate interoperability in the US capital facilities industry. Johnson, S. (1998). What’s in a representation, why do we care, and what does it mean? Examining the Evidence from Psychology. In Automation in Construction. 8 (1): 15-24.7 Birx, G. BIM Evokes Revolutionary Changes to Architecture Practice at Ayers/Saint/Gross. In AIA Architect. (2005). Khamlani, L. (2004). The IFC Building Model: A Look Under the Hood. AECbytes Feature (March 30, 2004). Hagan, S, Graves, T, Matta, C., and Kam, C. (2005). Building
large flip chart paperand hung in a place where faculty could see them on a daily basis for about a month. The listwas discussed informally but thoroughly by the faculty. Caution: Do not rush this step. It willtake time and patience..Examples of the Faculty’s Operating Principles: • Publically defend, privately discuss • Use collaborative decision making • Support new programs and initiatives • Trust each other’s expertise • Support and listen to one another in times of crisis and triumph • Think of the department as a living Organism that is evolving • Consider needs and desires of other programs and departmentsStep 2. Agree on area(s) of distinction and create your shared vision.Create a shared vision for the
students’ emotional andpsychological pattern in service learning. In order to increase effectiveness of service learningoutcomes, faculty members must understand specific cognitive process. Contributing designsolutions of the built environment is a valuable goal for both students and the community.Bibliography1. Ash, S., Clayton, P. and Atkinson, M. (Spring, 2005). Integrating Reflection and Assessment to Capture and Page 13.299.11Improve Student Learning . Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Volume 11. No.2. 102
hundred years after the signing of the Declaration ofIndependence. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was founded with the expresspurpose of protecting human health and to safeguard the natural environment8. However, as theEPA was soon to realize, the environmental damage of nearly two centuries would be hard tomanage.The American environmentalism movement has been plagued by ebbs and flows, withmomentum for change predominately in the 60-70’s and 90-00’s9,10. Like all social reform, theseefforts have been subject to popular support and political action. Modern environmentalism hasbegun to embrace the concepts of green and sustainable development. However, in order to besuccessful engineers, architects, and building contractors must modify
Design Phase under Scrutiny.2008 Interior Design Educators Council International Conference Proceedings, p. 66-76[2] Astin, A. (1993). What matters in college: Four critical years revised. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Basss.[3] Clemons, S. (2002). Collaborative links with K-12: A proposed model integrating interior design with theNational Education Standards. Journal of Interior Design, 28 (1) p. 40-48[4] Cooper, L. Robinson, P. & McKinney, M. (1990). Cooperative learning and college instruction: Effective use ofstudent learning teams. Long Beach, CA: University Academic Publications Program.[5] Guerin, D. (1991). Issues facing interior design education in the twenty first century. Journal of Interior Design,17 (2) p. 9-17[6] Guerin, D. &
. and Roth, M. (2004) “Undergraduate Research: The Lafayette Experience”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.(8) Saliklis, E., Kurtz, S. and Furnbach, S. (2003) “Finite Element Modeling of Guastavino Tiled Arches”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Halkidiki, Greece, pp. 257-266.(9) Saliklis, E., Billington, D. and Tregger, N. (2004) “Buckling Studies of the Trojan Tower” Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Natural Draught Cooling Towers, May 20- 22, Istanbul, Turkey, 115-120.(10) Saliklis, E. and Billington D. (2003) “The Hershey Arena: Anton Tedesko’s
AVERAGE Arch 602 (control) Studio S 04 NA 3.83 3.67 4.33 4.33 3.83 3.50 3.50 4.33 4.17 4.50 3.67 4.33 4.17 3.83 4.00
drawings and then thelast, perception of spatial relationship is learned through perspectives. These four perceptionskills become the thread that goes over the lecture, demonstration and drawing assignments.Purpose of Study It is agreed by educators and practitioners that freehand sketching is a critical skill fordesigners. It is required by Council of Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) to incorporateillustrative sketching in interior design curriculum (CIDA Standards). Students need to be able tocommunicate their design ideas through graphic communication skills. Pable (2007) ‘s studyindicated that educators and practitioners were unified in their positive perceptions of quick 3Dsketches as a component of design process, and they
”, CivilEngineering Department Heads Annual Conference, Department Head Council Executive Committee,Educational Activities Division, Madison, Wisconsin, May 22-24, 2011. accessed December 26, 2011.4 Estes, A., Nuttall, B., Nelson, J., McDonald, M. and Starzyk, G., “Interdisciplinary Design – Forming andEvaluating Teams” Paper 2013-7404. 2013 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, ASEE,Atlanta, June 23-26, 2013.5 K’nex Corporation. K’nex Eduation, accessed January 4, 20146 Ressler, S. “The Project Management K’nexercise: Using Role-Playing to Facilitate Learning AboutDesign and Construction.” 1998 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, ASEE, 1998.7
” of the disciplines and muchless agreement on many of the other concepts, with several barely mentioned. Most faculty feelthat their definition of AED is the same as their school’s, but many express uncertainty about theexistence of a national definition. Similarly there is considerable agreement that more than onediscipline (Architecture, Structure, HVAC, Electrical, Construction Management) is required toconstitute AED, but there is marked disagreement about what specific ones should be included,with opinions ranging from two to all five.IntroductionDesign is what most of our graduates do Some of course will work constructing other s designs funding and approving designs or perhaps analyzing the successes and failures of the design
the use of this new technological process for economic reasons?This paper will apply a series of existing theories developed from the post World War II periodto the pre CAD period of the 1980’s to explain technological changes and apply them tocomputer automation design process of today. These ideas will help to develop a theory tounderstand this new design process. It will outline characteristics of this new design process andpresent a framework to examine the effects in a Construction Design course. Student surveysand supporting data are presented. Recommendations for new assessment are offered. Thelarger goal of this paper is to obtain feedback for a more serious journal length article.Theoretical BackgroundThere is a substantial body of
: Mechanical/HVAC, Electrical/Lighting, and Structures, as well as investigate the possibility of future track options. The timeline for the electrical/lighting track option was deferred to 2019. The program should be built around tenured/tenure track faculty, with Professors of Practice used to meet the needs for relevant faculty design experience. The program should begin offering graduate degree(s) within 2-3 years after starting.As a result, the following next steps were approved for the program’s implementation: Create a formal Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) with a sub-group in each of the three track option areas: Mechanical/HVAC, Electrical/Lighting, and Structures. Develop a detailed plan for the
being added or do not delay graduation. 2 ENGL 0123 ENGL 1113 ENGL 1213 BASIC SCI. (4) GENED (3) Bas ic Comp Fresh Comp 1 Fresh Comp II Bas ic Leve l “S” NOTE: The School of Architecture Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem requires a final grade
interface was based on atrace-paper overlay mechanism in which designers could use drawing tools that created line-work modeled after traditional markers and pencils. It could also merge sketches into 3-Dmodels, thus bridging the gap between 2-D and 3-D graphics. However, its limited adoption hasbeen attributed to the lack of wide-scale adoption of pen-based input devices [10]. Many othersketch based 2-D to 3-D have been proposed or developed by researchers over the past decades.These include seminal applications such as Sutherlands SketchPad, a constraint-based drawingenvironment developed in the 1960’s, and STRAIT, a program developed in the 1970’s thatinterpreted sketch geometry as straight lines [11]. Recent developments in the interface
Engineer: Survey Results. StructureMagazine, National Council of Structural Engineers Associations, July 2004, Pages 41-43.Estrada, H. (2006). A Survey of the American Architectural Engineering Curriculum. Proceedings of 2006 ASEEAnnual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL.Roddis, W. M. K. (2006). Web-Enhanced Teaching of Steel Design: From Case Study to CD. Proceeding of the2006 Structures Congress, ASCE.Russell, J. S. and W. B. Stouffer (2005). Survey of the National Civil Engineering Curriculum. Journal ofProfessional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, Vol. 131, No 2, April 1, 2005, Pages 118 – 128. Page 12.1569.7
evidence for thesoftware’s effectiveness. Because of this, a method for capturing knowledge should be developedin the future. When professionals handle knowledge of high value, they intuitively want tocapture it, but often they cannot spend adequate time to capture and store it appropriately.Reference1. Casakin, H., and G. Goldschmidt. 1999. Expertise and the use of visual analogy: Implications for designeducation. Design Studies. 20 (2): 153-175.2. Cross, N., and A. Cross. 1995. Observations of teamwork and social processes in design. Design Studies, 16: 143-170.3. Fruchter, R., and P. Demian. 2002. CoMem: Designing an interaction experience for reuse of rich contextualinformation from a corporate memory. AIEDAM 2002. 16: 127-147.4. Herring, S
Hoffers, TU Delft D. Hoffers is student at Delft University of Technology. He participated 2006 in the BuildingRelations project and developed the sub-tool: SizeDefiner.Matthijs Frederiks, TU Delft M. Frederiks is student at Delft University of Technology. He participated 2006 in the BuildingRelations project and developed the sub-tool: FunctionDistributor.Sander Korebritz, TU Delft S. Korebritz is student at Delft University of Technology. He participated 2006 in the BuildingRelations project and developed the sub-tool: BoundingBox. Page 12.320.1© American Society for Engineering Education
Environment and Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press.4. Hamilton, S. and Meyer, F. (2007), “Inspiring Students-The Key to Learning for the Future”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, Honolulu.6. Bowman, M. (2002), “Personalizing the Goals of Undergraduate Research”, Journal of College Science Teaching, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p120.7. Shades of Green (2006), Report of the Green Building Alliance.8. Beckman, E. et al. (2007), “Combining Educational Studies, Research and International Experiences in